Without God We Are Without a Constitution (2/2)

Without God We Are Without a Constitution (2/2)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/7/2023

Yesterday we saw that the Bill of Rights is firmly rooted in the Bible. The Constitution itself is firmly rooted in the Bible. This country may not have had it’s Constitution framed by Christians or Jews but the morality of the Bible unmistakably shines throughout the document. There are many who hate this fact and done everything they can to destroy the Biblical roots drawn on to create this nation. The result will be a United States population which no moral compass, no Constitution, and no basis on which to reconstruct a Biblical moral social arrangement.

Right after Joe Biden was installed in the White House after his electioneering coup, a group known as Secular democrats of America released a letter demanding that the Biden regime get rid of all Biblical influences from the federal government. They also suggested that the federal government interfere with the Biblical influences in the several States as well. The group demanded, specifically, that any institution which has any religious character be made ineligible to contract with the federal government – including crisis pregnancy centers. The group of demons falsely suggested that scientific funding had taken a backseat to religious institutions in the area of climate change and COVID-19 and that the Trump Administration did not follow the science. They demanded money to flow to foreign nations earmarked to fund baby murder in foreign countries. They demanded that the non-religious be included in all religious forums and discussions as well as pervert the language used in governmental speeches.

Don’t mention God in speeches is one of their proclamations. Stem cell research should no longer be restricted by any morals. Baby murder should be unfettered and protected by government force. Businesses should not be permitted to refuse insurance options including the morning after pill, baby murder services, and contraceptives according to the group. The Department of Education should force religious schools receiving any money for the department to teach Darwin’s theories exclusively as well as the demonic lessons of perversion this group embraces as universal sexual education.

Biden hopped on this horse and isn’t getting off of it. He has done all of this in spades. Neither Biden not the demonic representatives in the Congressional Freethought Caucus are doing this because they hate God, they hate God’s Laws, and they hate the rights that our framers recognized as being given to us by God. Of the 14 members which authored the letter in 2020, 13 of them survived the 2022 midterms. This caucus is a premier example of exactly why there are so many problems within or nation. Their About page never mentions where they do derive whatever ethic they tout as a moral comes from because at the end of the day they have no morals and they have no ethics. All they really want to do is destroy the moral fabric of society even more thoroughly as described under what they see as advancing religious freedom:

“We advocate for a religious freedom that protects the freedom of religion as vigorously as one that protects freedom from religion. Free exercise of belief and the liberty to express one’s conscience is a critical constitutional right, however no one has the right to harm others in the name of religious belief. We seek to dismantle the policies that do not respect the do-no-harm principle, and to challenge the cultural and political narratives used to justify those policies.”

No where in the Constitution is it ever suggested that people can be free from religion. These maggots are attempting to write it in through their demonically-warped interpretation showing only three things – they are out to destroy all religious faiths relying upon a higher power for morality, they cannot read, and they have no understanding of the history of the United States. Thus, this caucus has demanded extra-rights for those identifying as atheists, agnostics, humanists, freethinkers, skeptics, spiritual but not religious, and Ex communities to help set the ethical framework for the policies and laws of the United States. Atheists do not exist, humanist is an entire religion in and of itself, the scientism promoted by the federal government (even during the Trump Administration) is a religion in and of itself as well, and the rest of the classifications do not matter. Either one believes in the God of the Bible or one does not – and those who do not have a horrible track record of murder, rape, arson, propaganda, and generally harming all of humanity. Those who do believe in God have a much firmer grasp on morality. So, as democrats love to do, they are attempting to create protected classes which do not exist to ram through whatever it is that the rest of us are all forced to suffer under. All morality will be set by themselves just as all good Marxists have done throughout time.

White Christian Nationalists are mentioned throughout their letter as the worst monster coming to destroy democracy multiple times. We don’t live in a democracy – we live in a democratic republic. There is a big difference in the forms of government which is why demons always seem to forget the republic part. Republics feature armed citizenry, rule by the people, for the people, and basic protections for all minorities in the culture. Democracy is mob rule. This is why we have witnessed the open border in the south, the coup by Biden, the massive election fraud schemes during the midterms, the January 6 prisoners being continuously illegally detained while rapists and murderers are getting probation. There are white Christian nationalists and they have every right to form a State religion – not a national religion, a state religion. A Christian state such as this will not be able to be meddled with, Constitutionally, by the federal government. As long as the basics of the US Constitution are adhered to by the State, there would be no Constitutional conflict. As Christianity is one of the religions adhering to Biblical morals (for the most part) they would have to violate their faith and transgress God’s rules in order to violate the Constitution.

Jeremy Raskin is one of the founders and a co-chair of the Congressional Freethough Causus and a menace to free people everywhere, not just the United States. His website celebrates his ‘accomplishments’, “He earned a reputation for building coalitions in Annapolis to deliver a series of landmark legislative accomplishments, including marriage equality, abolition of the death penalty, passage of the first Benefit Corporation law in America and the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact” He endorses abomination, rallies around the idea that justice shall not be apt, has decided that stakeholder capitalism (ESG; fascism) should replace freemarket capitalism, and helped pass a law to destroy the electoral college in the United States. He’s a complete bucket of libtard garbage – the ‘man’ has no morals nor ethics, just a desire to murder, rape, and destroy anything related to Biblical morality including the Constitution and any Biblically sound believer in God.

