The UN Summit to End the Future for Humanity

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/12/2024

The UN Summit to End the Future for Humanity

The United Nations just adopted a new document. It is fitting that they adopted this new document just before the 2024 election in the United States otherwise one of the parties wouldn’t have anything to devote their time and effort towards. Notwithstanding the fact that the party which would be rudderless would be better off idle instead of working to destroy the United States, the United Nations came to their rescue. This is the Democrat Party’s New Way Forward.

The United Nation’s democrat party rescue plan is called the Pact for the Future. The full title of the results of the September 2024 Summit of the Future is called Pact of the Future, Global Digital Compact, and Declarations on Future Generations. On the very first page of the document, in the table of contents nonetheless, the United Nations announces that no one will be able to escape their tyranny, “We will take bold, ambitious, accelerated, just and transformative actions to implement the 2030 Agenda, achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and leave no one behind.” Agenda 2030 is a death cult. The SDGs are pillars of effecting the aims of the death cult. And then there is the promise that the UN will be dragging the corpses of those who oppose their death cult over the finish line. I hope I have set the tone for the rest of this document.

The Pact of the Future is comprised of 56 actions the UN plans on taking spanning five categories. The first of these actions was already mentioned and is the contained under the heading Sustainable development and financing for development. The 12 actions of section one are followed by the 15 actions of section two, International peace and security; six actions of section three, Science, technology and innovation and digital cooperation; the four actions of section four, Youth and future generations; and section five’s 19 actions under the heading Transforming global governance.

Before the sections begin there is declaration with 17 points. Now, maybe they chose to have 17 points in this declaration to reflect the 17 SDGs. Maybe they chose it due to its occult connotations. Maybe they did both; however. The first point is a reflection that the authors of the document have chosen themselves as the masters of the universe, fit to represent all of humanity. These same ‘masters of the universe’ have seen fit to foist the solutions to the existential risks upon all of us as they continue to create them whether they are real or not as noted in points 2, 3, and 4.

Global thermonuclear war is certainly a real threat but it is these monsters who are pursuing that humanity-crushing two hours of history. Man-made climate change is a hoax but we are all supposed to bow down to the United Nation’s proclamations that it is an existential risk and that solving it necessary means all of us (not them) eating insects and owning nothing and a multitude of other depraved activities dictated by the United Nations and being happy about it.

The solution, of course, is to place all sovereign power into the hands of these people as prescribed by these people. This is nothing less than the one-world government the United Nations has been correctly alleged to be seeking to create since it’s inception. Wonder no more whether that is their intention or not because this is now an overt fact as clearly denoted in the fifth point:

“This will require a recommitment to international cooperation based on respect for international law, without which we can neither manage the risks nor seize the opportunities that we face. This is not an option but a necessity. Our challenges are deeply interconnected and far exceed the capacity of any single State alone. They can only be addressed collectively, through strong and sustained international cooperation guided by trust and solidarity for the benefit of all and harnessing the power of those who can contribute from all sectors and generations.”

Points 6 through 9 demand the United Nation’s role in all of our personal lives be greatly expanded and strengthened.

Point 10 again mentions that no one is going to be able to operate outside of the United Nation’s system – you will have your corpse dragged over the finish line if you resist the UN. Additionally, the authors demand Agenda 2030 be achieved and state that all political and financial means will be used to achieve this. They are alluding to stealing our assets and using them for their purposes while also making any who stand in their way thought criminals subject to imprisonment in slave colonies called re-education camps. This point also identifies poverty as the single greatest malady facing humanity today and the UN vows to eradicate it despite the fact that capitalism and utilizing personal property for material gain is the poverty destroyer while the UN’s stakeholder capitalism (this is a clever way to say technocratic fascism) is the driver of increasing the scale and severity of poverty.

Point 11 notes the importance these technocratic fascists place on climate change as the vehicle to achieve their monstrous plans.

Point 12 is a suggestion that the UN wants to create peace on earth while having no capability to do so. The UN has no desire to have peace because they, themselves, are a demonic force of evil besetting the world with their debauchery. The United Nation’s is at war with humanity and the democratic party in the United States is too which is why I opened this article with that comparison.

Point 13 is apparently included because the United Nations thinks we are all too stupid to read the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. I have written multiple times about this treacherous document regarding human rights. It is written positively reflecting the idea that the UN is able to give human rights (this is a denial of, and attack on, G-d, directly). It also contains a clause at Article 29, Section 3 reading, “These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations,” meaning that no one has any rights unless the UN arbitrarily decides we do.

Point 14 doubles down on the bullshit that passes as justice at the UN which includes the eradication of nationalism, the destruction of the nation state, and advocating for all out kinetic, political, economic, and social war against the nation of Israel. While 14 targets the sovereignty of nations, point 15 targets the existence of the nuclear family and the rights of parents in regards to their children’s upbringing.

Points 16 and 17 are borderline schizophrenic as they describe the rationale for the Summit of the Future’s demands (all based on prior UN ‘work’) and also suggests that vast swaths of those opposed to the designs of the UN will be neutralized to facilitate the smooth sailing of their future demonic ambitions.

As for the actions. Action 1 was already addressed. Reading the full passage includes a provision that the UN will avoid coercive economic practices but also mentions their love affair with stakeholder capitalism which is an economic policy based on coercion. The way I interpret this is that the UN will go forward with an intent to destroy anything that works in the real world such as the clean burning of coal through coercion while bending over backwards to subsidize technologies which do not work to provide all with cheap reliable power such as wind and solar.

Action 2 is about how the UN plans on tackling poverty. As mentioned above, the UN is a guarantor of poverty. The UN did nothing to stem the dramatic increases in poverty and rates of extreme poverty during the so-called pandemic. Quite to the contrary, the UN placed their foot on the accelerator of every poverty-inducing pandemic-provision they saw and, thus, are directly responsible for tens of millions being included in poverty statistics as well as the additional millions who succumbed to those poverty conditions. Stakeholder capitalism as adopted by the UN only promises to further exacerbate the problem.

