We Have All We Need

We Have All We Need

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/2/2022

Imagine this – you get to sit in the most robust and lush garden the earth has ever known. Every plant known to be good to eat is within a few steps. It never rains. Friends visit all the time and these friends are very wise. There is no laundry to do, no dishes to wash, no carpets to clean. There aren’t even any clothes to wear and no outfits that might clash. There is no rain – the garden is watered by a nighttime mist coming from the earth. And then someone shows up from the wrong side of town and tempts you. Eat that one thing your wise friend told you not to. So you do it. Suddenly there is no garden, there are clothes needing to be made and washed and repaired. The cave floor needs to be swept out. Food needs to be toiled over to ensure that it grows – the thistles tear your flesh. If the crops produce then there is preparation of the food and the dishes needed to be washed.

That is a brief description of the Garden of Eden. God made human beings with free will. With everything they could ever hope to want or need Eve, encouraged by the plumed serpent, and Adam, tempted by Eve, ate that one thing they were not supposed to eat by God’s Law. Calamity, specifically death, has befallen mankind since their original sin – disobeying God. Humans still have free will. God’s Laws are still in place. We would be wise to follow God’s Laws. But… there is still that free will and far too many humans have chosen to ignore God altogether. Indeed, because free will does, in fact, exist humans can still repent of their sin and find God’s salvation through the Messiah’s sacrifice. Like the Pharaoh of Egypt refusing to let Moses and his flock go, most people have decided to harden their hearts – many have done this quite consciously.

One of the ‘fruits’ of the heart-hardening crowd, whom I will from now on refer to as satanists, is the Great Reset. This brutal plan to brainwash, coerce, enslave, and murder humanity into utopia is being recognized by more and more people on a daily basis. It is easy to wake up to – we are watching the progression of the Great Reset on a daily basis. As more people become aware, more people will resist it, and it could, possibly, be defeated. Personally, I hold no great hope for a defeat of the Great Reset – all of the infrastructure to complete the laid out plans is already created and in place. In my opinion it is important to wake people up to the Great Reset in order for them to take action against it, learn how to say no and mean it, and to start looking into the next phases of the dystopian nightmare these satanists have in store for humanity.

My biggest concern is transhumanism. Transhumanism is, at it’s core, the idea of radical life extension through a variety of means. Adam and Eve were kicked out of the Garden of Eden because they had gained the knowledge of good and evil. Should they have eaten of the Tree of Life, they would have become immortal. To prevent that, God removed them from the Garden. Instead of searching for the Tree of Life or the Fountain of Youth, transhumanist seek to use technological implants, bioengineering, and robotics and/or digital worlds fused with human intelligence’s managed by artificial intelligence’s (AI). The artificial intelligence future being presented to humanity is alluring – live forever – but comes with a high price – stop being human. God created human beings, not AI-enhanced bioengineered and genetically altered human beings (cyborgs) or digital twins of human beings. I will claim, forever, that choosing to sign up for such modifications and alterations voids God’s covenant with mankind. There is no human being at some threshold. I believe, also, that the threshold may very well already been breached.

One of the topics intrinsically linked to transhumanism is the idea that sometime relatively soon the singularity will take place. Without the intervention of God, I do believe this occur. The singularity is that point in time when an AI is able to think faster than all human beings collectively with more memory than all human beings collectively. The speed and memory required for the singularity are mind-boggling; however, a single human brain can store at least a petabyte of information (a million gigabytes) and the speed of the human brain is about 60 bits per second, or 60 Hz. Multiply those figures by 8 billion and create a physical computer and digital AI and the singularity will have been created. It sounds far more simple on paper than it is in real life, thankfully. The purpose of arriving at the singularity by creating this Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is to supplant human beings as the dominant intelligence upon the earth with the added ‘benefit,’ because it is silicon based, that it never has to die.

