Is 650 Million Enough to Drown Out the 46.6 Million of Us With Common Sense?

Is 650 Million Enough to Drown Out the 46.6 Million of Us With Common Sense?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/14/2023

Replacement Migration is not some conspiracy theory – it is the actual name of a 2000 United Nations document. It was created by the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs’ Population Division. Overall, the point of the paper was to support the idea of replacement migration in areas of the world; individual nations in Europe, the EU as a whole, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States are all detailed. Replacement migration has been an officially sanctioned option to preserve the welfare states of Western nations for over two decades. No one discussing replacement migration is a theorist of conspiracies. This document is one piece of evidence of the intent to replace the citizens in these nations (and others not mentioned).

There are five scenarios for each nation in Replacement Migration. The goal is to keep the same number of workers per retired person to maintain state-run retirement/pension services. The first scenario assumes the median variant of a 1998 UN document. Scenario two is the median variant without any immigration. The third is the migration need to maintain the total population along the trends identified by the UN through 2050. Scenario four assumes the numbers of migrants needed to have the same number of workers according to the trends identified by the UN through 2050. The fifth scenario is the one which determines the numbers of migrants needed to keep the ratio between retirees and workers constant.

In the United States, the numbers of migrants necessary to maintain the ratio – 5.2 workers per retiree – 73% of the United States would need to be composed of immigrants after 1995. “Scenario V keeps the potential support ratio at its 1995 value of 5.2 persons aged 15-64 for each person aged 65 or older. In order to keep the potential support ratio constant at that level, it would be necessary to have 593 million immigrants from 1995 to 2050, an average of 10.8 million per year. By 2050, out of a United States total population of 1.1 billion, 775 million, or 73 per cent, would be post-1995 immigrants or their descendants.” This isn’t a conspiracy theory – it’s an operation plan that has existed for at least 23 years.

Between 2000 and 2021, 20.38 million legal immigrants came to the United States – 1.017 million a year. If the UN’s replacement migration plan is to be fulfilled, there need to be another 9.6 million of these people arriving in the United States by other, illegal, means. A 2011 article celebrating 40 million immigrants living in the United States noted that between 2000 and 2010, at least 2.5 million of them were not legal. The current conservative estimates of the number of illegal aliens in the United States stands between 11.5 million and 22 million. What is odd about the estimates is that the former number is from Britannica in 2022 and the latter is from Yale in 2019. The number of illegal aliens is more likely to be somewhere closer to 50 million. The Epoch Times noted that between the interloper’s inauguration in January 2021 and November 2022, there were 5.5 million additional illegal aliens who arrived in the United States. This doesn’t account for all of the numbers demanded by the United Nations, but it does portend gravely for the survival of the union of the United States.

The UN and Biden plan is to quite literally destroy the US Constitution – the basis upon which the United States is founded – by replacing those of us who uphold it with those who hate it or have never been informed that it exists. It’s not about the color of the skin of the migrants; nor even really where they are from; it’s about their deplorable characters, their willing participation in illegally entering the United States, and having no desire to participate in the United States’ properly defined culture, language, nor heritage. They are coming here for the promise of free stuff like cell phones, cash, housing, welfare, and forming ethnic ghettos all while refusing to even try to assimilate. St. Cloud Minnesota and Lake Street in Minneapolis are great examples of what the United States immigration policies turn our neighborhoods into. Attempts to assimilate these people are rebuffed politically and legally. Multicultural death-cultists love this because this is how nations are brought down – even ones as powerful and wealthy as the United States. And that is the point of all of this replacement migration.

A major, glaring piece of this puzzle is missing from the United Nation’s Replacement Migration document’s final paragraph which comes under the heading of conclusion. “The new challenges being brought about by declining and ageing populations will require objective, thorough and comprehensive reassessments of many established economic, social and political policies and programmes. Such reassessments will need to incorporate a long-term perspective. Critical issues to be addressed in those reassessments would include: (a) the appropriate ages for retirement; (b) the levels, types and nature of retirement and health-care benefits for the elderly; (c) the labour-force participation; (d) the assessed amounts of contributions from workers and employers to support retirement and health-care benefits for the increasing elderly population; and (e) policies and programmes relating to international migration, in particular replacement migration, and the integration of large numbers of recent migrants and their descendants.”

