Where Did The Chinavirus Come From?

Where Did The Chinavirus Come From?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/17/2023

SARS-CoV-2, also known as the Chinavirus and COVID-19, is widely referred to as a scam or a plan with the ending -demic affixed to it. The narrative setters call it a pandemic and those paying even the slightest bit of attention understand full well that gain-of-function created a patented pathogen featuring 5 different strains of disease causing agents stuffed inside of the HIV shell.

The narrative setters demanded that the only cause of the Chinavirus was bat soup from a Chinese market and the pathogenic features of the ‘natural’ bat reservoirs of this man-made disease caused the leap from animal to human (zoonosis). Even before this massively obvious lie began to be parroted by murderers and their enablers and abettors, there was talk of patents for the pathogen, Event 201, and that it was created in a lab and was released upon the public. As the lies about bats began to be shredded (it still has not been completely dropped) another natural reservoir for the man-made disease was named as the pangolin. The CDC decided that just about any animal on earth is actually a host for coronaviruses. All of this was done in an attempt to shield those responsible for the gain-of-function research which created a biological weapon that caused a massive (and very much planned) amount of global economic destruction and social disintegration.

Anyone who talked about the gain-of-function operations was censored. Some were arrested. The lab ‘leak’ theory was suppressed. Anyone suggesting that this was purposefully deployed as a biological weapon were, and still are, absolutely demonized and pilloried. Where it came from will never be definitely determined. Was it bats, pangolins, a lab leak, or a purposeful 12 Monkey’s style biological attack? The Atlantic has decided it’s none of these.

The Strongest Evidence Yet That an Animal Started the Pandemic; “A new analysis of genetic samples from China appears to link the pandemic’s origin to raccoon dogs,” reads the Atlantic piece’s title, written by Katherine J. Wu. I call bullshit. In a world not promoting complete lawlessness, the FBI would send the Hostage Rescue Team to 600 New Hampshire Ave, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20037 to raid The Atlantic and arrest anyone who has blatantly lied to the public. Katherine Wu needs some bracelets and a one-way ticket to Michigan Stadium for her Nuremberg 2.0 trial and so does a vast majority of the staff at The Atlantic.

But we don’t live in a world which holds those responsible for crimes against humanity accountable. So we end up having to see endless lies to promote their previous lies. The lie in this case is that a pathogen which has clear markings of genetic editing actually ‘evolved’ from natural processes without any help from mankind. Wu and The Atlantic states their hostility for any semblance of truth in the second paragraph:

“This week, an international team of virologists, genomicists, and evolutionary biologists may have finally found crucial data to help fill that knowledge gap. A new analysis of genetic sequences collected from the market shows that raccoon dogs being illegally sold at the venue could have been carrying and possibly shedding the virus at the end of 2019. It’s some of the strongest support yet, experts told me, that the pandemic began when SARS-CoV-2 hopped from animals into humans, rather than in an accident among scientists experimenting with viruses.”

New analysis? The Chinese government is still trying to absolve itself for any culpability in the plandemic. The Anthony Fauci’s and Bill Gates’ are trying to cover their asses by demanding adherence to yet another lie. Institutions from UNC Chapel Hill, to NIH, to the CDC, and WHO are trying to avoid actually having to face charges for their roles in the gain-of-function which actually created this disease. Wu also really screwed up here by using the word accident. There was no accident – it was released, on purpose, for the response it garnered. Problem; action; solution – there are too many people who are not under the globalist thumb doing whatever they do; release the pathogen and lock everyone down; there are less people on earth, more injured, and less people have the ability to procreate all while control of human activities is consolidated and enhanced. Nothing was accidental – it was a plan and thus is deserving of the title plandemic.