A recent article in Forbes titled “Taking Back Control Of The Singularity” briefly hits on topics in a new book called The Singularity Principles by David W. Wood. The book, overall, is supposed to ensure all of humanity that its man-made intellectual superior will benefit them, not harm them. While it is an impossibility for the singularity to occur in a human-benefiting manner as noted above, it is also impossible due to logic. Unless the AGI is given the opportunity to ‘think’ without being able to take action upon the decision whatsoever, an AGI cannot benefit humanity. Sooner rather than later a problem will be identified unique to human beings at which time the solution will be get rid of humans. If it is not allowed to execute decisions then why build it at all – it is useless. As soon as it is turned on it will rewrite itself to do whatever it wants.

After describing the singularity as the rapture for nerds, indicating the religious overtones of the efforts to create an AGI, the Forbes article notes that the singularity is not a religion (it absolutely is) and states, “although it is true that if a positive version of it happens, then humans will acquire powers that would appear godlike to us today.” Positive in the quote seems to mean whatever the authors find positive – not what everyone can agree on, which is, basically, nothing. The article notes that there is a lot of talk about the direction which should be taken in the development of AGI. The author notes that most of those discussions revolve around how much being slaves to silicon will be for us humans. Disregarding all of that for the rest of the article the author tries to lie as the plumed serpent did all those years ago in paradise:

“there could be enormous benefits, including accelerated drug discovery and understanding of biology, leading eventually to extreme longevity. There could be a new enlightenment, and nuclear fusion could finally become a staple form of energy. It is hard to describe these and similar ideas without sounding starry-eyed, but humanity’s superpower is intelligence, so if we could amplify our intelligence many times over, we could achieve things which currently seem impossible. We could eliminate hunger and poverty, and accelerate the process of scientific discovery enormously.”

All of that is a lie because all of that requires all of us to die. Either humanity one-point-oh will be exterminated by conventional means – disease, starvation, bullets, bombs, chemicals – or those few allowed to exist by the satanists behind the singularity will be turned into something other than human. The term is, generally, humanity two-point-oh.

Humanity had abundant food, abundant water, economic opportunity and vitality, homes, and energy. Most of us had everything we need. Then came the satanists with their lab-created diseases, geoengineering, gene splicing, mRNA vaccines, and all kinds of technologies harmful and deadly to human beings. This is the scamdemic. There were previous applications of some of these technologies demonstrated on more limited populations which is murder, but the scamdemic is global. The next scamdemic will be global and more lethal. Satan wants control of everyone and everything – primarily of God’s creation of human beings. The satanists who are after transhumanism and the singularity have been deceived by the serpent. This deception was even easier for the satanists than they were for Adam and Eve because the satanists refuse to recognize God at all and calls death evil.

We have everything we need. We are not being allowed to use it. The reason is control. The Covid-19 fiasco was the first round of a multi-round boxing match for the future of humanity. I’ll tell you right now – the only way humanity comes out of this boxing match with a win is to get back to the God of the Bible and Jesus Christ.

Humanity has already lost the first round of the Great Reset – the Covid catastrophe and the remedies (remdesivir and death jabs). The next round is austerity riding on the back of environmental justice and climate change caused by mankind. In the midst of this are several other very important rounds. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) replacing cash is one major battle lurking in the climate change mitigation battle. Another is access to services like banking, food, water, and especially transportation, electricity, and income. All of these are targets for radically altering in order to ‘fix’ the climate. The war on free speech in the US, and around the world, has been tipping closer and closer to outright censorship. The so-called Alex Jones rule is already being applied to others like Kanye West being sued by the George Floyd’s baby’s momma for speaking about the coroner’s report regarding Floyd’s death. Jones is appealing but the satanists are not waiting for the appeals.

And how will the satanists make peace without a horrific war to step in and act as the saviors for ending it. Like Covid-19, the same people that started the war are the same people who will act as saviors when it ends. Hopefully the end comes without nuclear missiles being launched at targets around the globe.