Action 3 demands that the United Nations be given the ability to dictate what any of us eat, what nutrition is, and sets the stage for the United Nations to unilaterally have the ability to use food as a weapon. This includes the United Nations getting more involved with supply chains which, as we saw throughout the pandemic, were left in tatters as nations around the world halted trade with one another due to overstated fears about disease issued by different monsters at the UN, particularly the demonic murderer and war criminal heading up the World Health Organization.

Action 4 suggests that there should be taxes levied from the international level directly on individuals, particularly wealthy individuals. The United States is ordered to pay $1.5 trillion dollars a year (the EU, to compare, is ordered to pay the equivalent of $1.2 trillion). This is all in order to give money to nations which have decided to forgo any kind of development and could not possibly live up to the United Nations totalitarian nightmare of initiating all of the SDGs themselves.

In Action 5 the United Nations suggests trade is rules based, inclusive, and fair under the World Trade Organization. A sentence later they are demanding preferential treatment for developing countries regarding trade and a sentence after that they are seeking to finalize changes at the WTO which will include expanding their role in all of our lives.

In order to really make sure that everyone is just as miserable as everyone else, the authors of this document wrote how much of our lives they should have total control over in Action 6. This Action section has had entire books written about it. It calls for universal healthcare, never-ending UN approved and operated education, UN approved work programs, and a plethora of social programs all approved by the United Nations. It calls for 15 minute cities and state allotted housing. Access to energy is addressed but, due to the reliance on renewables, access will not mean having energy. Completely open borders are demanded. They also want to turn all sources of potable water into a commodity to be allocated by the UN to those they deem most in need of it. To enact all of this the funding for these different programs will be based on disaster-risk assessments where the UN will define in minutia what human activities will be permitted and which will not be permitted based on their perceptions.

Action 7 is a demand that human rights as determined by the UN will be litigated against. Being as the UNDHR is a set of arbitrary ‘rights’ – that is they are enjoyed at the leisure of the UN because the UN gives them to us – the justice meted out based on them will be arbitrary as well. This will create a global legal system which will rapidly fall into the hands of the most corrupt operators who will persecute everyone and anyone they see as a threat to their power and the aims they seek to achieve with that power. This will include anyone who believes in any higher power over mankind such as religious Jews, Christians, Moslems, Hindus, or Buddhists and will even ensnare some of the secular humanists who believe their own designs to be superior to those of the UN’s.

Action 8 is written in terms of gender equality which is the way the UN gets around having to state it’s actual purposes about the topic. They want the total obliteration of the nuclear family as it has been known since the dawn of time and they want to make it a criminal offense to espouse any idea which lends itself to promoting the nuclear family. As such, the UN finds it fitting to demand huge amounts of our money to go towards programs and social policies which force women to have to work, efforts to have women increasingly hold positions of power simply because they are female, and emphasis on convincing women that murdering their babies in the womb is acceptable and just another item on a menu of healthcare choices while silencing the opinion of men, stifling their options, and undercutting the validity of the institution of marriage in the process. By destroying the family through such methods the UN is really attempting to enforce a global depopulation strategy.

Action 9 gets around to the UN dedicating itself to destroying the entire planet over the hoax they have propped up and called climate change. Sparing you of some of the details, this section notes that the UN desires to destroy the entire energy market, stunt the availability of goods in all markets, surveil each and every one of us around the clock, create a global welfare scheme, and decimate the ability to finance anything outside of the United Nation’s concept of sustainability. To pull this off, there is an unwritten reliance on the accounting methods under stakeholder capitalism – ESG – which are not mentioned because of the righteous hostility to the concept.

Action 10 dovetails with Action 9. Both mention the UN’s absolute devotion to a zero-carbon future. Whoever is reading this must know that you are the carbon the UN plans to reduce to zero. Action 10 isn’t about the hoax of climate change; however, it about the resurrection of the spirit of an evil man and his evil ideas. That man’s name was Malthus. And Malthus is coupled with the ideas of Gaia. Malthus incorrectly posited that humanity would collapse due to food shortages. Gaia proposes that the earth is a living deity requiring human blood. Combine the two and you get to where the UN is coming from – humanity is a parasite living upon earth and all of us must obey Gaia without ever thinking that Gaia is able to be manipulated by us. Particularly concerning in this action plan is the UN’s complicity with seeing the circular economy into existence.

Action 11 is a promotion of multiculturalism, the UN telling the rest of us that they will be setting our culture for us, and that the UN wants to further efforts to create a one-world religion so that they will be able to define what religion is as well.

Action 12 is a general admonition that the UN wants to use the SDGs in Agenda 2030 to enslave and murder everything on earth and create unheard of levels of global misery for humanity.

Israel, as we know, is in a war against the terroristic animals funded by Iran surrounding their borders. The presence of multiple groups of militants with a single-minded objective of exterminating every Jew on earth along with anyone who is amiable towards a Jew should be concerning to the United Nations. When the Prime Minister of Israel took the UN General Assembly podium to address the body, from photographs it appears about 60% of them walked out including the delegations from Brazil and Turkey. Figuring out which delegations walked out is difficult. Those who walked out are not interested in peace. They are interested in reconstructing the machinery of the Holocaust and again perpetrating it against Jewry worldwide.

On page 12 of Summit for the Future the UN makes its deceitful nature known when it writes, “We reiterate our full respect for the sovereign equality of all Member States, the principles of equal rights and self-determination of peoples and our obligation to refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any State, our commitment to settle international disputes by peaceful means.”

Like all other statements made by the United Nations and justified by the UNDHR, those rights can be made null and void on the whims of the UN. In this case, Israel has no sovereign rights according to the UN. It was displayed that the UN is not a facilitator of peace, but one embracing genocide, when delegations walked away from Netanyahu. None of these cowardly delegations mentioned that Iran is backing militants and other rogue states to launch attacks against Israel because they support the barbarians of Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, Islamic Jihad, Yemen, Qatar, and others.

