Who Is Determining Our Culture?

Who Is Determining Our Culture?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/12/2023

Andrew Brietbart has a rather famous quote – “politics is downstream from culture”. Our political climate is a reflection of our culture according to this logic. I tend to agree with Brietbart’s observation and have observed that our culture is an embrace of death, destruction, despair, destitution, and debauchery. Not all of us are in this boat. Some of us are trying to buck these trends. We have been labeled terrorists for our efforts. Nonetheless, we are not the ones supporting baby murder, medical deaths, gain-of-function research, nuclear war, unending wealth confiscation and distribution, or promoting the ongoing foreign invasion of the US. We are not the ones dying to get our hands on the newest video games in VR, using AI for everything we can think of, signing up to be nodes on IoT, making ourselves more human than human, and demanding digital currencies and ID’s. If that makes me a terrorist, so be it. What is happening is that the culture of death promoted by most on both sides of the political aisle has found it’s legs in legislative chambers.

Let’s beat the dead horse of child murder (abortion) for a moment. An at-home do-it-yourself kit to murder babies, mifepristone, has been in the news a lot because a Texas court found the FDA’s determination of making the murder pill more widely available. The baby-murderers in the US freaked out. The Supreme Court has sided with the FDA while the FDA’s appeals against the Texas court’s ruling goes through appellate courts. The same baby murderers who are freaking out about mifepristone freaked out about the legality of the baby murder being determined by the states. They are the same people who celebrate the California legislature’s legalization of the child genital mutilation, infanticide, and Minnesota’s legislative efforts to legalize pedophilia.

One sponsor of California’s and Minnesota’s efforts is the Washington Post. The conducted a poll of 1,006 respondents about baby murder in general and mifepristone in particular. According to their results, 66% of US citizens support legalizing at-home baby murder to 24% who do not. Self-proclaimed independents in the political arena were polled at 40.2%, democrats at 27.2%, and republicans at 25.2%. Independents are notorious for leaning towards democrat-party values. In reality, by my assessments (75% of independents are democrats in sheep’s clothing) that is an extra 30.15% for the democrats and the other 25% are all over the place. So, the Washington Post polled a whole slew of democrats (about 58%) compared to about 28% republicans. 584 or so democrats to about 279 republicans. I’m sure they bent over backwards to avoid speaking to Catholics about the topic. The poll was conducted disingenuously, the sample size was minuscule, and democrats were highly over represented. The fact of the matter remains; however, that the culture of America leans towards murdering babies. 664 of those responded stated they want to see mifepristone more widely available.

Now, if the terms baby murder and mother who murders their child are the terms used to describe the brutality and barbarity being visited upon children in the womb, that poll would look a little different. If the Roe v Wade decision being overturned was described for what it actually is, a restoration of the states legitimate rights, the poll would reflect differently. It is described as the Supreme Court having taken away women’s rights which somehow means they have a right to murder children. Using their terminology, the Washington Post managed to get 66% of all US adults to admit that they oppose the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v Wade. A 2012 poll shows that 56% wanted baby murder to be legal in most or all cases and about 42% wanted baby murder to be generally available.

How did the numbers go up? The media attacked the people reading it by constantly stating the way of the world (baby murder in this instance) condones it. The idea is to go with the flow. And to manufacture the ways of the world, Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and the Center for Reproductive Rights exist to make sure that counters to their butchery are silenced. “The Center for Reproductive Rights uses the power of law to advance reproductive rights as fundamental human rights around the world,” reads their mission statement. This snake-filled den of death is a global human rights organization dedicated to murdering babies legally. There are over 600 Planned Parenthood-affiliated locations in the United States. At least $500 million is given annually by the federal government to the Planned Parenthood which also sells the hacked apart children’s body parts.

There are over 3,000 pregnancy centers in the United States operated primarily by CareNet, Heartbeat International, Birthright International, and National Institute of Family and Life Advocates. These centers receive no funds directly from the federal government; however, certain states have diverted federal welfare funds to pro-life centers. The amounts pale in comparison to the billions made by Planned Parenthood and the $500 million US taxpayers are gouged for. A yahoo article (published before the overturning of Roe) put the number at $89 million being used to promote life in such a manner. But, according to yahoo, promoting life is a huge problem. They quoted an absolute degenerate who doesn’t really have a problem with diverted funds – she has a problem with babies being born:

““It’s bad governing. We’re supposed to be monitoring our taxpayer money and we don’t know where the money is going,” said Julie von Haefen, a Democratic state representative in North Carolina, which has sent millions in public money to pregnancy centers. “These clinics don’t provide medical care. They act like they do, but they don’t.””

The article quotes a dyed-in-the-wool Nazi as well. Baby murderers have no use for any speech which serves to refute the claims that murdering babies is the proper thing to do. It’s not only the COVID-19 plandemic being used to demand narrative adherence – the baby murder industry is fully invested in destroying free speech:

““What we have found is that they’re providing misleading information about the risks of abortion and not providing the actual prevalence of when that happens, because abortion is quite safe,” said Andrea Swartzendruber, a University of Georgia public health professor who has helped map the location of crisis pregnancy centers nationwide. “They’ll claim that abortion will lead to breast cancer, when it in fact does not. Or they’ll say abortion leads to abortion PTSD. They make up this post-abortion syndrome.””

