Prophesies Do Come True

Prophesies Do Come True

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/11/2023

Prophesy needs to be 100% accurate. To my knowledge, there is only one such source with 100% accuracy in prophecy – the Bible. One of the prophecies in the Bible is about prophesy and it cautions against believing the future they portend. That doesn’t mean there are no prophets – it means there are a lot of really dishonest people trying to gain from making false ones. The results of false prophets will be, and is, a distancing from the Bible, God, Jesus Christ, and the discernment the Holy Spirit gives. False prophets are dangerous. Those who prophesy in the name of God through the Holy Spirit; however, will see their predictions come to fruition. This is why believers are to test the spirits. One prophesy which I have heard sticks out to me because of how crazy it seemed at the time but it seems we are standing on the brink of it coming to pass – and it is terrifying.

Joel 2:28-32 (KJV) reads 28 And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, your young men shall see visions: 29 And also upon the servants and upon the handmaids in those days will I pour out my spirit. 30 And I will shew wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood, and fire, and pillars of smoke. 31 The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord come. 32 And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered: for in mount Zion and in Jerusalem shall be deliverance, as the Lord hath said, and in the remnant whom the Lord shall call.

The first time I heard the prophesy was several years ago. It was well before Russia went into Ukraine to face off against NATO. This Slavic civil war; however, laid bare how the prophesy will come to pass. The prophesy was that Russia and China would invade the United States in a joint operation with the support of several European nations. This sounded crazy until several of the events which have occurred over the last year which completely set the stage for them to come true.

The man who prophesied this was a Romanian pastor named Dimitru Duduman. His prophesy was announced to the world on April 22, 1996, 27 years ago , at a time when China was nowhere near the economic powerhouse it is today and Russia was still picking up the pieces after the USSR fell apart. In short, the prophesy was even more insane at the time. To throw in a few European nations into the mix was an impossibility at the time. Yet, 27 years later….

I hope he turns out to be completely wrong about what is going to happen to the United States, but I don’t think he will be. Duduman’s prophesy in full reads:

I prayed, then went to bed. I was still awake, when suddenly I heard a trumpet sound. A voice cried out to me, “Stand!” In my vision, I was in America. I walked out of my home, and began to look for the one who had spoken to me. As I looked, I saw three men dressed alike. Two of the men carried weapons. One of the armed men came to me. “I woke you to show you what is to come.” He said. “Come with me.” I didn’t know where I was being taken, but when we reached a certain place he said, “stop here!” A pair of binoculars was handed to me, and I was told to look through them. “Stand there, don’t move, and look,” he continued. “You will see what they are saying, and what they are preparing for America.” As I was looking, I saw a great light. A dark cloud appeared over it. I saw the president of Russia, a short, chubby man, who said he was the president of China, and two others. The last two also said where they were from, but I did not understand. However, I gathered they were part of Russian controlled territory. The men stepped out of the cloud. The Russian president began to speak to the Chinese one. “I will give you the land with all the people, but you must free Taiwan of the Americans. Do not fear, we will attack them from behind.” A voice said to me, “Watch where the Russians penetrate America.” I saw these words being written: Alaska; Minnesota; Florida. Then, the man spoke again, “When America goes to war with China, the Russians will strike without warning.” The other two presidents spoke, “We, too, will fight for you.” Each had a place already planned as a point of attack. All of them shook hands and hugged. Then they all signed a contract. One of them said, “We’re sure that Korea and Cuba will be on our side, too. Without a doubt, together, we can destroy America.” The president of Russia began to speak insistently, “Why let ourselves be led by the Americans? Why not rule the world ourselves? They have to be kicked out of Europe, too! Then I could do as I please with Europe!” The man standing beside me asked, “This is what you saw: they act as friends, and say they respect the treaties made together. But everything I’ve shown you is how it will REALLY happen. You must tell them what is being planned against American. Then, when it comes to pass, the people will remember the words the Lord has spoken.” Who are you?” I asked. “I am the protector of America. America’s sin has reached God. He will allow this destruction, for He can no longer stand such wickedness. God however, still has people that worship Him with a clean heart as they do His work. He has prepared a heavenly army to save these people.” As I looked, a great army, well armed and dressed in white, appeared before me. “Do you see that?” the man asked. “This army will go to battle to save My chosen ones. Then, the difference between the Godly and the ungodly will be evident.””