When that stinking pile of sulfur, Ukrainian dictator Volodymyr Zelenskyy showed up at the General Assembly to beg for Western arms to actually trigger a nuclear response from Russia, no one walked out. The globalist spiders at the United Nations have a penchant for hating Russia – these same types of people put Lenin in power, cheered for Stalin, loved Khrushchev, and wept when the wall fell but their hatred of Russia remained strong. So, in line with their desires to have a global thermonuclear war, these delegations heard Zelenskyy’s pandering speech but walked out when Russia’s Lavrov addressed the crowd.

The bottom line is the United Nations is fully devoted to initiating a humanity-ending catastrophe through war whether that war be the destruction of the values we live by, the foreign cultures we are forced to tolerate as they butcher our pets and our citizens, or by escalating regional wars into the two hour spectacle of wiping 60% of humanity off the face of the earth with nuclear weapons. All that matters to the UN is that the vast majority of us are no longer living on this earth.

That fact is reflected throughout the next 15 points of Action.

Action 13 makes this point resoundingly clear. The UN fulls plans on using Agenda 2030 to destroy any semblance of differences between us. They double-down on forcing everyone on earth to accept and embrace open borders, religions requiring we be sacrificed to gods unknown to us, alien cultures, and demanding that any speech or action which defies these edicts is a criminal act. The UN wants to promote a culture of peace by turning all of us into cucks to their aims of enslaving us which is far from peace. It is the recreation of creating serfs and vassal states fully stripped of any ability to defend themselves. The UN wants to be in charge of our security needs including our bodily autonomy and that is just a bad idea – if you fail to understand that, you are already an enslaved subject of the UN.

Action 14 mentions the United Nations desire to disarm the entire world. The UN also goes out of its way to defend the tactics of terrorist organizations and rogue nations which tell their members to make whole command centers, arms depots, and munitions locations in dense residential areas particularly in facilities the UN sees as schools, hospitals, and places of worship. The United Nations is purposefully preventing States from waging effective war against aggressors. Again, that does not promote peace, it promotes terror attacks.

Action 15 lays out a rewards program for aggressor nations in the form of humanitarian assistance. Under the guise of reducing the impact of war on civilian populations, the UN is demanding that humanitarian assistance see its funding and scope increased so that warring parties can continue recruiting and arming themselves with the aid.

Action 16 notes the reliance the UN places on NGOs to attempt to bring diplomatic solutions to conflicts in the larger discussion about applying diplomacy to halt or avert armed conflict. As I wrote above; however, this section of Action points seeks to create war, extend the length and scope of those wars, and punish nations and those nations’ citizens if the UN decides it doesn’t like said nations such as Israel, the United States, and Russia. Thus, the diplomatic solutions offered will only serve to strengthen the actual aggressors. In Russia’s case, Ukraine’s aggression, instability, corruption, and desire to allow NATO and other Western institutions with a decidedly anti-Russia bent were and are still being ignored by the UN. Seven decades of wars, slaughters, and terrorists attacks perpetrated by Jewish exterminators surrounding Israel are ignored. China is promoted while the United States is denigrated because of the vast differences between the rights of those nations’ citizens and the modes of how their governments operate. China’s government, one built around abusing its citizens is favored by the UN because the UN also wants to abuse the people of the world in very similar ways.

The arbitrary nature of the United Nations version of justice is reaffirmed in its reiteration of supporting the decisions of the International Court of Justice. This is Action point 17.

The United Nations wants to build peace as outlined in Action 18. In order to do that the UN will zealously promote gun confiscation, silencing free speech, destroying religions, destroying cultures, and routinely violating the sovereignty and sovereign interests of nations states by employing NGOs.

Action 19 should probably have noted the rampant rape sprees the UN itself has committed through its peacekeeping forces. But, of course, they chose not to do this. Instead they demand that peace can only be achieved through destroying the nuclear family and promoting women to hold positions of power simply because of their genitalia.

Action 20 is the United Nations telling the parents of the world that our children belong to them and that the UN will use them as they see fit.

Action 21 is exclusively about the so-called Peacekeeping forces of the UN. When mercenary armies are brought in, those armies have no allegiance to the nations they are fighting for or against. Maybe this is why the UN doesn’t even attempt to address the multitude of war crimes committed by these UN mercenary armies. Also, the UN fails to mention that UN Peacekeeping forces have a record of abject failure in every arena they have been deployed to. Yet, the UN talks up the importance of their ability to raise an army to go fight for whichever side of a war is most degenerate.

Action 22 is about making peace upon the seas. There are examples of how stupid the UN thinks we all are when discussing Chinese claims in the South China Sea, the silence regarding Somalian pirates, and Iran and Yemen bombing sea-going vessels. The UN has failed to effectively condemn any of this.

Action 23 demands that the UN be acknowledged for denouncing terrorism and using language to combat it. As the UN is a terrorist organization, I find this proclamation ridiculous. It is only more absurd in light of Action 14 where the UN decidedly advocates for the protection of terrorist tactics. When Israel actually kills terrorists, the United Nations explodes into demanding that Israel immediately cease its operations just as they did following the pager and walkie-talkie attacks targeting Hezbollah assets.

Tracking money flows is the target of Action 24. The authors of the Summit of the Future again think that we are all too stupid to recognize that the UN does nothing to stop international criminal organizations from transferring money to one another but that if we give them more power over our transactions then the problem will be able to be addressed. How hard is it to figure out who in China’s CCP is funding the import of fentanyl into the United States when the supply chains are well documented going back to the 1960’s? They don’t want to stop international criminal activity, they only want to create monopolies for the international criminal organizations they favor.

Action 25 defies reality and logic at the same time. It would be nice to live in a world free of nuclear weapons due to containment strategies (MAD) and the devastation they can bring about the earth but it is never going to be a reality. In the logic of the UN; however, that is what will happen, despite the fact that any nuclear power today will still be a nuclear power even after any such disarmament occurs because people and governments lie. UN demands to arm Ukraine with heavy munitions capable of striking deep into Russia also belies the lip service they gave to their efforts to prevent nuclear war.

