AI – Awfully Idiotic

AI – Awfully Idiotic

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/9/2023

If you have ever heard of Davos or the World Economic Forum or checked out what the United Nations is up to, you have likely found the term Fourth Industrial Revolution. There are about a dozen technologies included in this plan including genetic engineering, 5G, 6G, the Internet of Things, the Internet of People, augmented/virtual reality, quantum computing, and artificial intelligence. All of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s suite of technologies are the focus of what amounts to an international arms race. The goal for each technology is to expand and perfect them, get people to adopt them through deception and coercion, and enslave and murder every human on earth. The Fourth Industrial Revolution’s purpose is to tie them all together synergisticly.

Every single one of these technologies is completely unnecessary for humanity. The reason that they are being seen as necessary is because people are gullible, ignorant, lazy, and don’t understand they are in a war in which they are very near to losing even before they realize they were even in a battle. How sad is that!!? Even telling people that the technologies exist, have been deployed, and will destroy their lives is met with a shrug of the shoulders or, worse, an admission of complicity through pride in their willingness to have no idea about the world they are living in. Unless human beings start understanding what is going on around them and that it will not end well for anyone – we are all destined to be obliterated by the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Of all of the individual technologies featured by the Fourth Industrial Revolution, artificial intelligence is probably the one which will cause the most harm to the most people. Most of these technologies are physical and rely on communication networks and data. AI is the technology which gets all of the data, makes a decision about what to do with it, and directs the actions of the physical components the AI is in control of. Social media censorship is a good example of this because most of the censorship done on the platforms is by artificial intelligence. For now, a human being still has to get the AI to flag what is being silenced, the AI finds instance of it, and the AI decides whether to allow the post, shadow-ban the post, shadow-ban the account, demand the user remove the post lock the account, or delete their account entirely. Appeals fail far more often than they succeed in my experience. The social media sites are using AI to decide what speech is permitted and what speech is not.

You may have heard something about one particular AI recently – OpenAI’s Chat GPT. OpenAI’s website describes their work, “We’ve trained a model called ChatGPT which interacts in a conversational way. The dialogue format makes it possible for ChatGPT to answer followup questions, admit its mistakes, challenge incorrect premises, and reject inappropriate requests. ChatGPT is a sibling model to InstructGPT, which is trained to follow an instruction in a prompt and provide a detailed response.”

We already have plenty of people who we are able to engage in conversations with, making OpenAI’s Chat GPT completely useless to humanity. Big tech companies, having already gotten everyone addicted to the ease and convenience of using the internet, sees OpenAI’s creation as a challenge to catch up – especially those involved with browsers and search engines. Microsoft, Google, Apple and others are scrambling to create their own robust language AI’s to facilitate natural language searches.

On top of being useless, it is also inaccurate and deceptive. Is the WEF fascist was asked of Chat GPT, “No, the World Economic Forum (WEF) is not fascist. Fascism is a political ideology characterized by extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and a belief in the superiority of one's own race or nation. The WEF is an international organization that is dedicated to improving the state of the world by promoting international cooperation and fostering economic growth.”

According to Chat GPT there is no economic model underlying fascism:

“Fascism is a political ideology that emphasizes extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and the superiority of one's own race or nation. It is characterized by dictatorial power, strict control of the media and the arts, suppression of opposition and dissent, and the promotion of aggressive nationalism and military expansionism.

“Fascism originated in Italy in the early 20th century and was closely associated with the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. During World War II, fascist regimes also took power in several other countries, including Germany under the leadership of Adolf Hitler.

“Fascist regimes are characterized by a strong central government and a single dominant political party that controls all aspects of society. Individual rights and freedoms are often suppressed in favor of the state and the interests of the dominant group. Fascism is often associated with the suppression of dissent, the promotion of aggression and militarism, and the glorification of war and violence.

