The American Dream

The American Dream

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/20/2023

I have always dreamed about an America which no longer exists. Call it my own bias but I still believe that a man should earn the money needed to raise a family and a woman should run the household. The house doesn’t need to be a mansion but it should be able to be lived in, the family members fed, clothed, and tended to, and something extra should be able to be saved after all the bills are paid. The American dream, to me, is a happy family, in a safe neighborhood with schools teaching children the basics of life – reading, writing, and arithmetic, going to Church, reading the Bible and following it’s lessons. That dream is not the America I live in, but it used to be.

George Carlin, several decades ago, gave a stand-up comedy performance where he noted that one would have to be asleep in order to still believe the American dream is possible. Unfortunately, I think Carlin was absolutely correct. The American dream, as I noted above, is dead. Instead we live in a nation under siege to make sure that the dream of America is completely forgotten because of the pressing challenges that we are being presented with.

Those challenges involve a global government which is operational and dictating all sorts of demonic edicts the US government has signed on to. The nation has been invaded by foreigners which facilitates sex trafficking, human trafficking, drug smuggling, and arms smuggling from around the world while presidents proclaim the border is secure. The US government has provided the Ukrainian government with well over $100 billion worth of aid – particularly military armaments, personnel, and ammunition. While wasting all of this money on worthless causes to ramp up a Third World War, the US government has purposefully caused a gigantic ecological disaster in Ohio which is affecting the entire northeastern region. Social Security is likely not something I will be collecting because it is a ponzi scheme coming to it’s disastrous end. We have been slammed with the idea that starvation, economic ruin, and job opportunities drying up is the proper way to ‘globalize’ and to fight so-called man-made climate change. Anyone who speaks against the garbage the federal government has approved to be taught to our children – gender dysphoria, critical race theory, homosexual and other deviant forms of sexual activity, grooming to be used by pedophiles – have been dubbed a terrorist as have all males, white people, believers in God, firearm owners, and vaccine ‘hesitant’ people. The United States government has openly waged war against the citizens of the United States since January 20, 2021 in the economic, spiritual, and increasingly, physical realms.

The economics of the war being waged are bad enough. I still think that if someone really wants the American dream, it can be had with the right job or several jobs worked at the same time. But everything costs more because of Bidenomics which is based on Marxism and results in artificial scarcity. As the prices of everything have gone up with no ceiling in sight, our taxes have gone up, and the warmongering pigs in Washington can’t seem to spend what they have stolen from us fast enough on untested ‘vaccine’ campaigns, foreign wars, and funding vast expansions of the federal government into all of our lives. Every one of these dollars leaving my hands is a robbery of my labor going to benefit everyone but me, making the American dream just slightly more out of reach.

This economic war is exacerbated by these same ‘leaders’ allowing foreigners and corporations to buy up huge swaths of real estate in the United States. One of the basic principles of capitalism have been used by Marxists to demand more Marxism. This cabal of demonic thieves have found it fit to allow our farmlands to be bought by the square mile by nations such as China which causes the price of land to rise to levels no one can afford. The same is true in the housing market with investment firms like Blackrock and Vangard buying up all of the houses they can. China doesn’t have to plant crops on the land and Blackrock certainly isn’t selling the houses to people willing and able to purchase them. These Marxists are exploiting the idea of price being determined by availability versus demand. We all need to eat – there is always a demand for food. Because this nations ‘leaders’ have allowed an enemy nation to participate in domestic food production by owning cropland, our food production levels have fallen off, raising prices (it’s not all of the reason but it is very much a part of the problem). The same goes for housing. There are thousands and thousands of homes owned by corporate entities which are happy with letting them sit vacant. Again, this isn’t the entire problem but it is significant and plays directly into raising housing prices artificially.

These same entities, the US government included, have demanded that the only solution is to have the federal government get involved more directly in food production and real estate. Of course, the correct solution is to not allow foreign entities to purchase arable land. Corporations are not people and should never have been viewed as such and should not be owning a house they have no use for. Instead the government wants to force US citizens out of the homes they own and make them hungry. Money isn’t the only weapon the US government is using to wage their war on us, food and housing are too.

I am a firm believer in God. He has helped me so many times through so many trials that I cannot count them all. I believe that Jesus came to this world, lived the Torah in the flesh, and promised that He will return to this earth to set it free of the evil which walks unabashedly upon it. I believe that His return will be in the relatively near future because of current events. I also believe that the United States is being judged for the atrocities it has committed against the unborn as well as other crimes against the Word of God. The US government is at war with the God of the Bible and has been for some time.