US citizens having more babies is never even considered being a viable alternative to replacement migration. Actually the United Nations is one of the largest promoters of so-called women’s rights. Many UN programmes offer birth control, ‘vaccines’ known to cause sterilization, and demands for the introduction or proliferation of abortion facilities and the murderous mindset needed to use them. When Roe v Wade was overturned, for instance, the United Nations offered a condemnation of the Supreme Court based on the UN’s demonic Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other so-called legally binding UN treaties.

The United Nations is more careful about the words they use these days. They don’t call replacement migration by that name anymore. They have taken to calling it irregular migration. Irregular migration – the illegal kind which democrat and many republican ‘representatives’ in the United States adamantly refuse to address – is one of the topics a December 2022 DESA paper covered. The paper notes, “a large influx of migrants, especially when it occurs in an irregular manner, can have adverse effects on host societies, straining resources and raising concerns about security and social cohesion. Local communities can be negatively affected by such inflows, which place an additional strain on the provision of services, housing and infrastructure.”

Despite the claims made by the DESA paper, the UN actively and aggressively promotes illegal border crossing. In February 2022 it was uncovered that illegal aliens, in open violation of international and UN-approved refugee designations and regulations, were receiving payments from the United Nations to facilitate their illegal activity. The United Nations has also attempted to demonize even the unenforced declaration of Title 42 in the United States by claiming using the policy is resulting in the deportation of too many people who simply have no reason to be in the United States. A UN News article from earlier this month demanded a multi-stakeholder approach to, “Facilitated and expanded access to resettlement, family reunification, humanitarian parole, and labour mobility schemes, can save lives and protect people from smuggling, trafficking and other forms of violence, they said.” In other words – they are demanding replacement migration efforts into the United States be ramped up. The article also celebrated, “The US-led expansion of refugee resettlement and other regular routes is a welcome step that can present real alternatives for desperate people who are risking their lives to find safety and solutions.”

The cause is simple. People from other countries have not put the effort in to model the United States – a model which is based upon Biblical tenants and meant for those who fear God. They want what the United States has created and, until the last several decades, promised to it’s citizens. The social compact ingrained in the idea is that under light regulation and taxation (small government), the citizens will be able to enjoy their freedoms and explore new endeavors and innovations with the ability to retain any fruits derived from their efforts. As that social contract has been obliterated, the UN has interjected itself into the domestic affairs of nations which pose a threat to the implementations of it’s desire to establish global governance.

China, the UN thought for many years, was under their thumb but have recently decided that instead of taking orders they will issue the orders. Modern China was created as the model of the UN’s global governance scheme. The Russians have many who were around in the days of the USSR and the scars left by that debaucherous UN-approved demonstration of Communism. They don’t want anything to do with the UN’s version of governance and have made that pointedly clear by invading the new UN poster child for global governance, Ukraine. The EU is firmly in bed with the global governance monsters in the UN and for all practical purposes effective rejections are increasingly unavailable. The UN’s global governance schemes in the EU, as well as Africa, Australia, and South America are being implemented at lightening speed with horrible consequences particularly for the European population which has already been effectively replaced.

Russia has taken up arms, in part, because of the UN’s New World Order. China is trying to hijack the entire global government apparatus and claim it as it’s own to control the entire thing. The EU and many of the nations comprising it have completely cucked to the UN. There are people in EU nations which recognize these UN designs, warned against them, and are now being marginalized through fines, prison terms, and media blackouts. For instance, protests in the Netherlands has yet to dissuade the government from demanding over 3,000 farms be condemned because of nitrogen gas being ‘pollutant’.

While Russia and China have taken official government positions against the UN and it’s global governance schemes, the one group of people which represent the most cohesive and potent threat to the global government and it’s stability exists in the United States. Despite the United States government’s incessant, tyrannical, and unconstitutional demands for US citizens to disarm, 46% of US households own at least one firearm. Of these 153 million or so US citizens, 54% are republican, meaning that there is a far greater chance that they are Constitutionally informed, believe in God, and understand the full importance of morality and where it comes from than the 31% of democrat gun-owners. Another poll puts republicans’ faith in God and being necessary for morality at 40% to democrats 28% meaning that there are about 46.6 million gun owners in the United States who know why it is they own their firearms (33.26 million republicans and 13.37 million democrats). This is the UN’s problem. These 46.6 million US citizens pose a significant risk to the UN’s NWO and the United States participation in the plan.

