

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/4/2022

Maybe this whole piece will be off point and you think I’m completely wrong. Tell me about it. Change my mind. Use YOUR speech to change MY thoughts. Do not call for silencing me. Do not demand that I recant what I have to say. We all have free speech. The danger to free speech is being wrapped up in antisemitism and used to shut down and silence anyone not agreeing with the official narrative. It is repugnant and actually places Semitic peoples at increased risk.

I don’t like gangs. I don’t like Holocaust deniers. I don’t appreciate being lied to. I don’t support anti-Jewish ideas. I don’t support anti-Christ ideas. I don’t like anything George Soros has done in his entire pathetic life. I don’t blame all Jews. I don’t have any appreciation for anything Bill Gates has accomplished but I don’t blame all white people for what he has done. I blame globalists for trying to set up a one world government. If a globalist is Jewish, say Yuval Noah Harari, I will blame him not his race nor his religion. But this antisemitism thing is expansive. Most of it has nothing to do with antisemitic language. It has to do with all kinds of topics that the official narrative refuses to acknowledge – the great replacement, the great reset, child sacrifice, homosexuality being condemned in the Bible (the Torah nonetheless), the 2020 election was stolen, the coronavirus shots cause harm, and more – let alone take the credit for.

There are actual incidents of antisemitic speech. People who deny the Holocaust, for instance, are repugnant to my sensibilities. The Holocaust happened and 12 million people were murdered to reach Hitler’s Final Solution. 6 million were of Jewish decent. Pogroms have occurred throughout history. I disagree with every pogrom that has ever occurred. I do not believe that Torah observance requires drinking the blood of the non-Jew, or Goyim. I have never encountered anyone who holds that thought; however, if that idea is presented to me I will state the same Law of the Torah as I am here:  Genesis 9:2-4, “The fear and dread of you will be upon every wild animal, every bird in the air, every creature populating the ground, and all the fish in the sea; they have been handed over to you. Every moving thing that lives will be food for you; just as I gave you green plants before, so now I give you everything — only flesh with its life, which is its blood, you are not to eat.” 

This is a Law that is still to be followed, despite Christians telling themselves otherwise. Paul wrote in Colossians 2:16-17, “ So don’t let anyone pass judgment on you in connection with eating and drinking, or in regard to a Jewish festival or Rosh-Hodesh or Shabbat. These are a shadow of things that are coming, but the body is of the Messiah.” Paul also declared, on his own pronouncement that circumcision is no longer needed at Galatians 5:1.. In Romans, specifically at 14:14, Paul again decides to overrule the Messiah’s teachings - “I know — that is, I have been persuaded by the Lord Yeshua the Messiah — that nothing is unclean in itself. But if a person considers something unclean, then for him it is unclean.” In Matthew, a conversation is recorded between Jesus and Simon (Kefa) at 15:15-20, “Kefa said to him, “Explain the parable to us.” So he said, “Don’t you understand even now? Don’t you see that anything that enters the mouth goes into the stomach and passes out into the latrine? But what comes out of your mouth is actually coming from your heart, and that is what makes a person unclean. For out of the heart come forth wicked thoughts, murder, adultery and other kinds of sexual immorality, theft, lies, slanders. . . . These are what really make a person unclean, but eating without doing n’tilat-yadayim [hand-washing] does not make a person unclean.” All of this is used by Christians to justify their claim that God’s Laws are no longer relevant. They are absolutely wrong and I will tell you why.

Matthew 5 explains a great deal. Perhaps the most important part is that whatever Paul has to say in his letters is irrelevant. Matthew 5:17-20 reads, “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened. So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P’rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!” Jesus himself is telling the world to follow the Laws in the Torah. Where did he teach from? The Torah. Who did He serve? God almighty, His Father who sent him to end the sacrifices for sin. No longer are we to offer blood and flesh in sacrifice for sin – no – we are to recognize that Christ died for our sins. It doesn’t mean the Law no longer applies – Jesus said so himself.

To end the detour I took there, one antisemitic claim sited by the likes of the Anti Defamation League is that Jews killed Jesus. It is quite clear who demanded Yeshua to be put to the stake in Matthew 27, Mark 15, Luke 23, and John 19. It is not antisemitic to point this out. It is antisemitic to blame Jews today for their forefathers sentencing of Jesus Christ.