The data Wu brings to light doesn’t actually prove anything. Being as though SARS-CoV-2 is supposedly zoonotic, humans can pass the sickness to animals. Wu doesn’t really address that fact, other than to suggest it is a conspiracy theory not to be taken seriously. It is kind of like how, in order to even write her article, the splice marks on the Chinavirus need to be completely ignored. Apparently the Chinavirus is only zoonotic in the sense that it can pass from bats to intermediate animals to humans – never from humans to other animals unless the animal happens to be a cherished pet. Remember? They told us to put our pets down. And plenty of ‘scientists’ are playing along with this bat-shit-crazy narrative in order to continue to waste resources, money, and time to protect their careers and the funding for their careers. In order to do this the natural reservoir theory needs to be beaten to death and they are fulfilling that role all too well. As Wu wrote:

“The new analysis builds on extensive previous research that points to the market as the source of the earliest major outbreak of SARS-CoV-2: Many of the earliest known COVID-19 cases of the pandemic were clustered roughly in the market’s vicinity. And the virus’s genetic material was found in many samples swabbed from carts and animal-processing equipment at the venue, as well as parts of nearby infrastructure, such as storehouses, sewage wells, and water drains. Raccoon dogs, creatures commonly bred for sale in China, are also already known to be one of many mammal species that can easily catch and spread the coronavirus. All of this left one main hole in the puzzle to fill: clear-cut evidence that raccoon dogs and the virus were in the exact same spot at the market, close enough that the creatures might have been infected and, possibly, infectious. That’s what the new analysis provides. Think of it as finding the DNA of an investigation’s main suspect at the scene of the crime.”

The new ‘research’ popped up on an international database and ‘discovered by accident’ by several labs. The research occurred in China which is suspect and makes the data suspect. Making it even more suspect is the fact that the data disappeared just as suddenly and unannounced shortly after it appeared. Even Wu recognized that this data could have been produced over a year ago.

As she develops her article though, Wu delves continuously doubles down on other pathogens most likely created in a lab and released upon human populations. As all narrative compliant shills and murders do, any discussions of germ theory versus terrain theory or gain-of-function research is vehemently avoided at all costs. Much like there are a great deal of largely silenced and heavily censored scientists and their studies pointing out that HIV in no way is related the development of AIDS, there are competing theories about how other diseases have appeared on the scene. Wu writes of these:

“Slam-dunk evidence for a raccoon-dog host—or another animal—could still emerge. In the hunt for the wild source of MERS, another coronavirus that caused a deadly outbreak in 2012, researchers were eventually able to identify the pathogen in camels, which are thought to have caught their initial infection from bats—and which still harbor the virus today; a similar story has played out for Nipah virus, which hopscotched from bats to pigs to us.

“Proof of that caliber, though, may never turn up for SARS-CoV-2. (Nailing wild origins is rarely simple: Despite a years-long search, the wild host for Ebola still has not been definitively pinpointed.) Which leaves just enough ambiguity to keep debate about the pandemic’s origins running, potentially indefinitely. Skeptics will likely be eager to poke holes in the team’s new findings—pointing out, for instance, that it’s technically possible for genetic material from viruses and animals to end up sloshed together in the environment even if an infection didn’t take place. Maybe an infected human visited the market and inadvertently deposited viral RNA near an animal’s crate.”

The ‘proof’ of bats spreading MERS is made irrelevant by the fact that the DNA sequence comprising the disease is patented. Patents cannot be obtained for naturally occurring organisms. Where did these MERS come from? A lab. Where did all of the diseases mentioned above likely originate? A lab. What was the lab doing? Gain-of-function research is my bet. Of course, I am just a stupid plebe according to this masterclass of humanity and I am not supposed to even ask these questions, let alone start hunting for answers. The conclusions that I keep drawing are that these people are trying to murder everybody and the media is letting them get away with it and even writing stories to support the murderers plots.

Wu is casting doubt on her own headline by doing this. This is her personal escape hatch from the patently incorrect (meaning lying) story. She knows that sooner or later people that do this will end up in prison. By creating confusion and casting doubt on even her own thoughts, she is basically telling anyone who reads this article to shut up, sit down, have no opinion, and let the narrative weavers tell you what to believe. Even if these so-called ‘experts’ never figure it out, no one is to posit any expatiation other than the one the narrative demands and the ‘experts’ reach a consensus upon. It is another branch of faith in science. While Wu casts doubt on her own conclusions she is still demanding that it is the best explanation out there. “[A]n infected animal, with no third-party contamination, still seems by far the most plausible explanation for the samples’ genetic contents, several experts told me; other scenarios require contortions of logic and, more important, additional proof.” ‘Believe in scientism, forget facts – the consensus proves what we wanted it to prove’ is all she is saying. What she is saying is bullshit.