We represent that risk while having no general and no leader, no agenda we are trying to fulfill, and no agreed upon definitions of red lines which will not be crossed. All we want is to worship God, raise up strong, moral families, earn our keep, live in relative security, and to be left alone by the nefarious actions of any government; local, state, federal, or global. It’s not much to expect but it is more than some local governments, many state governments, the US federal government, and the global government will allow. So, the global government and the United States’ government have decided to lump all of us gun-toting, God-fearing people into a group called domestic violent extremists in an effort to label us terrorists outright.

Where the US government has not kowtowed to global government decrees, state governments, city mayors, and county commissioners have stepped up to enforce global government decrees. The states of New York and Colorado, cities of Austin and Sioux Falls, Fulton County, Georgia, and any number of regional governmental bodies which comprise just about every county of the United States. Minneapolis’ MET Council and Portland’s METRO are prime examples of how destructive regional governments are and how willing and capable they are at subverting the US Constitution, their state Constitutions, and destroying the citizens under their supposed jurisdiction.

Not all of those jurisdictions have banned gun possession as effectively as New York has but it doesn’t mean they have not tried. But, almost all of them are, or are trying to be, sanctuary cities for the replacement migrant populations. New York and Colorado are sanctuary states for illegal aliens. Austin has been a sanctuary city since 2018 despite state law. The City of Sioux Falls is not completely a sanctuary city except for in housing-related matters where the guideline is HUD’s decrees. Fulton County, Georgia seeks to disconnect from cooperating with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. The MET Council is waiting for immigrants, legal and illegal, with open arms. Portland’s METRO not only loves the idea of illegal immigrants but also felt the need to shove the alphabet mafia’s agenda down our throats. These sanctuary cities and others, like Sioux Falls which have political leaders who want to make their jurisdictions sanctuary cities, are all abiding by the same plans set by the UN.

Those plans take a bit of time to understand, digest, locate, and read. There are hundreds of thousands of pages in thousands of documents pertaining to this plan just from the United Nations. The place to start, if you have the time and the stomach for it is Agenda 21. Without the time, Agenda 2030 is a good place to start. If you want to understand the here and now without any of the background or source documents pertaining to the global government scheme, looking up the Sustainable Development Goals on the UN’s website is for you. If you want to really understand how the UN is going to decimate your area, go look for your region’s, county’s, or city’s sustainability plan – chances are they have one. What it amounts to is global government made to look like local efforts. And those espousing these plans are counting on the general public’s continued, obvious, and overwhelming ignorance of these facts, their denial of righteous morality, and their unwillingness to defend their communities.

If you want to see this instead of read about it, several independent media organizations are trying to actually document the invasion forces and human trafficking operations ongoing at the border. Owen Shroyer of Infowars has been doing truly heroic work at the border. He has interviewed the illegal aliens, the border patrol, the NGO’s, and anyone else who will talk to him. He has also shown that the smuggling process is being completed by US authorities (against their will at times), there have been attempts to obfuscate what is really going on at the border, and that media access is routinely violated in order for these operations to continue. His coverage is absolutely worth watching because it is what replacement migration looks like in action.

The mainstream media’s coverage of the collapsed border between Mexico and the United States is absurd, untruthful, and meant to evoke emotional responses permissive of the United States ceasing to exist as a nation – a people with a shared language, culture, and borders. CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Washington Post, ABC News, NBC News, and Reuters, among others, have spun the White House and UN-approved narratives regarding the open southern border. That narrative is Orwellian double-speak: there is no illegal alien border crushing influx occurring, it’s merely “chaotic” and will be “for a while”, and letting millions of mostly military aged men from around the world is a humanitarian effort.

