Live and Let Live?
Live and Let Live?
Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/26/2023
I used to be very much a live and let live person. You do you and I’ll do me is what I thought. That was fine a decade ago. With every passing day it becomes more and more obvious that position is completely untenable. I still hold some of the ideas of live and let live; however, many of them have completely disappeared because they have proven to be slippery slopes.
I used to actually think that baby murder (abortion) was a woman’s choice. That position is impossible to hold for many reasons. Logically it makes no sense, especially in light of recent events. For instance, the Satanic Church has claimed baby murder is a sacrament of their religion and is protected by the First Amendment. Their claim is a perversion and a weaponization of the First Amendment by the ‘church’. It literally violates the idea of live and let live by murdering the most innocent of us all and it is weaponized because those who staunchly support the First Amendment are forced into a position to demand that the Satanic Church does not have First Amendment protections for that sacrament. Murder isn’t covered by the First Amendment, even if the murder is condoned by a woman carrying a child. The Satanic Church doesn’t have the right to a right which results in the non-consensual termination of a human life. Yet, anyone making the claim that the Satanic Church (and anyone else claiming a right to murder babies) does not have a right to commit murder is demonized as fascist.
The terminology revolving around baby murder is what muddies the waters. Those murdering their babies claim that it is a reproductive right. In fact it is child sacrifice. Those claiming that there is a reproductive right women may unilaterally exercise are promoting child sacrifice. 60 million children have been butchered under this ruse. Now that Roe v Wade has been tossed out, the real extent of the barbarity of the blood-spilling demons is being seen. There are states which have decided to set themselves up as ‘abortion’ vacation destinations. There are states which have codified laws suggesting that children’s blood may be spilled up to one year in some cases (there is no concrete definition of perinatal).
Child sacrifice, human sacrifice, and cannibalism are hallmarks of civilization collapse. From 1974 to 2022 the United States as a whole practiced child sacrifice. Since 2022, the practice has continued in certain states and even been expanded – it’s no longer a rare occurrence, it’s used as birth control by women and a very profitable business model for the baby-murderers themselves. If one speaks against any part of this one is labeled fascist and demands to ‘take your laws off of women’s bodies’ are screamed in the one’s face.
The abortuaries are protected by laws which prohibit any interference of anyone coming and going from such a facility. People have been arrested, fined, and assaulted for even being near these baby-murder factories. Some have been arrested simply for taking a moment to bow their heads within the circumference of the abortuaries’ location. It’s violence against the murderers of children for anyone to suggest they not murder their babies according to these people. Meanwhile, pregnancy centers which seek to find positive outcomes for women and their babies – including adoption and assistance programs – are being openly attacked with spray paint, bombs, and their employees routinely have their lives threatened.
How does the idea of you do you and I’ll do me work when one side has decided that babies should be murdered in the womb and anyone who suggests otherwise should be murdered as well? It’s impossible to not take notice even if someone goes out of their way to avoid committing to one side or the other. The social compact between the United States government and the United States citizen is that when we attain a specified age we no longer need to work and the government will pay our way. There are a lot of problems with this arrangement; however, even if someone refuses to take a side – to pay for the retirements of their countrymen taxes will be forced to go up and the cost-of-living-increases for retirees will a point of constant contention because the tax base is smaller. Why? Because baby murder and child sacrifice, that’s why. There is absolutely no middle ground upon which to stand.
After babies are born certain segments of society want those children immediately enrolled in some form of state-funded ‘educational’ program. These programs are more and more frequently being used to kidnap children, eradicate any parental rights from being exercised, and to indoctrinate certain anti-American and anti-human ideologies in children. Those ideologies are primarily social Marxism and gender confusion. Marxists want to brutally destroy whatever the adjective precedes the designation – in this case the social arrangements between the individual and everyone else. Social Marxism is nothing but terminology meant to obscure it’s truth – it is a collective of victimhood seeking to oppress their perceived historical oppressors.
Gender confusion and the kidnapping being legalized in certain jurisdictions is an extension of baby murder. The children they couldn’t get in the womb or with the ‘mandatory’ vaccination schedules, they try to convince they are something they are not. All children are highly impressionable and many often think of themselves as something they are not. While parents may find this humorous, teachers, support workers, and administrators in state-funded ‘educational’ institutions take it as a literal declaration which must be honored. Medical science has yet to be able to make human beings sling webs and swing from skyscraper to skyscraper or able to fly with their own bodies – Wolverine is still a fictional character – but it has found ways to chop off a boy’s penis or girl’s breasts, remove female reproductive organs, and give massive amounts of hormone therapies to kids. These educational personnel aren’t talking to kids about making them into Spiderman or Superman they convince boys they are girls and girls they are boys and then get laws passed to kidnap kids to end any potential of reproducing as an adult.
Again, there is no middle ground here. Either one supports a human-future and seeks to protect children from these institutions and their form of genital mutilation or one wants to murder the entire human race by destroying all of the potential progeny of the nation’s children. If someone is an adult and wants to live as the opposite sex – okay; whatever. That went out the window the moment children were involved, though. It’s another false argument created by those who hate God and God’s creation and seek to destroy it. Gender-affirming surgery should never be permitted for anyone under 25. Drugs used for gender-affirming care and all the psychopaths leading to their use and prescription for use to block puberty in children should be banned, the people imprisoned for child abuse.
