No One Values Free Speech More Than Those Who Have Lost It.

No One Values Free Speech More Than Those Who Have Lost It.

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/25/2023

Surely you noticed that Tucker Carlson was fired from FOX News. You have probably heard about that whiny liar from CNN, Don Lemon, getting fired as well. Dominion and FOX News just settled a lawsuit for $787 million and Smartmatic, another election rigging operation, is suing News Corp for over $2 billion. Were you sleeping when Alex Jones was ran through the same ringer last year? The sham trials, the muzzling in court and out, the false claims of defamation suffered by Free Speech Systems didn’t take Jones off the air, but it is seriously affecting his profitability. Free speech is being murdered – are you going to fight for it before it’s too late or are you going to just miss it when you are locked up and tortured when you get arrested for saying the sky is blue?

First, FOX News settled out of court with Dominion. Personally, I think they are a bunch of cowards who should have fought this ‘lawsuit’ tooth and nail. Dominion has no legitimate role to play in any respectable society. They should advertise their voting machines to any tyrant who wants to make sure the New World Order candidate wins whatever election they are competing for with or without the votes in favor of them. They are scum. So are the rest of these election fraud machines. All of them are suspect – some more so than others.

The big reason FOX just settled the Dominion case out of court was they were Alex Jones’ed. They were found guilty before the trial, like Jones’ defamation case, and the jury was there basically to decide how much should be paid to the ‘victims’ of the ‘defamation’. Politico even let the cat out of the bag, “Judge Eric Davis concluded that Dominion Voting Systems, which makes election equipment, had proven that Fox aired a series of false claims about the company, but that depositions, internal emails and text messages had not established whether Fox acted with “actual malice” by carrying statements on its air that it knew were false or likely so.” Eric Davis should have his law license revoked and Dominions claims surgically implanted in his rectum. He needs to be made an example of because what he did is how free speech has it’s throat slit. This is why we are, unfortunately, watching, without a whimper, free speech being murdered.

FOX News; however, had at least one host who looked at the fraudulent election situation soberly and asked questions. This is one reason Tucker Carlson was fired from the ‘news’ network. Others include speaking against the ‘vaccines’, exposing FOX News when it did something heinous, and generally telling the truth. That’s Carlson’s real crime – he told the truth too often and when he did, he didn’t try to hide it or obscure it with fluff and nonsense. He got to the point and he did so directly. That is anathema to mainstream news – the dying mouthpiece of the violent New World Order take over of humanity. Carlson had to go because he spoke against that power.

All public figures who speak the truth are being targeted to be pulled off the air. Some of the more prominent liars are also being pulled off the air – Don Lemon comes to mind. This is an attempt to hide the reasons the truth tellers are being pulled off air. Why is so-and-so not on anymore? Oh don’t forget they fired Don Lemon too! will be the only answer, as non-intelligible as it is, those who are into truth will get from those who hate truth. To paraphrase Alex Jones, the idea is to create a more neutral mainstream news experience so there is less division. There will be no truth, but it will be much tamer. Go look through the Washington Post and the New York Times and then go look at any alternative news source, this one included, which offers links to actual publications and videos from these New World Order types. WaPo and NYT, CNN, ABC, NBC, and all the rest of the mainstream ‘news’ outlets purposefully lie because it is in their interest to make money. They make money by selling ad space to the most murderous group of thugs on the planet. If they don’t toe the line, they will lose the revenue and they will go out of business. That’s another reason the truth tellers like Carlson are being fired and harassed and frivolously drug into star chambers.

There is a group of laws which existed in the USSR called Article 58’s. If you have ever read Solzhenitsyn's Gulag Archipelago it is likely you are familiar with what they are. They criminalized speech by labeling non-narrative conforming or government-critical speech a crime and sentenced people to death in the gulag. Solzhenitsyn was placed in the gulag for 8 years; however, he was eventually given a position which spared his life within the camps. He wrote about the debauchery and the death after he got out.

This is where the New World Order is taking us. But there is no New World Order, snopes told me so. Well – you’re part of the problem for believing snopes. You’re part of the problem if you are only watching mainstream news outlets. Sorry to say so, but that is the truth. Also truthful is the fact that there is a New World Order which has already firmly established global governmental capacities. This is exactly why the United States is being destroyed. It is exactly why the mainstream news doesn’t want you looking for the truth. Exposing the fact of the existence of these anti-human demons will kill them. We are the messengers of truth – the bearers of the light – which show the lies of these people – and force them back into the shadows of darkness.

