

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/16/2023

Slavery has existed throughout history. It never refers to a pleasant situation, although it can be made less unpleasant depending on the circumstances. It always refers to someone being in the service of another person. Certain states in the United States employed a version of slavery for about 80 years. The Egyptians held the Hebrews in bondage for 400 years. Every culture on earth has acquired slaves. The civil war was fought in part over to slavery. In some places the version of slavery the United States fought over is still legally going on. Slavery is a part of human history. But not all slavery is equal.

Chattel slavery is the version of slavery where people are acquired, against their will, and sold to someone who makes use of them for their own purposes. In the southern states of the United States in early 1800’s plantation owners would buy these people and force them to labor in the fields. This was not unique to the United States. What was unique about the United States is that we went to war with one another, in part, over this particular issue. Children from Britain and Ireland were taken to the New World in similar fashion and forced to labor for a time. This was known as indentured servitude. It usually lasted 7 years.

Today, chattel slavery (now called forced labor) still exists for 28 million people according to the United Nations. Of the global share of these 28 million people, 15.1 million, 55%, are in Asian and Pacific nations. It is in Arab states where the prevalence of slavery is the highest in the world. It is in Arab countries such as Libya (the nation which murderer and war criminal Hillary Clinton, while heading Obama’s State Department, performed a coup) where the slave trade has been resurrected.

Depictions and stories of chattel slavery, no matter where they originate, almost always include severe beatings and death and fears of severe beatings and death. Indeed this happened. Rapes occurred. Children were separated from mothers and fathers. Mothers and fathers were separated from one another. Food restrictions, higher quotas, worse sleeping accommodations, shackles, chains, whips, and all sorts of brutality were, and still are, employed by slave owners. Whenever one class of human being is seen as inferior to another human being based on any quality enslavement and death – even genocide – has a place set for it at the table.

White southern democrats in the 1800’s south saw, as the democrat party of today sees, dark skinned people as inferior. In the 1800’s the punishments meted out by black and white slave owners were lashes and beatings. Today’s democrat party demands that people of color are not capable of obtaining drivers licenses, handling firearms, nor being able to arrange to go to polling stations on election day. Today’s democrat part is also demanding that white-skinned people are inferior to every other skin color. The democrat party was founded to promote slavery and it has never stopped finding ways to continue to promote slavery. Democrats, quite literally, are domestic terrorists who have found a way to enslave the entire United States.

They moved from the plantation into the state governments and into the federal government. All of their policies promote a subservience to the federal government. They demand the states themselves fall into line. When Kentucky refused to recognize the illegal and unconstitutional ruling in Obergfell, for instance, county clerks were arrested to prove that the slaves must fall in line even against their own conscious. Kentucky eventually caved to federal pressures; however, this is exactly the kind of thing which prompted the civil war in the first place. More than slavery, it was a state’s rights issue.

The states are allowed to do pretty much anything they want save for what powers they ceded to the federal government in the US Constitution. That includes things like coining money and making treaties with foreign powers and regulating interstate commerce. The federal government has no say over the legality of baby murder, illegal drug distribution, guns, nor who can marry who (or what). Yet they do it because the federal government has turned itself into the master and the states into their slaves. In the process the federal government has increasingly viewed the citizens of the various states as hostile, threatening, extremists because the way they see it, we are merely living within one of their plantations. The plantations IN Delaware have now turned into the plantation OF Delaware. In this regard we are all, increasingly being enslaved not under chattel slavery but by a system of neo-aristocracy with an extremely authoritarian bent to it – especially under the more Marxist of our recent ‘leaders’ such as LBJ, Carter, the Bush’s, Clinton, Obama, and Biden with the Biden regime proving itself to be the most overt and cataclysmic towards liberty. In the context of slavery, he is reigning in the plantations and all of their inhabitants.

