Why Is Ron DeSantis Such a Threat?

Why Is Ron DeSantis Such a Threat?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/10/2023

A new mental health issue was first recognized in November of 2016. It featured lots of tears, adult coloring books, and unwarranted fears. It gave politicians an individual to attack and a ‘demon’ to blame for their invocation of additional unwarranted fears. The mental health issue also helped fear-mongering dolts to sell a lot of magazines, books, and newspaper subscriptions. The issue was dubbed TDS – short for Trump Derangement Syndrome. While Ron DeSantis is not Donald Trump, the media is getting hysterically deranged again this time even before DeSantis officially announces a presidential candidacy. Why?

The reason why is really that these people are deranged and it had nothing to do with Trump. It has to do with their predilection for baby-murder on demand, extra rights for transsexuals and homosexuals, raising taxes, inflating prices, weakening America on the international stage, and any other demonic invention they have dreamed up. Trump merely called them out for some of their debauchery while he happened to be in office and capable of making it harder for the libtards and their RINO-friends to continue desecrating the United States of America. Trump, having announced his 2024 presidential candidacy already, is scary enough for these people. DeSantis represents a Trump-ish platform with a different level of political sophistication and unpredictability – a terrifying prospect for libtards and RINO’s everywhere. I’m going to showcase Esquire as the libtards who are already terrified of DeSantis and Jeff VanderMeer, a lying left-wing nut job, in particular, for having written the article Esquire published, What Would a Ron DeSantis Presidency Look Like? (while I was writing this article the title of VanderMeer’s article changed to Ron DeSantis Is a Man Of No Qualities).

VanderMeer starts the pooh-slinging early and carries on throughout the article. He has a laundry list of slights DeSantis has committed. These include culture wars in schools, mishandling the pandemic, and a lack of accountability and transparency. VanderMeer charges DeSantis with suppressing the vote and gerrymandering, “destroying safegaurds and institutions”, and white supremacy. DeSantis is also negatively attributed with getting rid of “experience at state agencies”, installing appointees who donated to his campaign at a 75% clip, and taking money from corporations. DeSantis’ plan to save the Everglades is deemed inadequate by VanderMeer. His military service was attacked by Esquire. The League of Conservation Voters doesn’t like DeSantis, partly because they see him as having engaged in ‘greenwashing.’ Esquire and VanderMeer claim that DeSantis bullied children during his time as a school teacher. DeSantis refused federal assistance in the aftermath of a hurricane.

DeSantis, one of the few politicians who recognized what was going on with the COVID-19 garbage pushed by the likes of the murderers at Esquire, was slammed by VanredMeer for his handling of the ‘pandemic’. The goblin wrote:

“But much worse still, in terms of disaster, DeSantis had already politicized the pandemic. COVID broke communities in Florida, even if some still do not know they were broken, or how broken. It left communities to fend for themselves, even in counties that tried to provide decent messaging, all while people we loved died or got sick, or got sick and died later.

“Into these horrors, DeSantis inserted a counterfactual surgeon general who did not believe in masks or vaccines, and punished businesses and school boards that tried to follow the facts by instituting local mask and vaccine mandates. A state-wide communication failure and full-on disinformation campaign arguably increased death and suffering–culminating in DeSantis’ call to establish a COVID jury to help justify his decisions. DeSantis used his messaging, and his proxies’ messaging, not just to push a political agenda rather than a public health agenda, but to break down political resistance at the same time. DeSantis, in part, built his political machine on making Florida sicker.”

Overall, VanderMeer claims that DeSantis is a fascist. VanderMeer need only look into the mirror to see a fascist; however, his metal issues prevent him from acknowledging the truth. Because he is a mentally defunct and completely vapid scumbag, VanderMeer even suggests that those labeled as fascist (by the likes of himself, no doubt), should be imprisoned. He wrote to this effect:

“Normalization of cruelty matters. Normalization of authoritarianism matters. Normalization of Orwellian approaches to governance, anti-democratic to their core, matter. It is dangerous to let fascism become a concept that lazily yawns and breathes in the morning air, whistles a cheerful tune on the way to a café coffee and a breakfast sandwich, before getting down to the serious work. Thankful that, once more, it has not had to explain itself.”