Most people do have opinions, some very strong, on these two issues – ‘abortion’ and purposefully imposed child gender dysphoria. These two topics will generally arouse strong feelings of support or rejection in most people – gun ownership, possession, and use does the same. There are other issues which exist as well. Illegal immigration is one. Human-caused climate change, gain-of-function laboratories and their experiments, medical interventions including vaccinations, international military excursions and conflicts, how our food is created and processed and is made available, what is in our water, artificial intelligence, 5G and 6G, and more are all have passionate people arguing in favor and against each development.
We all want clean environments to live in, to be free of disease, war, famine, with nutrient-rich food and clean purifying water. We want to live in harmony with those around us and to communicate as easily as possible with our neighbors and even distant relatives on other continents inn some cases. We want to be able to afford our lifestyles. We want to feel connected to others and that our actions have meaning. But with each of the topics in the prior paragraph, the conversations about restraint, regulations, and even the prudence and necessity, are not being had by the people most affected and afflicted by them. What does 5G and 6G do to human tissue? It has the capacity to cook human flesh, alter brainwaves, and creates a panopticonic surveillance grid. What if 5G is aimed at someone infused with nanotechnology capable of constructing biological architecture as seems to be in these ‘vaccines’ for coronavirus? It turns people into antennas. Congratulations – anyone with this junk in their body either through failing to understand the implications of the ‘vaccines’ or through the shedding of those just mentioned – we are all online experiments in the first version of the Internet of People. Is the speed and supposed convenience of 5G worth our privacy, autonomy, and lives? When did we, the People, have the sober and serious conversations necessary for accepting or rejecting these things being installed every 50 feet? We didn’t – and that is the whole point.
Human beings and everything that human beings do, thinking, labor, relating to one another, reading, writing, driving, eating, and everything else we can conceivably do is being given over to technologies. These technologies are intended to end humanity one aspect at a time. Robots will make goods, AI will do the thinking and command the robots, driving a human around won’t be necessary because without human labor and human intellect needed in the world humans won’t be needed. How can anyone think any of this is a live and let live type of deal when the express purpose is to extinct 95% of the human race? Humanity just experienced the most widespread psychological test ever conducted and we failed as a species. We cannot allow our failures from permitting us to succeed in the future.
We need to know what is going on in this world and understand that this world is corrupted by evil. We need to be asking ourselves whether we are toiling and thinking to create a human future or one without humans as we understand them. We need to realize that live and let live isn’t applicable anymore because there is no more being on the fence about virtually anything. There is God and there is the Adversary. There is good versus evil. Many will try to sit on the fence but they are actually making a choice. They will sit passively by on the sidelines and be erased after watching those who have made a choice be erased. Those who will be gotten rid of first will be those who tell the truth and have an audience – examples already abound. Those who stand right behind them are the audiences. Behind them are the children of those who have chosen God.
This was never supposed to be an easy existence. Jesus Christ promised all of His followers and believers that. Through faith; however, Jesus provided the path to salvation through His own persecution and sacrifice. By following His example – and I mean following His example – we can set ourselves apart for God’s use. The amount of confusion and violence and hatred on this earth is not going to abate. The entities behind the onslaught of humanity want us all dead but they have to target the dissidents and those calling attention to the plans to fulfill their ideologies first. And they are.
Are you scared of the things happening on this planet? Fear God instead. The reader may fear God. I may fear God. But there are about 5 people on this planet who don’t for every one of us who does. And as far as the God of the Bible – that number is somewhere around ten for every one (it is probably far higher than this actually). If we all feared God, these things wouldn’t be happening in the first place. As the way of the world grows more malevolent, malignant, and consolidated, fear not these events – fear God – and be not tempted by the ways of men following the path the Adversary has laid for them to follow. Those still trying to live and let live are not serving God – these are the lukewarm who God spits from His mouth – they see the evil and instead of demanding the evil cease immediately they try to reposition themselves on their fence posts. Either those with the Truth of God will reach hearts and minds of the live and let live types and make them new creations for God’s use by their own will or the Adversary will cut their perch down and smuggle their souls to Hell. One way or the other though, the fence is being removed as the plains of Megiddo are being prepared for blood to be spilled upon it. All will have a side by the time of that event but even the evil and wicked of the world will bow their knee to the truth on that day – “only in God is justice and strength” (Isaiah 45:24). We need to turn back to God before God and righteousness are wiped off of this earth. If we don’t try to reach the live and let live masses sitting uncomfortably on their two-thirds sawn through posts they are going to perish under the weight of the Adversary’s oppression. I don’t want that for myself and I don’t want that for you or any of them either. Open their eyes and ears to the truth and let them know what is at stake. Let them make their decision whether God or the world is the way to go. At the very least they can be informed and decide for themselves the most important decision they will ever make….
Bless God and God bless.