It is not antisemitic of me to point at Yuval Noah Harari and call him a self-hating Jew who is a homosexual and a transhumanist. I do not think that all Jews are the same as Harari. It is Harari’s choice to turn his back on God, disregard and make excuses for his embrace of homosexuality – an abomination according to God, and desire a vastly depopulated future devoid of human beings created in God’s image in favor of transhumanism. That’s Harari. Of course there are other Jews with the same traits – Jewish transhumanists, Jewish homosexuals, Jewish people who hate themselves. That is the same for every race and religion.

Are all gang members black? No. Are all blacks thugs? No. Are all whites Christians? No. Can someone be black and antisemitic? Yes. Can someone be Jewish and antisemitic? Yes. Can white people hate all white people? Yes. Can Jews hate Christians? Yes. How many more should I ask? Can anyone hate Jews, black people, or LGBTQIA+. No – that’s not acceptable. That’s not even logical. Anyone can hate anyone else for any reason they choose to cite, or for no reason at all. Anyone trying to sway others to their side will need to develop compelling reasons to sway people to their side. This is most commonly done through speech. If I disagree with David Duke, Louis Farrakhan, the Pope, and Joe Biden (all of whom I disagree with) I should fight their arguments with my own arguments. If David Duke is leading a lynch mob to murder me, I should start shooting and save formulating counter arguments later. In this hypothetical, David Duke, for organizing my murder, needs to be held accountable. The same goes for anyone else who organizes murder. So who shapes the minds of those who commit acts of violence?

Those committing acts of violence seem to, universally, have an utter disability. Their disability is their inability to value human life. Banning all of the guns won’t change this. Locking everyone into their homes will not stop this. Locking everyone into quarantine camps will not solve this problem. Cain murdered his own brother with a rock. Covid-19 saw millions of people locked into their homes and abuse rates skyrocketed. Quarantine camps are prisons used for vaccine narrative dissidents and prisoners kill and murder one another all the time. It is a disease of the heart – the disease, the disability, is not valuing human life. At the base of not valuing human life is the idea that God was wrong about something. God wasn’t wrong about anything – the disabled are the wrong frequency. There is the frequency of God and all the rest of them controlled by Satan.

The New York Times, the same paper which has never apologized for starting the Iraq War over false (may I say misinformation) claims of weapons of mass destruction and failing to report accurately on the Holocaust, published, “Between Kanye and the Midterms, the Unsettling Stream of Antisemitism” today. This article serves some immediate purposes as well as long-term goals. The immediate objectives of this article is to convince people to vote for Godless progressivism. The long-term goal is to cast anything said or done outside of the established narrative as antisemitism. Almost everyone dislikes antisemitism. Because of this fact, antisemitism is being broadened to include anything deemed hate speech whether or not it is or not. Asking the questions about Anthony Fauci’s involvement with the creation of Covid-19, his demands lock downs, his assistance in getting remdesivir (a deadly concoction) approved as a treatment for Covid-19 while demanding no antiparasitic be approved, and his sponsorship of mRNA vaccines is not hate speech. What Anthony Fauci did, based on hatred of God-created human beings, is hatred, criminal, and he should be investigated, charged, tried, be given due process, and sentenced accordingly. That is not hate speech.

In this New York Times article, the first three paragraphs are about Rabbi Simon Taylor, who described an incident at a Brooklyn gas station. Taylor told the Times that he was verbally assailed by another customer at the fueling station who had a lot of expletives and anti-Jewish things to say to him because he was wearing a skullcap. I think the other customers speech is disgusting. Likewise, I find it disgusting that Taylor attributes the incident to Ye (Kanye West) tweeting, “death con 3 On JEWISH PEOPLE.” Ye should not have said that. He should have written the names of those he was having a disagreement with. Ye has actually gone back and explained where he was coming from when he said that as well as apologized. None of that was good enough for the New York Times nor Rabbi Taylor. Ye and Rabbi Taylor should sit down and have a conversation as Ye did with Lex Fridman, where Fridman and Ye’s differences were on full display.

