The Ethisphere and You.
Avoid these companies. Don’t work for them. Don’t buy their crap. Don’t encourage others to buy their crap. If you own a business, avoid doing business with these companies. Their intention is to destroy all of us and to get us to think that we are doing something positive while engaged with them…. If you think I may be wrong, I encourage you to prove me wrong.

Aiming at the Destruction of the New World Order
The best way to defeat New World Order is to cut it down at it’s root. It has no foundation. Yet, too many who are aware and willing to fight the New World Order lack a proper foundation from which to fight from as well. In order to fight effectively, it is imperative to establish this foundation. Like it or not, that foundation is the teaching G-d gave to Moshe upon Mount Sinai….

When All the Sides Are Wrong
The only people with any sense about them are the people who are reinvesting in the only thing that truly matters – understanding the Word of G-d and applying it in real life.

There is a Genocide. It’s Not Against Gaza.
Multiple genocides are converging into one big humanity-ending monstrosity. This isn’t being protested at Columbia University or other college campuses. These multiple genocides are being designed and implemented at colleges and universities so that they can be spread throughout all of civilization. The recent disgusting displays of rabid dogs barking demands about destroying the nation of Israel and lusting for the blood of Jews and their supporters is but one fruit from this poisonous tree. The genocide tree is well established on most college campuses and, now that it is manifesting itself in public, it can more clearly seen.

Behind the WHO – The Thinly Veiled Pleasure of Depopulating Earth.
Everything can be used as a weapon. The more integral to the existence of life the thing is, the more lethal the weaponization of that thing. We require, at the very least, air, food, water, and sunlight. Shelter follows closely behind these necessities. Healthcare is a close third. The United Nations/World Economic Forum has weaponized, and is engaged in continuing to evolve the weaponizing of, all of these elements against humanity and all of the rest of G-d’s creation. And the sickest part of it all – they like doing it.

Cooked and Reheated
Why is all of this happening? Its because people have no love for one another. Where has the love gone? It has gone to chasing idols. It’s time to return to G-d. It’s time to obey G-d. It’s time to stand and be righteous in the eyes of G-d just as Yeshua told us to do. If we would do so, we wouldn’t need bills giving $300 per person in the United States to everyone else – there would be peace and prosperity everywhere. And there will certainly be a global peace when Yeshua comes and takes his throne. Until that time – we need to turn back to G-d. We should take solace in the fact that G-d will shield those of us who look for His face.

The Left Squeals as Raskin Begins to be Jones’d
While it feels good to watch Raskin be sued, it is not a positive development.

Never Forget – NEVER AGAIN. Demand the WHO’s Dismantling
Never forget what these entities did to the world. Demand they are NEVER able to do it AGAIN.

“You are to obey my rulings and laws and live accordingly; I am Adonai your God.” - Leviticus 18:4
If you need a Trinity here you go. Peace is about Love. Love is about Torah. Torah is about Peace. All of these are about worshiping G-d.

Torah on Easter?
Warning: This article is likely to enrage many; however, that is not my intent.