Criminalizing the Real Jesus Christ

Criminalizing the Real Jesus Christ

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/18/2023

I was having a conversation about a year and a half ago with a gentleman I have great respect for. We were discussing current events and, as many people do (myself included), the gentleman grew upset and mentioned that as long as he can follow and read the Bible, he didn’t care. The conversation ended when I suggested that the point of those current events was to make it impossible to follow Torah, the Gospels, the example of Jesus Christ, and that possession of a Bible would be a criminal act, and that we would be forced to follow the decrees of the rulers of earth. Since that conversation, attacks on the Bible, the teachings of the Bible, God, and Jesus Christ have only increased in scope and intensity.

The most recent example of this is a current news story from Wieambilla, Australia. The reports stemming from the December 12, 2022 events from the mainstream news parrot the narrative of the tyrannical police in Australia. We will never know if the police narrative is correct or not – everyone who was not a police officer is dead. The story, as reported by the police and parroted by mainstream news, is that two brothers, Nathaniel and Gareth Train, and a woman, Stacy, who had been married to both men at different times, laid an ambush and murdered two responding police officers. The police are claiming that there was a call to do a welfare check on one of the brothers. The ambush was executed and the trio of terrorists had a standoff with surviving police officers resulting in the Train’s being killed by police. According to police, the Trains also murdered their neighbor during the ambush when the neighbor arrived at the home.

I no longer believe stories like this at all. Without evidence from the police, like video, there is only one side of the story of the events which left 6 dead. For all I know the police showed up, demanded everyone on the site fall to their knees to worship one of Lucifer’s ambassadors to Australia, Anthony Albanese, and those who refused are now dead. Since they don’t want to offer evidence, I don’t want to follow along with their narrative – but what I have written here is most likely not true. That doesn’t mean I am not permitted to write it – it means that the possibility of alternative scenarios exists and that until proven my scenario is just as plausible as the official narrative.

Reporting from the day the events occurred out of The Daily Mail, four officers showed up to the Train’s property while trying to locate Nathaniel who was reported missing by his significant other several days before. Whether they announced they were about to show up on the property or not is unknown. That is when the ‘ambush’ occurred. Later, a SWAT team (called a “special ops team” by The Daily Mail) arrived on the scene and killed the Train’s during a nighttime raid.

Australia's Albanese stated that the Trains made a video which they posted to a YouTube channel which has since been deleted. In the video, The New Daily stated the man who they believe to be Gareth Train, said, “‘They came to kill us and we killed them. If you don’t defend yourself against these devils and demons, you’re a coward,’ the man says.” The article agrees with the government’s and police demands to in their government after noting they had watched the content of the Train’s YouTube channel but refused to share it. In other words we have to take their word for what was on there – the Train’s get no say even after death. The Prime Minister had his say, but no one will ever hear from the Train’s again:

“Asked about the videos, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese urged against their publication.

“‘This is a shocking and devastating crime and I would encourage media outlets and others – do not publish in any way such material, [although] I have not seen and am not aware of the nature of it,’ he said on Friday.

“‘All Australians are mourning at this time … This should never have happened. This was a dreadful atrocity and my heart goes out to those family and friends of the police officers directly involved … I have nothing but contempt for those people involved in this atrocious crime.’”

I don’t condone the Train’s actions as described by the official narrative. I have no illusions about Albanese; however. His fruits are tyranny, death, and suffering. He really is one of Lucifer’s ambassadors sent to earth to lie, rape, and murder as much of God’s creation as he can. He deserves the contempt of all of mankind, a trial for his actions in violation of the Nuremberg Code, and a noose. Arrogantly, Albanese decided to act as if he had some moral high ground when he has no morals in the first place. I’m not going to get in a huff about the police who were killed carrying out Albanese’s tyranny, nor am I going to get in a huff about the Train’s. I feel very bad for the neighbor which was killed and his family – may God heal them.

This is exactly why those fighting against the overwhelming tyranny presenting itself be fought peacefully through the courts, through public protests, through investigations, and through peaceful noncompliance. The narrative about the Train’s, whether true or not, are being used as a clarion call for silencing anything which does not conform to the narrative the tyrants are pimping. Thus, the Train’s have been accused of all sorts of crimes postmortem. They have been blamed for letting their dogs attack other dogs in the neighborhood, reckless driving, antisocial behaviors, and domestic abuse. The Train’s were involved in education according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s article. Many pulled their children out of the school after thinking the Train’s were not fit to teach their children. The ABC article paints the Train’s as radical, “crazy”, preppers who were generally terrible people towards everyone around them. When these claims were made, of course, the Train’s were already dead.

One thing is very clear; however, they all refused to take the mandated injections which have murdered millions. For their efforts they were made into criminals who believed in conspiracy theories. The Daily Mail piece mentioned above, opened their article with, “A conspiracy theorist shared a series of paranoid posts claiming Port Arthur was an inside job and Princess Diana's death was a 'blood sacrifice' before shooting dead two young cops and an innocent bystander.” The media outlet also informed their readers:

“Just two months earlier Gareth had claimed 'chemical agents' had been dropped over Australia, covering large parts of NSW, Victoria and Queensland. 'We are now being poisoned and chemically manipulated on a massive scale,' he wrote.