It may be fine for the Chinese, Venezuelan, Guatemalan, and other nationals trying to invade the United States through illegal claims of asylum and refugee status but it is not fine for the people who actually live here, trying to raise our families, and have to pay for all of these people as well as ourselves. This isn’t cost effective, but it isn’t healthy either. The people invading the United States are carrying with them all sorts of diseases. Which one of these diseases will become newly endemic in the United States for another round of public health ‘experts’ to lay claim to all of the actions any of us take in our lives is anyone’s guess. AIDS, chagas, polio, tuberculosis, shingles, measles, mumps, and a host of other infectious diseases are coming with the illegal aliens. Maybe a few of them can kick off the World Health Organization’s dream of murdering the world with Ebola’s German cousin, Marburg Virus.

Replacement migration is an official policy against any nation’s security as well. The United States, particularly under Obama and now Obama in the Biden suit, mistakenly believe that they will be able to contain the dangers represented to national security as it pertains to their own rule. They believe they will usher in their party’s rule forever through gaining the votes of these people. These people, the replacements, have no education in democratic self rule. They are coming from places which have either held extremely rigged elections or no elections at all. They have no idea what it means to have liberty, let alone how to wield that freedom with the necessary responsibility to others to not abuse it. What they will do is violate any law they please, face no repercussions for their actions including the possibility of deportation, vote democrat, and demand the government give them free stuff forever. They will Cloward and Piven the United States into poverty, despair, and destitution. The government will expand in welfare provisions as well as in enhancing and expanding the US police state dedicated to political persecutions until there is only one party. That’s the plan for the United States.

Many will see the border crisis as being dealt with. The injunction against Biden’s catch and release policy only lasts for 14 days though. Biden sent an additional 1,500 active duty troops to the border bringing the total to 4,000. They are not there to deter but to facilitate and complete the illegal migration of these immigrants. The mere presence of these troops are too much for some of the more anti-American political figures like New Jersey’s Bob Menendez. Those with common sense know that the border is not secure, replacement migration is in full swing, and that the Biden Administration’s view of of ICE is that they should make sure illegal aliens are given safe passage to any destination in the United States with few exceptions. Martha’s Vineyard, Chicago, and New York City are three examples of these exceptions. They are all conspicuously democrat strongholds demanding open borders yet refusing to play host to the people those open borders permit.

In 2000 the number of needed replacement migrants, according to the UN, was set at 593 million over the course of 55 years. The Biden administration wants to commit itself to this number and is playing catch-up. That number is around 650 million today. We are in this situation because having a family with two children is no longer the normal thing to do in the United States. The average family size has been below 3.5 since 1972, the fertility rate is 1.784, and over 63 million babies have been murdered in the womb in the United States since 1973. Of those 63 million, well over 25 million of them would be between 23 years old and 48 years old – able to have their own children and their own families. Some of those children which were murdered in the womb would be able to be grandparents too. We are missing well over 100 million people because of institutionalized eugenics. On top of abortion, the idea that we should have children, families, and romantic social connections at all has been downplayed resulting in fewer children. Financial constraints also play a role in decreasing the fertility rate.

So, the United States was faced with a challenge with few options. Keep the welfare system in place as it exists? Encourage the fertility rate to stay low through legalized abortion, disparagement of cohesive nuclear families, and the promotion women’s reproductive rights? In order to keep the welfare state and anti-human policies in place as they exist, replacement migration is the only option. And replacement migration is the option which was chosen. Democrat and republican leaders alike have made this decision. Democrat politicians see the migrants, legal and illegal alike, as not only replacements of US citizens, but also votes, people who need federal assistance and services, and a reason to expand government exponentially. Republican politicians see migrants as low-cost labor, a reason to expand the security apparatus in the United States, and a way to pander to their democrat colleagues. Both see migrants as a population which is more amenable to their direct control and manipulation.

Those politicians who are not part of this plan are easily identified. These are the politicians who seek to build walls on the border. These are the politicians who propose to cut welfare benefits, fund welfare benefits in ways other than tax increases, encourage US citizens to have children including by making abortion illegal, and commit themselves to actually promoting strong families and communities who don’t need assistance. These are rare creatures, indeed.