In her last two paragraphs, Wu proves how absolutely committed she is to narrative compliancy. She casts Joe Biden in a positive light, discredits agencies which even suggests Chinavirus came from a lab. Then, in the final paragraph, she not only shows her devotion to the narrative, but gives a nudge to her true allies – the global government. She actually pushes a One Health agenda and all but demands that human beings re-imagine their relationships with the environment, how food (especially food animals) is produced, and suggests that all current relationships be destroyed permanently. ‘Since the disease didn’t kill you, and the vaccine wasn’t taken by 2.5 billion people, we will just deprive you of healthy proteins and basically starve everyone to death’ is her line of thought:

“The debate over SARS-CoV-2’s origins has raged for nearly as long as the pandemic itself—outlasting lockdowns, widespread masking, even the first version of the COVID vaccines. And as long as there is murkiness to cling to, it may never fully resolve. While evidence for an animal spillover has mounted over time, so too have questions about the possibility that the virus escaped from a laboratory. When President Joe Biden asked the U.S. intelligence community to review the matter, four government agencies and the National Intelligence Council pointed to a natural origin, while two others guessed that it was a lab leak. (None of these assessments were made with high confidence; a bill passed in both the House and the Senate would, 90 days after it becomes a law, require the Biden administration to declassify underlying intelligence.)

“If this new level of scientific evidence does conclusively tip the origins debate toward the animal route, it will be, in one way, a major letdown. It will mean that SARS-CoV-2 breached our borders because we once again mismanaged our relationship with wildlife—that we failed to prevent this epidemic for the same reason we failed, and could fail again, to prevent so many of the rest.”

The bill presented to the Biden regime is S. 619 – “COVID–19 Origin Act of 2023”. Will Biden sign it? My hunch is no. My hunch is that he will allow the bill to sit there as long as possible (10 days) and hope to achieve a pocket veto by having Congress adjourn to kill the bill. The bill was presented to the Biden regime yesterday, on March 16, meaning that in order to pull off a pocket veto, Congress will have to be adjourned on March 28 (Sundays do not count towards the ten days). The House is scheduled to meet on March 28 as is the Senate so a pocket veto will not work unless some kind of emergency is declared. The House voted 419-0 to pass the bill and the Senate voted unanimously to pass it. It seems unlikely that a presidential veto would not be overturned by two-thirds of the bodies. Expect an emergency declaration shuttering Congress and forcing them to adjourn or Biden just deciding that the law doesn’t apply to him and release nothing the law calls for.

I hope Wu was paid well by The Atlantic for producing this asinine article. I really do mean it, she, and many of her co-workers at The Atlantic need to be tried for crimes against humanity and genocide and sentenced according for their crimes under the Nuremberg Code. The Atlantic should not be the only publication subjected to such an event though – Nature, The New York Times, almost all of Fox News, MSNBC, Forbes, Vox, Newsweek, and many more should join them. Either we stop with the bullshit and get real or we will suffer under the next pandemic as suggested by Wu and promised by Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and many other God-hating human-murdering scumbags have. Anyone fighting for a future which includes God-created human beings are demanding the lies stop, the truth be revealed, and the gain-of-function which has caused irrevocable harm to humanity be immediately halted. People that are all about the non-human future write articles like Wu’s, give interviews like Gates, and write books like Schwab’s. Either we hold them accountable and force them to stop murdering us or they will, in fact, murder us or turn us into chimeric guinea pigs to test their transhumanist technologies on. The choice is ours – I wrote this article, now it’s your turn.

Bless God and God bless.


Totality Without Alternatives