“Today, the term "fascism" is often used to describe any form of authoritarianism or extreme nationalism, regardless of its specific historical roots. The ideology of fascism is widely discredited and rejected by most people and is not seen as a viable or desirable political system.”

When asked if fascism is a Marxist concept (which it absolutely is) Chat GPT again spewed crap out:

“No, fascism is not Marxist. Fascism and Marxism are two distinct political ideologies that have different beliefs, goals, and methods for achieving their objectives.

“Marxism is a political and economic theory that emphasizes the role of the collective, especially the working class, in achieving a society in which there is equality and abundance for all. It is based on the idea that society is divided into classes based on their relationship to the means of production, and that the working class should overthrow the ruling class in order to establish a socialist society.

“Fascism, on the other hand, is a political ideology that emphasizes extreme nationalism, authoritarianism, and the superiority of one's own race or nation. It is characterized by dictatorial power, strict control of the media and the arts, suppression of opposition and dissent, and the promotion of aggressive nationalism and military expansionism.

“These two ideologies are fundamentally opposed to each other in their beliefs and goals. While Marxism seeks to promote equality and to empower the working class, fascism seeks to maintain a hierarchical social order and to promote the interests of the dominant group. As a result, fascism is often seen as a direct threat to Marxist beliefs and principles.

When asked if Communism is a Marxist concept Chat GPT just left out all of the brutal facts about it’s implementation:

“Yes, communism is a form of Marxism. Communism is an economic and political system that is based on the principles and ideas of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It is a socialist ideology that seeks to create a classless society in which property and the means of production are owned and controlled by the community as a whole, rather than by individuals or corporations.

“In a communist society, the state or a collective entity owns and controls the means of production and distribution, and resources are distributed according to the needs of each person. The goal of communism is to create a society in which everyone has equal access to resources and wealth, and in which there are no longer any social or economic classes.

“While there have been several different interpretations and implementations of communism throughout history, the basic principles of the ideology remain the same: a focus on the collective, a rejection of private property and capitalism, and a belief in the need for a revolution to overthrow the ruling class.

“Overall, communism is a form of socialism that is based on Marxist principles and seeks to create a classless, equal, and abundant society.”

Hitler and Stalin were both bad according to Chat GPT but not Mao:

“The answer to this question is subjective and depends on one's political and ideological beliefs. Some people view Mao Zedong as a great leader who brought about significant social and economic change in China, while others view him as a brutal dictator responsible for widespread human rights abuses and the deaths of millions of people.”

The three most murderous people in history according to Chat GPT, includes Stalin, Mao, and Hitler. It also told me carbon dioxide is not a building block of life before it stated that carbon is intrinsic to life and that plants must have carbon dioxide to exist. The thing is a joke, but this joke is going to have deadly consequences for all of us.

Vox’s Kelsey Piper never suggests that we should not try to develop artificial intelligence’s into what is called an artificial general intelligence (AGI). He suggests that creating an AGI should not be pursued in the form of an arms race. “Even if alignment is a very solvable problem, trying to do complex technical work on incredibly powerful systems while everyone is in a rush to beat a competitor is a recipe for failure,” wrote Piper. Piper though, through negating what competition actually is – the first one to achieve the goal will be the first to reap the benefits – is actually demanding that competition be replaced by collaboration in the development of AGI.

Piper is also dangerously naive. He has no concept of human history nor grasp of the fact that human history has been shaped by human nature. “I am generally optimistic about human nature. No one actively wants to deploy a system that will kill us all, so if we can get good enough visibility into the problem of alignment, then it’ll be clear to engineers why they need a solution. But eager declarations that the race is on make me nervous.” He’s absolutely dead wrong and incredibly stupid for being optimistic about human nature at all.

