I Am Black-Pilled – Here’s Why
To be black-pilled is kind of a sad way to be. At the same time it is very easy for those who are black-pilled to see the garbage that lies within certain events. Elon Musk, for instance, recently had a long conversation with Tucker Carlson about AI. Musk warned of the dangers yet stated he will consider building an AI beneficial to humanity. I know that this guy knows what AI is – he has worked on them before – so, he should know that any artificial intelligence is meant to, at best, do one thing. Replace human beings in the intellectual realm is that one thing. At worst an AI of sufficient capability will see almost any problem and determine that if there were no humans on earth there would be no more problems. Musk may not build such an AI intentionally but the path to Hell is paved with the best laid plans….
New Weapons – Any Day Now War of the Worlds Will Become Reality
Picture this scenario. You are a United States citizen. The current regime have decided that, in order to reduce the numbers of crimes committed with a firearm they will be banned. Checks will be deposited at a later date. Local police were federalized for a special operation called Program DISARMUS. They will go door to door throughout every neighborhood in the nation collecting weapons from the front porches of everyone’s home. If there are no weapons and their documentation notes otherwise, no knock warrants will be executed based on probable cause. Total martial law will be in effect for the entire duration of the Project DISARMUS – those caught outside will be deemed terrorists and subject to being shot on sight. Communications have been shut down. The banks, too, have been shut down. The only communication options are to yell from one house to another through the window screens.
We Need Better Political Candidates
The election for the next US president seems like it’s in the very distance future. 560 days is a long time away. That time, I believe, will go more quickly that we think. Yet, already, my apathy is off the chart. I’ve never had this amount of apathy about voting, yet, here it is. The reason is that I have certain things which are absolutely no go zones nowadays. I know that there are still plenty of Donald Trump supporters who will likely scroll on by this article having never read it. I know there are Donald Trump haters out there who will never see this because they hate exposing themselves to truth at all. For me, the next election isn’t about Donald Trump. It’s about candidates holding views which don’t violate certain things important to me – even if they are meaningless to you. And if the following are not important to you – why not?
The Race War Being Sought
I am by no means a fan of FOX News. I absolutely detest The New York Times though. CNN could not tell an unbiased story if they tried. The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, and just about ever local newspaper and media outlet are just as useless as The New York Times. FOX News; however, is not trying to orchestrate a race war, that distinction would go to the even more liberal news outlets mentioned above. There is a race war being sought by the media in support of the United States government’s desire to instigate a race war. Charles Manson must be smiling from Hell at the prospect.
They Are Trying To Avoid ‘Finding Out’
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. The words of the Second Amendment have been so maligned by people who hate the idea of an armed populace and the body of work meant to justify their intolerance of freedom is so large, as is the push back, that I will not spend time here debating it’s legitimacy. What I will say is that every gun law is unconstitutional and, because there is no militia training offered by the federal nor state governments, each are actually derelict in providing for the security of a free State. The question is why these people want to take away the means of self-defense the people possess.
Picture Your Dream Home. Then…. Virtual Society by Herman Narula – A Review
My dream home is one of those gigantic old Victorian homes which dot the east coast of the United States. I want it on about 50 acres of land, half for farming and half wooded with a running body of water on the property for fishing. I want about an acre around the house to lounge on, surrounded by a white picket fence with a dirt driveway. Ideally there are greenhouses large enough to grow oranges and apples behind the house. The only mandatory interior feature would be a hearth. Hidden passages would be a bonus. A guy can dream, right? And dreams can come true if we work for them, right? Not so fast there dreamer. In reality none of this is to even be possible – not the house existing, not the personal property, not even the ability to work, earn, and save money.
Its a Race…. To See Who Murders Everybody First.
During the Cold War there was a nuclear arms race. The USSR and the USA raced each other to see who could build the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons. They also raced to see who could build the biggest weapons. The two nations raced to space as well and the USSR took life into space before the USA did. But the USA took a crew to the moon. The USSR launched put MIR, a space station, into orbit before the International Space Station was even thought of. It also led to all sorts of new military applications including building space-based defense shields, satellite surveillance, and space-based microwave weapons. The internet was developed as a backstop to communications failures in the event that nuclear war broke out during the Cold War. It really was a technological race to see who could out technology the other.
Is the US Dollar Dead?
There is a lot of speculation that the dollar is about to being murdered by the FED, the US Treasury, the Biden regime, with the assistance of events such as the rise of a BRICS basket of currencies and the dedollarization efforts picking up steam. It makes sense that the richest, most productive, nation on earth would have to undergo the murder of their primary store of wealth in order for Biblical prophesy to unfold. If the United States government and Federal Reserve System wants people in the US to decide that going to a new, reprogrammable, digital currency is in their best interest the current US dollar will need to be destroyed and discredited. So is the US dollar dead? Not yet but it is on it’s last legs, bleeding out.
The Concept of Post-Human
Post-humanism is a belief that Adolf Hitler worked on under the guise of eugenics. He marched towards his goal by using selective breeding techniques to create the Übermensch. He failed, of course, but the doctors and scientists who were not hung in Nuremberg after the war ended up working on the same projects under a different banner of science. And, Hitler murdered any one who did not display his favored characteristics – it’s called the Holocaust. Mass murder with the intention of genocide or, in the case of post-humanism the extinction of humanity as we know it, is one method used to create the post-human world. Examples abound – The Holocaust, Planned Parenthood, COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), biological engineering. Genocide and these technologies promise this post-human world for all of what was once humanity – the only question is how quickly the post-humanists will arrive to their Utopia.
The Drums Are Beating Louder and Louder
Whether you believe in the God or not, read the Bible or not, or love the Messiah or not doesn’t change what the perpetrators of evil on this earth believe. They know God is real, the Bible is true, and Jesus Christ really walked the earth and everything he is credited with in the Bible. That doesn’t mean they try to follow God, the Bible, or Jesus – quite the opposite actually. They open the Bible up to see what they need to do next to usher in the evil necessary to bring about the return of Jesus Christ. They do it because they think they will be victorious. All of the evil on this planet is by design and all of it is sanctioned by those following the Adversary.