“Gareth also regularly shared his mistrust for the Queensland Special Emergency Response Team (SERT) - the same team that arrived at his home and shot him about 10.30pm local time last night.”

All of that may be true and it may not be true. Again, the evidence is not there – it is all coming from people who didn’t like the Train’s while they lived and from ‘forbidden’ posts which cannot be corroborated. The reason these people have crawled out of their holes may be because they have been deluded into hating God themselves – exactly the stance that all ‘properly’ aligned Australian’s are supposed to have according to the likes of PM Albanese.

Complete confirmation of the hatred and contempt Albanese’s government and his minions have for the God of the Bible were revealed explicitly on February 16, 2023. BBC News, which also detests God, reported, “Queensland Police Deputy Commissioner Tracey Lindford on Thursday said their investigation had found the Trains "acted as an autonomous cell" and "executed a religiously-motivated terrorist attack". They subscribed to a Christian fundamentalist belief system known as "pre-millennialism", and had targeted police.” Belief in the Bible, the Australian government and BBC, are claiming, was the rationale for the Train’s actions. The Train’s had contact with “individuals in the United States” (no one in Australia; however) according to the BBC piece and we can look forward to premillenialists being harangued even more by US authorities as a result.

After having declared war on all who believe in God and Jesus Christ, the police commissioner is reported as having said by the BBC, “Ms Lindford said there was "not one catalyst" for the trio's extremism. But Nathaniel's 2021 heart attack "was a profound moment for him and his belief in God", she said. Gareth and Stacey losing their school jobs due to Covid-19 vaccine mandates also increased their anti-government views. Ms Lindford said their mental health had also been considered by investigators, but ruled an unlikely factor.” She tried to walk her declaration of war on God back – it is my intent to not allow her to do so.

She alluded to the notion that all Christians are extremists and terrorists and in the process added in anyone who claims they are a sovereign citizen. She did make a distinction between terrorists labeled as Christians and those demanding recognition as sovereign citizens but those differences are narrow. “"Whilst the behaviour was similar in some respect to sovereign citizens, we don't believe this was connected to a sovereign citizen ideology," she said.”

Specifically, she identified the idea of premillenialism as extremist and a radicalized ideology. “"What we've been able to glean from that information is that the Train family members subscribe to what we would call a broad Christian fundamentalist belief system, known as premillennialism," she said.” The ideology of premillennialism is explained in the next line, “Believers subscribe to the idea that, after a period of extreme suffering, Jesus Christ will return to earth in the second coming and reign for a millennium.”

That is what is in the Bible. Any literal interpretation of a multitude of events occurring in the Old and New Testaments support the idea that Jesus Christ will return to earth in order to establish a thousand year reign upon earth. In the Old Testament Bible Gateway notes the following chapters indicating Christ’s literal reign on earth – Psalm 2; Psalm 72; Isaiah 2; Micah 4; Jeremiah 23; Genesis 12; Genesis 15; 2 Samuel 7; Amos 9; Jeremiah 31; Isaiah 61; and Ezekiel 37. In the New Testament the ideology is mentioned in Luke 1; Luke 22; Matthew 20; Matthew 24; Acts 1; Revelation 19; and Revelation 20. Bible Gateway’s summary reads, “All forms of premillennialism regard the millennial kingdom as subsequent to the Second Advent, and to various degrees find literal fulfillment of prophecies relating to this period of the earthly rule of Christ.”

I am not aware of having met anyone holding a belief in any of the non-literal interpretations, called amillennialism and postmillennialism. Neither of these ideas are Biblical. Amillenialism suggests that if one decides to contort multiple passages in the Bible a belief that the millennial reign is already occurring. Those pretending that the world is in a state of peace in order to believe this need to wake up to reality. Postmillenialism posits that Christ’s followers will have to establish the world Christ will rule over before He returns. Again, anyone holding this non-Biblical view needs to wake up to reality.

What part of the Bible will need to be gotten rid of to fight against ‘extremist’ premillennialism ideologies? All of it. That is the whole point of Lindford’s declaration – all she is saying is we are about to come for your Bibles. “We are about to relate all Christianity to terrorist activity and start arresting you,” is what she is saying. Yes, indeed, post- and a- millennialists not withstanding, the world is not getting better and the ambassadors of Satan are going full speed ahead in their efforts to criminalize Bible possession. Who will be able to know truth at all when it is decreed that the Bible is illegal to possess, read, or share? It is already illegal to speak aloud about homosexuality being an abomination, pray silently in public, and attend services if public health needs demand it.

THE SATANIC ‘ELITE’ HAVE ANNOUNCED THEY ARE COMING FOR BIBLES. Read it before they take it out of your dead hands. Do not be violent about it. Read the Bible, trust in God, love Jesus Christ, and pray for strength and discernment. If these God-hating freaks are actually trying to physically kill you through violence, self-defense is called for. We are not called to murder, we are called to spread the Word of God and the Good News. That is the only advice I have for anyone about anything. This world will not get better until God so decides to make it better. Pray for the strength and direction to make it better as God has directed us to do. We can only learn about what God wants us to do by studying the Bible, praying, repenting, and discerning.

Bless God and God bless.


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