Today, the World Health Organization was Declared a Public Health Emergency of International Concern by The Center for the Preservation of Humanity

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/24/2022

Everyone be extremely alarmed – the monkeypox is coming for you. Better shut those in-person ballot boxes down! Better go get your shots and social distance! Better wear your masks! The WHO declared monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern, as you may well know.

So let’s see. A disease called monkeypox was unknown to the world until the 1970’s. After years of using monkeys to test vaccines, monkeypox was found. The disease spreads through close contact with infected people. Let’s fast forward to June of 2022. The media, government, and public health institutions were still singing the demonic wear your mask and take your shot song over CoVID-19. In the meantime, some of the LGBTQIA+ people paraded their bedroom habits in the streets of America and around the world. Some even sexually assaulted children. After the events, they seemed to enjoy getting together in gigantic group orgies and practicing their bedroom activities. Weird that gay men ended up with monkeypox the month afterwards.

Now children are being reported to have contracted monkeypox. Makes me wonder if the fathers of those children may have some truths they have not told. Monkeypox is not an emergency. It is literally a plague brought on by vaccination testing which is affecting homosexuals and their families. At least for now. I’m sure the disease will spread far and wide before anyone actually points out that fact.

The WHO also lists some other diseases which have cropped up. Two people died from Marburg Virus (Ebola discovered in Germany) in Ghana. There are 7,700-plus people who have suffered from Cholera in Somalia since January 1, 2022. For some crazy reason (mRNA vaccines) over 1,000 children have become ill with Severe Acute Hepatitis. 22 have died according to the WHO, the number is far greater than this.

As far as the WHO being a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC)– there is no other way to describe the organization. And the list of PHEIC organizations is not confined to WHO, it is applicable to the CDC, BARDA, NHS, NIH, and just about every other public health institution on earth. But, with the International Health Regulations (IHRs) being held by the WHO makes them enemy number one.

Specifically, the WHO is seeking to gain the ability to sanction nations which choose not to follow their ‘health’ decrees, especially when they declare a PHEIC. Under the IHRs the WHO already hold far too great a power to order public health systems around in nations across the globe. However, their demands are basically suggestions because they have no stick, at least not yet. They are trying to get their stick through sanctions against non-abiding nations.

But just because I feel the list of travesties committed against humanity needs to be more concretely laid down in order to make my case, here you go:

1. The WHO is STILL pushing for increased uptake of the CoVID-19 gene therapies called a vaccine.

2. Because the CoVID jab isn’t going to maim, sterilize, and murder enough people the WHO is demanding vaccines be developed for antibiotic resistant bacterial, viral, parasitical, and fungal infections.

3. The WHO declared monkeypox a Public Health Emergency of International Concern.

4. The WHO has a committed Communist straight out of dictatorial Ethiopia, a regime he served in, as their Director-General.

5. Tedros is backed by China’s government.

6. Tedros and the WHO sat on their hands pooh-poohing the coronavirus threat until the whole world, except China, decided, with WHO’s advice, to shut everything down for a year. 60 million people starved to death from the stunt, millions lost their lives to the lab-created SARS-CoV-2, and billions have been negatively impacted, especially in the arenas of health, mental health, and economically.

7. The WHO is increasingly entering into the role of politics.

8. Tedros, and the WHO he leads use race-bating and victim mentality tactics to achieve their wicked ends.

9. One of the public health issues high on the WHO’s list is manmade climate change. When one of the catcalls of manmade climate change is Zero-Carbon, I hope you remember what is made out of carbon. Every living being on earth is made out of carbon, including you and everyone you have ever met. Zero-carbon? The WHO is trying to tell you, just like I am, they want almost all of us dead.

10. The WHO wants to be the ones in charge of refugee health. Tedros helped murder a couple hundred thousand of some of these refugee groups, so there seems to be a slight hypocrisy at play here.

11. Gender is a social construct according to the WHO. But that, too is within their realm of intervention, at least according to themselves.

12. The WHO pushes for transhumanism through human genetic editing including germline (inheritable) edits.

13. The WHO, having Marxism as their guide, sees no use in free-speech and continuously works to silence anyone who questions their actions. They have a term for it, Infodemic.

14. Bill Gates has given billions of dollars to the WHO, effectively giving that neo-nazi eugenicist scumbag a say in the WHO’s direction. Starring Bill Gates and China’s Politburo advice and direction with the ideology of Karl Marx and the application of Mao Zedong couldn’t possibly pose any risk to the health of humanity. I’m sure it will be fine….

There is a short list. I could probably get up to about 50, maybe even more. Any disease which occurs naturally (not manmade, and not supernaturally) will pose a far less severe risk than a rouge WHO will. Thus, I see fit to declare a war upon them. This war will feature dollars and cents, denial of access, and a thorough and complete refutation of everything they have done, regardless of the high-sounding name they gave to whatever crooked operation they are running. In other words, it will be a war of attrition – denying every penny we can from going to the WHO, denying that they have one bit of say over our lives, and denying the idea that the organization should continue to exist.

We should have public health monitoring systems in place. If someone goes into a medical facility seeking treatment, I think that should be recorded, minus any identifying information. When that person is discharged or succumbs to their ailment or injury, I think that should also be included along with treatments. I think that data should be collected by something called county public health centers which are accountable to the people they serve. One of their duties should include communicating that data to others through a decentralized database of information for international use. This is all the WHO should be doing, but it seems they are incapable of even doing that. Instead they are making sure that transhumanism is an acceptable norm, children can take puberty blockers, and everyone get 56 ‘vaccines’ into their bodies.

The Center for the Preservation of Humanity Declares, on this day, July 24, 2022 the World Health Organization to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. As such, I urge all governments and private donors to immediately cease any and all funding going towards the WHO, suspend all WHO activity in any nation, and to hold in jail it’s leaders pending trial on charges of crimes against humanity and genocide in any and all applicable jurisdictions.

Signed Tim O’Connor – CPH President. (Feel free to print this out, get signatures, and send it to your national health departments)


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