The Concept of Post-Human

The Concept of Post-Human

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 4/12/2023

Post-humanism is a belief that Adolf Hitler worked on under the guise of eugenics. He marched towards his goal by using selective breeding techniques to create the Übermensch. He failed, of course, but the doctors and scientists who were not hung in Nuremberg after the war ended up working on the same projects under a different banner of science. And, Hitler murdered any one who did not display his favored characteristics – it’s called the Holocaust. Mass murder with the intention of genocide or, in the case of post-humanism the extinction of humanity as we know it, is one method used to create the post-human world. Examples abound – The Holocaust, Planned Parenthood, COVID-19 ‘vaccines’, the development of Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI), Artificial Intelligence (AI), biological engineering. Genocide and these technologies promise this post-human world for all of what was once humanity – the only question is how quickly the post-humanists will arrive to their Utopia.

We could make it take them a very long time. We would do this by understanding how scientific research is funded and refusing to allow money to go towards these sorts of projects. If the Chinese people or scientists started demanding moratoriums the government would say no moratoriums are allowed or the United States, Germany, or Russians will beat us there and leave us behind. In the United States, the same type of logic is also often used to allow dubious science experiments. Some in our government; however, actually do recognize where these experiments are taking humanity.

An amendment to a bill was introduced by Mike Braun which would have offered 10 years in prison and $1 million in fines for creating chimeric human beings. It was defeated with every democrat voting against it. Maybe the democrat party and all of the democrats in the country should be banned since they refuse to ban creating human animal chimeras which will be given no rights. People with rights will protest for the chimeras without rights and the end result will be no one having rights.

The abolition of God-given rights aside, the genetic experiments are one of several routes post-humanists use to create a non-human future. This route, in particular, is perhaps the scariest. As Forbes noted, “Scientists have spent decades creating chimeras to improve the testing of drugs and boost organ transplant research. But even within the scientific community, debates have raged about the relative “humanity” of chimeras and whether they are ethical.” These things are terrifying because they may appear to be human and walk, talk, and act like us, but God did not create them – men did – and they have no soul. They are human-like but they are by no means human. I hope I never bump into one – stories of them circulate and they are not pleasant to even hear.

That’s my example and 30,000 foot view of how stupid, evil, and dangerous post-humanists are. To put the dangers of post-humanism in the terms the post-humanists themselves favor, in 2013 New Scientist offered a definition from Nick Bostrom, a leading post-human/trarnshuman advocate, and summed it up in their own words. According to Bostrom, post-humanism is the, “maximum attainable capacities by any current human being without recourse to new technological means.” The author of the New Scientist offered an easier to understand definition, “we mean people who, through genetic manipulation, the use of stem cells, or other biointervention, have had their ability to remain healthy and active extended beyond what we would consider normal. Their cognitive powers (memory, deductive thought and other intellectual capabilities, as well as their artistic and creative powers) would far outstrip our own.” I wasn’t playing around that post-humanism has an identical goal to Hitler’s eugenics programs – both see the conclusion of their efforts resulting in an unnatural race of super humans.

But, like I said, we can fight back if we know what these people are up to. The articles to follow represent the frontier of the science we must get in front of and stop. The first article is titled A Neuro-Chip to Manage Brain Disorders. The idea that managing something requires both input and output meaning these chips are intended to communicate back to the brain. The chip itself is an artificial intelligence able to monitor and process the neurological signals in people’s brains. Going forward, the researchers in Switzerland, Mahsa Shoaran and Stéphanie Lacour, want to allow the AI to write its own updates. The AI-infused chip would be implanted into people’s brains in order to operate. This is the way that any hive mind scenario gets started. The article is from January of 2023.

In February of 2023, one of the major sponsors of murdering everyone with gene therapies called vaccines and very favorable towards conducting the gain-of-function research which created the pretext for those death-jabs, Johns Hopkins University offered, Will Future Computers Run on Human Brain Cells? If Johns Hopkins gets their way, the answer will be yes. The article offers the idea of “‘organoid intelligence’” and stated, “For nearly two decades scientists have used tiny organoids, lab-grown tissue resembling fully grown organs, to experiment on kidneys, lungs, and other organs without resorting to human or animal testing. More recently Hartung and colleagues at Johns Hopkins have been working with brain organoids, orbs the size of a pen dot with neurons and other features that promise to sustain basic functions like learning and remembering.”

The effort is a merger of three assaults humanity is suffering from – bioengineering, climate change mitigation, and artificial intelligence. “Hartung began to grow and assemble brain cells into functional organoids in 2012 using cells from human skin samples reprogrammed into an embryonic stem cell-like state. Each organoid contains about 50,000 cells, about the size of a fruit fly's nervous system. He now envisions building a futuristic computer with such brain organoids.” The article continues by noting the fastest computer yet upon earth, Kentucky’s Frontier, achieved computational powers on par with a human being, but used a million times more energy. “It might take decades before organoid intelligence can power a system as smart as a mouse, Hartung said. But by scaling up production of brain organoids and training them with artificial intelligence, he foresees a future where biocomputers support superior computing speed, processing power, data efficiency, and storage capabilities.”

A third article, Mind-controlled robots a Reality?, start off, “The advanced brain-computer interface was developed by Distinguished Professor Chin-Teng Lin and Professor Francesca Iacopi, from the UTS Faculty of Engineering and IT, in collaboration with the Australian Army and Defence Innovation Hub.” The article points out that graphene and silicone comprise the wearable (it will be turned into an implant – I’ll take bets on it) to reduce irritation. I’ll take bets on the wearable device also being capable of implanting thoughts in the wearer’s mind because of the use of high;y conductive graphene. The system operates on augmented reality and is able to detect where the user is looking to issue commands to robotic applications (keyboards) and machinery (slaughterbots).

In December 2022 the University of California – San Diego was credited with finding out that human brain organoids placed in mice brains were responsive to stimulii. The article is titled, Human brain organoids implanted into mouse cortex respond to visual stimuli for first time. Most of the article has nothing to do with creating human/mice chimeras. Most of it has to do with a new way to record both optical and electric signals at the same time. The National Institutes of Health helped to fund the research.

Humanity is already a ways down the path to post-humanism. Scientists have decided they can regulate themselves. Obviously they cannot. Even where bioethicists are involved, they only serve to promote further experimentation. They have done this right under most of our noses and with our money.

I believe a tax strike needs to take place. I believe that these experiments need to be stopped immediately and, since the United States government has decided to promote only debauchery and reprobate ideas, the government will never offer any solutions. So, we should cut off their money. We should demand that the NIH, Johns Hopkins, or any of these other organizations doing this kind of post-human work go without money. I want to see these people in prison actually. They are transgressing the laws of God’s creations, God’s word, and posing an existential threat to humanity. We need to stop tolerating the ‘scientists’ and ‘researchers’ who are doing this type of work and never again hold them in esteem nor allow them in our sphere’s of influence. They should be shunned by moral society.

As for moral society, everyone needs to read their Bible. We need to pray to God these neo-Hitlarians and their post-human ideas be liquidated from the earth. This includes the transhumanists, the so called biological ethicists, the agencies funding them, and the scientists conducting them. The creations they have already produced and the creations they propose to produce in the future are reprobate. They should not exist. This is God’s creation for God’s creations. It’s mankind’s duty to look for God and worship Him as He has wished us to. God’s creation is not mankind’s playground to create a world depopulated and non-human. To put it really bluntly post-humanists seek to murder around 7.5 billion of us and turn those remaining into a biological/technological science experiment. Beware of these technologies created by the ambassadors of Satan.

Bless God and God bless.


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