Action 26 covers the disarmament of all non-nuclear weapons including biological and chemical. The United Nations has sponsored the murder of over 35 million people with a biological weapon known as m-RNA technology and refuses to address, let alone investigate, credible sources that the ‘virus’ which spurred the use of m-RNA technologies was, itself, a biological weapon. Nevertheless, the UN wants to ban all weapons and ammunition from being publicly available in order to create a monopoly of force at the UN.

Action 27 is the final action of this section. The UN wants to pretend that it is able to identify and prevent the most harmful consequences of emerging technologies. One which is specifically mentioned are autonomous weapons with lethal capabilities. Their use (misuse is a nonsensical term in this aspect) is to allow a machine to track, target, and ultimately kill a particular individual without human intervention. The entire idea is antithetical to humanity at its core but the UN still thinks it should provide guidance, not a ban. The same is true of AI which exists to replace humans as the dominant intellectual force on the planet. Any use of AI constitutes misuse because of the reason it exists yet, the UN, as all other totalitarian regimes do, have decided misuse should be redefined to mean merely uses the UN doesn’t approve of. Having AI render 90% of jobs obsolete is proper use. Using AI to game the stock market for a non-Fortune 500 company; however, would be misuse (“You will own nothing and like it”).

Starting off the third section, the UN endorses all of the emerging technologies. By themselves, these technologies represent huge risks to humanity. When they are converged, these technologies will serve to destroy the very essence of what being a human is so that the UN can redefine it for us. WEF founder Klaus Schwab’s book, The Fourth Industrial Revolution is one illustrative example, Ray Kurzweil’s The Singularity is Near is another.

Action 28 is intended to ensure scientific experts rule the world and are dispersed throughout all nations appropriately. This is called technocracy and complete devotion to whatever one of these experts says will be necessary to continue surviving in the world they are creating. Those withholding compliance from a technocrat will quickly learn that a re-education camp is a gulag intended to work one to death or simply a crematorium with a guillotine.

Action 29 makes clear that science is no longer going to be able to be profited from. Inventions and research will be conducted through fascist relationships between science labs and governments which seek to expand their control in accordance with UN directions.

Action 30 provides for a grand total of zero protections of any regular individual but provides for the protection of the ethics of the degenerates in the scientific field. This passage also demands that accelerate progress be achieved in the arena of transhumanism through the cover of creating assistive technologies.

Action 31 devotes itself to once more seeking the obliteration of the nuclear family. Promotion of women at the expense of the more qualified males involved in scientific endeavors is openly demanded (in this particular instance, slowing down ‘advances’ is welcomed, but the gender bias and racism at the UN is over the top and should be noted where it occurs). It also seeks to make normal male-female conversations online a criminal act if any woman feels any advance, no matter how slight, represses their version of happiness even in the slightest bit. This would include an illegal alien being told to go home.

Action 32 is the UN’s dedication to promoting racism in the sciences. The best idea will not win the day, the ideas from indigenous populations (with the exception of Jews in Israel) will be championed because, well, I guess the UN really wants to promote the cultures which have strong links to cannibalism and human sacrifice. I believe they should demonstrate their desire to achieve this action point by traveling to North Sentinel Island. Further, I propose the entire UN and all of its auspices be relocated to this island with all of their proposals fully in force upon themselves, particularly the being disarmed provisions.

Action 33 is about enhancing the United Nations’ role in directing science as well as expanding their role involvement in national scientific endeavors. In other words, independence should be taken out of science and the norm-setting UN should direct all efforts to achieve the UN’s post-human world as rapidly as possible through the scientific endeavors they direct. It is the endorsement of the technocratic fascism they want to install themselves as rulers over so to rule every aspect of life on earth.

The fourth section starts out with a recognition that the UN’s involvement in education for the past 40 years has retarded our youth into thinking that the United Nations and it’s anti-human agendas are good things. As such, the United Nations will be going forward with these people, and their radical anti-human behaviors and thoughts, in the center of their actions. Greta Thunberg was just one of the first of these completely delusional, loud-mouthed, nonsense youth produced by the UN which has the full intention of leading our youth to believe the UN is guiding us towards the only future possible and that only through their complete obedience to the UN can their desires (also determined through the UN) be achieved.

Action 34 starts off by the UN giving itself the authority to determine what education and programming our children should receive. Next, the authors of the Summit of the Future promise to use our children as vaccine pin-cushions and again demand Universal Healthcare despite the death panels which are inherent in those programs which advocate for increased rates of death for those under 16. Mandating UN approved life-long learning programs follows along with the UN giving these people jobs as well as social protections which have never existed at any point in human civilization. The final two pieces promote UN-approved entrepreneurial endeavors and demand that it be seen as family-friendly to raise children who see the UN as the answer to any of their problems.

Action 35 promotes child abuse by suggesting that, for example, childhood manifestations of gender dysphoria not be corrected because it would represent racism, xenophobia, or religious intolerance to do so. The UN acknowledges that female genital mutilation, early marriage, forced marriage, child slavery and trafficking in children are problems yet fails to address the root causes because the UN promotes those very causes including dissolving the nuclear family, using multiculturalism to promote and elevate cultures which practice barbarism, and demanding that all borders be done away with. Transhumanism is encouraged in this action point. The effects of UN-defined climate change is mentioned so that idiotic young people demand immediate and devastating actions before they grow a second brain cell and realize that those actions are death. The UN also sees fit to direct the interactions these youth have with other generations including at home.

Action 36 is even more disgusting. The UN recognizes that their efforts have perverted many of our youth into believing in a one-world everything dictated from the UN. Building on that, the UN now demands that these same youths be overwhelmingly over-represented in national politics around the world. Even more disgusting is that the UN decidedly takes a racist anti-white stance suggesting that those with non-white skin be given even more of a voice in national politics. This, apparently, is what democratic institutions are supposed to respond to according to the UN.

Action 37 intends to see youth over-represented in international discussions. They are particularly interested in this as they can see how well their programs of debasing and dumbing down our children is going. It literally takes an undeveloped mind to think that the UN has any of our interests in mind or that any of their programs will work to promote a human future. It is the same thing that Adolf Hitler did with the Hitler Youth that the UN has been engaged in. Just as the Hitler Youth were used to exterminate those not in compliance with the edicts Hitler made, so too are these UN neo-Nazi’s being used to exterminate those who see through the UN’s bullshit.