There is a book of essays which was published in 2002 called Everything You Know Is Wrong. One of the pieces in the book is titled Votescam 2000, authored by Jonathan Vanikin. Recall the issues with hanging chads which baffled Florida election officials and the retarded election results due to Al Gore’s demands which were undertaken for a moment – if you are having trouble recalling, here is a link. Here are the first two paragraphs of Vankin’s Votescam 2000:

“The electoral insanity of the year 2000 confirmed something that I and a small number of people who have occasionally thought about these things over the past decade or so, had known for a while: Over the past three and a half decades, we in the United States have sold out our election process – which, unless I’m very much mistaken, is the foundation of our democracy (such as it is) – to a small but lucrative cadre of for-profit businesses and their wildly defective products, which they manufactured, in some cases, many years ago but which are still used to tally votes today.

“The real scandal of this election is that most of the problems in the voting and vote-counting systems have been well-known for years, and no one has done a damn thing about them.”

21 years ago Vankin correctly called out the problems in voting machines. The article he wrote goes on for several pages and is slanted very much to the left side of the aisle. My guess is he really wanted Al Gore to win that election so the ecological-terrorists could start murdering people in the early 2000’s. As it turned out, 9/11 happened, and we lost a good portion of the rights in this nation and waged two wars – one completely ill-conceived and the other completely unjustified. Millions of innocent people died. Back to voting machines though…. Vankin questioned the results of an election and nothing happened to him.

Many question the election results putting Donald Trump into the White House as well. Nothing happened to them either. Donald Trump losing to a defective human being running a campaign on corruption money from his basement though – no one is permitted to ask questions about that. No one is allowed to question the legitimacy nor accuracy of voting machines any longer. Tucker Carlson was fired from his job for doing so, in part. Follow the narrative and get rich – speak the truth and get canned is the lesson being taught. Going along to get along is a death sentence for the entire nation and everyone in it. Just as happened in the transition from Tzarist Russia to Lenin and Stalin’s USSR. Vankin here is a prime example.

The narrative is that coronavirus was a natural occurrence of a zoonotic disease which originated in bat near Wuhan, China. Public health officials acted to save human lives when they told people to stay home, be afraid of others in public, and to take their ‘vaccines’. We are being promised that another ‘naturally occurring’ disease will emerge and that we might as well get used to being locked down, having less energy, going nowhere, being surveilled, and that if it’s not a disease, these will be features to mitigate ‘man-made’ climate change. It’s all bs, but it is all completely real, scripted, and going to happen unless we demand it doesn’t. But, that is the narrative. And, I’ll be if Mr. Vankin hasn’t concocted a whole bowl of turd flavored punch to get everyone to drink….

He took the narrative a step further. Not only was coronavirus and the responses from public health officials beneficial; Vankin authored a book titled Close to Zero: How Donald Trump fulfilled his apocalyptic vision and paid his debt to Putin with a devastating biological warfare attack on America. The Amazon description of these 334 pages of oddly bound pieces of toilet paper reads, in part, “Close To Zero, for the first time, tells the full story of Donald Trump's personal, biological warfare attack against the very country, the very people, he was sworn to protect -- the COVID-19 pandemic. What did Trump know and when did he know it? And more importantly -- why did he do it? Why did the purported leader of the free world have the worst pandemic response?” Vankin’s claim, in fact, dismisses all of the factual evidence of why the pandemic occurred, where it came from, and who did what under the guise of COVID-19 mitigation in order to make the claim that it was Donald Trump who conducted a global biological and psychological warfare exercise against each and every person on earth – by himself.

So Vankin hates Donald Trump that much, huh? Well, let’s go back to Vankin in 2020 after the ‘election’ of Joe Biden. On September 3, 2022, he tweeted, “Something that doesn't enough coverage: how completely insane and deranged it is that the loser of the 2020 election travels around the country telling people he won. Even adding that he won "by a lot." This is the behavior of a deeply ill individual. Why doesn't anyone say so?” I know it is barely coherent – maybe the drugs are affecting his mental capacity or maybe it’s the coronavirus shots he’s taken – but questioning elections is not okay anymore. Asking for recounts and demanding paper ballots and audits is taboo. It would have been okay for Biden to do it but Trump, no way.

On September 13, 2022, writing in Heavy, Vankin was still courting the idea that Hillary Clinton won the 2016 election. “Exit polls from the 2016 presidential election showed Hillary Clinton winning four crucial swing states that, when the final vote tallies came in, were actually won by Donald Trump. The discrepancy between the exit poll results and the raw vote total count has led to suspicions that the election was “rigged” in favor of Trump.” What a guy Vankin is.

