Why Work Is a Four Letter Word

Why Work Is a Four Letter Word

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/3/2022

I have two days off in a row. I am already thinking about how badly I would like to turn that into three days in a row. It’s not that I wish to do nothing, it’s that I don’t necessarily want to do work. Sometimes I have a really difficult time getting motivated to go to work and to be motivated to work hard. I don’t have those issues while I write these articles because I am writing for myself and, hopefully, the enjoyment and learning of those who read them. Why is that writing for myself is so much easier than going to my paid employment? Because the concept of work in modern times is slavery.

Some are already thinking oh my you compared work to slavery how wrong of you. It’s not wrong because the jobs most of us do is literal slavery. What those upset about fail to understand is that there are different forms of slavery and are conflating my claim of Biblical slavery with our more modern idea of chattel slavery. In addition to these two forms there are at least two more – totalitarian and indentured servitude.

I have seen the phrase ‘the Bible promotes slavery’ way too many times in way too many places. There is slavery in the Bible but there were no slave blocks, kidnappings, or trade in slaves. The people in those times raised food crops, made wine and bread, and tended livestock. All of that required land. If someone was landless and had no family they would typically be poor. In order to not starve to death the poor who were able to work approached their neighbors and asked to be given provisions in return for their labor.

Is this slavery? According to anyone who demands that slavery was in the Bible thus the Bible is bad it’s slavery. Isn’t that what billions of humans do every single day in this age? Don’t we get up, go to work for someone else; trading our time and effort for their money? Biblically, almost all of us are slaves.

With chattel slavery, which is the only form of slavery allowed to be though of, people are sold on slave blocks. Most of these people ended up there because their tribe or community or family fell upon hard times, decided the money was right, and took the money for the now enslaved person. That slave was then transported and sold to either be put directly to work or to be transported again and sold again. Eventually the slave was put to work under the masters complete control. The slave would be dependent on the master for everything including food, shelter, water, and education. Even socially, the master controlled how interactions would go and when and where they would occur.

Totalitarianism is basically turning an entire nation into a system of chattel slavery where everything is owned by the government. The government owns the businesses, the houses, the schools, the people, the crops, and the air. They own everything. They lay claim to deciding what their society will be doing at any given time, how they will go about what they are doing, where they will do it, and when it will be completed by. Even though is attempted to be controlled through denying outside information, media, and cultural influences. All spirituality is to be in awe of the State and, more particularly, the leader. Anyone not going along with the program is eventually just put in prison for reeducation or murdered by the state – democided.

Indentured servitude kind of worked like chattel slavery except the slaves were kidnapped outright. Many of these laborers were snatched up from the streets of major European cities and shipped to places where labor was needed. The major difference between chattel slavery and indentured servitude is that there was a time limit placed on the forced labor of indentured servants. After 7 or 10 years they were freed of their masters.

Slavery, in my opinion, is why work is just a four letter word. We may decide to end our bondage with one master because another master has a better dental plan or is willing to pay us $2.00 an hour more. The overall situation did not change – the master did. We all wake up on certain days thinking I cannot stomach going to that place and decide to take the day off – it happens to the best of us. We lose pay or get a point for doing that with most employers. It is far better than being whipped and beaten for not being willing to work for the day. Biblically, the slaves were not to be beaten – they were to be treated well.

Also, Biblically, there was a practice called Jubilee. That practice has been lost, to the best of my knowledge, which is very sad. In a Jubilee year all debts were null and void and all peoples were freed. Debts could no longer accumulate after that year. Bondage could no longer be agreed to for that year. Actually, every seventh year was to be the end of any bondage. Any willingness to remain in bondage as referred to in the Bible meant a new agreement needed to be reached between the slave and the master. It deeply saddens me that this has been lost to humankind.