You can analyze that entity’s statement yourself. After Roe being overturned though, all of the baby murdering scumbags, particularly in the media, have been out in droves celebrating debauchery and abominations in places like California and demonizing any state which promotes life. Particularly in the cross-hairs are, again, pro-life centers. In August of 2022 Axios weighed in with the usual tripe from these degenerates, “The centers, mostly nonprofits with religious affiliations, have generated comments and concern by appearing to offer medical services. Health providers and abortion rights advocates say they could further limit patients' ability to get accurate information and timely care in the post-Roe landscape.”

In New York, the deranged Governor, Kathy Hochul isn’t content with having abortion of demand up to the very moment of birth. She launched “an investigation into whether crisis pregnancy centers are sharing false medical information about abortion to convince women to continue their pregnancies.” Showing their truly demonic intentions, “Attorney General Letitia James is also calling on Google to adjust search results that lead to crisis pregnancy centers when users search for abortion care.” Now, that is illegal. She will never be prosecuted for the crimes she is committing by demanding that Google alter their algorithm to more prominently display ways to murder babies to the detriment of any institution dedicated to not murdering babies.

At the federal level, there is the FACE Act and people who have weaponized it. The US Department of Justice, headed by a reprobate named Merrick Garland, states of the FACE Act:

“The federal government may bring criminal charges under the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act  ("FACE" ) (which prohibits threats of force, obstruction and property damage intended to interfere with reproductive health care services), or other federal criminal statutes where arson, firearms, and threats were also used. The FACE Act is not about abortions. The statute protects all patients, providers, and facilities that provide reproductive health services, including pro-life pregnancy counseling services and any other pregnancy support facility providing reproductive health care. Where state statutes and local ordinances also prohibit certain types of conduct directed at health care providers, federal, state and local authorities work together to determine what charges are appropriate to bring. Federal or state civil actions, in certain circumstances, can also be filed by either the government or private individuals to obtain remedies not available through a criminal prosecution.”

Dozens of pregnancy centers have been vandalized. At least three have been torched. Employees there are routinely issued death threats. In August of last year, National Review noted there were 45 documented pregnancy center attacks and not a single arrest. The federal government’s investigations into these crimes are dubious at best and are not really being conducted. It is likely that nearly all of these attacks have been carried out by a non-designated domestic terrorist organization by the name of Jane’s Revenge. The DOJ claims that it has managed to indict four of the dozens of perpetrators and they did so as quitly as possible. But, they did manage to try Mark Houck (to no avail) with much fanfare and even a SWAT-team arrest.

Politics is downstream from culture.

I could have probably used less discussed topics to describe the same effects. LGBTQIA+ issues, gun confiscation, computerized and fraudulent elections, the rise of the US police state, the coupling of US domestic law with global government decrees and agendas, the wide open borders, and a wide range of other topics may have proven the same conclusion. Our culture is death. And the one’s who are setting our cultural course are the government, the elite, the NGOs, the ‘experts’, and particularly the media. The media is the promoter of the post-human and anti-human decrees made by the others. What are you putting into your mind? Do you trust the science, the government, the elite, the NGOs, or the ‘experts’? Do you trust the media? They have an agenda – it’s to enslave and kill everyone. They start with trying to murder us in the womb, and then go to mutilating our genitals, poisoning us, encouraging drug use, endorsing mental disorders and offering medically-assisted suicides as a treatment option. In the working years, the anti-humans demand collectivization of labor to control us and mandate all kinds of dangerous edicts like masks and ‘vaccines’ upon the workers. If we manage to live long enough to retire, we can euthanize ourselves. They want to murder us, and they are murdering us, and they are legalizing their murder.

I harp on this all the time. There is a completely different culture. It is basically the new counter-culture and it is focused on creating a human future where humanity retains it’s supremacy in intelligence, the DNA created by God, and the morality of the Bible. I wrote about being a human supremacist and had some support in that endeavor from readers (thank you!). Human supremacy, focused on living by the Word of God, loving Jesus Christ, and seeking guidance with the Holy Spirit is the counter-culture.

The counter-culture is the answer to all of the degenerate ‘new normals’ we are now witnessing downstream in politics. Look at what that ass-clown Alvin Bragg decided was prudent now – he issued an indictment for Daniel Penny restraining a deranged criminal who should have still been locked up, not on the subway. We are all aware that Donald Trump has been indicted for raping a woman who he’s never met. The woman, who Donald Trump has been ordered to pay $5 million to by a leftist New York jury for ‘defamation’ because he said she is lying, is a psychopath with rape fantasies. On Anderson Cooper – another prominent media celebrity famous for promoting anti-humanism – she said, “'I think most people think of rape as being sexy.'” This comes on top of the obvious attack on free speech, even in legal matters. Claiming one is guilty by reason that the accuser is lying is now a chargeable offense. Politics are downstream from culture. The culture is controlled by the media. The media is controlled by Satan by-and-large.

The way to turn the culture around is to find a Bible-preaching church and get butts in the pews, especially yours. The way to fix the degeneracy is to start reading the Bible because it is true, and to measure everything else against the Word of God – including our own actions and beliefs. If we want to save ourselves we will do this. If we do not do this, we will not save ourselves – and neither will God. It’s about reaching out to the wider community and inspiring a nationwide revival of faith. It’s about humanity seeking the face of God and seeking the salvation of Christ. The way to turn all of this degeneracy in our culture back is to repent, pray, read, reach out, and to reject Satan’s wiles, lies, and deceptions. The time is short. If you want life seek God, if you want death, keep on doing what you’re doing (unless, of course, you are already seeking God – keep doing that! Keep seeking God and the life and the truth!).

Bless God and God bless.


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