The Patent Office – A Catalog of Post-Human Designs

The Patent Office – A Catalog of Post-Human Designs

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 5/11/2023

There are so many patents which are granted all the time and some of these are really screwy. I’ve written about some of these in the past – like the one which can read our thoughts and the others which implants thoughts into our minds. I was curious; however, if there was a way to look at recent patents granted. And there is. I found two which should compel the reader to reconsider how they vew certain areas of development.

The first is about the Internet of Things. Verizon obtained a patent on May 2, 2023 titled Systems and Methods for IOT Device Lifecycle Management (patent 11,640,292 B2). Verizon is playing pretty fast and loose with the patent by pretending that they will obtain a user’s consent to update their smart devices. Verizon also makes the claim that they will collect the data of the device’s behaviors associated with an end user who ‘opted’ into the program. It won’t work in that fashion though – the user will likely fail to recognize the pertinent clauses to opt out of them. Without opting out, consent will be implied.

The Internet of Things is reliant upon collecting data from the sensors surrounding people in order to determine the behaviors of people. With those determinations, control will be able to be placed over the human surrounded by sensors. This is what the smart-cities are all about. This is what smart-homes are all about. It’s what our smart-phones are all about. Without gathering the data from the end-user, the system is not smart – it has to be a two-way communication. Verizon has a patent for low-power usage techniques to gather that data. First they lay out the problems they face in facilitating IoT communications:

“Wireless access networks traditionally designed to support mobile devices, such as smart phones, are increasingly being used to also support IoT-related applications. The transition has led to a growing presence of IoT devices employing machine-to-machine (M2M) communications, such as machine-type communications (MTC), to permit communication among IoT devices without direct user interaction. IoT applications enable a wide variety of implementations, ranging from fixed installations of utility meters, environmental sensors, parking meters, and/or occupancy sensors, remote actuators, security sensors, smart lighting, traffic cameras, advertising displays, point-of-sale terminals, vending machines, remote diagnostics systems, power grid telemetry and/or management devices, and the like to mobility trackers, high-velocity autonomous vehicles and aerial drones. IoT usage is expected to increase exponentially to an inestimable number of IoT devices being being serviced across a given wireless access network. Network infrastructures may support an increase in the number of IoT devices within a wireless operator’s network to millions of devices communicating with one another autonomously with little-to-no user intervention. Thus wireless communications provisioning will involve the challenge of managing wireless access networks that service massive IoT” (page 1).

If you weren’t aware that the devices communicate with other devices, now you know. What are they telling one another? It’s proprietary – you don’t get to know. Just be assured that all of one’s smart devices are ‘talking’ to all of the others – the TV, microwave, Ring doorbell, Alexa, toaster, dryer, lights, dishwasher, roomba, car, cellphone, and watch are having a conversation you are not even aware of. This all takes up a lot of bandwith and uses a lot of power, so Verizon’s patent seeks to lessen the resources required for IoT to operate on. Their solution; however, is expansive and will most definitely operate under the you must opt out ruse:

“Assume that a set of end devices […] are onboarded into a network operator’s IoT management platform, and that the end device user has provided consent for collection of end device information related to device characteristics and operation. Assume also that based on the consent, the IoT management platform subscribes to services via SCEF/NEF […] and/or other integrated device services (e.g., diagnostics, location, etc.), to collect device information as described herein. The process […] may include the IoT management platform using artificial intelligence to analyize the collected information to generate a behavior profile for each of the end devices [...]. The behavior profile may indicate what RAN mode each end device uses to connect to the network, expected device wakeup times, device mobility patterns, serving cellID congestion/bandwith usage pattern, etc., as described herein” (page 13).

The solution is to profile you. What time do you get home? What time do you leave home? Where do you go? What are you doing while you are there? How do you get there? How long do you stay there? What is your routine? Are your behaviors and routines acceptable or not? The AI will collect all of this data and decide if your life is acceptable. Verizon will pick the AI. Verizon will determine whether or not you have the carbon credits to use your dishwasher this week. The government will set the standards and then give Verizon the task of making sure compliance is enforced. This is how the US government operated with the likes of facebook and twitter in the run-up to the 2020 election. Those actions constitute nationally-sanctioned electioneering, violating the free speech of all US citizens, and treason. The same standard is about to be applied to all aspects of all of our lives through Verizon, and other telecommunications companies (the too-big to fail ones). The relationships between the US government and social media companies are textbook definitions of fascism and so is what is proposed in this patent.

