Alexa, Call the Doctor

Alexa, Call the Doctor

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/21/2022

Amazon announced today that they are acquiring a primary care provider. One Medical is going to be added to the health services Amazon provides. Jeff Bezos is, apparently trying to become your doctor through the policies and guidelines he, as owner, will be able to force compliance with.

What could possibly go wrong here?

Jeff Bezos is a man without any ethical bone in his body. He underpays his workers, has refused to give his employees adequate time to go to the bathroom, and destroyed the retail book industry. No wonder Bezos’ employees continuously call for unionization, he treats them as beasts of burden and in response, they have chosen to push for unionization. I am no fan of unions, but I am also not a fan of Bezos.

According to abc News, Amazon owns Whole Foods, and MGM, operates an online pharmacy, and offers its own healthcare to employees. Now they are buying a One Medical.

One Medical has physical offices in over 125 locations, mostly in the major cities of the United States. They also provide telemedicine services and offer drop boxes for sample collection. Their services include wellness and prevention, everyday care, chronic conditions, children and family, mental health, LGBTQ+ services, urgent care, and sexual health (including ‘family planning services’ which is abortion). For only $199 a year, over 750,000 people use One Medical’s services. For only $199 a year, I’m sure One Medical will send out home abortion kits, prescribe puberty blockers to children, and encourage little boys and girls to get their private parts removed. And now Amazon is going to own all of that.

“Online retail giant took a firm stance Monday pushing against a prevailing Republican-led push to restrict access to abortion, telling its staff that it would pay up to $4,000 in travel expenses for non-life threatening medical treatments that include abortion,” according to a May, 3 2022 article in USA Today.

With their acquisition of One Medical, doctors can just send prescriptions to the Amazon pharmacy. Amazon will deliver the prescription, including abortion drugs, to the patient’s front door. Amazon will make bank. Bezos will be a little bit richer by directly murdering babies in the womb. And with all of his money, Bezos will continue to demand that abortion drugs on demand stays ‘legal.’

In 2021, Bezos contributed $100 million to the Obama Foundation. The Obama Foundation is fully invested in the Great Reset. The foundation is also involved with healthcare, equality and social progress, and climate and energy. Through these issues, the foundation promotes abortion access, LGBTQ+ issues, and urges a climate emergency to be declared, among other issues. During the COVID-19 mitigation efforts, Jeff Bezos’ made a ton of money, and he would like to repeat that feat through helping enter the US into climate lock-downs.

Bezos has a pretty good racket going for himself. Will it help human beings? No, I don’t believe it will. It is a stepping stone in the wrong direction for humanity. The acquisition of One Medical by Amazon represents a trend which will likely accelerate. The results of multi-billionaires buying up healthcare services to impose a global medical tyranny will not benefit humanity in general. Globalized medical tyranny is designed to force people into taking harmful, injurious, and deadly procedures, such as the COVID-19 gene therapies masquerading as a vaccine. In the end, the globalized medical system Bezos’ and others in the global elitist circles, seek to use healthcare as the way to enslave and murder as many people as they can.

$3.7 billion seems pretty cheap to begin the consolidation of healthcare systems. It only portends health outcomes which are against a persons wishes as commanded from a multinational corporation’s CEO.

What could possibly go wrong?




Falling for the Illusions