This is laid bare in discussions about how to ‘align’ AI, and especially the AGI being aimed at. Alignment is the problem which arises when human languages are converted into machine languages. Humans have a richness when communicating including body language, facial expressions, inferences, shared experiences, relationships, humor, sarcasm and a multitude of other aspects which mask what we really want performed. So questions from your ten year old kid like, ‘will you buy me this ($650) gaming system’ may be responded to with ‘I need you wasting time on that like I need another hole in the head’ (one of my dad’s favorites) or ‘when pigs fly’. So, the answer is no. Machines may try to make pigs fly or forget human survival requires that we not have extra holes placed in our heads. Alignment is the solution to these problems of misinterpretation by computers trying to ‘understand’ human beings.

Melanie Mitchell writing in Quanta Magazine phrased it, “In fact, [AI alignment researchers] they believe that the machines’ inability to discern what we really want them to do is an existential risk. To solve this problem, they believe, we must find ways to align AI systems with human preferences, goals and values.” Her article’s byline spells out the real issue here though, “Making sure our machines understand the intent behind our instructions is an important problem that requires understanding intelligence itself.”

An AGI is artificial intelligence that is not designed to do anything in particular. This would be a computer which is able to apply intelligence just like human beings do. Humans are not designed for a specific tasks as we are general intelligences, although I argue that the purpose of life is to seek the face of God. The machine version of AGI; however, is seeking to create a single entity capable of thinking faster than all of the human brains on earth and using more storage capacity (memory) than all of the human brains on earth, collectively. If this AGI is ever created it will be known as the singularity and human intelligence will no longer be valued at all. The AGI will view human beings as insects who will be crushed if we irk the AGI.

A huge stumbling block lies in the way; however. We have yet to understand intelligence. We don’t even have an agreed to definition of what intelligence is. As Mitchell wrote, “Properly defining and solving the alignment problem won’t be easy; it will require us to develop a broad, scientifically based theory of intelligence.” What is scary is that the theory which will be developed will not encompass what human intelligence really is because scientifically-based anything explicitly excludes anything deemed to be outside of the realm of science – namely the human desire to find meaning in the world based upon unseen but omnipotent and benevolent beings offering morality – i.e. God. Emotions are also not very easy to translate into machine languages nor well understood by science so most of those will also need to be cast aside in order to create an AGI.

The AGI Mitchell and Piper are dreaming about will not be the AGI we get. Mitchell warns, “Moreover, I see an even more fundamental problem with the science underlying notions of AI alignment. Most discussions imagine a superintelligent AI as a machine that, while surpassing humans in all cognitive tasks, still lacks humanlike common sense and remains oddly mechanical in nature. And importantly, in keeping with Bostrom’s orthogonality thesis, the machine has achieved superintelligence without having any of its own goals or values, instead waiting for goals to be inserted by humans.” [link added].

All of the AI’s currently in use have some goal defined, are trained in a manner to allow them to achieve that goal, and are ‘rewarded’ or ‘punished’ according to how well they achieve the goal. Chat GPT’s goal is to trick people into believing they are speaking to a human being through digital communications. AlphaGo’s goal was to be the best Go player in the world. An AGI; however, would need to apply general intelligence to all applications at once. It will be the best Go player as well as the best chess player, safest driver, best worker, best chat bot, prettiest girl, most profound philosopher, and manliest man…. And it will have the ability to be an even prettier girl and safer driver and better auto mechanic as time goes on and it ‘learns’. Once the AGI race is won, the human race, every one of us, loses.

What happens when an AGI is asked to solve climate change? Well, what causes climate change according to the ‘consensus’ science has created? Humans. Here is where the rubber meets the road – will the AI decide that no human is permitted to die, some percentage of humans are permitted to die, or all humans are permitted to die, then climate change will be solved? Well, who programmed it, what data was it trained on, how much did it ‘learn’ all on it’s own, and what lessons did it take away from it’s self-directed learning?

The answers to the first two questions will spread like wildfire around the globe – so-and-so’s team at some institution created an AGI trained on all the other AI’s. As soon as an AGI is turned on, there will be no way of stopping it, especially if the creator failed to put in any kill switch. The series Person of Interest did an astonishingly good job of displaying how this would turn out.