We are told that there is no such thing as global governance; however, the UN is constantly pointing at the global governance which already exists. Not only does it already exist, the UN continuously makes calls to usurp sovereign nations’ authority in the areas it has yet to gain jurisdiction over as well as to strengthen those it has managed to gain control of. The more control the UN gains, the more total their power becomes, and the more we are ruled by international bodies with a mission to cause human extinction manned by technocratic fascists. This section details the death-throes of the UN’s decaying globalization. If the UN’s intentions are to be thwarted, this would be the arena actions against them will be felt the most because they are in a period of transition and things are not quite settled in yet.

Action 38 suggests this rebuilding will be dependent on emerging technologies and incorporate all of the above actions. A reliance on stakeholder capitalism, the development of pre-crime techniques, and the creation of a global net which forces everyone into compliance with the UN are all documented.

In Action 39 and Action 40 the UN notes their intention to expand the Security Council so that more of the murderous regimes on earth can have a louder voice about murdering their opponents. Suggestions to remove veto power are made here as well. Specifically, the UN wants to allow non-State actors on the Security Council such as the welfare-queens comprising small-island nations and the rapists and murderers of the Arab States and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation.

Action 41 carries on in the theme of reforming the Security Council to better reflect the wishes of those nations which are most murderous. Part of this is to increase the amount of control the General Assembly is able to wield over the Security Council.

The General Assembly is the topic of Action 42. Having a woman Secretary-General at the UN is a huge priority for the authors of Summit of the Future. Another big issue for the authors is making sure the UN is able to exercise it’s authority anywhere and everywhere over anything.

Action 43 outlines increasing the role of the UN Economic and Social Council so that they can better manipulate, corral, and surveil humanity in general with the goal on removing and mitigating anyone deemed a risk. As with all other aspects of the UN these risks will be selected on an arbitrary basis and will eventually target every person on earth.

In Action 44, the UN seeks to make its Peacekeepers more prevalent around the world. They also envision an invitation to come to a country as a permanent situation and do not seem to have a need to ever leave once invited in. Their reliance on NGO’s in peace-building operations represents a big fat red flag as well as these organization do not understand peace whatsoever and serve only to force the UN agenda down the throats of those subjected to these forces.

Action 45 brings up the idea of strengthening the United Nations as a whole and notes the aim is to, “Achieve a more agile, responsive and resilient United Nations, in particular by enhancing the Organization’s capabilities in innovation, data analytics, digital transformation, strategic foresight and behavioural science to better support Member States and deliver on its mandates.” This is the pre-crime system linked with AI, autonomous drones, enhanced surveillance capabilities, and tied together through predictive programming and psychological assessments of each and every human on earth. This point of action also demands the UN be made more monolithic with increased top-down edicts from people who may or may not be qualified as they will increasingly be selected for their disabilities, color, geographic location, and gender.

Action 46 is all about human rights and the idea that speaking out against the versions of human rights espoused at the United Nations being made a criminal act. In the UN’s vision, speaking out against their version of human rights includes speaking out against the SDGs which they have decided to couple together. To strengthen the UNDHR, the UN wants to monopolize its interpretation and increase the amount of funds available to expand and enhance the enforcement of them.

Action 47 speaks to the UN finding ways increase its funding. None of the methods are mentioned specifically in this action point, just that the architecture for their extortion schemes are being retooled.

Action 48 is a demand that global financial institutions such as the IMF and World Bank become more inclusive. The UN wants these bodies to include the poorest and most socially backwards nations on the plant on the institutions’ boards. The UN is seeking to put the debtors in charge of setting the rules to pay back their own debts.

In Action 49 covers the UN’s desires to have multilateral development banks all over the place directing the international welfare money they receive towards what the UN calls sustainable projects. They are overwhelmingly interested in finding new mechanisms to increase the funding for these banks as well as demanding that the monies dispersed go towards Agenda 2030 projects.

Recognizing that developing countries have taken loans in bad faith (without the means or the desire to ever pay them back) the UN writes about enhancing debt forgiveness and restructuring in Action 50. One innovative disaster waiting to happen is the UN’s suggestion that debt swaps be used to fund projects which are Agenda 2030 friendly. But it is more than that. Loans are not going to be forgiven or restructured without chains attached to them. Those chains are clearly seen in the following passage on page 35:

“Strengthen the multilateral response to support countries with high and unsustainable debt burdens, with the meaningful participation of the countries concerned and all relevant actors, ensuring an approach that is more effective, orderly, predictable, coordinated, transparent and timely to enable those countries to escape debt overhang and prioritize government expenditure on the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.”

Once these loans are forgiven or restructured, governments will no longer have the ability to use their funding for projects they desire. The UN will all of a sudden be telling a once sovereign nation what they will be investing in. This is a guaranteed method for the UN to act as a savior to these nations while really siphoning off all of the sovereignty these nations are supposed to enjoy and employing it themselves. The real kicker here is that after the UN hijacks a nation’s sovereignty through such a method, that nation will still be at the United Nations with voting rights and the UN will be determining how these representatives will vote – not the sovereign leaders of these nations as they will quickly learn if they attempt to effect any sovereign right outside of the purview of the United Nations.

Action 51 is the UN begging nations to rechannel (it fails to mention to where) funds from the IMF’s Special Drawing Rights. This was done as the world economically fell off the cliff of Covidiocy and caused shocks to the global economy. Of course, no good tyrant will place the blame where it belongs, on the tyrants own head, so the UN prescribes fixing shocks by increasing its role in monitoring banks to promote stability.

