Is the US Dollar Dead?

Is the US Dollar Dead?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/13/2023

There is a lot of speculation that the dollar is about to being murdered by the FED, the US Treasury, the Biden regime, with the assistance of events such as the rise of a BRICS basket of currencies and the dedollarization efforts picking up steam. It makes sense that the richest, most productive, nation on earth would have to undergo the murder of their primary store of wealth in order for Biblical prophesy to unfold. If the United States government and Federal Reserve System wants people in the US to decide that going to a new, reprogrammable, digital currency is in their best interest the current US dollar will need to be destroyed and discredited. So is the US dollar dead? Not yet but it is on it’s last legs, bleeding out.

The dollar, the legal tender which facilitates trade not only domestically but around the world. Is being attacked from all sides. Our debt limits seemingly know no upwards bounds. The potential for the US defaulting on the interest payments on the debt already accumulated increases about every 6 months or whenever the newest debt ceiling’s threshold draws close. The FED just keeps printing money – not even bothering to tell us how much money is in foreign reserves. The treasury keeps finding ways to spend money with and without Congressional approval. The cost of everything has risen dramatically for all of us ‘normal’ people. Credit is tougher to come by with worsening rates being driven up by inflation from the creation of new money. Over 50 nations have announced or have started purposefully avoiding doing transactions in US dollars. US dollars are increasingly no longer seen as the world reserve currency. When all of that money in foreign central banks is no longer needed they will dump it as quickly as possible – when it start washing up on US shores, the dollar will be fully dead. And we will all know it, a loaf of bread will cost hundreds of dollars, if not thousands; we will all miss $8 a dozen eggs.

We are very close to the dollar disappearing. In it’s place will be something like the Federal Reserve’s FedNow retail payment system. It will end up being reprogrammable, meaning there will be no store of wealth. Whatever isn’t completely used up will be liquidated. There will also be a great deal of control embedded in the payment system. It really is the surveillance and kind of the enforcement arm for 15 minute ‘smart’ cities, the social credit scores we have all been given, and the new economy we are being forced into. The new economy will not be based on dollars, it will be based on how well an individual follows orders from whoever issues the payments.

I mentioned retail payment systems above. We are all familiar with those forms of money because we use them on a daily basis for everything we buy. But there is another form of money called wholesale money. This is where the institutional investors play on the market, investing millions and sometimes billions, in assets to make loans, purchase stock, and to provide short term loans. This system could also be placed on a CBDC separate from the retail system as the Treasury and FED have noted in recent press releases and interviews. In steal of the social credit score being used, the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) rules will apply to these institution’s eligibility to finance themselves on the wholesale market. It also means that if someone takes out a mortgage these lending institutions will ensure that we, as individuals, follow their ESG rules as they are applicable to our individual social credit scores.

This is problematic for me. I don’t want the FED, the Treasury, nor any one else anywhere on the planet to surveil what I purchase. I don’t want the possibility to exist that, due to social circumstances, I am forbidden from buying ammunition, Bibles, cigarettes, or anything else deemed to be socially unacceptable by the various woke mobs who have gotten their input coded into the system. I like using cash to make purchases. I like the anonymity of cash. And I like the near impossibility of taking physical dollars away in order to create a global currency for a one world government. Whether introduced in the retail markets or the wholesale markets; by an individual nation or a regional block – digital currency will prove to be extremely easy to change over to a global system. Not like the Bretton Woods system until 1971 – more like everyone has to use BeastCoin and for security purposes scannable tattoos or chips need to be placed on specific areas of the body. Maybe the right arm? Maybe the forehead? It would be feasible to force nations using CBDC as the only legal payment to force these marks upon their users and maintain their seemingly independent central banks while, on the back end of their systems making all of them relatable to a singular, global currency.

We don’t yet have marks and we are not currently using FedNow as our only legal payment system, but the back-end of such a scheme is already here. It’s called Unicoin. Cision summed it up:

“Today, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Spring Meetings 2023, the Digital Currency Monetary Authority (DCMA) announced their official launch of an international central bank digital currency (CBDC) that strengthens the monetary sovereignty of participating central banks and complies with the recent crypto assets policy recommendations proposed by the IMF.

“Universal Monetary Unit (UMU), symbolized as ANSI Character, Ü, is legally a money commodity, can transact in any legal tender settlement currency, and functions like a CBDC to enforce banking regulations and to protect the financial integrity of the international banking system.

“Banks can attach SWIFT Codes and bank accounts to a UMU digital currency wallet and transaction SWIFT-like cross-border payments over digital currency rails completely bypassing the correspondent banking system at best-priced wholesale FX rates and with instantaneous real-time settlement.”

