Real Hate and Fake Jews (and Christians)

Real Hate and Fake Jews (and Christians)

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/14/2022

The Torah is not the Jewish Bible – it is everyone’s Bible. It is composed of the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, and Numbers. Go look – those books are in your Bible too. They are in there because those are God’s Laws. The Gospels all relate back directly to God’s Laws – especially the words spoken by Yeshua (Jesus Christ). That is a side note. Those of the Jewish faith are supposed to be bound to the Law found in the Torah. Unfortunately Jews reject the New Testament just like Christians reject the Old Testament.

Jews claiming to want to kill Christians or kill Yeshua all over again are speaking some really negative things. Likewise, Christians seeking to place the blame for all of the evils on the world and suggesting that Jews suffer pogroms and genocidal campaigns once more is troubling as well. In my opinion, both groups have the Bible wrong because the ENTIRE thing is relevant and needs to be heeded. Maybe both groups can demand my death next. This is a complaint against the observant Jewish and Christian individuals out there. But there are a lot of Jewish people who are Jews by blood and have decided to turn their backs on God and wage outright war on His Laws.

Individuals and groups who have done this are rife in the Bible. Judges 6 tells of a time when the people of Israel did evil in the eyes of God and they were taken captive by Midian. In Judges 13 the people of Israel again disobeyed God’s Laws and were handed over to the Philistines. 1 Kings 21 is about the evil of Ach’av and his punishment. 2 Kings 17 relates the story of Achaz. 2 Kings 21 is about King M’nasheh, the evil he committed, and the punishment he received. King David had Uriyah killed in order to take Uriyah’s wife as his own, repented of his transgression, and was nonetheless punished accordingly but also shown mercy by God as related in 2 Samuel 11 and 12. The wisest person to have ever lived, Shlomo (Solomon) even did evil in the eyes of God and was punished for it (1 Kings 11). Some of his hundreds of wives were from cultures who rejected the Living God and worshiped idols and to please them, Shlomo followed ‘Ashtoret of the Tzidoni and Milkom of the ‘Amoni and built high places for K’mosh of the Mo’av and Molekh of the ‘Amon. Shlomo had the kingdom of Israel taken from him save one tribe and faced several powerful adversary's which he could not vanquish.

There are many kings in the history sections of the Bible and some were evil and some were good in God’s perception. The evil ones led the nations into sin and the punishments were severe for the transgressors – even more so if they refused to repent. God doen’s change. His Laws are still on the books. His son created not a new covenant, but a condensed covenant. As the 10 commandments summarized the 613 Laws of the Torah, Yeshua summarized the 10 commandments into two general rules. Some take these two rules as as a new covenant which Yeshua absolutely and very plainly told us not to do in Matthew 5:17-20, “17 Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete. 18 Yes indeed! I tell you that until heaven and earth pass away, not so much as a yud or a stroke will pass from the Torah — not until everything that must happen has happened. 19 So whoever disobeys the least of these mitzvot and teaches others to do so will be called the least in the Kingdom of Heaven. But whoever obeys them and so teaches will be called great in the Kingdom of Heaven. 20 For I tell you that unless your righteousness is far greater than that of the Torah-teachers and P’rushim, you will certainly not enter the Kingdom of Heaven!

As a side note, mitzvot means Law. Yeshua is telling everyone who follows Him to follow every single Law in the Torah. That means don’t eat pork or shrimp. It means the Sabbath is still on Saturday. It means those who follow Jesus also need to heed the Laws. If nothing else, those Laws, the same Laws which Yeshua lived by his entire life and made Him the only perfect man to have ever existed, made him Holy in the eyes of God and perfect in the eyes of man. We should all strive to be like Yeshua with everything we do. Christianity does an extremely poor job of defining why, exactly, Jesus was perfect because that part of the Bible is seen as something Christian’s don’t need to pay attention to. Oh my, how wrong-headed is that? Following God’s Laws is what makes us Holy enough to be in God’s presence in the first place. Because Yeshua never once strayed from these Laws, he is so Holy (set apart) as to be able to see God’s face forever.

