You May Be Demonic If…

You May Be Demonic If…

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/19/2023

… You are a member of the United Church of Canada. I was listening to the radio yesterday and I learned that this ‘Christian’ organization has found it acceptable to support euthanasia. It boasts that there are 1 million people in Canada who worship in any of 2,600 congregations. And, through efforts in conjunction with the state-sponsored church (The Anglican Church of Canada), the United Church in Canada is doing it’s part to bring evil onto the face of the planet. Supporting euthanasia is just one of these efforts.

In 2015, Canada legalized euthanasia. The law is overly permissive and over 36,000 people have opted for MAiD – Medically Assistance In Dying. Despite demands from the so-called fact checkers that having children put down is false, it very much is true that, under Canadian law, children can be put down. Two doctors must confirm a diagnosis but MAiD can be legally performed on those without terminal illnesses. Lifesite News covered this in 2017, reporting, “According to a survey conducted by the Canadian Paediatric Society (CPS), paediatricians are already increasingly being asked by parents to euthanize disabled or dying children and infants.”

In 2017, the United Council of Churches decided to release a statement regarding their stance of MAID. In it, they made it clear they support the legislation:

“We are not opposed in principle to the legislation allowing assistance in dying and to such assistance being the informed, free choice of terminally ill patients. There are occasions where unrelenting suffering and what we know about the effect of pain on the human body can make Medical Assistance in Dying a preferable option. However, we urge a cautious approach by legislators and medical professionals implementing these laws, as well as by individuals, families and communities of faith who are considering making use of this new legislative option. To this end, we advocate community-focused and theologically robust discernment on a case-by-case basis that also ensures the protection and care of those potentially made vulnerable by this new law and others like it.”

Canada’s murder program is not limited to terminal diseases where death is expected in the foreseeable future. It goes so far as to include mental health conditions. In all of my experiences, certain mental health conditions preclude one from being able to grant consent because of the reduced mental capacities of the individual suffering from the issue. Unless the mental capacity of the individual is deemed not appropriate for a MAiD request, one can request the government of Canada to murder them if they are depressed, for instance, along with a host of other mental issues. A 2022 report from the ‘Expert’ Panel on MAiD and Mental Illness made this very clear. Canada will murder as many people as they can – all the people need to do is ask and be deemed fit to ask.

As anyone who has read anything about the Messiah will understand, Jesus Christ performed miracles and healed the sick many times. Perhaps the most miraculous healing he performed was when he brought Lazarus back from death after he was deceased for four days. The miracle is laid out in detail in John 11:38-44. The United Church of Canada doesn’t care about the miracles of Jesus Christ nor the fact that in John 14:12-14 we are promised that whoever believes in Him will do even greater miracles than Jesus performed. Canada’s government, under Castro’s son, has paid no heed to the miracles Jesus performed nor the miracles those who believe in Him are to perform. A Christian church; however, should absolutely hold this concept in very high esteem. The United Church of Canada; however, is not a Christian organization because they reject Jesus Christ entirely.

The United Church of Canada, as of about two weeks ago, authorized prayers for euthanasia victims. Yes, that’s right – they are replacing the miracles Jesus worked and the promise that those miracles can still occur with Canada’s MAiD. The page starts out stating, “These prayers are intended to encourage those in great pain and those ready to die, and their companions. For more information on The United Church of Canada’s theological understanding of medically assisted dying, as well as links to more resources, see the United Church Commons.” There are prayers listed after the opening including those for the survivors of Canada’s murder on request program, those who are in great pain and have requested suicide, and those with cancer and not knowing whether it will kill them or not. But even the cancer prayers pay no heed to curing the person from on high – they revere and exalt Canada’s socialized healthcare system. Here is a taste of the prayers – it’s titled, Praying Through the Tears and is intended to bless people who have decided to commit suicide:

Praying through the Tears

By David Sparks, United Church of Canada minister, and Sheila Noyes, former co-president of Dying with Dignity Canada

The tears we shed are holy tears, Loving God. You are the compassionate source of our crying, and you weep with us.

You weep with us as we come to the realization that the illness that is ours may not find a cure.

You weep with us as family and friends join their tears with ours in disbelief and shock around this illness that will end in death.

You shed tears of joy with us at the time of remission, and tears of sadness when our illness returns.

Our tears mingle with yours in the frustration that comes when this stubborn illness will not respond to medical treatment.

You join us with family and with friends, and our tears flow freely as we resolve to support and encourage each other. When life is at an end, we

will know the tears that come at the time of parting.

And as we remember and look back with warmth and joy, your tears join with ours as loved ones are recalled and our time with them

remembered. Amen

There is nothing holy about this. The tears are not holy, the suicide is not holy, the murderers performing the suicide are not holy, and the people that utter these words are not holy. The United Church of Canada which has authored and authorized this ‘prayer’ are certainly not holy – they are evil. The United Church of Canada is lying, deceiving, and deluding it’s congregations to even pretend that this is acceptable in God’s eyes.

The Anglican Church’s End of Life page contains their stance on Canada’s Murder Anyone in Delusion (also MAiD). The page has a paper written in response to Canada’s legalization of euthanasia. They have a slightly different approach to the subject than does the United Church of Canada. The report mostly focused on ideas about palliative care; however, the report never denounced the practice. But it does include a section about precisely how anti-Biblical far too many churches, not only in Canada but around the world have become. It states as one of the four pillars about where the document is coming from, “The recognition of the Christian vocation to be members of the societies of which they are a part, even when those societies do not in all respects reflect the values that either the Church or the individual Christians might hold.” These deluded and destructive churches are violating one of the main tenets of the Bible – that we are called to be in the world but not of the world. Romans 12:2, 1 John 2:15-17, and James 4:4 are all salient here. The entire Torah is about teaching the people of God, Israel, how to function as a society and to worship God. God demanded the Israeli’s reject their pagan ways, the ways of the world, and to follow God. None of these lessons were learned by the United Church of Canada nor the Anglican Church of Canada.