What was the first thing most of the governors demanded be shut down during COVID-19? The churches. When they did open back up churches were told not to engage in singing, follow social distancing nonsense, and enforce masking edicts. There are still religious-in-name-only institutions which have segregated their congregations based on ‘vaccine’ status. The believers in God and lovers of Jesus in the United States have been labeled terrorists by the US government because of our propensity to recognize evil and fearlessly demand that evil be removed from power. The most recent attack on believers in the US has demonized all traditional Catholics because some of their beliefs align with hate groups as defined by the demonic garbage at the Southern Poverty Law Center. Australia has demonized anyone believing that Jesus will return to earth to establish his 1,000 reign once things get bad enough (called premillennialism) by linking the idea to terrorism. The UK has taken to banning passages of the Bible and arresting people who pray silently. These anti-God measures will be adopted as quickly as politically possible in the United States.

There are still hundreds of political opponents imprisoned for their participation in the January 6 protests. Until these kidnapped individuals ‘confess’ to committing the charges falsely levied against them they will remain in prison, being beaten. The conditions are so bad that many of these prisoners have requested to be transferred to Guantanamo Bay – a military prison in Cuba. There are police killing and injuring way too many people (I am not against the police, I am against the unconstitutional laws they enforce and those which use excessive force and face no consequences). Yet the federal government is persisting in it’s escalation of war to create nuclear-use contexts, devising ways to demand US citizens turn in their guns, and sexualizing our children in Marxist-run gulags formerly known as schools.

People are starting to take notice that there is a war against us. We are getting pissed off. A lot of us are already pissed off. These warmongers pressing their war upon us have already destroyed the American dream. If they get their way there will be no person left able to remember that there ever was an American dream. Our older generations are still being assaulted through medical tyranny, euthanasia advertisements, and socialized medicine (Medicare, Medicaid, state-run nursing homes). This older generation lived through the realization of the American dream. The 1950’s had it’s problems and those problems could, and should, have been solved in ways that did not destroy the American dream. But that isn’t what happened.

Millions of my generation never existed. As a result of their non-existence, along with other shifts in views regarding reproduction, the US population began a steady decline. With less workers, the Social Security ponzi scheme started breaking down severely ($93 trillion in unfunded US liabilities – the vast majority of which is Social Security). The solution was to make all of us more productive. As we started working harder and harder, those who bowed out became eligible for more and more welfare and subsidies. We are being told to just keep being more productive and not getting paid enough to eat and have a home at the same time, while realizing that the same social protections we are expropriated for will not exist for us at 62 years old or 65 years old – maybe 73? – (I’m 45 and see no possibility of retiring until my body is completely broken). Working harder though isn’t even enough – many of us were forced to undergo untested medical experiments in order to continue being employed.

I still want to realize the American dream. I suggested that there be no more foreign ownership of land and that corporations shouldn’t be permitted to sit on vast amounts of property with no intention of ever allowing occupants. I suggested the US government stop spending all of this money (which they don’t have in the first place) and stop taxing us so much. Further, I urge the US government to remove itself entirely from backing any loan, abolish the IRS, EPA, FEMA, and DoEd, stop thinking that my labor is their meal ticket, and cease believing that US citizens are nothing but a unit of production which can be turned into a commodity to pay off their debts. None of this is capitalism – all of it is socialism. And all of it has resulted in entire generations which have very negative views of the future – far worse that the view which I have written about here. Why shouldn’t they have these views when they have had no chance to see the American dream – not even the remnants of it at it’s peak. Even though they have never seen it in their lives they still realize that something has been stolen from them. Unfortunately, it is these same young people which entertain the idea that solutions exist in Marxism because they have no grounding in what the US is supposed to be and how much Marxism has stolen from all of us already.

God has blessed me in ways I cannot even comprehend. He has blessed anyone calling upon Him in ways they don’t know. It is those who don’t know to call on Him which I hope this reaches. I pray that we return to God. I am very heartened about the revival which is occurring in Kentucky. We need similar revivals throughout the nation where we open our Bibles, read, learn, ask questions, discern the truth, pray for repentance, and learn the ways of Jesus in an effort to follow His footsteps. You can lead these revivals by just opening a Bible in your living room (or anywhere else) and reading it. All of the complaints I mentioned above will never be overcome until this nation returns to the God of the Bible and follows it’s lessons and teachings. I pray that the American dream is restored and is once more achievable for those who love and fear God, work hard, and deal with others uprightly. That will not happen without God blessing this nation once more. To have God bless us, we must bless Him, and in order for the nation to again be blessed by God, a whole lot, tens of millions, of us are going to need to reject the direction of the US government and the world, and start seeking God. Will it happen? I don’t know. I know that a return to God is the only way for us to get out of this mess though. I pray you agree and take action by empowering yourself with the Truth of the Word of God.

Bless God and God bless.


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