Since he has been a member of the House of Representatives (Maryland, District 8 – just north of Washington DC), Raskin has done everything he can think of to destroy the moral fabric intended to hold the nation together socially. He has tried to get rid of the Second Amendment, give illegal aliens extra rights and reinvent immigration policy, indemnify the lies continuously spewed by the mainstream media, and create a caste system of protected journalism and terrorist journalism from federal investigations, to name a few of his 80 legislative submissions. The ‘man’ is a Marxist and makes things up as he goes with his only rule being to destroy whatever is truthful and righteous. Shame on you who vote for scum like Raskin – your choices for political leadership reflects your own hatred of God, Eighth District of Maryland.

The 2020 letter is vastly important and I suggest you go read it – it’s only 28 pages total. Reading it will bring back memories and the horrors Biden is foisting upon America. The pipeline closures, stove bans, and climate deals which the US has began to engage in once more come to mind. The January 6 prisoners and false convictions come to mind. Balloons flying over the United States, Ukrainian dictators getting new military’s every month, and the scary Biden speech where anyone not with Biden is a terrorist all came to my mind. More than anything; however, is the intent of Raskin and his demonic allies to destroy the Establishment Clause and free speech in this nation. The letter litterally leads to the destruction of the country. And it is destroying the nation we lived in, a nation no longer protected by God because the leaders of it are reprobate.

Sheila Jackson Lee introduced legislation in which speech would be destroyed, especially for white people. Her introduction of Leading Against White Supremacy Act of 2023 would criminalize speech based on the race of the speaker. In addition to this she has introduced 37 bills and 2 amendments which will destroy cybersecurity, make it illegal to protest baby murder, destroy the ability for Americans to own, possess, and responsibly use weapons for anything including self-defense, promote and exacerbate racism, and destroy the justice system. These are the sorts of God-hating people that get elected and do what they can to destroy the Constitution because, to them, freedom is dangerous and they are the only class of people capable of being free. Their freedom is the ‘freedom’ satanists speak of when they are free form God’s morality and laws.

Donald Trump gave a videotaped speech in which he stated clearly that all child abuse going under the guise of gender-affirming healthcare was no longer going to be funded nor endorsed when he is president. Honestly, it is low hanging fruit but it is still vitally necessary for him to have come out strongly against the alphabet mafia’s plan to make human sacrifice seem legitimate in the eyes of the public (that’s where all of this goes). Trump wanting to stop that; of course, is shot down by the mafia. Axios, another manifestation of secularism without morals running amok in the Untied States to Satan’s glee, wrote of Trump’s speech, “Gender-affirming care is widely supported as appropriate and medically necessary by major health groups, including the American Medical Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics, Axios' Oriana Gonzalez reports.”

Ope, the religion of science versus the God of the Bible presents itself neatly in Axios piece. Now, this isn’t what they intended to do – display the irreconcilable differences between God and Satan – but they did it nonetheless. Science is of Satan and used by Satanists to destroy the Laws God made and believers in God. Science, with it’s total lack of anything moral, even it’s ethics are severely challenged and flawed when they exist at all, is seeking to replace God. This is a phenomena which had been gradually gaining steam since time began but really exploded in acceptance after God was removed from schools entirely, evolution started being taught without creationism, and the fields of genetics, robotics, computers, AI, and the internet came about. Science has decided it should replace God by offering eternal life through transhumanism. Who needs God when science has all the answers? Who needs kids when there are already too many people on earth? If you don’t need kids, you don’t need testicles and ovaries and breasts nor penises…. Donald Trump, and billions of people around the world who do have faith, reject the science because they know that the science is humanity’s extinction (the Eighth District of Maryland is excluded from this group).

Satan’s main target is speech and the exercise of religion. This is also the target of all of those in power who hate God. If we cannot speak about God, then we cannot correctly identify where life-affirming morals, the purpose of life, and the salvation promised to us comes from. Once that is taken away, the moral fabric and social cohesion of any society will be shattered. People will be looking for anything they can believe in. For the Satanists in the US government this is their intent. Their truth lies in faith in a global government and everything they do is to force us to accept that global government as benevolent, right, and trustworthy. Never mind that this global government wants to murder every man, woman, and child on the planet is what the globalist moles in the US government tell us. Speaking about their truth is just as dangerous to them as speaking about the objective truth of God. Through their definition of misinformation and disinformation (both military terms being applied to civilian populations, in case you were wondering if there really is any truth to the idea that we are all entered into a war) people like Raskin and Lee are seeking to destroy truth so that people like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and WHO director Tedros can recreate their version of the truth and force all of us to believe it without even being able to ask questions.