At the very least this portends an abrupt end to the United States dollar amounting to anything. But, let’s break this down a bit because it states everything I just mentioned. The currency will be able to be used universally by central banks. It is able to convert any currency. The symbol is German and may be a reference to Übermenschen – the supermen eugenicists have long sought to create. It will enforce ‘banking regulations’ including ESG accounting systems. Banking systems will be cut out of the picture entirely. Foreign exchange rates themselves will be manipulated on the wholesale market. This isn’t for use by you and I, it’s for use by the Warren Buffett’s and the Bill Gates’ of the world; the central banks and the too-big-to-fail institutions and financial empires.

The DCMA has a website which leaves a lot of questions unanswered. They do provide a rather ominous mission statement; however:

“The DCMA is a world leader in the advocacy of digital currency innovations for monetary authorities. Our mission is to enable trade globalization through the monetary integration of international payments and settlements while strengthening national economies monetary sovereignty.

“The first wave of cryptographic cash was designed for public untrusted networks. The DCMA reimagines the next wave of cryptographic innovations engineered for adoption by central banks, retail and commercial banks, Fintech, governments, and cryptocurrency exchanges.”

On a connected website, Unicoin Network, there is a link to see how this pertains to citizens and corporations. The only information gained from the page is “Improve your bottom line with lower fees and higher savings.” Another link serves an advertisement for their Cryptocurrency Smart Card. Options are available, according to the page, to have the card issued as a contact card, a contactless card, or a mobile app to make payments.

If there are any questions about what this is going to do, well I don’t have the evidence because Unicoin is basically a black box when it comes to how it does what it does. The most reasonable answer as to why we are not being told how all of our payments are about to be processed works is because they offer only enslavement and that the DCMA isn’t really sure how it all works. The whole thing is powered by artificial intelligence. All any one has to do to get the ‘convenience’ and lower costs associated Unicoin is just give them a slice of your own autonomy, freedom, and ability to think for yourself.

Cision’s article wants the reader to believe the founder and creator of the Universal Monetary Unit (Darrell Hubbard) is a benign man and that the World Bank and IMF would never do anything to impoverish the entire globe. To this effect, the article lays out the CYA early in this global currency phase-in of the Great Reset:

“According to Darrell, "UMU is not attempting to disrupt the international monetary system. If fact, it strengthens it by helping the IMF achieve its stated mandate to provide economic and financial stability to its member states. UMU is a game-changer in how cross-border payments are transacted and mitigates against seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation."

“Universal Monetary Unit Model Law legislation has been drafted in collaboration with several sovereign states. In this proposed legislation, UMU should not be enacted as legal tender for negotiating domestic prices or international trade agreements. Instead, the legislation proposes UMU to be enacted as a complementary money commodity for the store of value, mitigating against potential seasonal and systemic local currency depreciation, and tendered as a payment currency at the time of settlement.”

I could find no available resources to verify the claims made in either paragraph cited above. I can state without reservation that the IMF has a history of destructive lending practices and has bankrupted multiple nations time and time again. As I was unable to locate a copy of the model legislation UMU offered, I cannot substantively reject their claims in the article; however, I can state that I don’t believe one word of it. I am highly suspicious of the lack of availability as well as what parties drafted the model legislation and will point to the obvious fact that model legislative efforts are often effected with very little of the model left intact. They are going to use this to do exactly what they claim they are not going to do in this article.

The only information I can find about Darrell Hubbard is that he went to Harvard Business School so I immediately have no respect nor trust in him nor in his fruits. The announcement itself was made at a meeting between the IMF and World Bank which, is and of itself, concerning. In the logo for their spring meetings, 2023, a suspiciously familiar image is used resembling any one of the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals. If UMU is not used as BeastCoin, it is the model for it. I have complete faith that Unicoin will only offer one thing for humanity – a further rejection of God on earth. In the economic world UMU will be used to destroy international trade and destroy the US dollar and the Euro to boot.

We were warned of these times in the Bible. Do not be destroyed for lack of knowledge. Do not be of the world despite being in it. The remnant needs to assemble and demand that things be put back the way that God made them. This, too, was spoken of in the Bible. That remnant exists and is being persecuted with more persecution expected. UMU is just one more tool the satanic globalists will go after the remnant…. While we are not to be of the world despite being in it, it doesn’t mean that we should be ignorant of the moves the Adversary is making upon the global chessboard – this is one of them. It sounds silly to offer prayer as the answer day after day but, because this is a spiritual war spilling into the 3D reality of earth, that really is the way to combat all of these developments. Read the Bible and pray. Seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Be alert to the increasing danger being posed to all of humanity, believer and non-believer alike, but know that it will be the believers (and not even all of them!) who will be written into the Book of Life. Always know that Jesus died for our salvation. Always know that seeking God is the reason man is upon this earth. Also know that man is no longer seeking God in general and that those who still are represent the body of the remnant which will fight on to the end. No matter what happens and how bad it gets, always remember these things and always seek the favor of God – even when the favor of God is antithetical towards the ways of this wretched world.

Bless God and God bless.


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