Their colleagues, the vast majority of them, were voted into office by US citizens yet seek to destroy the United States because they are obedient to the United Nations and don’t care about the people who voted them into office. The republicans who do this, people like John Thune, are slicker about their approach to their intentions than any of their democrat globalists, but the effects are the same. The taxes stay high. The border stays open. Welfare programs are not reformed. We keep voting for these people over and over again and we don’t think, gee, they aren’t promoting the citizens electing them. No alternative candidate is presented to run against the incumbents – a huge problem in the republican party – and we will end up being replaced with Asians, South American’s Mexicans, and Africans.

Is the welfare worth it? Is it worth a stipend to have the promise of the shining beacon upon the hill of liberty destroyed by foreigners invited in and funded by our own political parties? Is it odd that George Washington warned the world about the rise of factious political parties, stating their existence, “serves always to distract the public councils and enfeeble the public administration. It agitates the community with ill-founded jealousies and false alarms, kindles the animosity of one part against another, foments occasionally riot and insurrection.” Is it odd that Abraham Lincoln famously stated, “At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide.” And the Bible states at 1 Timothy 6:10 For the love of money is a root of all the evils; because of this craving, some people have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves to the heart with many pains.

The United States quickly destroyed the idea a party-less society through the way they conducted every election since George Washington’s presidency – the only constitutionally elected president to date. The UN has it’s base of operation in New York City and is supported by many in the United States, particularly the political class. What are the political parties except for fund raising mechanism to elect politicians willing to extort money to give to whatever causes they deem most worthwhile like the UN and their SDGs? It’s all a money-making racket which is evil to its core. The Bible warned us. George Washington warned us. Abraham Lincoln warned us. Even the United Nations has repeatedly warned us what they wanted to do to us. And here we are being invaded.

And with every foreign foot that steps foot illegally onto US soil, one more opportunity goes missing for our children and grandchildren. For what? A retirement check? An unemployment check? Dependency upon a government hostile to the United States, it’s people, and its Constitution? I didn’t ever read that when looking at the social contract. I would have rejected that out of hand because government is nothing but a necessary evil at best and intolerable at its worst (Thomas Paine). It’s become intolerable and, in many regards, despotically tyrannical.

I cannot do this nicely so I will ask bluntly. What is more important, a government check or the survival and vitality of the United States of America? Is a $2,400 check worth destroying any future your children and grandchildren might have? Are you really disabled or otherwise unable to work or do you like getting a $1,300 check every month because you are lazy or don’t want to do work ‘demeaning’ to you? Is 650 million foreigners invading your country, thousands in your own community, all abiding by UN and federal decrees communicated through cell phone text messages worth that check? It’s not worth it to me. If I have to work until the day I drop dead I guess that will be my fate but until then I will find a way to produce something meaningful to society at large no matter what. Our children mean that much that I will break my back to do whatever I can to promote God, the US Constitution, and the values of hard, honest, work.

I don’t want the UN or the US government to dictate my life to me and I don’t expect my children to have to tolerate the that abuse either. We’ve put off the debate for too long. Before we go getting in a huff at the southern border we need to realign our values with what is really important. Before we demand the destruction of the entire US government we need to take a look in the mirror and ask ourselves if this is the America we really want, identify the reasons that we have arrived in the situation in which we find ourselves, and take actions based on the prayerful conclusions we come to.

I don’t want the United States overthrown or overrun. I want it restored. To do that we have to turn our faces back towards God. While we seek God we need to demand accountability with consequences for failures for those representing us or in offices responsible for executing the laws of the United States. We need trials for treason against the United States and massive numbers of deportations. We need to universally oppose those tyrannical decrees like leaving the border open by vowing to never dispossess ourselves of our means of protection, our continued resolve to sue the federal government for the crimes illegal immigrants commit against us, and a refusal to participate in the narratives the US government and lying mainstream news shove down our throats. I would advise for citizens to go to the border and enforce it’s security ourselves but fear that doing so would result in military actions against and massive numbers of arrests of those who did so.

Protect your families by the means available to you. Never stop speaking the truth of God nor the truth about the United Nations’ evil replacement migration designs and the US government’s willing capitulation to it. And never forget that through God, all things are possible – even the miracles necessary to restore His blessings upon this once much greater nation which is headed towards the ruinous dust bin of history – a history which will itself be outlawed should these designs be carried forward much further.

Bless God and God bless.


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