We Will Walk With Those We Agree With

We Will Walk With Those We Agree With

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/8/2023

All of us are bound by a captor. Some people are pleading to be spared, yet they will not fight. Others are making bargains and following their captor’s directions. Some have thrown off the change and are engaged in a dangerous standoff. Others are in hostage situations. The captor is the same for all of us. On this earth it is known as the global government or, if you are Biblically inclined, the Beast system. Biblical Prophesy is being fulfilled on a daily basis – faster and faster. Like birth pangs, the rise of the Antichrist and the Beast system have come into full view as the spiritual war between God and the Adversary is raging all around us in our physical world.

There was a massive 7.8 magnitude earthquake in Turkey several days ago. 11,000 people have lost their lives and the number of dead is still rising. Tens of billions of dollars in economic losses are also estimated. Humanitarian assistance was immediately offered to Turkey as well as Syria for humanitarian efforts for the survivors, find those in the ruble, and more aid will surely arrive in order to clean up and rebuild. There have been hundreds of earthquakes in the region over the last week. On the same day as the Turkey quake, there was a much smaller magnitude earthquake near Buffalo, New York. The Bible promises these things occur prior to the return of Yeshua. Matthew 24:7 reads, For peoples will fight each other, nations will fight each other, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various parts of the world.

For famines – we are definitely experiencing them. These famines are mostly man-made, attributed to ‘supply-chain breakdowns’, mysterious fires in food processing centers, and governments demanding livestock be culled and fields not be planted. Natural causes are at work, just as they always have been, as well but some of these natural causes seem more severe than normal. Water sources drying up is perhaps the most curious of these. Man-made climate change is not the reason for the water disappearing yet those in charge demand this is the truth.

The actual truth, again, lies in the Bible. I don’t think we are at the point of the bowls of God’s wrath being poured out upon the earth because the mark will have to be demanded to be taken. While I could be mistaken, there is no mandated compulsory mark quite yet and the five bowls preceding the sixth, The sixth one poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water dried up, in order to prepare the way for the kings from the east. (Revelation 16:12) the Euphrates is prophesied to dry up. It is currently drying up and has lost at least 5 meters (about 16.5 feet or 11 cubits) of water. Archeologically significant finds have been revealed in the dried-up portions of the riverbed.

Wars between nations but also between ethnic groups have been more or less constant throughout history. Russia and NATO warring, especially if they square off against one another directly, will quickly result in a catastrophic loss of life around the globe. China has designs for the United States, Taiwan, and Australia as well as several other nations they wish to claim. The global government (mostly made of members of the EU, US, and several other key nations like Japan) is seeking to keep the United States in all ‘security’ situations around the world. Czech leaders are pressuring Russia to war against Poland while Poland has it’s own ambitions to recreate the Lithuanian Empire. The EU is looking to envelop Ukraine as well. Turkey wants to reestablish the Ottoman Empire. Iran and Israel are about to openly square off against one another is seems.

Brazil, like the United States, is suffering from an electoral coup and has seated a Marxist who has not yet announced which territories he would like to annex for himself. Peru and Mayanmar are in a similar situations. Regionalization, the effects of war without all of the shooting and bombs, is raging in not only Ukraine but the entire North American continent as well as on the Asian and African continent. Ethnic groups are fighting around the world including in South Africa, Nigeria, just about all of central Africa, and in every Western nation as different ‘marginalized’ groups are created, brought to the forefront, and legitimized (homosexual marriage led to transsexual ‘rights’ which is leading to a normalization of pedophilia, and if it is ever normalized, will lead to human, specifically child, sacrifice and cannibalization). As Matthew 24:7 reads; however, all three events are being fulfilled now.

In Matthew 24:8-14 the direction the humans on earth are heading in, generally, is laid out, all this is but the beginning of the ‘birth-pains.’  At that time you will be arrested and handed over to be punished and put to death, and all peoples will hate you because of me.  At that time many will be trapped into betraying and hating each other,  many false prophets will appear and fool many people;  and many people’s love will grow cold because of increased distance from Torah.  But whoever holds out till the end will be delivered.  And this Good News about the Kingdom will be announced throughout the whole world as a witness to all the Goyim. It is then that the end will come.