In the world of household economics; however, is where people really feel their chains. Most of us work for someone else. I, for instance, am currently employed and supervised directly by my boss. Above him is the store manager. Then there is a district manager, a regional manager, a corporate manager, and finally the CEO. The CEO is beholden to the corporate board. Everyone single one of the people in this chain is beholden to the IRS. The IRS is responsible to the Treasury, headed by a Secretary, a position they hold at the leisure of the President of the United States. There are supposed to be checks and balances but those were destroyed by the illegal and unconstitutional sixteenth amendment. So all of us in this company are ‘owned’ by someone. In return for our labor we are given paychecks and benefits. If one of the parties in this agreement don’t feel like it is beneficial to them alternatives can be sought out. If I decide my position no longer pays enough money, I can go find a new job for someone paying more. If I am found to be deficient in the duties I am responsible for the company can let me go.

I can even start my own business. The Center for the Preservation of Humanity, believe it or not, actually is a business which so far has grossed $0 in it’s slightly more than a year existence. But even with my own business, I am beholden to the tax collector. I have to pay the taxes on the products I purchase. I have to pay taxes on the business. I have to pay sales tax. If I owned a home I would need to pay property taxes. Taxes are the tool used by the federal government and some state and local governments to make sure we stay in line and they keep their positions. There are some deceent local politicians, school boards, state government representatives, governors, and even a handful of federal representatives. But that isn’t the norm. Overall this class of people – at all levels of government – have weaponized money against us. In this regard we are enslaved just by participating in the economy.

Thinking that in order to not be under someone else’s yolk that one can just drop out of the economy, well, that doesn’t work either. Welfare recipients are far more enslaved than those being expropriated to pay for them. They are subjected to all kinds of governmental mandates and measures which those not on welfare do not have to submit to – the government controls a huge amount of the lives these people live. It is that same government which refuses to recognize that those funding the welfare recipient’s lifestyles want that lifestyle to be frugal if not austere to the point where the recipient seeks employment. Those still earning money by participating in the black market are faced with violent crimes being perpetrated upon themselves at any hour at any place. They are also engaging in criminal activities by buying and selling illegal drugs, guns, and actual human smuggling, which is chattel slavery. Human smuggling is a huge business partly because a large percentage of it is done to facilitate the desires of the slave masters sexual fetishes. Obama’s disgusting talk of hot dogs and pizza was a clear example of the depravity our supposed masters engage in.

It may sound like I am attacking capitalism; however, I have no intention of doing that. We do not live in a capitalist society. There are a few vestiges of capitalism; however, we live in a tightly controlled corporate oligarchy with multiple fascist relationships with the United States government. The US government collects money from our labor by force, gives it to huge corporations and government departments seeking to enhance their productivity and further ‘scientific’ and ‘technological’ research designed to leave more unemployed in its wake, and seek to consolidate power (from the government’s standpoint) and monopoly (from the corporate oligarchy’s standpoint). When there are only ten or fifteen players in the field (this is a low as 5 in telecommunications) the CEOS and boards can decide on a common path forward collectively and in conjunction with the wishes of the US government. Instead of Nazi Germany’s singular IG Farben, for example, the United States has created the appearance of capitalism by having multiple companies create a conglomerate behind the scenes where they act as one. The biggest, say, three or four in these groups dominate the direction the industry is going in as dictated by the government. The current nationalization of the banking industry by the US government in response to the current failures is a direct result of all of this – the direction is CBDC and there are too many bank which are potential roadblocks to the CBDC rollout. The action to get to the solution from the big banks and US government’s perspective is to lay waste to the existence of those roadblocks by purposefully creating bank runs in local and smaller regional banking systems to force them into receivership. That isn’t capitalism. It’s fascism and the creation of cartels taking their orders from the government.