Back to the topic at hand now, those kings are no different than the ‘kings’ we have over us now. We have many evil kings. And we have many evil people feigning Judaism, Christianity, and a whole host of other religious beliefs in order to make religious claims to force those led to these false prophets to follow the way of the world. Perhaps no organization is more guilty of being religious claimants than the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

The ADL mission statement reads, “To stop the defamation of the Jewish people and to secure justice and fair treatment to all.” ‘Stopping the defamation of the Jewish people’ sounds fair. It is not until the methods adopted by the present day ADL are taken into account that the statement becomes absurd. The ADL will tolerate no criticism of anything Jewish, including the secular state of Israel, even when the facts lend themselves to warranting the criticism. Asking questions like – why is Israel one of the nations with the highest rate of COVID-19 vaccine uptake in the world when we are finding out that these shots are lethal; is there a Jewish mafia and if so, what does it do; why is Israel a secular, instead of a religious, state; why is it that some Jews rabidly hate Yeshua; or why are there Jews involved with the globalist power structure especially in finance, banking, and media – will get the ADL to jump at the chance to run a smear campaign against the person asking by labling them as having engaged in anti-Semitic hate speech.

The second clause of the ADL’s mission statement states their intention to ‘secure justice and fair treatment for ALL.’ Well, they cannot claim to be a Jewish institution which follows the Torah while at the same time securing justice or fair treatment of all. Something here is amiss. Homosexuality is clearly defined in the Torah as one of the causes of Sodom and Gomorrah's fall into the status of reprobate cities in Genesis 19, Leviticus 18, verse 22 reads “‘You are not to go to bed with a man as with a woman; it is an abomination,’” and a similar Law is found at Leviticus 20:13. Outside of the Torah, but still in the Old Testament, homosexual practices are referenced as evil in Judges 19, 1 Kings 14 and 15, 2 Kings 23, and in the New Testament (that most Jews refuse to acknowledge because the price of acknowledging the New Testament is ostracization from the Temple and the Rabbi and the people of the Jewish faith) at Romans 1, 1 Corinthians 6, 1 Timothy 1, and Jude 7. It would seem there is a strong case for those of Jewish and Christian faiths to discriminate against those engaging in homosexuality meaning that the ADL would not be permitted, if they followed their faith, to accept the homosexual practices, let alone fight for their fair and treatment.

The ADL, far from adhering to the religion they claim to be a part of, have decided to ignore all of this in order to better serve the ways of the world (controlled by the Adversary, Lucifer, Satan). It would be one thing if they accepted the people in the LGBTQ the way they were with the intent to change them into repentant followers of God, but they are not in that business either. No, they are in the business of denying anything that has to do with the Bible, Yeshua, and anyone who accurately follows the Bible or Yeshua. When that evil ‘king’ Joe Biden signed the Respect for Marriage Abomination (which also legalizes pedophilia in the entire United States) the ADL took to Twitter to praise it, “@POTUS just signed the #RespectForMarriageAct, cementing marriage recognition for same-gender and interracial couples. Thank you to the legislators and activists who fought for this bill. Anti-LGBTQ+ hate continues to rise, and we will continue to advocate for #LGBTQ+ rights.” Included in the ADL’s tweet is a video with of an act of the abomination of homosexuality (two men kissing) and the words, “The courage of all those in previous generation to today who proudly lived their truth.” as posted originally by ‘President’ Biden. There is only one truth that neither the Jewish claimants at the ADL nor the Catholic claimant in the White House seem able to recall and that one truth is the Bible. The same Bible that condemns homosexuality throughout it’s pages with God Himself demanding death for those who partake in it and labeling the act an abomination (extremely disgusting and hated).

Interestingly, the ADL is using the same tactics the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei did in 1933. The ADL, instead of targeting Jews; however, is targeting anyone who isn’t following along with the Adversary’s designs and narratives of the world. While there are neo-Nazi groups out there spreading hate, and there are anti-Semites out there spreading hate, there are also Jews out there spreading hate, Moslems out there spreading hate, LGBTQ activists out there spreading hate, and atheists, satanists, humanists, and transhumanists out there spreading hate, too. By targeting only those who say anything which could be even remotely construed as being against the ADL’s favored groups, which include the ADL, the LGBTQIA+, so-called MAPS (pedophiles), Jews, pro-Israel groups, Black Lives Matter or Antifa to name several, the ADL is actually proving just how hypocritical and reprobate it is. Instead of living in reality, the ADL has decided to go headlong into demanding rights be stripped from white people, Christians, soccer moms at PTA meetings demanding their child not be sexually molested and abused by their kindergarten and elementary school teachers, and gun owners. People like that speak against the narrative the ADL supports – the one where injustice, degeneracy, and globalism is celebrated. According to the ADL, anyone who observes objective reality, the Laws of God, the salvation of Christ, or the Constitution of the United States of America is the disgraceful person who needs to be purged from the airwaves, printing presses, internet, and moved into some form of digital or, preferably, physical internment or re-education camp.