Those believing in Yeshua are already being persecuted. Protesting baby-murder clinics in the United States is increasingly being criminalized. Christians in the UK are not even permitted to pray silently near baby-murder facilities. The Godly are physically attacked by the butchers of humanity at these sites and are not punished – the Godly are fined and imprisoned. This will become manifestly more pronounced in the days, weeks, and months to come. Once speech is regulated according to government-defined ‘hate speech’ credos, speaking about the Bible – especially about the parts calling homosexuality abomination, forbidding children to be passed through the fire, and that God created a man and a woman in His image – will be deemed a criminal act. Christians and Jews should be mad as Hell about this but there seems to be very little concern given to the ramifications of allowing God-haters to codify so-called hate speech laws.

Betrayal seems to be occurring ever more frequently as time goes on. Mothers and fathers are turning against each other as people forget or were never informed that marriage is a promise to God first and their spouse second. Divorces are going down but there are still over a million people a year getting divorced. Getting married in the first place is also declining. Children and parents are disowning one another. Families are being ripped apart over money, political, and ideological differences. Business dealing have become increasingly complex and ever more litigious. Betrayal is becoming a means in and of itself as a means to get ahead either through an act of betrayal or by recompense for an act of betrayal. As a result people have a lack of trust in one another because they have less and less shared values. Trust also takes time and, sadly, we don’t take the time to get to know each other enough to trust one another in the first place. We take the time to binge watch Netflix series after series but we balk at sitting down with a stranger and getting a sense of who they are and what they are about – I am very guilty of this.

To betrayal and trust issues, add in the psychological weaponization of racial, sexual, income, and educational differences. Any difference between any two people or groups has been weaponized under the grand project of equality of outcome. Under Marxism, a white prostitute should make as much as an Indian doctor, who should make as much as a black lawyer, who should make as much as a white janitor, who should make as much as Lebron James for dribbling a basketball and endorsing sneakers. No bearing is given to the fact that the prostitute has an LPN, or the Indian has a doctorate in journalism and has sold 45 million books. Never mind that it was racial, gender, and age quotas which kept the janitor, graduating high school with a 3.7 GPA and as captain of a champion debate team, from pursuing a law degree. It is all about an equality which serves no one except the cherished protected class. Quotas like these serve to breed hatred, not eliminate it with love. There are thousands of examples showing exactly how this hate manifests itself pertaining to the most important question all of us are forced to uncomfortably confront and answer – what comes after this life. For me and multitudes of others the answer is simple – seek the face of God, our Creator. But, go to UC-Berkeley or NYU and start preaching about the love Yeshua has for the students and faculty – chances are you will be assaulted if you persist after the initial waves of vile insults. It is the hateful who are organizing society around quotas and they are only doing that because they hate God in the first place and see these quotas as some kind of virtuous act when in reality they are denigrating the skills and abilities of the class they purport to be protecting (by deeming them inferior to other segments of society) while displacing other more qualified candidates of non-protected classes, weakening society in general.

False prophets have been around for a long time. It seems to me that the number of these false prophets is rising. Characteristics of these false prophets are basically the same characteristics of cult leaders throughout history. Instead of pointing to the Bible, striving to live like Christ, and loving the Torah, they command their followers to do as they say, follow whatever teaching they give whether it is Biblical or not, and seems to be completely incapable of discerning the times. They use God to gain wealth, concubines, and status and this will only increase as the birth pangs grow closer together and more and more people begin looking to God for help. These false prophets will ensnare those seeking truth and lead them away from the Torah, away from the ways of Yeshua, and away from being able to discern the Holy Spirit or Ruach HaKodesh (wind or breath of the set apart or Holy; it could be translated into breath of the Holy – i.e. voice of God). The false prophets will lead many straight to Hell.