But let’s pretend that this website really takes off – it goes from 20 readers a day to 2,000 readers per day and starts attracting buyers of the terrible merchandise for sale. What would happen then is these big business cartels and the federal government would take offense at everything I have written and posted here. They would start bringing lawsuits, cyber attacks, and likely target my income stream(s) (including my ‘day’ job). They may place threatening phone calls, physically harass me, and even threaten me with violence. The master really isn’t the people doing these things, even though I wouldn’t appreciate any of these actions one bit, it’s the preordained solution these people have already arrived at which drives them to justify these types of actions not matter how unscrupulous or criminal they are. Their idea is paramount. How do we get everyone on CBDC – shut everyone down against it. The same logic holds true for these people regarding national legalized baby-murder, drug use, open borders, the Great Reset, open borders, rising costs, infrastructure attacks, the war in Ukraine and on and on and on. In order to beat our supposedly capitalist slavemasters all we must do is recognize where their tentacles touch our lives and remove them one by one.

Some are easier to remove than others. Taxes, for instance, go towards virtually nothing which I benefit from. Our military fights in multiple arenas for what interests? The US has spent over $200 billion on Ukraine to gain what? We are paying taxes to send money to the United Nations, the Paris Climate Fund, bail out banks and financial institutions, for our treasonous ‘leaders’ to sell our sovereignty to a global government, to have our rights violated, to build digital and physical gulags, and to send people who have already committed at least two genocides to the WHO to negotiate treaties which will end when billions of humans die. One by one the tentacles need to be removed and where we spend our money as well as how we allow ourselves to be taxed are at the center of how we remove these tentacles.

Chattel slavery has turned into national tyranny’s operated by a global government. That is what really has us all enslaved. The way to be free is in the Bible. Yet, there, too slavery is discussed. The reprobates who hate God in the first place are unceasingly demanding that God loves slavery and condones slavery. In fact, the exact opposite is true. God gave us all free will to make up our minds. Ultimately, our free will is used to follow God or to allow ourselves to become lawless and reprobate. Also, in multiple instances, the Hebrews were enslaved because of their lawlessness. The creation of Israel itself (the body of people which wandered the desert for 40 years) showed God’s disdain for slavery, especially the brutal forms of slavery employed by Pharaoh, by removing this people, including many Egyptians as well, from that system as recorded in Exodus.

Reprobates; however, ignore all of this. They instead cherry pick what they want to see instead of understanding. They incessantly quote Leviticus 25:44-46 44 ‘Concerning the men and women you may have as slaves: you are to buy men- and women-slaves from the nations surrounding you. 45 You may also buy the children of foreigners living with you and members of their families born in your land; you may own these. 46 You may also bequeath them to your children to own; from these groups you may take your slaves forever. But as far as your brothers the people of Isra’el are concerned, you are not to treat each other harshly. With that, and only that, these God-hating reprobates command a disbelief in God because they have decided this is wrong. I agree, this is not something which I would ever want to engage in nor be subjected to. What separates the reprobate from the believer; however is additional reading of the Bible.

First of all, chattel slavery incorporates kidnapping, which is a Biblically recognized crime, into it. The prescription for kidnapping is found in Exodus 21:16 16 “Whoever kidnaps someone must be put to death, regardless of whether he has already sold him or the person is found still in his possession.” Oh, so the punishment for kidnapping is death according to the Torah. These same God-hating reprobates who want to claim the Bible commands believers to enslave others also made sure that no one who kidnaps another person is ever punished Biblically for their crime.

Exodus 21 also contains this passage, 2 “If you purchase a Hebrew slave, he is to work six years; but in the seventh, he is to be given his freedom without having to pay anything. 3 If he came single, he is to leave single; if he was married when he came, his wife is to go with him when he leaves. 4 But if his master gave him a wife, and she bore him sons or daughters, then the wife and her children will belong to her master, and he will leave by himself. 5 Nevertheless, if the slave declares, ‘I love my master, my wife and my children, so I don’t want to go free,’ 6 then his master is to bring him before God; and there at the door or doorpost, his master is to pierce his ear with an awl; and the man will be his slave for life.” First, this only applies to Hebrews deciding to sell themselves into bondage. After six years the slave can be free. If the slave chooses to remain in the same conditions, they can use their free will and decide to stay put.