The Ukrainian leader is very sympathetic to neo-Nazi groups and even has a battalion full of them called the Azov battalion. Featuring black suns, Nazi rituals, and a hatred of all things which are not fascist, the Azov battalion was one of the stated reasons Putin went to war against Ukraine. In March 2022 the ADL wrote about the invasion, “ADL condemns in the strongest terms Russia's unprovoked invasion of Ukraine and aggression towards the Ukrainian people, a blatant violation of international law.  This unnecessary war, which has its roots in the years-long military actions instigated by Russian President Vladimir Putin, has already caused thousands of deaths, is unleashing untold misery on the civilian population, and threatens the independence of Ukraine, a sovereign country and a fellow democracy.” They note there were about 400,000 Jews in Ukraine at the time and asked readers to donate to humanitarian groups, advocate for refugees, and to report anyone for hate speech who doesn’t follow the narrative woven by the publications they recommend – The Atlantic, The New Yorker, JTA, Alta, and Unpacked (the last two are singular articles). Meanwhile the ADL not only ignored the Nazi love fest going on in the Ukrainian love fest to begin with, they seem to have been silent on more recent events such as the Ukrainian ‘democracy’ banning all political parties save for Zelisnky’s and outlawing the Russian Orthodox Church from being able to operate.

Why does the ADL do these things? Because they don’t practice Judaism. They have the blood of their forefathers but have hearts and minds turned over to the evil ways practiced on earth. People who read this who want to blame all of the problems on earth on Jews – read what I have to say carefully as many times as you need to see it until you are able to understand what I am saying here – these Jews you point to are A) not the only people involved in destroying the future of this world and making things crappier and crappier on a daily basis and B) are not practicing Judaism at all because God condemns the positions they hold and forbid them from conducting themselves in the manner they are. Much like people who claim Christianity and invest no time or effort in trying to learn about Yeshua, His Father, nor what it means to be Holy, these Jews are not following the Torah. They are people operating on a humanist framework of morals they cobble together, disassemble, and reassemble as the need arises. Some of them happen to have a Jewish lineage. Others happen to be Russian, German, English, French, American, African, Asian and the list goes on and on. They walk by the narrative they collectively weave. There is a conspiracy and it’s not one rightly attributed to just the Jews or just the Americans or just the Arabs – the conspiracy taking place is one featuring globalists trying to destroy the birthright God gave to each of us, individually. To steal such a birthright in the seductive and covert manner in which this global cabal and it’s friendly operatives demand is an overt sign of their hatred of God, His Laws, and His Son. We are all fighting a battle of Good versus Evil, God versus Lucifer, Adonai versus the Adversary. Claiming a (place race or ethnicity here) conspiracy exists and is seeking to usurp all powers on earth to take total control only serves to divide effective fronts against the evil spilling into this world at an alarming pace.

10 Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! 11 Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. 12 For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. 13 So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. 14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist,[b] put on righteousness for a breastplate,[c] 15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom.[d] 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 17 And take the helmet of deliverance;[e] along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people. - Ephesians 6. [emphasis mine]

To be in union with the Lord we must follow the Laws of Torah the best we can. This doesn’t mean start stoning people to death, it means educate with reason and allow all to have free will to make up their mind which side of this war one chooses to fight on. The Truth is the Bible – the Word of God. Righteousness is found in the eyes of God, man’s version of righteousness is quite obviously degenerate and immoral. The Good News is the salvation and sacrifice of Yeshua. Those end times and that day of evil are fast approaching.

There is a lot of hatred on the earth and the ADL is one of the most prolific dissemination outlets of it. CNN, MSNBC, most of FOX News, SPLC, the US federal government, the UN, WEF, WHO, almost all governments of the world, thousands of non-governmental organizations, almost all of academia, are also prominent hate spewers. They hate God, and it shows. Since they hate God they hate anyone who is willing to gall evil, evil and good, good.

I realize that I may have presented some inflammatory topics here. I realize that almost no one on earth would agree with my thoughts contained herein. Battle my speech with yours. Leave a comment or send me an e-mail. Correct me where I went wrong. The ADL and the other institutions mentioned above (all globalist institutions) want to silence me and anyone else who speaks of the Truth. They want us debanked, our assets frozen, homeless, destitute, and banned from the internet entirely. If they could get their way they would starve us to death in our homes, inject us with strychnine instead of their mRNA slurry of death, and put us in prison camps. These fake people are spewing real hate and it is up to anyone who is able to discern that to speak that message loud and clear. If it’s what God wants, and I believe it is, then I pray for His protection while I am doing it and pray for yours while you do likewise.

Bless God and God bless.


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