Asking For Amnesty To Commit More Crimes Against Humanity

Asking For Amnesty To Commit More Crimes Against Humanity

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 12/16/2022

Remember when The Atlantic decided to publish a disgusting article written by Emily Oster on Halloween? It was called Let’s Declare a Pandemic Amnesty. This was necessary because everything Emily Oster did during the pandemic, and everything medical ‘experts’ suggested, tyrannical governors mandated, and despotic businesses (those that were ‘essential’ at least) and ‘police’ officers illegally enforced warranted, according to Oster, amnesty. Let’s let bygones be bygones is the saying. Pretty much the entire rational-thinking world told her to shove it.

As yet nothing has really happened which has effectively held anyone accountable for their actions during the pandemic. Anthony Fauci is hopefully about to be under investigation in Florida which is seeking to investigate the clot shot he is associated with which has murdered millions. Fauci’s response was “I don’t have a clue, Kate [the CNN host], what he’s [Governor Ron DeSantis] asking for. I mean, we have a vaccine that unequivocally is highly effective, and safe, and has saved literally millions of lives. The Commonwealth Fund has come out with a report just this past week that vaccinations that have been administered over this period of time, this last year and a half to two years, has saved 3.2 million lives, 18 million hospitalizations, and approximately one trillion dollars in costs. So what’s the problem with vaccines, I mean vaccines are life saving. So quite frankly, Kate, I’m not sure what they’re trying to do down there.” While Anthony Fauci snidely chuckled when he said ‘vaccines are lifesaving’, my father, and millions of others, are lying in graves which were opened to accept their lifeless bodies, made that way by the efforts of Anthony Fauci and many others.

After asking for a COVID-19 amnesty the crimes those seeking amnesty are committing are the same crimes they committed in the first place. Since making the absurd amnesty claim, they have decided masks and social distancing should probably be implemented anew. No one has even come near to an apology for the murders they recommended and committed by using remdesivir and ventilators instead of safe, effective, and cheap ivermectin. The medical tyrant’s unforgivable sin, for me at least, is their continuous recommendations (and in same areas, mandates) to take the initial doses of ‘vaccine’ and all boosters as well as mRNA-based flu shots. Anthony Fauci has enough blood on his hands to fill 20 Olympic-size pools. And Oster wants amnesty for herself and everyone else in the same boat? I don’t think so.

The Atlantic themselves; however, have decided to commit more crimes even after their own pleas for amnesty. All of the authors and quoted persons in an article appearing in the publication today and yeasterday deserve to be locked up, tired for their crimes, and punished accordingly. Yesterday’s piece (December 15, 2022) is titled Is COVID a Common Cold Yet? by Katherine J. Wu. In this spectacular narrative, COVID shots are praised but COVID is never going to go away. The last paragraph reads, “For now, researchers don’t know whether we’re nearing the COVID-severity plateau, and they’re worried it will get only more difficult to tell. Maybe it’s for the best if the mildness asymptote is a ways off. In the U.S. and elsewhere, subvariants are still swirling, bivalent-shot uptake is still stalling, and hospitalizations are once more creeping upward as SARS-CoV-2 plays human musical chairs with RSV and flu. Abroad, inequities in vaccine access and quality—and a zero-COVID policy in China that stuck around too long—have left gaping immunity gaps. To settle into symptom stasis with this many daily deaths, this many off-season waves, this much long COVID, and this pace of viral evolution would be grim. “I don’t think we’re quite there yet,” Gordon told me. “I hope we’re not there yet.””

What makes this narrative spectacular is when one realizes that an asymptote is a mathematical term describing a line that a curve approaches, as it heads towards infinity. Couple that with Gordon’s suggestion that she hopes it’s not happening and understand that she is an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan, in other words one of the experts on the matter.

But the Atlantic wasn’t done there, they published No One Wants Your Cold, by Caroline Mimbs Nyce, today. Almost as if Nyce used Wu’s article to construct hers, she again demanded people take ‘vaccines’ boosters, and flu shots. In addition to this her article is basically telling everyone to cancel whatever holiday they celebrate again. The symptoms of the “tripledemic” (COVID-19, influenza, and RSV) are the same as most common colds. No one knows if they are contagious and there are no home tests for flu and RSV, so Nyce decided that everyone should just stay home if they have any doubts about their illness. “For that reason, Milton [Donald, University of Maryland] draws a hard line: “Basically, you need to ask people, ‘If you’ve got cold or flu symptoms, please stay home.’” If people who are recovering from a virus do come to the gathering, they should wear a mask, he said.”

Nyce also wrote, “The COVID tool kit we’ve all grown so familiar with—wearing masks, running HEPA filters, opening a door or window for ventilation—can also be used to mitigate risk. On top of that, people can take precautionary measures, like staying up-to-date on flu and COVID vaccines. They can also remember to wash their hands. (Even though COVID is accepted to be transmitted by aerosols—and the flu at least partially so—experts are still debating whether RSV and rhinovirus are, Milton told me.) Scrubbing your hands clean can help protect you from not-respiratory-but-still-absolutely-miserable viruses, such as norovirus.” After this nifty little piece of stupidity, Nyce then wrote about how we should have all been taking COVID-precautions BEFORE the man-made virus ‘escaped’ from the lab.

In order to make any of these claims all statistical evidence is ignored. It has to be ignored because the vaccines have caused massive numbers of sterilizations, stillbirths, injuries, and deaths is staggering. When it is not ignored it is just not collected in the first place. It is undeniable that teenagers are having record numbers of heart attacks, stokes, and diagnosis of myocarditis. It is undeniable that all-cause deaths have skyrocketed beginning in 2021. Not 2020 when the whole world was going to die from COVID-19, 2021, when the ‘cure’ for COVID-19 was released. They are lying and they don’t care if we are on to them or not. They all need to be placed on trial for crimes against humanity, conspiracy to commit murder, and conspiracy to commit genocide in a Nuremberg-style tribunal.

The Atlantic isn’t alone in this assault on common sense either. The New York Times published Just How Bad Is The ‘Tripledemic’? today. Yesterday, Yahoo News entered the fray with How to protect yourself and your family from COVID this winter. Steven Colbert still hasn’t figured out what it means to be an accessory to genocide as he proved on December 14. All of the individuals responsible for these and similar articles need to be tried under the Nuremberg Code.

And nowhere in anyone’s toolkit is anything that makes any sense. In the real world – in real human bodies – our immune systems are able to fight off all kinds of things when we are exposed to them. To help our immune systems there are certain vitamins and minerals we can take to bolster it. Vitamins A, C, D3, and proper nutrition all do wonders to help our immune systems. I don’t see any of these articles talking about any of that. They all want to focus on masks which at best do nothing and at worst cause illness. Social distancing is incredibly dehumanizing. ‘Vaccines’ which have been designed to destroy immune systems and has some really detrimental effects by gelatinizing blood are not the answer to anything except doctor-assisted suicide. Yet these people keep on demanding it after demanding an amnesty for everything they did before October 31, 2022. They can all go to Hell.

Nuremberg NOW. And STAY HUMAN by staying away from these mutagenic shots.

Bless God and God bless.


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