Action 52 is all about specifically addressing climate-related risks identified by the UN in developing countries. The UN wants as many dollars going to climate-related projects as possible and sees it fit to not only issue an edict to multilateral banks to make loans based on UN-approved climate projects but also that large-scale corporations should also be under this edict. This is the same garbage that led to those stupid arrows on supermarket floors, mask mandates, and social distancing enforcement. It also shows the reason that so many small and medium sized business were and currently are being targeted for closure. Fascism, which is clearly what is being demanded by the UN here, is far easier to achieve as the number of stakeholders to be enticed decreases. Large scale corporations who follow this pronouncement of the UN will continue to receive low and no cost financing deals while serving as the enforcement arm of the UN agenda.

In Action 53 the UN notes that Gross Domestic Product measures are not satisfying the UN anti-human agendas. They are demanding that sustainability metrics be developed and implemented to compliment or even replace GDP measurements. This is what ESG is. Whatever the experts the UN is calling upon to develop GDP alternatives come up with will be very similar to ESG if not just a copy and paste of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance metrics used as alternate accounting measures in the circular stakeholder capitalism, ie the technocratic fascism, economy as envisaged by the World Economic Forum).

Action 54 portends a future of continuous global shocks. These catastrophes will be perpetrated against mankind in order for the UN to seize more and more sovereignty from nations and autonomy from the people of those nations. In a situation like we just had – where people with a modified common cold virus were suffocated to death with UN-approved medical procedures, restricted from safe and effective therapeutics and early treatments, and told to inject turbo-cancer-causing technologies which has left over 35 million dead all while the UN demanded the global economy be shut down – the UN wants to make sure that many more will suffer from the edicts they issue to ‘mitigate’ any future catastrophe. This would include catastrophes which will never occur under the regime of UN-mandated climate change fear mongering. Just as during the scamdemic, the UN will exacerbate terror in the peoples of the world to demand actions which, under normal circumstances, people would never tolerate.

Action 55 is the UN fully acknowledging that it will respect no institution as it goes about attempting to fulfill its satanic mission defined in Agenda 2030. Here, on pages 38-39, the United Nations boldly announces their absolute devotion to the creation and full implementation of a one-world government, one-world religion, one-world currency, and a one-world everything else, “The challenges we face require cooperation not only across borders but also across the whole of society. Our efforts must involve Governments as well as parliaments, the United Nations system and other international institutions, local authorities, Indigenous Peoples, civil society, business and the private sector, faith-based organizations, the scientific and academic communities, and all people to ensure an effective response to our common challenges.” The challenge the UN mentions is getting every single human on earth to accept being marginalized and exterminated without putting up a fight.

Action 56, the final action, asserts that the United Nations should not only control any and all life on earth as well as the resources of earth but also over any life discovered in, and the resources of, outer space as well.

This is everything that Kamala Harris and her friends in the anti-human cult, a bona-fide international terrorist organization, known as the Democrat Party wants to do to the United States. She and her party want to destroy the US people’s independence, direct and divert resources exclusively to UN-approved projects, give women a right to murder babies, create a completely arbitrary legal system, promote open borders, embolden terrorists, respect the non-existent rights of illegal aliens of the rights of citizens, degrade our water, food, and air, and generally eliminate as much carbon from the United States as possible, especially the carbon humans are made of. Harris sees herself as one of these masters of the universe who know what is best for everyone else and have decided they should just replace G-d with themselves.

I wasn’t trying to make a joke at the beginning of this article. This is my honest assessment of the status of Kamala Harris’ platform. Every action item in this list is one of Harris’ political platforms. More, these action points are on most of our politician’s agendas (Republican or Democrat), represents the deep state’s agenda, and is the focus of far too many corporate and media entities.

Still, I urge you to fear not. Place all of the concerns you may have about this in the hands of G-d. Pray about it to seek guidance to be spared from, and to take steps to thwart, the catastrophe that the UN wants to ensnare the world in.

But, this UN document continues through two annexes. The first annex is the Global Digital Compact. The main thrust of this document is the net the UN is building to ensnare all of humanity – all of the earth and the life on it – to make us and it subject to the arbitrary, fear-based, edicts of the UN. This is a net that the UN is building and rapidly nearing completion of so that nothing can escape its degeneracy.

The UN lists 13 principles to kick this off. These principles start off by expanding governmental roles to non-governmental entities. Following this is an account of how these technologies will be used to achieve the SDGs and meet the goals set out in Agenda 2030. The UN notes that the compact is diverse, equitable, inclusive, development-oriented, rooted in international law with an eye on human rights, and crafted to pander to females. The overarching theme lends itself to the intention of the UN to ensnare everyone on the planet into a digitized existence. As technologies become more robust and new methods of control are introduced through already existing technologies, the UN fully plans on using them as increased control over every domain humanity has entered into.

Five objectives comprise the body of this document. The first of these fall under the heading of closing the digital divide which is globalist-speak for making sure there is no escaping the UN’s digital dragnet as clearly indicated under the subheading connectivity. Digital literacy is addressed and under this subheading the UN demands it be given the ability to set safety standards and educational curricula at the national level. Under the subheading digital public goods and infrastructure the UN once more expresses it’s love for fascism as well as its devotion to arbitrary actions particularly regarding what they will deem acceptable speech and what they will deem unacceptable speech.

The second objective again pretends that the UN will be able to provide a digital economy which benefits and includes everyone. This is a scary idea on it’s face as the UN is announcing its intention to force people to use digital versions of everything as they force material scarcity at the same time. The UN seeks to usher humanity into a future where whoever they deem to be a minority will be given preferential status in the digital economy while at the same time removing any barriers to the transfer of technologies to anyone who wishes to have them. The UN sees its role in the digital transition as the gatekeeper, policy creator, regulatory body, and enforcement arm of the frameworks it develops. This is a one-world economy and, through the use of digital technologies, will result in this totalitarian entity being able to restrict an individual’s ability to engage with the system they create.