As humans fall away from the Torah, or the law, we will not be able to function as a cohesive society. As our love wanes, hatred and indiscriminate violence will become even more commonplace than it already is. Look at the hatred already being produced in cases like Jessica Doty Whitaker’s, who was murdered after responding to thugs yelling “Black Lives Matter” and responding saying “All Lives Matter.” The Indianapolis police still do not have anyone in custody for her July 2020 murder. Police who hate their jobs will not enforce the law based on understanding and compassion for people – they will perform their duties just well enough to not get fired. Look at what happens when individual police officers hate people – there are countless stories of this such as Whitaker’s (that junkie in Minneapolis is not one and neither is Michael Brown’s). Imagine whole police departments who hate people. Imagine city councils and mayors who hate people, too. This is who will be ‘dealing with’ those holding onto their faith in God and love of Yeshua. They will hate the non-believer but they will torture the believers.

All of this is factionalism. It used to be that, while people still disagreed about all sorts of things, the family was sacrosanct, a person’s home was viewed as inviolable, and all believed God to exist and be good. The social fabric and moral aspects of society have decayed to the point where this is no longer true. We are all commanded by the sociopathic, schizophrenic, psychopathic Satan-worshiping blood-drinking elites to embrace families comprising of same sex parents, ‘educational’ facilities questioning the God-given gender of a child, and parents who groom their children to be sexually abused by pedophiles from birth. There are Christian sects which reject all of these demands, and there are progressive churches which accept all of these lifestyles, and there are others which accept some of these ideas and reject others. There are over 40,000 versions of Christianity. There is a Judaism known as Reformed which embraces all of these ideas. Other denominations in the Jewish faith include Conservatives and Orthodox Jews. Conservatives follow the law strictly. Orthodox Judaism can be further broken down into several other denominations. Islam features, broadly, the Shia and Shiite denominations but there are many sub-denominations. Even in any of the three major monotheistic religions of the world there are tens of thousands of denominations. Adding Hinduism, Buddhism, and the thousands of New Age, animist, deist, and folk religions means that faith comes in many, many, different flavors.

There is only one truth though – God is real and He did everything He said He did and will do everything He said He will do. God created all of the universe and everything in it, He is the A nd the Z, the Aleph and the Tav. Either we strive to be with God or we strive to be against Him. Because people are unsure of themselves they constantly use their free will to assess where they stand, where they want to get to, and plan out how to get there. In the modern world, especially in post-industrial societies, the concept of God has been so contorted and watered-down for most that He is merely an option to choose from an ever expanding menu. This breeds only more factions. It makes those searching for truth unsure of themselves and overly trusting in other men and women to lead them to the truth.

We will walk with those we agree with. This implies that those outside of the group will not be easily accepted into the group and that these groups will war against the other groups. This is the Mad Max reality of what we are hurtling ourselves into. Most of us are doing this blindly. Others know that this is a plan and gleefully employ the idea of divide and conquer to cause isolation and weakness in populations in order to enslave all of us. And then there are those of us who fully recognize the tactics and the intentions of those making war against the people on earth as well as the God who created us. Even among us there is faction. There are people who reject God and yet see the problems but see the solutions as Marxism, global government, socialism, anarchism, getting off the grid, killing them all. For those who see solutions such as these, I will gladly allow you to depart from me – there is only one solution – God.

That means, broadly, repent of your sins, follow the Torah, strive to live like Yeshua (Holy), and seek the guidance and discernment of God through the Ruach HaKodesh. Read your Bible before it is made a criminal offense to possess. Pray for safety through the times we are going through. Ask for guidance and what you should be doing. Seek out the discernment offered by the Holy Spirit. There are no solutions to this spiritual war through a digital transformation, a new leader to place faith in, nor a social reorganization based on climate change and pandemic mitigation efforts. There is also no reason to fear when CBDC becomes the only way to transact, tyrants come forth and make decrees, and we are relegated to prisoners in our own homes once more, unless you bow down to the dictates against God’s will. There is nothing to fear at all, as a matter of fact, if you are walking with God. Keep that in mind because from here – the world will only get worse.

Bless God and God bless.


AI – Awfully Idiotic


Without God We Are Without a Constitution (2/2)