Humanity Needs a Resolution to Wake Up

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 1/1/2025

It’s been a while since I have written. I have been immersed in studying the Torah. The year 2025 is upon us; however, and I need to get back into writing for this site. I am still deeply devoted to preserving humanity as G-d created us, thus, I am making a resolution to write for this site at least once a week.

Humanity in general; through, needs to start learning about the materials on this site. The materials on this site are looming problems which each of us quickly and vitally need to identify, analyze, and take steps to protect ourselves from. This isn’t about our leaders saving us. This isn’t about what our school boards are doing. It’s not about how much money Elon Musk has nor his brilliant ideas or even his awful ones. It’s about you.

Certainly we need to wake up to the fact that there does exist a global government which seeks to use a convergence of about 40 different technologies to effect what Orwell described as a “boot stamping a human face, forever” in his novel titled 1984. Artificial Intelligence, quantum computing, biological ‘upgrades’, intentionally man-made genetic alterations, robotics, and central bank digital currencies are the leaders in this area. The social changes which the controllers of these technologies are demanding is what most people are really noticing; however. It is the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion nonsense, the focus on pedophilic grooming and homosexual teachings in schools and in society in general, Environmental, Social, Governance accounting metrics, and regressive and degenerative environmental policy which people are noticing and reacting to.

In a very real way our reactions are reflecting who the controllers of the technology need to focus on eliminating from what they have determined to be ‘polite’ society. If you would like to see the self-proclaimed earls and dukes of this ‘polite’ society, simply scroll through the live feeds on Tik-Tok and you will find degenerate after degenerate demanding all kinds of immorality. If you happen to feel brave, try debating or disagreeing with a genocidal abortionist demanding there be no restrictions whatsoever to abortion access. I’ve done this. Every instance winds up the same. The voice of the dissenter is silenced while the harpies with their mutilated children’s blood still dripping from their talons call the debater immoral.

I’m not trying to say that there is no hope for humanity – there absolutely is. I’m not trying to say I think that the upcoming leaders to be ushered in on January 20, 2025 in the United States isn’t a good thing either. Our leaders; however hard they may try, cannot instill morality in people is my point. They can pass laws to try and rectify and educate us as to what they see as problems in our society – homelessness, drugs, violence, immigration, debt, sovereignty, security – but they can not legislate against the development of technologies which have already been developed unless the technologies are banned outright.

All of the technologies I am referring to have an upside potential for the betterment of human beings overall; however, the net benefits can all too easily be turned against humanity by creating a permanent, much depopulated, and complete dependent human race most of which will exist only at the pleasure of their masters. It is the lack of knowledge about the existence and functioning of these technologies and the systems of control they can bring about which is what humanity needs to be awakened to.

So why am I going on about the importance of you in this equation? It’s because each of us, you, and I, and everyone else on the entire planet – estimated at nearly 8.1 billion of us – needs to come into alignment on certain things. The fundamental alignment I suggest would be that all of us follow the 10 Commandments without exceptions. Now, I am aware that only G-d will cause that alignment to come about. But at the root of our issues within our families, in our communities, domestically, internationally, and globally is that there are different set of ethics we are trying to live by. Worse, those ethics are inflated to the status of morality. Simply, morality is what G-d has revealed to us about the way we should be living while ethics are man-made and subject to constant change.

And I hear it all the time – ‘but who revealed these morals’ to which I answer ‘G-d’ to which the reply is always ‘which god’ to which I respond ‘the G-d of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob, the Creator of the universe.’ That always upsets those who hate G-d and particularly those who hate His ways and seek to make their ethics into some kind of morality inscribed on stone. That is the root of the problem. We are watching a clash between those who strive to obey the morality of G-d and those who have decided that their incredibly demonic mindset, a mindset which has allowed them to concoct a set of absolutely useless relativistic ethics, is greater than G-d’s morality.

G-d does not change. The people who use these relativistic ethical calculation cannot figure out if they are a male or a female from day to day. Water will not mix with oil.

Introspection is called for here. At this point in time exists the greatest potential to combat the corruption, rebuke the evil, and reverse some of the most severe implications of depravity in our societies that has popped up in every aspect of the United States and, indeed, around the world. But what good will any of that do if our own house is not in order? It will do no good, whatsoever.

Like I said before, G-d does not change. He was, is, and always will be the good in the universe. Anything that is good is good because of Him. Wouldn’t it make sense to consider if what we are doing is because of Him too? We humans are far from being good but we are given salvation from what is bad by Yeshua and the ability for repentance through G-d.

What better resolution is there than to wake up to the truth of the world which is being built to destroy humanity, and to seek solace in the fact that you are aligned with G-d and will never be bound by man’s demonically inspired chains? Yeshua says in Matthew 10:28, “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom.

Personally, I am going to take my own advice here. I will fear Him who is capable of sentencing any of us to Gei-Hinnom. That fear will not be an inspiration to fall to terror but an increased focus on obedience to G-d.

Wake up to the world we all are actually living in. Resolve to change those things that are within your ability to change. And I pray that the changes you seek to make in your own life, family, and communities are changes that are good in G-d’s eyes. He gave us all a cheat sheet, too. He gave it to Moses on Mount Sinai. He sent His Son to earth in the flesh to elaborate and correct us for doing it incompletely and without mindfulness. Thus, study the Word, study the prophets, profess the Messiah, and apply that understanding, with introspection, to all aspects of your life.

MAMA – Make America Moral Again. Resolve to do it with love, grace, and kindness.

Bless G-d and G-d Bless.


The Remnant


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