Who Wants To Swap Poop?

Who Wants To Swap Poop?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/15/2022

We were warned, but people never seem to be able to listen. Have you ever heard of C. diff? It is a bacterial disease which can cause diarrhea and lead to other more serious illnesses like colitis. It comes back about 20% of the time. To fix recurring C. diff infections the FDA has approved a new drug called Rebyota from Ferring Pharmaceuticals.

Before we look at the treatment of recurring C. diff infections, the disease itself is interesting. According to MedlinePlus:

C. diff bacteria are commonly found in the environment, but people usually only get C. diff infections when they are taking antibiotics. That's because antibiotics not only wipe out bad germs, but they also kill the good germs that protect your body against infections. The effect of antibiotics can last as long as several months. If you come in contact with C. diff germs during this time, you can get sick. You are more likely to get a C. diff infection if you take antibiotics for more than a week.

“C. diff spreads when people touch food, surfaces, or objects that are contaminated with feces (poop) from a person who has C. diff.”

It’s the antibiotics which causes these infections which raises some very interesting questions about the safety of antibiotics. For instance, when administering an antibiotic to a patient, do they learn of this possibility? Could effective antibiotics be created which are more selective in what they target? Are there alternatives to antibiotics which will alleviate the original cause of the ailment? It makes me wonder if there aren’t better ways to do some things in smarter ways and antibiotics being handed out like candy is one of them.

But, that is what modern pharmacology and healthcare has brought us – may you be burning in Hell John D. Rockefeller. And now it has brought us Rebyota. Rebyota is an enema made from ‘healthy people’s’ poop and is to be used not as a treatment for C. Diff but to re-culture the lower large intestine after the guts biota has been destroyed by antibiotic use. The safety information relays the most common side effects – stomach pain, diarrhea, bloating, gas, and nausea. No safety data was established for those under 18 years old and it is not permitted to be used in children populations. For pregnant women the safety precautions read, “REBYOTA is not absorbed systemically following rectal administration, and maternal use is not expected to result in fetal exposure to the drug. [emphasis mine]” In lactating women, “REBYOTA is not absorbed systemically by the mother following rectal administration, and breastfeeding is not expected to result in exposure of the child to REBYOTA. [emphasis mine]” All serious side effects were attributed to anything other than Rebyota use, despite the prevalence being 10.1%.

Several potential problems are apparent. The first one is that babies in the womb and nursing infants may end up eating someone’s crap. Another major issue arises when the statement, “You should not receive REBYOTA if you have a history of a severe allergic reaction (e.g., anaphylaxis) to REBYOTA or any of its components,” when one attempts to determine exactly what it is that the FDA approved. The only ingredients known are that there is human fecal matter, polyethylene glycol (PEG) 3350, and saline. No one knows what is actually in the enema though. And this is why I raised my eyebrow once more while asking myself what the hell the FDA actually does. According to Verywell Health:

“Despite these positive findings, there is some ambiguity about how the treatment actually works. Curry, who was a principal investigator for a branch of the Rebyota clinical trials, said Ferring considers its product to be proprietary and hasn’t shared with researchers details about how the product is made.”

““We don’t fundamentally know what’s in it,” Curry said. “One Rebyota dose could come from one human. It could be pooled from 50 humans or 500 humans. We don’t know—they don’t spell that out in the label.”

“Curry said it will be important to collect more safety data on how this product holds up in young people and in those who are immunocompromised, such as cancer patients who are at high risk for recurrent C. diff infections. The treatment doesn’t appear to be safe and effective for people who have a low white blood cell count or are taking any antibiotics.

““We’ve been stuck in this wilderness where patients don’t have access to a therapy that we know works really well. But there’s been a big question mark hanging over [FMT]: Is this safe?” Curry said. “It’s a human product. Human beings can have infectious diseases, and if you’re not careful, you’ll make a bad situation even worse.”

“As more microbiota-based therapies come to market, Curry said it will be important to educate providers about how to use them safely.

““This a desperate infection. People are desperately ill, and they need this therapy, so some of these risks are probably worth taking,” Curry said.

“There is an ongoing phase 3 clinical trial to study the long-term efficacy and safety of the therapy in an expanded population with fewer enrollment restrictions.”