America’s crimes against God include murdering over 65 million babies; normalizing and embracing abominations into entering the institution of marriage; genetic destruction, alteration, and mutilation; making war upon the people of the US as well as all nations opposed to it’s intents; kicking God out of all public spaces; shutting down churches and synagogues; initiating the Beast system; and engaging in and fully embracing the rampant corruption, lying, and violence between their countrymen. In other words this nation, the United States, has turned it’s back on God to follow those who have opted to openly wage war against God. We have a president who claims to be a Godly man who is engaged in all of these crimes and has doubled down on committing even more. Like Duduman suggested – God has taken notice and He is not pleased – this nation seems to be getting judged and will be judged harshly.

Russia entered Ukraine on February 24, 2022, almost a year ago. European nations aligning with Russia still seems like an impossibility due to the Ukraine war. It seems even more unlikely that a European nation would ally with Russia to wage any form of war against the United States. But this is what was being suggested by Duduman.

Russia isn’t really all that much into ridiculous green enterprises and ideas to green the world by getting rid of oil and gas. That is Russia’s economic bread and butter and they have centuries of resources to meet demands. Russia’s oil and gas exports were sanctioned preventing the flows from going to Western nations, major pipelines were destroyed (Nordstream 1 and 2), yet Russia still has these resources. If the EU isn’t going to buy it, someone will. China, having scarcity of gas and oil, would love nothing more than to get huge quantities for a decent price. This has pushed Russia and China to foster deeper connections between each other – exactly the opposite of the intentions laid out during the Cold War. That alliance will only grow stronger.

The energy crisis in many European Union nations is being exacerbated because they are unable to obtain energy from Russia and have tied themselves to green energy demands from the global government. The EU and US are both all-in on the global government but the energy and food crises which are being created because of the policies being demanded are harming ordinary people who are demanding the policies be gotten rid of. EU nations will go forward by slowing down their green transitions in my opinion – opening coal, gas, and oil energy sources to allow for their continued survival – while the US will demand ‘fossil’ fuel usage continue to be curtailed until it is no longer used. This tension is going to align EU nations with Russian interests as the United States increasingly makes these demands and further destroys it’s own ability to extract, transport, and export these resources. Russia will use these EU nations renewed dependence on ‘fossil’ fuels to gain influence and solidarity in Russian adventures around the globe. The energy and food crises may actually destroy the EU as individual member nations opt for survival by ignoring sanctions placed on Russia. Nonetheless, Russian energy will compel several European nations to go to war on Russia’s side against the United States.

China participated in a joint military exercise called Vostok in Russia in August and September 2022 along with at least 5 other nations. The same article in Reuters noted, “Shortly before Russia's Feb. 24 invasion of Ukraine, Beijing and Moscow announced a "no limits" partnership, although U.S. officials say they have not seen China evade U.S.-led sanctions on Russia or provide it with military equipment.” China and Russia, of course, share a 2,600 mile border making it relatively easy for sanction violations to take place.

North Korea is basically a puppet state of China. It conveniently also shares a 10 mile stretch of it’s border with Russia. Both Russia and China have assisted in keeping North Korea in alignment with their intentions, China much more so. North Korea stopped screwing around with leveling entire mountains to test nuclear weapons once Donald Trump came to power in the United States; however, that is no longer true with Joe Biden in charge. After this geriatric child rapist allowed a Chinese spy balloon to traverse 11 US states and North Korea held a military parade to display 17 ICBM launchers, the United States reciprocated by launching it’s own unarmed ICBM at Kwajalein Atoll, over 4,000 miles from the US and 2,500 miles from North Korea. The US demonstration is going to prove to send the wrong signals to North Korea and China – it suggests that a nuclear exchange is an acceptable event.

China is not just sending balloons over the United States and other portions of the globe. They are mobilizing their own military forces. Military forces being mobilized indicate conflicts which are either about to occur or are being defended against. No one is attacking China. Three days ago The Washington Standard reported, “The only reason why China would be involved in a major war is if they decide to invade Taiwan, and that may happen a lot sooner than many of the “experts” had been anticipating. The moment that an invasion of Taiwan begins, the United States and China will be in a state of war. And that will mean that the flow of goods from China will immediately stop.”

