Texas is Doing Things Right Again

Texas is Doing Things Right Again

Tim O’Connor – The Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 7/25/2022

Vox has this gigantic article, Will the pro-abortion billionaires please stand up?, written by Whizy Kim that makes a plea for money from billionaires to PACs and campaigns. Kim gets two things drastically wrong in the article. Ms. Kim, the United States of America is not a democracy, tell your editors at the filthy rag you write for, Vox, that the United States of America is a Constitutional Republic. The second fatal flaw is claiming that abortion is somehow a right in our ‘democracy.’ If these morons didn’t pile one lie upon another, they would never be able to write more that 50 words.

Kim wrote 2,144 words. The only thing she got right is that billionaires fund political candidates who get elected, take their oath of office, and violate that oath in every way they are able. In other words, billionaires find people who will commit treason against the United States of America and not a thing is ever done about it. How do we fix that? We start holding trials and impeaching these arrogant monsters thinking up new ways to murder and impoverish us daily.

In Kim’s article she asks for the big democrat spenders to support murdering babies (she calls it abortion). She thinks that they will likely respond as we get near to the midterms.

Democrats like to pretend they want to get private funding out of political races. But do they? They seem to have a near monopoly on dollars coming from billionaires in a wide variety of enterprises for every progressive, unconstitutional idea ever thought up. Ms. Kim here, almost forgot the fact that the monsters in the democrat party want this money removed. So she wrote this neat little paragraph all the way at the end of her article condoning funding for baby-murdering advocates running for political office. What a hypocritical sweetheart you are Whizy Kim.

Meanwhile, in Texas, an article in TMZ titled TX Legislators Threaten Major Law Firm starts off:

“Eleven members of the Texas State Legislature have fired off a letter to Sidley Austin, one of the largest law firms in the U.S., threatening the firm and its lawyers with criminal prosecution and disbarment if they in any way facilitate abortions, even in other states.”

Thank you Texas, especially the 11 members who authored the letter. The intent is pure and simple – stop murdering babies in the womb. The letter reminded the 2,000 lawyer law firm that abortion is illegal in Texas unless the life of the mother is in danger. The letter also contains language suggesting that lawyers at the firm have committed felonious acts already by paying for chemical abortions in which the recipient took the second drug in the state of Texas. Even if women in Texas decide to order baby-murdering drugs from a different state, they are not permitted, by law, to take the concoction in Texas.

In the future, the letter continues, the intent of the legislature is to pass laws prohibiting lawyers and law firms from paying for abortions or abortion related travel. Any citizen can sue an offending party and the citizen may be awarded $10,000 for doing so. The legislation, according to TMZ, would also disbar any lawyer who acts contrary to the law, allow citizens to sue the State Bar to get a judge to order the disbarment, and allow for any D.A. in the state to prosecute offenders, whether it is within their jurisdiction or not.

There are some slippery slopes here. Whoever drafts the legislation will need to keep the language concise and very narrow. But, boy oh boy, would Whizy Kim’s head explode if this type of legislation became standardized for the murder of the unborn. I hope Texas begins applying the law to others as well, like Amazon, Starbucks, and any other company which has already promised abortion assistance to their employees.

But, the larger question remains – why are these ghoulish baby-murdering freaks even trying to legalize abortion in the first place? It affects their money and their sacrament. Baby murder is big business and the monsters performing it made big bucks by selling off pieces of murdered babies. Ask Project Veritas, who collected information on video and then found themselves getting sued by Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood won the case in which they claimed Project Veritas’ David Daleiden was trespassing and illegal methods of collecting evidence for the story. They never denied the accuracy of the report, and the ‘people’ caught on camera bragging about their next luxury car funded by selling murdered baby parts have yet to be tried.

And then there is the satanic temple, which is suing Texas over it’s abortion laws, claiming that it violates their religious freedom. Religious freedom which demands blood sacrifice is not covered under the first-amendment. Murder is illegal everywhere, and now that the abortion loophole is closed in some states, those advocating for murder have lost their minds.

Texas, is indeed, doing it the right way. They are actually tackling the murder loophole in a responsible and legal way. God Bless them for that. More states should follow suit. Do what you can to make your state a little bit like Texas and I’ll do what I can to make it my state a little bit like Texas too.


Genomics and Transhumanism