The Times article then launches into some of the ways this world is falling apart and suggests that Jews will be blamed for it. They quote a man named Jonathan Greenblat of the Anti-Defamation League. The Times describes the ADL as an organization fighting antisemitism; however, that is not what the ADL does. The ADL exists to demand that adherence to what ever narrative is ‘approved’ is the only narrative that can exist. Anyone, whether you or me or Ye or Alex Jones, who ends up on the radar of the ADL will be denounced, bebanked, deplatformed, and, if the ADL gets its way, thrown in prison. This NYT article then links to another NYT article in which the FBI apparently has an unnamed individual in custody for expressing “‘radical, extremist views and ideology, as well as an extreme amount of hate against the Jewish community’” according to James E. Dennehy, Newark, New Jersey’s special agent in charge of the office. The FBI also issued a security threat to all the synagogues in New Jersey.

The FBI disappeared a guy and demanded that New Jersey synagogues be on high alert for security concerns. If this unnamed individual did not specifically threaten a person or place and display a means to carry out those threats then the FBI is violating the person’s rights. As a member of a Jewish congregation myself, I do not appreciate anti-Jewsih rhetoric at all; however, as a citizen of the United States, we have free speech no matter how offensive that speech may be. My job is to combat that speech with my own. If this unnamed man was placed under surveillance and showed up at a synagogue with a means to carry out violence then the FBI should have taken action to prevent the individual from carrying out the activities. Instead a new pre-crime version of the laws of the land seem to be getting implemented and our rights are being discarded.

About the second NYT’s article, the pre-crime version of the United States is being driven by a fear of being in fear.

“Rabbi Yisroel Bursztyn, a founder of the National Chaplains Association, a Jewish organization based in Lakewood, N.J., said he was appreciative that law enforcement agencies had not taken Thursday’s threat lightly.

“‘Living in fear is never an option,’ said Rabbi Bursztyn, a chaplain who works closely with law enforcement departments and in correctional facilities.”

Hopefully Rabbi Bursztyn has better understanding of the Torah than he does of the US Constitution. In Bursztyn’s view, as suggest through this comment, his desire to avoid all fears all the time trumps anyone else’s rights. Back in the time of the framers it was Benjamin Franklin, no friend to Christians nor Jews, who said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”

The first NYT article then goes on to note that in LA a group of anti-Jewish people hung a banner over a freeway reading, “Kanye was right about the Jews.” In Jacksonville, Florida a similar sign was displayed at a college football stadium. Again, I disagree with this speech and would like to have conversations with those holding these views about where this comes from. Again, I disavow any violence perpetrated by a dislike of anyone else’s religious beliefs. The NYT is conflating speech with violence; however, which is an even more dangerous precedent to set.

Then the progressive paper quotes a progressive rabbi:

“There’s no doubt that the normalization of antisemitism in the highest echelons of our culture and our political establishment is putting toxins in our eyes and our ears,” said Rabbi Rick Jacobs, president of the Union for Reform Judaism, the largest Jewish denomination in the country. “It’s dangerous, and it’s deadly. It has been unleashed and accelerated in the last few years, and actual attacks have risen.”

What is Reform Judaism? It advocates for abortions by reframing (lying) abortion as not the idea of murdering babies in the womb but of protecting women’s healthcare. The institution affirms transgender rights and celebrates all that comes with it, including, apparently, pedophilia. They also advocate for gun confiscation, demands that vaccines be taken, mindless support of Ukraine, and a further destruction of US borders and sovereignty. In other words, the group is not following the Torah whatsoever. Sadly, it is Reform Judaism – Jews who are absolutely bound to the world, not God – which comprise the largest congregation of Jews in the United States. The above quote from Rabbi Rick Jacobs merely expresses his desire to completely destroy any remaining free speech in America so that he can continue promoting and practicing the laws of Babylon, not God’s Laws.

The Times notes not only Ye’s comments, but ‘hate’ speech in general especially on social media, Kyrie Irving’s suspension from the ‘woke’ NBA over posting a video four years ago, and the Pennsylvania’s governors race as all driving increased antisemitism. The Pennsylvania’s governor’s race is why this issue pisses me off so badly. The Times and others such as the ADL have decided that during a debate for the governor of Pennsylvania race, saying the words “private, elite school,” is antisemitic. A man the paper describes as an advocate of Christian Power who calls for the end of the separation of church and state (something which doesn’t exist now), Doug Mastriano, said these words, “private, elite school,” in a debate against a Josh Shapiro. Nope, that’s off limit for Mastriano because while the school is private and elite it is also Jewish. My, my, the silence would be deafening should Shapiro discover that Mastriano and his children attended a private, elite, secular or Christian school.