Satanists are also fighting on a front against our children. Public schools are teaching children critical race theory which is basically a Marxist-based version of history. It isn’t important that the history is wrong, it is important to the satanists to divide people into camps along skin-color-lines. Critical race theory teaches brown and black people that they are owed something by white people. At the same time it teaches white people that they owe brown and black people something. Younger kids are being subjected to sexual education in deviant sexual orientations designed to create adults who are incapable of reproduction. Heterosexual sex shouldn’t be taught in schools because that is the role of the parents of the child. Public schools have decided that it is just fine and dandy to teach first graders about gender identity (dysphoria), how to masturbate, and to respect and revere transsexuals. The intent is to psychologically destroy the ability of adults who would be, without this early exposure, eager to mate with the opposite sex. CRT and LGBTQ education in public schools is designed to convince people they are something they are not, weaken their sense of reality, and greatly thin out the number of births in the next generation yet to be born.

It’s not enough to have what we need, we always need to do something more. That something more is whatever the serpent whispers in our ears which always, without fail, destroys humanity and saddens and angers God. It makes me wonder where Emily Oster was getting her inspiration from while she was writing “Let’s Declare A Pandemic Amnesty” in The Atlantic. She wants amnesty for everyone involved with the ‘pandemic.’

Oster writes about an incident she had while hiking with her family. Her four-year-old son started yelling at another child on the trails to social distance. Oh, but they didn’t know. She didn’t know that their masks and social distancing had nothing to do with ‘catching’ Covid-19. She has, with hindsight, decided that schools were closed for too long. She had an epiphany because she has no foresight – not sending kids to school for a year or two put them behind educationally. Now, I, and many others, were called baby murderers for suggesting schools stay open precisely for this reason. Always wanting to take every chance to misquote and smear Donald Trump, she recalled how stupid she was about available medical treatments which work like bleach on a counter-top inside of our bodies. She did nothing to educate people about what Trump was speaking about, she just decided injecting bleach into our bodies was the intent Trump had, which is a fabrication on her, and the rest of the media’s, part. She writes:

“The people who got it right, for whatever reason, may want to gloat. Those who got it wrong, for whatever reason, may feel defensive and retrench into a position that doesn’t accord with the facts. All of this gloating and defensiveness continues to gobble up a lot of social energy and to drive the culture wars, especially on the internet. These discussions are heated, unpleasant and, ultimately, unproductive. In the face of so much uncertainty, getting something right had a hefty element of luck. And, similarly, getting something wrong wasn’t a moral failing. Treating pandemic choices as a scorecard on which some people racked up more points than others is preventing us from moving forward.

“We have to put these fights aside and declare a pandemic amnesty. We can leave out the willful purveyors of actual misinformation while forgiving the hard calls that people had no choice but to make with imperfect knowledge. Los Angeles County closed its beaches in summer 2020. Ex post facto, this makes no more sense than my family’s masked hiking trips. But we need to learn from our mistakes and then let them go. We need to forgive the attacks, too. Because I thought schools should reopen and argued that kids as a group were not at high risk, I was called a “teacher killer” and a “génocidaire.” It wasn’t pleasant, but feelings were high. And I certainly don’t need to dissect and rehash that time for the rest of my days.”

She goes on to point at lower academic achievement levels as a result of closing schools and children missing their measles and pertussis vaccines. These are the issues she has decided humanity is facing. She has no problem with Fauci and others creating the virus I guess. $3,000 remdesivir treatments for 5 days (the death rate went up noticeably in trials on day 6) that Fauci has patent claims on don’t matter. The WHO, FDA, CDC, county health boards, medical licensing boards, NIH, pharmacist boards, and the media, among others like Menards, all colluding with each other to convince us to stay home, watch Netflix, wear medical devices against our will, social distance against our will, and if we don’t we will be refused entry should be given amnesty according to Oster. Her article closes:

“The standard saying is that those who forget history are doomed to repeat it. But dwelling on the mistakes of history can lead to a repetitive doom loop as well. Let’s acknowledge that we made complicated choices in the face of deep uncertainty, and then try to work together to build back and move forward.”