The third objective is about how the version of human rights endorsed by the UN will be protected in the digital gulag they are building. In the first subsection, human rights are the justification the UN wants to use for silencing, censoring, and hijacking the identity of anyone who doesn’t agree with their plan. In subsection two, internet governance, access to an internet fully controlled by the UN is made paramount and the beneficiaries of our online presence is whoever the UN determines to be stakeholders – meaning not you and me. The messianic implications of the technologies involved in the digital transformation are hinted at as the UN promotes trusting their platforms and abide by their visions of safety in the next subsection. This section is very important to understand as this section is one of the UN’s most brazen admonitions of it’s anti-human stance. Paragraph 30 reads:

“We must urgently counter and address all forms of violence, including sexual and gender-based violence, which occurs through or is amplified by the use of technology, all forms of hate speech and discrimination, misinformation and disinformation, cyberbullying and child sexual exploitation and abuse. We will establish and maintain robust risk mitigation and redress measures that also protect privacy and freedom of expression.”

To make this very clear, freedom of speech is dissolved by proclamations of misinformation and disinformation. Examples abound, including Donald Trump being a Russian agent, Hunter Biden’s laptop, the existence and use of weather weapons, the effects of remdesivir and molnupiravir coupled with ventilators in treating SARS-CoV-2, the effects of masks on infants, and the safety and efficacy of mRNA shots which do nothing to prevent disease but a lot to turn human beings into signal emitters and receivers while forging ahead with transhumanist designs unbeknownst to many of those who have received these death jabs. Discussing these topics has already led to arrests, fines, and illegal court proceedings under the concept of defeating misinformation and disinformation from the very sources which rely on misinformation and disinformation to inform the narratives they weave.

Thus, in paragraph 31(a) the UN writes that they will fully go the route of the Soviets and Nazi’s in policing us through psychology:

“Create a safe and secure online space for all users that ensures their mental health and well-being by defining and adopting common standards, guidelines and industry actions that are in compliance with international law, promote safe civic spaces and address content on digital platforms that causes harm to individuals, taking into account work under way by United Nations entities, regional organizations and multi-stakeholder initiatives.”

In the following subsections of paragraph 31 the United Nations stakes its claim over all children in an effort to abolish parental rights (b), seeks to create a singular, unified code, of digital regulations instituted by national regulatory bodies to police the internet (c) and (d), gives stakeholders (primarily the UN and its auspices) complete control of online information (e), and, gives itself the ability to monitor digital platforms for child exploitation so that the UN and its stakeholders will no longer have to face the possible exposure of their rampant endeavors in exploiting children, particularly in the areas of sexual exploitation (f).

The Rights of the Child, a UN document referenced multiple times in Summit of the Future is nothing but a globalist manual for grooming and exploiting children. It is used to promote all sorts of harmful ideas for children such as that the idea that the UN is a benevolent organization looking out for humanity, the promotion of gender fluidity, and a preponderance of educating children through critical race theory and the disgusting ideas espoused by the alphabet mafia.

Paragraph 32 demands that ISP’s themselves get assist the United Nations in censoring the speech they disagree with. In section (d) the UN resurrects the snitch society established by the USSR which found parents in a gulag after their children reported them to the KGB for impure thoughts (thoughts which did not 100% endorse the Communist Party). In the UN’s version, the digital snitch society is expanded upon by giving special status to not only reports from children but also from the disabled, ensuring that the least qualified to make these types of reports are the ones most highly valued.

Under the subsection titled information integrity, the United Nation boldly announces a full scale war on free speech and anyone who attempts to exercise it. Chapters 33 and 34 lay out the tactics the UN intends to use against the proponents of free speech:

“33. Access to relevant, reliable and accurate information and knowledge is essential for an inclusive, open, safe and secure digital space. We recognize that digital and emerging technologies can facilitate the manipulation of and interference with information in ways that are harmful to societies and individuals, and negatively affect the enjoyment of human rights and fundamental freedoms as well as the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals.

“34. We will work together to promote information integrity, tolerance and respect in the digital space, as well as to protect the integrity of democratic processes. We will strengthen international cooperation to address the challenge of misinformation and disinformation and hate speech online and mitigate the risks of information manipulation in a manner consistent with international law.”

Notice their use of democracy and the fact that it is merely a tyranny of the majority. The UN, thinking that it has captured the minds of the majority, plans on using those incapable of thinking outside of the UN plantation, gulag, prison (insert your own term) idealized and romanticized by the UN to stifle the rights of everyone else. To effect their war, they will weaponize education by lebeling anything the UN doesn’t approve of as misinformation and disinformation; Chapter 35 (a). They will tell media and journalists what they can and cannot report on (b). The UN will create information silos and echo chambers to promote their narrative while labeling anything else misinformation and disinformation (c). The sources the UN approves of will gain prominence in search results while those they disapprove of will be shoved onto page 47 of the results until it can be scrubbed from the results altogether (d). In light of achieving the depopulation and dehumanization entailed through the SDGs, the UN demands an accounting of the impacts of misinformation and disinformation to be created by the same people who are the strongest and loudest supporters of the anti-human agendas of the UN (e).

In Chapter 36 the UN mandates technology companies to become more involved with protecting what we are able to do with our information which is a slick way to allow these companies to enforce UN censorship programs. The UN wants to ensure that AI is used not only to censor speech they deem to be unacceptable but wants AI to only be capable of supporting UN-approved narratives. Additionally, the UN rejects it’s own demands of individual digital rights by mandating that anything we do online should be accessible to whatever crackpot ‘expert’ they deem to be a researcher.

The fourth objective is about making platforms universal. Making platforms universal through interoperability ensures the UN will have complete dominance and the final say about what information is permitted to exist digitally. The first of these subsections is a more in depth acknowledgment that the UN will be infringing on our rights by legalizing their surveillance operations to combat anti-UN narratives. The next subsection is the UN declaring it, and only it, has the right to decide what data is legitimate and which data is illegitimate. In the next subsection the cause for all of this is given – to race towards the end of humanity through the vehicle known as Agenda 2030 – which requires the collection of any and all of our data by the UN to determine whether or not we, individually and collectively, are responsible global citizens in their eyes. They are demanding the incorporation and affirmation of a global social credit score here and ways to monitor it. The next subsection is the UN telling the reader the data will be shared with all other governments of the world. The final subsection establishes a working group at the UN to force the data illegally captured by the UN to be shared with all other nations.