I want to ruin this guys entire career to be honest. In Votescam 2000 Vankin called for some oddly ‘conservative’ remedies to the issues with voting machines. He is, apparently, a domestic terrorist for making suggestions such as these:

“No election system can ever be fraud-proof or error-free. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to improve on the dismal systems we’re using today. It just seems that casting votes on paper ballots, then counting and recounting them by hand, is the surest way to figure out who really won an election. Assuming mostly honest personnel, and barring breathtaking acts of ineptitude, human vote-counters will not, generally speaking, discard ballots by the thousands on a mere whim. Nor will they, unless they are severely reading-deficient or insane, record votes cast for one candidate as votes cast for another candidate.

“Further, it is much more conspicuous for a dishonest election official to issue new instructions to a group of human beings midway through a counting session than it is for a computer programmer to type a few lines of code into a machine. Perhaps most important, there is nothing “proprietary” about a person picking up pieces of paper and going, “One for this guy, one for that guy.””

Obviously Vankin needs to be reminded of his earlier piece. But, like most in the mainstream media, Vankin is nothing but a go-along-to-get-along coward who would never dream of actually telling the truth now that it has consequences. Vankin either needs to pack it up or he needs to tell the truth. He cannot be permitted to continue to lie to everyone, make a living off of it, and get us all murdered. No one else in the mainstream media should be able to do this either. We need to make it a point to never give them a single cent. If no one reads the NYT anymore, ads aren’t going to generate revenue for them, and they will go out of business and be replaced by something, hopefully, more honest.

Vankin and those like him will not grasp the full ramifications of the silencing of Donald Trump, Alex Jones, and Tucker Carlson. They are paving the way for their own dismissals down the road. In war the truth is always the first thing to be targeted, and Vankin and his peers are loyal soldiers of the New World Order. People like Carlson and Jones, Trump and O’Keefe are the targets of the New World Order because they reject the fake narrative we are all supposed to be following because the truth is still out there. Their goal is to eradicate the truth, to murder logic and….

...To murder God’s creation. The truth is that God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit are very real. In fact, they are more important than ever because of the events unfolding in the current times. We are at least in the times Jesus Christ described as birth pangs. Liars and Satan-worshipers are leading humanity around by the nose and people are letting themselves be led in such a manner. The sleeping will wake up, but when? When they are being sentenced to a hygiene camp? Maybe to an execution squad? When the realize that guillotining a billion believers in God and Jesus Christ is probably not a good idea? A Solzhenitsyn quote is apt here, take heed and learn this lesson, from Gulag Archipelago:

“And how we burned in the camps later, thinking: What would things have been like if every Security operative, when he went out at night to make an arrest, had been uncertain whether he would return alive and had to say good-bye to his family? Or if, during periods of mass arrests, as for example in Leningrad, when they arrested a quarter of the entire city, people had not simply sat there in their lairs, paling with terror at every bang of the downstairs door and at every step on the staircase, but had understood they had nothing left to lose and had boldly set up in the downstairs hall an ambush of half a dozen people with axes, hammers, pokers, or whatever else was at hand?... The Organs would very quickly have suffered a shortage of officers and transport and, notwithstanding all of Stalin's thirst, the cursed machine would have ground to a halt! If...if...We didn't love freedom enough. And even more – we had no awareness of the real situation.... We purely and simply deserved everything that happened afterward.”

This is what is going to come from the death of free speech. Thousands have publicly and not so publicly already been made examples of. They have been silenced. Some are resilient and forge on despite the censorship. Others have been arrested for their ‘dangerous’ speech. I implore you not to have to wonder as the Russian’s who wound up in the gulag did. I implore you to fight for your free speech because you fighting for yours is you fighting for everyone’s free speech. Listen to Alex Jones and fact check what he says if you must – the same holds for all alternative media. Go, read the Bible and learn the ultimate truth – the root of all truth. Demand free speech continue to exist by refusing to give another penny to any of the mainstream media and demanding that FOX News’ ‘conviction’ be overturned on appeal (very unlikely as they settled out of court). Look for and support Tucker Carlson wherever he turns up next – he should have double the viewers than he had a FOX News. Free speech is an inherent right given by God to mankind and recognized as such by the US Constitution. Neither says fre speech unless the democrat party or UN or WHO don’t like it.

Bless God and God bless.


Live and Let Live?


Folk You, Joe Biden