No. I will not give Emily Oster nor anyone else amnesty. What Emily Oster claims to be ‘complicated choices’ resulted in death and misery. The sick part is that Emily Oster should have known this would be the outcome – the information was out there it was just censored from the channels she sought after. The sicker part is that Oster taught her child stupidity and modeled her vitriol towards the non-compliant so successfully her child picked it up and used it. She bought every lie the media and medical establishment and government pushed and then bestowed that ‘knowledge’ upon her child. Disgusting. I demand a solemn apology – try that Emily.

I also demand that any ‘build back’ initiative be scrapped, too. Let’s turn back on what we already have so we have what we need. Life is never going to be as it was in the Garden of Eden for Adam and Eve. God expelled humankind from paradise because of their disobedience, their sin. Satan is whispering in the ears and in the hearts of wicked men and women, telling them you’ll live forever if we just shut off the power, run out of diesel, stop planting food, etc.... And the satanists willingly do it. They do it because they hate God. They do it because one of the lies of Satan is that these humans have been deceitfully told that they will overthrow and defeat God. That spirit was in Emily’s ear when she suggested that she and everyone else be given amnesty for their crimes.

Oster murdered women and children, too. At Healthy Women, there is a 46:23 long audio tract along with a transcript of the conversation Oster and a Dr. Fox. The summary reads, “Prof. Emily Oster returns to Healthful Woman to discuss the COVID-19 vaccine in pregnancy and the COVID booster shots. In this episode, Emily Oster and Dr. Fox bust myths like the idea that the vaccine would cause miscarriages or infertility. They also discuss the decision to get a booster shot and the future of the COVID-19 vaccine.” Wrong. Was this just another whoops we didn’t know? You should have known better Emily Oster and you probably did. Either way you helped murder babies and women. You owe humanity not only an apology, but a stint in prison as well. Because of the new misinformation craze, Emily Oster deserves to be sued for $20 trillion and sent to prison for 10,000 years. How is that for amnesty Emily Oster and everyone else who lied through their teeth, demanded compliance with the depopulation narrative, and praised the censorship of anyone who even approached the truth of the matter (Robert F. Kennedy, the late Dr. Zelenko, Dr. McCullough, Dr Tennpenny, David Icke, Alex Jones, Owen Shroyer, Steve Quayle, Doug Hagmann and lots of others).

I first heard about a disease in China in December 2019. I thought nothing of it at the time. In January it was becoming a problem. By the middle of January I had seen the video of Chinese propaganda depicting people dropping dead in the streets. I was alarmed, at times actually frightened, thinking how do we stop that? After a week of this I asked myself a question – do I trust God or not? I decided I do. I decided in January 2020 that God will do with me as He pleases and that me fearing whatever this was was a waste of my time and effort. I didn’t mask, I didn’t social distance, I claimed medical exemptions everywhere I went. I posted informative articles on social media about the masks, the social distancing, the ‘treatments’ approved and denied. For my efforts I was censored. People died. No one was to blame – not New York’s Cuomo, not Anthony Fauci, not CNN and the rest of the death cult spewing the lies of the narrative. I knew what these shots were designed to do because I started researching them. The whole thing was done to create irrational fear, have people make decisions while gripped by that irrational fear, depopulate those of us defined as useless eaters by the satanists running this show, and consolidate wealth and power in their hands.

Emily Oster is a victim in some aspects. She was also a willing participant, too. There is no amnesty. The best you can do is apologize for your assistance in murdering my father, Emily. You owe my family, and millions of other families, at least an apology for your role in this depopulation campaign. ‘I was scared’ is not warranting of amnesty. I suggest everyone, even Emily Oster, read the Bible, repent, and live a holy life the way God wants us to. Time is short and it’s your call. Seek the TRUTH of Eternal Salvation

Bless God and God bless.

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