Curry didn’t do what he was supposed to do. The FDA didn’t do what they were supposed to do. Yet here we are with a new treatment that no one is really sure about it’s safety. Even the ‘safety regulators’ don’t know if it’s safe because we paid them to not do what they are supposed to do. Instead of finding out what is in Rebyota the FDA rubber stamped it citing an urgent need for people suffering from the infections. It should sound very familiar, it is exactly the same way we ended up with millions dead from coronavirus gene therapies in vaccine vials. The prescribing information does not contain the term ‘white blood cells’ nor the medical term ‘leukocytes.’ Is it safe? Who knows.

But that brings up a massive problem. If people are made unaware of what is in a product designed for use in a human body they cannot give informed consent. No one can be informed of what is in Rebyota because the manufacturer is claiming it is proprietary. Well, if it’s proprietary, then it shouldn’t be on the market at all because no one can legally consent to take it. This doesn’t seem to be a real big issue for the FDA or pharmaceutical manufacturers but to normal people it becomes a huge issue because we cannot determine the risks.

Another problem arises out of Ferring Pharmaceuticals claims of proprietary compositions because they are concealing not only how many samples are being used, but what their ‘purification’ process is, what diseases they screen for, and what they plan on doing when (not if) there is a disease within the sample which they didn’t screen for. It’s almost as if Ferring is trying to follow Bayer’s footsteps in their decision to continue manufacturing HIV-tainted blood primarily for use in hemophiliacs. The best Ferring gives us are promises from a guy named Khanna:

“The fecal matter used to create Rebyota is screened for different kinds of bacteria, infections in the blood, and viral infections like COVID-19, according to Khanna, the lead researcher on the largest Rebyota clinical trial.

““There are a lot of checks and balances that are in place to make sure that there’s minimal to no infection transmission,” Khanna said.”

So we all have to take the ‘expert’s’ word for it. It’s all on the up and up, I’m sure. Just like Bayer knowingly sold it’s blood products to recoup its investment, why wouldn’t Khanna do the exact same thing? People dying isn’t a problem for pharmaceutical companies, not turning a profit is. I am never going to advocate for socialism but there is a balance here that needs to be calculated. Could we not have a law specifically for pharmaceutical companies that if one of their drugs (used correctly) is directly attributable to a death or injury they need to have the drug removed from the market and/or pay a fine equal to no less than 60% of their total profit from the drug extending 5 years to include any future profits as well in the event of death or the medical bills attributable to any injury suffered? I bet that would get pharmaceutical companies to stop their stupid, dangerous, experiments on humanity in general. Any such drug which the FDA approved which falls under this law would find the FDA able to be sued civilly by the injured parties as well as the individuals within the agency able to be sued civilly and/or terminated from the FDA. The FDA would be forced to do something to ensure safety after that law was passed. We could make these things safe but we don’t because the pharmaceutical companies know they are selling us a slow way to die from their drugs.

The real lesson in all of this mess is that we were warned. All of humanity was warned. Galatians 5:19-21 reads, 19 And it is perfectly evident what the old nature does. It expresses itself in sexual immorality, impurity and indecency; 20 involvement with the occult and with drugs; in feuding, fighting, becoming jealous and getting angry; in selfish ambition, factionalism, intrigue 21 and envy; in drunkenness, orgies and things like these. I warn you now as I have warned you before: those who do such things will have no share in the Kingdom of God! Witchcraft is mentioned in 2 Kings 9:22 and sorcery is mentioned in 1 Samuel 15:23, Nahum 3:4, and 2 Chronicles 33:6. Both terms are associated with drug use. We were warned not to dabble into the chemically mutilated world we all live in.

I have to agree with the Ray Hermon when he wrote, “Alcohol and pharmaceutical drugs, are used, like anything else, to help or to harm. This goes for all sciences and technologies, too. Let it get out of hand and Satan sees an opportunity to let his agents move in and take control. Many things in our modern world are of great benefit to our minds, bodies and all of society, and new discoveries are made every day, but humans always seem to find evil uses for them, because of Satan’s influence.”

It has gotten way out of hand. Rebyota, poop sharing, is just one more example of how far out of hand it has gotten and I cannot wait to see what they dream up to counter the effects of Rebyota which will be seen sooner or later. Until then I will pray to God for health and keep reading my Bible. I will trust in God, not experts trying to sell perverting versions of their own making.

Bless God and God bless.


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