After discussing voting issues important to Jewish voters such as the media’s smear campaign against Maristrano, and John Fetterman’s anti-Israel stances, blaming Donald Trump for increases in antisemitic incidents, and democrat sponsorship of Palestinian issues they drop this on their readers:

“A new study by a group of academics including Leonard Saxe, the director of the Cohen Center for Modern Jewish Studies at Brandeis University, found that Jews across the political spectrum are equally concerned about what it calls “traditional anti-Semitism,” but that conservatives are more concerned than liberals about “Israel-related anti-Semitism,” meaning anti-Jewish views that can be conflated with criticism of Israel.

“There are fissures: In Pittsburgh this week, a group of more than 200 Jews signed a letter criticizing a PAC related to AIPAC, the pro-Israel group, for donating to a Republican congressional candidate, and, in the process, also criticized AIPAC for supporting “lawmakers who have promoted the antisemitic ‘Great Replacement’ conspiracy theory.”

“A spokesman for AIPAC, Marshall Wittmann, said the organization had opposed the Democratic candidate as a “detractor of America’s alliance with the Jewish state.” Mr. Wittmann said AIPAC had supported 148 “pro-Israel Democrats” this election cycle”

AIPAC is being accused of antisemitism for support ONE republican race out of 149 races and decided they needed to defend their donations to that ONE republican. And then there is the Great Replacement ‘conspiracy theory’ being grouped into the antisemitic label. Western civilization IS being replaced – there is no theory behind it. Globalists orchestrated the replacement. Look at France, the UK, Germany, Sweden, and all over the rest of the European Union. Their demographic declines forced them to choose between their welfare states and allowing huge numbers of immigrants. Those immigrants refuse to assimilate into their new cultures. At least those replacements are Semitic – the United States is being replaced by South and Latin Americans entering the nation by the millions unhampered. When it shows up in the NYT’s backyard it’s too much – they don’t want to be replaced. No, only mid-westerners in the flyover states need to be replaced because mid-westerners are ‘clingers’ to morals which the coastal elites have long since discarded in favor of Babylonian morality – meaning there is no morality.

The Times goes on. There are people who believe the following quote entirely; however, there is a very small fragment of individuals, actual anti-Jewish proponents who believe it is only Jews involved. The quote reads:

“In a moment in which conspiracy theories about election fraud have established themselves in the mainstream Republican Party, rhetoric about Jewish power takes on an alarming new cast. A poll by the Public Religion Research Institute in 2021 found that almost a quarter of Republicans agreed that “the government, media and financial worlds in the U.S. are controlled by a group of Satan-worshipping pedophiles who run a global child-sex trafficking operation.”

The Times is again conflating two different ideas – Jewish power and satan-worshipping pedophiles using sex-trafficking as their currency. This isn’t a theory either – this is the way that global elites operate. Global elites are inducted into their positions through blackmail for committing crimes like these. The WHO’s leader isn’t there because he didn’t murder thousands in his own nation before being handpicked to lead the WHO. That was the blackmail. The allegations have been made because he committed those crimes – the evidence of those crimes is being held up by the people demanding he follow their suggestions about how to lead the WHO. That’s how the world works. Are they all Jews? Nope, not even close. For the New York Times to even make the allegation that republicans hate Jews and that Jews are the only one’s who have achieved global elite status is, itself, hate speech.

And then, the toilet paper of record finally makes it’s main point.

“‘Antisemitism is a conspiracy theory,’ said Deborah Lipstadt, the United States special envoy for monitoring and combating antisemitism. “The Jew is seen as more powerful, the Jew is richer, and is smarter but in a malicious way.”

“Ms. Lipstadt said she sees antisemitism as “the canary in the coal mine” for a broader set of threats to democracy.

It’s all about threats to democracy. It is about the majority having the ability to absolutely tyrannize the majority. Shouldn’t the very concept of democracy scare US Jews, who make up 2% of the US population to their cores? US taxpayers actually have to spend money on this woman’s quest to eradicate repugnant speech – such as those who deny the Holocaust. At the same time this woman seems to really enjoy hanging out with monsters like Anthony Blinken and supporting Hillary Clinton while demanding the First Amendment be destroyed.

The rest of this NYT piece is about how suggesting that Christians should be voted for, plays about antisemitic violence, and actual recent occurrences of antisemitic murders could all be solved by just shutting down free speech.