VanderMeer, a giant in journalistic integrity (wink, wink) concludes his piece, which Esquire has listed under News, not Opinion, demanding no one vote for DeSantis (which, honestly, makes me want to vote for him). The goblin explains his and Esquire’s position:

“What trickles down, then, in the end, along with all of this “freedom,” is nepotism, corruption, cruelty, greed, and—both by design and as a byproduct of all the rest—shockingly bad ideas about governance.

“Why would you want any of this inflicted on the nation?

“This is the Ron DeSantis of Florida, who wants to become the Ron DeSantis of America. To tell us to our dying day that we are not communities of loving grace and communion, that we are not all connected, that acts of loving kindness are for fools and traitors. To tell us that only some of us matter, not all of us.”

I could debunk these one by one, but I will not. Instead, I will summarize why this goblin and Esquire absolutely hate the idea of DeSantis, or Trump, or anyone like them, even being able to run for the presidency. The big picture is they hate these guys because normal, everyday, people resonate with their ideas. VanderMeer faults DeSantis for even having the ideas; however, he was too much of a coward to plainly state what those ideas are with the exception of Critical Race Theory and “the suppression of queer identity.”

Basically Ron DeSantis will not give transsexuals the extra rights they are seeking. He will not sit idly by while children are groomed for pedophiles, taught to think they need to have their genitals removed, and either they are oppressed or oppressors and need to receive or pay reparation, accordingly. He supports gun rights. He doesn’t support baby murder on demand. DeSantis doesn’t support the green agenda. He’s spoken harshly about those in the United States who support a global government and the World Economic Forum. He didn’t go along with mandating COVID-19 vaccines. DeSantis talks about freedom too much for the likes of totalitarian (read that fascist) advocates like VanderMeer, Esquire, and the rest of the monsters who despise his existence.

Esquire is a huge proponent of making America unlivable. They support transsexuals and all of the rights they pretend they deserve. They go out of their way to defend pedophilia by pretending it isn’t the currency used by many of our political elites. They openly demand that sexual reassignment surgeries be allowed to take place on minors and that it should be legal. They demand you hand your firearms over to the state and if you are hesitant you are mentally ill. Esquire lauds California’s fascist dictate to ban all gasoline-engines in new cars by 2035. They have affiliations with the World Economic Forum. As recently as December 13, 2022, Esquire was touting the gene-therapy which has murdered millions so Pfizer could make billions as a cure.

These aren’t differences which can be reconciled. DeSantis, overall, seems like he is very pro-human, traditional, and wants to leave the world a place where his children will be free and able to thrive. Esquire and VandenMeer want to create a world where everyone is enslaved, a global government dictates your caloric intake, how far from your house you can travel, and how many carbon credit your household will be allotted per month. They write to promote a post-human world featuring enslavement and death for everyone, but they are too cowardly to actually come out and say it directly.

There is something about DeSantis that makes me leery. I still don’t know what it is about him, but I know that uneasiness is still there. I really like most of the ideas he brings to the table, but still, there is a lingering feeling of doubt about his sincerity. That said, I will vote for a Ron DeSantis a million times before I even think about voting for a Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Big Mike, or Gavin Newsom or any other blood-lusting freak the democrat party presents as a candidate. Esquire’s quest of creating a post-human reality will guarantee that whoever they endorse I will not vote for. If Esquire were politically savvy, they would endorse Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis so I, and millions of others, would be scratching our heads as to why. It’s too late for the publication to do it now – they have already staked their claim, they are terrified of anyone promoting human values based on God – who they are absolutely at war with.

Bless God and God bless.


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