They might be demonic, just a little bit, by deciding that the Bible is wrong and they can serve multiple masters. The church, based on the Bible, is supposed to direct the morality of the governments, but this relationship has been reversed. Churches spewing out this garbage have chosen to be of the world and as believers we have a duty to run away from these dens of demons.

The Anglican Church of Canada, faced with Canada’s expansion of conditions applicable to MAiD including to so-called ‘mature minors’, has finally recognized the dilemma they tacitly endorsed. But they did so in the most watered-down manner possible and only went half way. The leader of the church penned an article addressing these expansions and acknowledging the challenges they pose to their version of ‘Christianity in name only’:

“I am concerned about these potential extensions of MAID eligibility and the questions they raise. How do we ensure that every individual and family has what is needed to make an informed and accessible choice? In the face of illnesses or challenging disabilities it may be easy to see MAID as a preferable option, especially as it is less costly than providing the community supports that improve quality of life in its last stages, making access to mental health supports readily available, increasing palliative care accessibility and ensuring a circle of support for those whose lives are challenging physically, emotionally or mentally.

“My prayer is that we will be willing to work for all that makes life a gift and blessing so that choices are not limited by fear or lack of support. Honest discussion in parishes about MAID are needed to explore the implications of the current change in legislation and any future ones for individuals, families and communities. Pastoral support is essential in whatever path is chosen. And in all aspects, as we walk in the midst of the realities of suffering, we are called in humility to mercy and compassion in the light of God’s love.”

At no point in this article does the Anglican Church of Canada’s Primate, Linda Nicholls, ever say no to Canada’s desire to legally apply MAiD to minors. It never dawns on her that the church is supposed to represent the Biblical teachings of the Messiah (which means the ENTIRE Bible). And, having forgotten that mission, she is allowing the Anglican Church of Canada to serve the government of Canada – not the commands of God nor the needs of the church’s congregants. This woman is an ambassador of Satan, not a lover of Jesus, follower of God, nor a person discerning the Holy Spirit. Her fruits are lying, deceit, and death.

While the Anglican Church of Canada supports euthanasia, it also supports all of the rest of the ‘woke’ agenda either through silence or through direct endorsements. So does the United Church of Canada which has a strategic plan for 2023 – 2025. Their idea is to get more people to worship Satan by calling it Christian. The plan is basically the UN’s Agenda 2030 with some words thrown in from the Bible to make it sound more religious. According to the plan the church needs to reflect the ‘woke’ world’s desire for non-Biblical, immoral, and unethical versions of justice, affirmation of LGBTQ+ positions, UN sustainability demands, enforcement of equity guidelines, and to seek to incorporate the religious beliefs of the indigenous peoples in Canada into their version of Christianity.

These things are not churches preaching the Bible. They are demonic through and through reinforcing the ways of the world. Searching for ‘repentance’ on the United Church of Canada’s website yields two results. One is to demand reparations for slavery. The other is the suggestion that the United Church of Canada is racist. There are many more articles which pop up as the result of searching for ‘repentance’ in the Anglican Journal and many of those, too, deal with bowing down to the demands of Critical Race Theory – and idea found absolutely nowhere in the Bible. It seems no one in the Anglican Journal using the word repentance can come to the conclusion that repentance is necessary when the Laws of God are broken. Instead, there is this common string between the two churches which use repentance as a way to alter the Word of God to confirm the way of the world. That is demonic.

It is important to note that there is a World Council of Churches. Both the United Church of Canada and Anglican Church of Canada are members. “The World Council of Churches (WCC) is the broadest and most inclusive among the many organized expressions of the modern ecumenical movement, a movement whose goal is Christian unity.” The ecumenical movement is meant to destroy all churches to get them to conform to whatever world-based version of Christianity is deemed acceptable by the World Council of Churches. The Vatican has long existed to fulfill precisely this role as well. Some Catholic denominations are members of the World Council of Churches. Membership in the World Council of Churches seems to indicate a non-Biblical form of Christianity to be adhered to. I urge you to find out more by searching for your church on their website and if it is a member to run away from it and attend services at one which is not a member. Yes, the World Council of Churches is demonic as well.

As followers of Jesus, believers in God, and discerners of the Holy Spirit, we need to read our Bibles and understand them – cover to cover. If we understand what the Bible is telling us to do – what God Himself has instructed us to do – the World Council of Churches members will see their congregations disappear which would be a great thing. The United Churches of Canada would have no congregants left to delude. The Anglican Church of Canada would no more be able to sit on the sidelines silent or approving of the evil their government is sponsoring. We can’t do this if we do not read the Bible for ourselves. We cannot discern the lies of these ‘churches’ unless we understand the truth. The truth is that God doesn’t support the ways of the world and that includes medically assisted suicide, environmental justice, nor reparations for chattel slaves. Fun fact, chattel slavery involves what amounts to kidnapping and the punishment is death in the Bible (Exodus 21:16), not reparations. We cannot learn the truth from these people in these churches – read your Bible for the truth, pray to God for repentance and forgiveness for your transgressions of His Law (sin), Love Jesus for the salvation He provided to all of mankind, and pray for discernment though the Holy Spirit. These ‘churches’ are promoting death – leave them and seek the truth in the Bible and fellowship with those who have already fled from these demonic institutions.

Bless God and God bless.


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