US officials are warning that the Chinese will attack Taiwan but not in the foreseeable future. Meanwhile, China is already attacking Taiwan through psychological, economic, and cyberattacks. The Taiwanese are largely opposed to a reunification with China and about a third desire an independent Taiwan. An independent Taiwan is a no-go zone for China. Dictator for life Xi Jingping’s intentions for Taiwan are reported on by The Diplomat, “What is certain, however, is that the use of force against Taiwan to achieve “motherland reunification” is one of top leader Xi Jinping’s political goals. More than any of his Chinese Communist Party (CCP) predecessors, Xi is making a conscious effort to make “reunification of the motherland” his legacy, and he has been gradually developing and implementing the policies and strategies necessary to achieve this goal.”

The United States has a reason it gained access to four bases in the Philippines. That reason as reported by the liars in mainstream media as an “effort to expand its strategic footprint across the Indo-Pacific region to counter threats from China.” China’s military will be entering Taiwan to reunify it with China in the very foreseeable future. The United States will find a way to go to war with China over Taiwan. The Chinese will launch EMP attacks over the United States while they invade as well. The Russians will follow right behind the Chinese but not announce their attack according to Duduman.

As NATO continues to increase their efforts to support in Ukraine the possibility of direct confrontation with Russia escalates. Ukraine has secured promises to receive tanks from Germany, the UK, and the United States. Zelensky, Ukraine’s Satanic leader, went on another begging mission, this time to the UK. His demands were to obtain jets. Zelensky’s pleas to make sure that there is nothing left in Ukraine, including Ukrainians, was met with negotiations over MIG-29’s from Slovakia. While the idiotic UK Prime Minister promised the Ukrainian mass-murderer that nothing is off the table, the idiotic French PM said that Ukraine is not getting jets from France, and the idiotic German PM stated they will not be getting them from Germany either. Of course, all of these leaders also vowed that Ukraine would not be getting their tanks either. But it does show a difference in resolve among the allies of Ukraine.

Russia; however, responded to the UK’s proclamation about anything being on the table with a warning and increased activity in Ukraine. Express reported, “The Russian embassy [in London] warned in a statement that supplying cutting-edge fighter jets to Ukraine would be "on London's conscience" because of the "bloodshed, next round of escalation, and subsequent military and political ramifications for the European continent and the entire globe.” The Russian’s also unleashed Hell upon Kiev and made advances on Bakhmut.

Ukraine has been down ranked in credit worthiness by Moody’s from Caa to Ca. The Moldovan government has collapsed. It replaced it’s EU-aligned prime minister with another EU-aligned prime minister, so, nothing will really change for the nation. Iran and Israel have promised renewed kinetic hostilities towards one another accompanied by lots of rhetoric from both sides. Iran is aligned with Russia and Syria while Israel is aligned with the West although Israel is not always responsive to Western desires. There are Chinese troops in Canada as Canada’s PM is in love with all things Communist. And the United States has absorbed what is an invasion from its open southern border allowing anyone entry into the nation – think Hezbollah, Russian spies, Chinese spies, and military personnel from all kinds of nations. Russia has expanded it’s military reach into the Americas in the southern hemisphere.

All of a sudden the prophesy doesn’t seem so crazy, does it? It doesn’t seem so impossible as it did prior to February 2022 at least. We are about to be annihilated by a joint Chinese and Russia invasion. This is a Godly punishment that will not be prevented. The pieces are in place and the only thing lacking is the Chinese invasion of Taiwan; however, that invasion is looming – and promised. There is a chance to recognize these dangers and repent but that time is extremely short. All of us could be protected or at least try to be protected through repentance, walking with God, and loving Jesus Christ. Tens and tens of millions will not do this, harden their hearts, and refuse God’s protection. For those that do not reject God, I urge you to pray for this nation, pray for your neighbors, and pray for discernment. I pray for your protection during these times and ask you sincerely to repent, read the Bible, revere God, and love Jesus. It’s not a fear tactic, it’s a fact tactic – look at the world around you and the events taking place – only God will protect any of us.

Bless God and God bless.


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