All of us have the right to say things like Allah is a satanic demon, Jews killed Yeshua, and Christians are idiots. I can defend all three of those statements. I can also listen to arguments made by Islamic scholars who demand I accept Allah, Rabbi’s who have decided upon why Jews were not responsible for Yeshua’s death, and Christian’s who try to explain away the first five books of the Bible. I’m not going to agree with any of them, and their arguments may piss me off, as well mine may piss them off. So be it, they have a right to speak as do I. What no one has a right to do is spray paint their buildings, punch their congregants, or assault and murder them. You can disagree with me as loudly as you want to – but the second that a person disagreeing with me gets that glazed look in their eye and decide that speech is not going to cut it for them and that violence is the answer – then it’s a whole different ballgame.

So the question really is this – where is this hatred coming from and what corrects this. As I stated before – it is about valuing human life. Those trying to take away free speech in the United States, some of whom I have mentioned above, especially Jonathan Greenblat and his ADL, are no better than the NAZI’s who did the same thing to the Germany they created. Stalin, another ruthless murderer of Jews, did the same thing. So did Mao Zedong and his new iteration – Xi Jingping, who just made himself dictator for life. If I was writing about Xi and happened to be in China or Hong Kong, I would likely be disappeared and never heard from again. Totalitarian, Communist, socialist, and dictatorial nations around the world agree that controlling the narrative is the only effective method of establishing and maintaining the superiority complex of the leader who makes themselves synonymous with the state they ruthlessly control. Dissenters are either imprisoned, tortured, or democided – sometimes all three. That dictates a severe level of hatred towards not only Jews, but towards humans in general.

Where does it come from? It comes from greed. It comes from not setting our eyes upon our true purpose, as human beings upon this earth, to seek God’s grace, wisdom, knowledge, and power. This hatred represents a rejection of living in fear of God’s wrath – a rejection of the fear of being separated from God forever. We don’t trust in God, we trust in the dollar. We don’t praise God for His Son’s sacrifice, we worship idols. We don’t read the Bible to seek wisdom, we pollute our minds with the opinions of experts and scientists to guide our way upon the earth. We pay no heed to Biblical morality, choosing instead to allow our government’s to instill humanism’s ethical relativity version of morality as the guiding principle of our lives. This hatred being called antisemitism is being promoted by those who live by no God, live by their own subjective reality, and seek to deny the right for anyone to live as the Bible states to live. It includes those with Jewish blood, those who claim to be Christians, as well as those who have decided New Age, Hinduism, Islam, and a wide array of other beliefs. The commonality between all of these claimants is the way of the world – humanism – an ideology which, in the last 100 years has seen to it that anyone who disagrees with their narrative should be silenced by murder. Well over 200 million humans have been dispatched this way. Hundreds of millions more have been dispatched through various experiments based on this humanism ideology, particularly through medical experiments and abortion. When will it stop? It will never stop until Satan is cast down into the pit. I pray that time comes soon. Until then read your Bibles for what it says – not what you want it to say.

Antisemitism is real but it is also being used to demand narrative compliance. In the USSR the narrative was the state should be viewed as a beneficial father providing for all of the needs of those living under it. At least 25 million were murdered for not following the narrative. In China, Mao decided to upend all of society and if someone complained they weer reeducated with torture or murdered. In NAZI Germany the Jews were targeted as the most offensive in all of society and as the cause of all of Germany’s ills – that was the narrative. In the United States these claimants to the Jewish faith, as well as others, are promoting Joe Biden’s narratives with the intent to commit the exact same atrocities. I pray that these atrocities are not committed; however, the only way to get people to recognize what they are really doing by acting in violence or by claiming that their safety is paramount to the legally wielded rights of others is to have them stop committing violent acts and to stop pretending that the world can be a safe place. What that means is to use our voices to push for peace by eliminating the hatred in people’s hearts and the ignorance of the reality in which they live.

The Truth of the Bible achieves both of these objectives. It serves to eradicate and temper the hate of our hearts by replacing it with the love of God and his Son. It also serves to inform those who believe in absolute security no matter what that the reality they are attempting to live in will only be achieved when Yeshua returns and the beast system is overturned to be replaced by the God of the Bible. It’s all on there – go read it.

Bless God and God bless.

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