Which leads me to a banking patent awarded to the Bank of America on May 2, 2023 as well. Bank of America may well be one of the top ten most evil institutions ever established on earth and the patent they obtained serves to only deepen my suspicions – Travel Identity Tokening (patent 11,640,478 B2). This ties into the prior patent because it directly puts people on the Internet of Things which is why it is referred to at times as the Internet of Things and People. It’s a biometric digital ID. Truly – biometric digital ID’s of any variety are a version, a prototype if you will, of the mark of the Beast. The technology for the mark of the Beast exists as does the models now – and Bank of America now controls one of them. I shouldn’t have too much commentary following Bank of America’s summary on pages 1 and 2:

“A method for leveraging a tokening system to authenticate a traveler is provided. The tokening system may be leveraged to maintain anonymity of the traveler. The method may include activating a mobile token application for a user. The user may be the traveler. The user may be a user of a secure central server. The secure central server may be a server associated with a central system. The central system may be a single trusted source for the authentication of the traveler.

“The mobile token application may be activated by the central server. The mobile token application may be configured for providing a token identifier representing the user’s personal identification data. The user’s personal identification data may include the user’s name and a date of birth of birth of the user. The user’s personal identification data may also include the user’s social security number. In some embodiments, the personal identification data may also include the user’s passport identification number and/or driver’s license number.

“The mobile token application may be activated and then stored in a secure storage on a mobile device of the user.

“It should be appreciated that the mobile device of the user may also be registered within a personal profile account associated with the user on the central server. The mobile device may be registered and stored using a device identifier.

“Examples of mobile devices that may be suitable for use with the invention include, but are not limited to, cellphones, smartphones, personal digital assistants (“PDA”), tablet computers and laptops.

“The method may also include storing, in the central server, a user identifier that identifies the user of the mobile device. The method may also include storing a token serial number that identifies the mobile token application and also storing a device identifier that identifies the mobile device.

“The user identifier may only be stored on the central server. The user identifier may be linked at the central server to the user’s personal identification data. However, it should be appreciated that the user identifier and the linked personal identification data may not be accessed by any third party including the travel service provider.

“Following the activating of the mobile token application, the mobile device may be enabled for reserving, using the mobile token application on the mobile device, a travel reservation file for the user. The reserving may be enabled using at least one travel service provider. The travel service provider may be in direct communication with the central server. The communication may be an electronic communication.

“The reserving may also include authenticating the token identifier and the device identifier by the central server. The authenticating may include searching the database on the central server for the user identifier that is associated with both the token identifier and the device identifier.

“In response to the authenticating, the method may include reserving the travel reservation file by the travel service provider. The method may also include storing within the travel reservation file, the token identifier as the representation of the identity of the user. The method may also include storing, in the central server, the token identifier and a travel reservation file identifier, in a record associated with the token serial number.”

This is the way the Black Mirror episode titled Nosedive happens. In the fifth diagram there is a suggestion that fingerprints (biometrics) are used for authentication. The patent is not only unnecessary, it also facilitates human smuggling while at the same time promises to automatically reject any travel arrangements one wishes to make if you’re on the bad list. It’s the social credit score writ large with the intent to rule over our access to our own bank accounts. It’s death – which is no surprise – which is all the Bank of America cares about, killing people and making money off of their deaths.

Combine these two patents…. Our homes will be unsuitable to live in because of the smart garbage spying on us. Escaping will be impossible unless we submit to the Bank of America’s digital ID scheme. Take your shots, eat your maggots, and watch the required four hours of CNN a day or you won’t have a house at all. Want to travel more than 5 miles from your home – they are going to demand a hair sample to test for nutrients, a retina scan, and a rectal temperature check. Eventually it will be bow to the Antichrist of be murdered; it’s just a hop skip and a jump away.

I only covered two of the many patents I found. Many of them pertain directly to humanity in general and not in good ways. They pretty much all exist to create a world which no longer needs human beings. The people creating the inventions often think they are doing something beneficial for humanity; however, they are merely replacing human beings with their silicon-based replacements for us. Verizon and Bank of America are doing it on purpose and so are others….

We need to know about these things if we are to avoid falling into the traps these things present to the existence of humanity. God can save us. Our sins can be washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ. We can even converse through the Holy Spirit with God. We need to do this – it’s the only way to restore humanity to the role we are supposed to be playing on this earth – seeking the face of God. Not science.

Bless God and God bless.


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