As I have written about in the recent past, the WHO is completely on board with misinformation war tactics against the truth tellers of the world. They have written a global government document which will relegate all health decisions to their version of the truth. The United States is the only nation enshrining free speech but it is also a member of the WHO. One of those two things would need to go if this treaty is passed and that thing to go will be the United States’ right to free speech. According to the Raskins of the global government, in order to “strengthen pandemic and public health literacy”:

“1. The Parties commit to increase science, public health and pandemic literacy in the population, as well as access to information on pandemics and their effects, and tackle false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation, including through promotion of international cooperation. In that regard, each Party is encouraged to:

“(a) promote and facilitate, at all appropriate levels, in accordance with national laws and regulations, development and implementation of educational and public awareness programmes on pandemics and their effects, by informing the public, communicating risk and managing infodemics through effective channels, including social media;

“(b) conduct regular social listening and analysis to identify the prevalence and profiles of misinformation, which contribute to design communications and messaging strategies for the public to counteract misinformation, disinformation and false news, thereby strengthening public trust; and

“(c) promote communications on scientific, engineering and technological advances that are relevant to the development and implementation of international rules and guidelines for pandemic prevention, preparedness, response and recovery of health systems, based on science and evidence.

“2. The Parties will contribute to research and inform policies on factors that hinder adherence to public health and social measures, confidence and uptake of vaccines, use of appropriate therapeutics and trust in science and government institutions.

“3. The Parties shall promote science and evidence-informed effective and timely risk assessment, including the uncertainty of data and evidence, when communicating such risk to the public.”

This treaty is binding and if the member state does not follow the decrees of the WHO, sanctions can be placed on the member. No amendments are able to be offered either meaning that when the United States enters into the treaty this provision will erase free speech protections for all of us. That includes in religious institutions, in the press, and in society in general. The Raskin’s of the world are clapping their hands in anticipation of the adoption of this Satanic treaty when they should be getting tried for murder (COVID-19 ‘vaccine promotion) and espionage (they are foreign spies giving material aid to foreign forces with the intent of destroying the USA). Why are they clapping – it excludes God completely in favor of their preferred version of ‘secularism’ which is really just the worship of Lucifer.

We are in a war. Without recognizing God, there can be no Constitution. God tempers the human condition and ambitions and violence within all of our hearts with the morality He laid down in the Bible. Even those claiming to not believe in God in the framers days recognized this fact – that Biblical morality is the backbone of blessings and prosperity even through struggles and trials, hardships, setbacks, and tragedy. Today that realization is not apparent in the populace nor in the halls of Congress and it is completely absent from any global institution. We will completely lose the rights acknowledged by the framers of the Constitution of the United States of America if we fail to return to at least understanding and tacitly affirming the rights God laid out for us.

There is a quote which the United States fails to understand in the present day. The quote is from Benjamin Franklin, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” Essential liberty flows forth from the Bible and these liberties are what the framers recognized as being the inalienable rights bestowed on every person on earth by our Creator. Safety; from violence, financial insolvency, terrorist attacks, diseases, and natural disasters; is what the most dangerous aspect of life throughout human history – government decrees – is offering to all of us. They know that they cannot back up their claims of safety so they are asking only for a bit of liberty from us at a time. There is so little liberty left to cede in return for their faux safety that we are now being called upon to give up our birthrights – free speech, the right to self defense, fair trials based on impartiality, the destruction of the family unit, and the ceding of sovereignty and God-inspired self rule in favor of a centralized, totalitarian, technocratic global government infested by Satan worshipers.

Read your Bibles, especially the Torah, and understand how governments are supposed to operate. Read your gospels and understand how to be saved. Understand that Jesus never dismissed the Torah (Matthew 5:17-20). Understand that there is no pre-tribulation rapture where all of these problems will be dealt with, without you. You are the salt of the earth, believer in God, lover of Yeshua, seeker of truth. Without fighting against these dark forces, Satan worshipers, and passively accepting whatever evil is inflicted upon humanity is going to get you viewed as a coward. Take heed and understand, “Then the One sitting on the throne said, “Look! I am making everything new!” Also he said, “Write, ‘These words are true and trustworthy!’” And he said to me, “It is done! I am the ‘A’ and the ‘Z,’ the Beginning and the End. To anyone who is thirsty I myself will give water free of charge from the Fountain of Life. He who wins the victory will receive these things, and I will be his God, and he will be my son. But as for the cowardly, the untrustworthy, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those involved with the occult and with drugs, idol-worshippers, and all liars — their destiny is the lake burning with fire and sulfur, the second death.” Revelation 21:5-8.

Now is not the time to passively wait for whatever is to come. Now is the time to gird yourselves against the attacks of the devil. Now is the time to stand for the weak – more than any other. Now is the time when truth is most necessary and important. Now is the time for repentance, prayer, and discernment. The battle against God is raging and those sitting on the fence will be seen as cowards, whispering sweet lies about the promises of the world, oblivious to the annihilation befalling all of us – choosing to serve the Adversary instead of the God who made them. Choose God and follow his ways and fear those who have the power to effect the second death, not those who are only able to kill the flesh. Without God, there is no Constitution, and without the Constitution there is no ability to even seek God, let alone truth and righteousness. Use your speech now or lose it, and the Constitution, and the knowledge given to us by God of Him.

Bless God and God bless.


We Will Walk With Those We Agree With


Without God We Are Without a Constitution (1/2)