While there is a comparison to the modern idea of work being slavery and Biblical slavery, and to a limited extent the end dates of indentured servitude, there is no comparison between Biblical slavery and the totalitarianism and chattel forms of the practice. Totalitarian states and chattel slavery are almost exactly the same. The differences lie only in the scale (entire nations versus one plantation, respectively), who holds the power over the slave (the government versus the plantation owner who is on some points regulated by law), and how new slaves are brought into the system (birth versus birth as well as the slave trade, respectively).

In the United States there is a political party which was founded to promote the continuation of chattel slavery in this nation. They called themselves democrats. The very first time a democrat became president he defied Supreme Court rulings and forced what amounted to a death march, historically referred to as the Trail of Tears. The president was Andrew Jackson and he forcibly relocated the Cherokee natives from Florida to Oklahoma – a trek many did not survive. Andrew Jackson was a complicated man but one cannot dismiss his superiority complex when it came to race relations. As a slave owner himself he was concerned with their value more than he was concerned with the lives they led. Andrew Jackson was displaying exactly what I was writing about above – the totalitarianism of chattel slavery.

Today the democrat party still exists. The plantations are gone; however, almost all work has been relegated to the Biblical form of slavery. We are all taught to seek a master and work hard for them because we cannot support ourselves otherwise. I don’t suggest we change this very much except to recognize the nature of work today for what it really is – the Biblical version of slavery. The Egyptian version of slavery of the Bible was a very different application – closer to the totalitarian version. This is what the democrats and, sadly, some republicans (the republican party was started in opposition to slavery) in the United States are seeking.

There have been a slew of elections recently. The most pressing one for me is going to occur on November 8, 2022 in the United States. Brazil, Italy, the United Kingdom, and Israel have all recently elected leaders. Are we asking these candidates the right questions? In the United States there are single-issue voters, some of whom are asking will you support reparations for slaves? What we should be asking is whether or not candidates support cohesive family units, oppose transhumanism, and will work to maintain national sovereignty to the detriment of globalism if need be.

I once called a progressive talk show host on Sirius XM. He was a black man ranting about his demands to have white folks pay black folks. Having never owned a slave and having no family members of which I am aware who ever owned a slave I thought I would share my mind with him. The guy absolutely blew up on me when I suggested that indentured servants should be paid as well and that, since I am a wee bit Irish, that would include me receiving reparations (to the best of my knowledge none of my family members were indentured servants). After blowing up on me, the host put me on hold. Whoever was running the phones for that channel popped on and angrily asked me, “who the fuck do you think you are?” I was called a racist, stupid, and generally abused – however, my real question was never answered by either the host nor the phone operator. My real question was how do we determine who is here due to chattel slavery (and indentured servitude) and how do we determine who’s family once owned slaves? The host popped on the line with the phone operator during the commercial break. The host threatened to dox me (tell his audience my personal information – namely my phone number) if I ever called his show again. He was no longer on Sirius XM two or three weeks later. My guess is that his degeneracy got the best of him and he had done that to others so they canned him.

The only way to truly break slavery, Biblical or otherwise, is to own and cultivate our own land. Most of us have no land or have a home situated on a small plot of land in a town or city. If we return to the land, business, academia, and industry will suffer but we will be more self-reliant and self-sustaining as a civilization. If we continue on without getting back to the land we will end up a humanity collectivized living under a technocratic global totalitarianism run by the likes of Bill Gates, Ursula von der Leyen, King Charles III, and Alexander Soros.

To all of those angry at the Bible because of it’s ‘promotion of slavery’ please be no longer angry. Go read the Bible and learn the ways of God. Learn how easy salvation truly can be. Repent and avoid sin and worship God and love His Son, Jesus Christ. That is where our truth lies and that is where our only salvation will ever come from. Whether the new world order is ultimately established (which I believe it will be despite great resistance) or we all decide that raising our own food and families, relying on friends and neighbors instead of public this and that for what we cannot grow or make ourselves – the Bible is everlasting. God has his ways – and they are His Laws. Maybe we should place more emphasis on our eternal beings rather than thinking reparations or world leaders or World Series winners will bring us salvation and God glory.

Bless God and God bless.




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