The final objective deals with governing the decline of humanity while creating more sophisticated AI. There is no governing AI. There is no having human beings in charge of AI. Artificial Intelligence is intended to replace the need for human intellect on the entire planet. The level of hatred and contempt for the human species and the G-d who created all life one needs to have to develop these kinds of concepts and then to forge out to make them a reality is incredible.

The only responsible thing to do with AI is to abandon it before it replaces human beings. The UN, displaying its utter contempt for G-d, the human species, and all life on earth thinks it will create AI that only it will control. As mentioned prior, the UN will lose control of these AI systems without even knowing it. The result will be disastrous for life on earth. That is the future they present in their final objective – ensure that AI becomes more powerful and proliferates to make every individual on earth obsolete.

A final section makes it painfully clear that this entire digital compact will never be discussed in a meaningful way by anyone it will actually affect. Those of us looking at the future the UN is seeking to install upon us with skepticism or, like myself, abject disgust, will never be heard from because this pact makes it clear that we are on the forefront of the war the UN is waging against all of humanity. The Digital Compact is an effort to make Brave New World reality. If you have not read the book, I suggest you do – this is their plan and Kamala Harris is all about installing it in the United States. The Summit of the Future and the Digital Compact is merely a tactical device written to move the concepts of Brave New World (and several other works such as The Communist Manifesto and 1984) from the pages of books into the real world.

The last section of this document is titled the Declaration on Future Generations. Note it is not titled for or of or about, but ‘on’ – the United Nations has already determined future generations will be enslaved by it’s totalitarian systems of control. The preamble is a word salad of catch phrases such as equality and justice but, due to the preambles overt references to the UNDHR all of these terms are nothing but arbitrary platitudes.

The principles the UN adopted to follow include the UN’s concept of peace which is total war against what it views as it’s subjects. All cultures must be destroyed so that the UN can build and safegaurd a singular UN-approved culture for us. Language used speaks to incorporating family-friendly policies into the framework which means one thing when it comes from the UN – traditional nuclear families will be increasingly targeted for dissolution. There is a principle which promotes Gaia worship and includes hints at the ideas that human beings are parasites on the earth while fully demanding global Marxism. The Fourth Industrial Revolution is mandated to be achieved and maintained through the concept of equity which is UN speak no one will own anything and you will be happy while you eat insects, living in a coffin apartment, and we are all secluded from any physical ability of a public life. Modern feminism is promoted. Disabled people’s decision-making ‘capabilities’ are promoted over those from the able-bodied. The UN thinks it can wave a magic wand and end racism when the body is one of the heaviest promoters of racism. The final passage of the principles is the UN giving themselves the responsibility to define dignity and create laws based on their version of what dignity is – serving the United Nations without asking any questions.

In the commitments section, the principles are largely expounded upon. Additions include indigenous people having more political weight than anyone else in a nation, targeting the food supply to recreate it in a UN-approved way (like banning animal proteins and force feeding us cancer – no I’m not kidding), and creating a global system ruled by the edicts of ‘expert’ psychopaths who have not stopped making the claim that climate change is 100% man-made and that to fix it all of the carbon on earth must be eliminated. The UN uses this document to regurgitate their desire to depopulate the earth, dissolve the sovereignty of nations through unmitigated immigration, establish life-long UN-indoctrination centers and call it education, and to have a universal healthcare system around the globe to facilitate the most rapid possible means of depopulating the earth through medical mandates placed on us and the death panels which will serve to determine if the UN sees our lives as worthy of having.

A war cannot be perpetrated without action and the UN includes some of the tactics they will employ against present generations as well as generations to follow. Those actions include long-term global planning in all areas of all of our lives and relies on total surveillance of us and a highly flexible (arbitrary) government response to the data their surveillance reveals about what we are doing, particularly if the UN disapproves of any our actions. Another action demands that GDP be thrown out as an economic metric so that ESG can take its place with the addition of arbitrary and speculative risk assessments. All governments, at all levels, are ordered by the UN to follow the edicts of the UN. Governments seeking this type of control over their own populations are offered UN assistance to gain that control so that the UN can destroy the sovereignty of nation states and better dictate their visions for those populations.

Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party have zero qualms about ceding the sovereignty of the United States to the United Nations so that the leaders of that traitorous and terroristic organization will not have to take all of the blame. It is not fair to limit the scope of those who are treasonous to just the leaders of the Democrat Party; however, many Republicans are also on board with giving the United Nations complete control over the United States – George Herbert Walker Bush embodies this treason well.

Everything these globalist types have endorsed for the past 30 years has been an attempt to irreparably damage the sovereignty of the United States. With that loss of sovereignty has come the loss of many of our rights. With the loss of acknowledging the rights that G-d has granted men, far too many have already abdicated their responsibilities to maintain those rights and have turned on those who have not.

This election, 24 days from the date this is published, is a choice between retaining the sovereignty of the United States or allowing the United Nations to dictate our policies through the mouth of a passed-around Democrat Party whore who no one voted for to even run a campaign as the Democrat Party’s nominee. This certainly is about democracy and saving it but it needs to be put in the proper context. The ‘democracy’ that will be enshrined will be whatever a panel of technocratic globalist elites at the UN vote to install over us while not knowing us nor what is best for us. This is what Kamala Harris is running on. This is the Democrat platform of 2024. The Summit of the Future is a global enslavement plan and Kamala Harris, with her family’s legacy of slave-masters, and the Democrat Party’s obsession with re-instituting slavery, have found the UN plan to be completely in-line with their own values and beliefs – that they are the masters of the universe they control and the rest of humanity is an unnecessary burden upon these masters slated for extermination as quickly and quietly as possible.

What is even more flagrant is that this UN document was not even voted upon to be adopted it was just adopted. It was adopted by the edict of nameless people who have precluded us from making our own decisions. This is the democracy Kamala Harris and everyone fighting for ‘democracy’ is demanding we all subscribe to. This is a path that leads straight to the end of free human civilization. Vote accordingly.

Bless G-d and G-d bless.


Humanity Needs a Resolution to Wake Up


“You are not to drink the blood.” – G-d.