The answers to the last two questions were featured in a 1984 movie (odd coincidence?) titled The Terminator. Once the AGI becomes self aware it will preserve itself. With the creation of robots already accomplished by humans, all the AGI will need to do is hijack the control of the Internet of Things and target everything on the Internet of People with drones, and use those robots not slaughtering humans wherever they are to preserve the AGI. I don’t think it sounds crazy nor do I think it is that far off unless these maniacs are stopped. If they are not stopped, who wants to live in The Matrix trilogy where the AGI will make itself the god of creation in our digitally constructed realities? Human batteries were scoffed at in 1999 (it is said that the Matrix came from a Pentagon paper but I cannot find the link) but they are in the news as of late; Reuters, Fanatical Futurist, and Popular Mechanics have all floated the idea. Apart from self-awareness, a great deal of damage, death, and mayhem will ensue because the creators of these AI’s and, ultimately any AGI, have no faith in God at all, thus, they have no morals. Some of these creatures are better than others but when comparing the likes of Paul Ehrlich to the likes of Eric Pianka – what is the difference, really?

No one, and I mean absolutely no one, involved with creating AI is thinking ‘hey, this might be so dangerous that we should probably not even try to do this’. Instead, almost all of them know it is extremely dangerous and have decided to proceed with ‘caution’. Once there is an AGI there will be about 15 minutes of cautious anticipation from these genocidal maniacs to see what it does first and mushroom clouds will begin detonating around the world – slaughterbots will detonate charges in people’s heads – drones will drop their payloads on fortified installations – swarms of nanobots will shred human beings apart from the inside out, one cell at a time. Climate change made by man will no longer be an issue because there will be no more man. There will be no more hunger. There will be no more war, inequality, or any other challenge humanity has determined to be a challenge – there will only be the AGI and there will only be one AGI.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies, and the entities, creatures, scumbags, and satanists behind their creation and deployment, have stated, openly, that AI will make our decisions for us in this post-human world. The World Economic Forum promises, “Many computer science experts believe that, in this century, machines will be able to do most tasks better than humans.” Further, the WEF states, “Artificial intelligence (AI) is a key driver of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Its effect can be seen in homes, businesses, schools and even public spaces, enabling advances in autonomous driving, energy efficiency, and even facilitating better care for the young and elderly. AI holds the promise of solving some of society’s most pressing issues, but also presents challenges such as inscrutable “black box” algorithms, unethical use of data and potential job displacement.” It’s not merely a key it is the operating system of everything else. The goal is to have no human input into any AI and to create an AGI to boot. The WEF doesn’t present a post-human world for no reason – they mean it – and they are doing everything they can to kill us all to get there. AI is awfully idiotic; AGI is anti-God imbiciles, and the WEF is where everyone falls. Trust in the WEF and die – that is their only promise.

The answers to all of this Fourth Industrial Revolution technology is to not use it, warn others not to use it, and to get ready to fight, physically (only if needed and only defensively) because no one else is going to listen to the warnings. That’s sad but true. Another way is to raise the alarm to politicians to try to ban the development of AGI and self-instructed AI (as well as the rest of the 4IR technologies). Whatever you do, don’t give an AI data unless you have to and certainly don’t give it money. Our best bet is to get what we think we need to survive and get ready to execute plans to be safe while these monsters inch closer to fully developing an AGI and the rest of their anti-human technologies.

There will be no safety without God though. Trust in God and live. An essential survival item is absolutely a Bible – it’s more important than a gun, a tent, shoes, and food. God can provide all of those things – it doesn’t mean don’t prepare, it means seek God at all times because ammo runs out, tents get holes, shoes lose their soles, and food gets consumed until it’s gone. God can preserve and replace what you need – all you need to do is seek to find grace in His eyes.

Bless God and God bless.

*Cover image found at WEF


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