To dispel any argument the reprobate God-hater’s have against the Biblical version of slavery there exist several more passages regarding the treatment of slaves. Both appear in Exodus 21. The first reads 20 “If a person beats his male or female slave with a stick so severely that he dies, he is to be punished; 21 except that if the slave lives for a day or two, he is not to be punished, since the slave is his property.” If physical punishment is employed it had better not be lethal – getting cut off from the community would have the same effects as death in many cases, especially at the time this was written. The second is, 26 “If a person hits his male or female slave’s eye and destroys it, he must let him go free in compensation for his eye. 27 If he knocks out his male or female slave’s tooth, he must let him go free in compensation for his tooth.” If the slave master is violent towards his property, that master will lose his property. The Bible acknowledges slavery occurs and demands that slaves be humanely treated.

The Bible actually establishes what, in the United States, came to be known as the Underground Railroad. Deuteronomy 23:15-16 reads 16 (15) “If a slave has escaped from his master and taken refuge with you, you are not to hand him back to his master. 17 (16) Allow him to stay with you, in whichever place suits him best among your settlements; do not mistreat him.” This is not what any of the democrats were doing in the southern United States while they were engaging in their form of slavery.

Overall, what the Bible seems to be stating is that slavery is an institution which must be entered into voluntarily. It also describes what to do with escapees, those who were beaten and lost a part of their body, and with masters who kill their slaves. There are more references in the Torah related to slavery as well. The most important is the year of Jubilee which, sadly, has been lost. I firmly believe this needs to be figured out as quickly and accurately as possible and reinstituted immediately. It appears in Leviticus 25:8 “‘You are to count seven Shabbats of years, seven times seven years, that is, forty-nine years. 9 Then, on the tenth day of the seventh month, on Yom-Kippur, you are to sound a blast on the shofar; you are to sound the shofar all through your land; 10 and you are to consecrate the fiftieth year, proclaiming freedom throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It will be a yovel for you; you will return everyone to the land he owns, and everyone is to return to his family. 11 That fiftieth year will be a yovel for you; in that year you are not to sow, harvest what grows by itself or gather the grapes of untended vines; 12 because it is a yovel. It will be holy for you; whatever the fields produce will be food for all of you. 13 In this year of yovel, every one of you is to return to the land he owns.”

How people pretend that God is all about the institution of slavery when one realizes that the Jubilee is lost to humanity and is no longer practiced. This is nowhere more true than Leviticus 25:10 which I will repeat, 10 and you are to consecrate the fiftieth year, proclaiming freedom throughout the land to all its inhabitants. It will be a yovel for you; you will return everyone to the land he owns, and everyone is to return to his family. Once in our modern lives, everything is set back to normal. Everyone is freed from the ways of the world. Everyone is to return home. Everyone gets a year off – the people, the animals, and the land itself. This is something God commanded us to do as well. It is something that is not adhered to because the years are no longer known.

Yet reprobates continuously try to demand that the chattel slavery practiced in more modern times is somehow related to the Biblical description of slavery. These same people, who have decided that Biblical slavery is the exact same thing as modern slavery, usually have the capacity to recognize that we have been turned into tax slaves (wage slavery according to them). But it is this same reprobate crowd which also proscribes that the cure for slavery is total slavery without even understanding that is what they are demanding.

They demand socialized healthcare, nationalization of certain key industries, and CBDC, among other Marxist planks and love the idea that robotics, AI, centralized blockchain, the Internet of Things, Universal Basic Income, and 5G will allow everyone to fritter their time away in leisure without having to work at all. This is also known as the complete enslavement of humanity. The enslavement will feature the convergence of all of these ideas and technologies into one grand plan known as the Great Reset in the secular world. The Bible calls it tribulation, Jacob’s trouble, and the reign of Antichrist.

Socialized healthcare, even without the convergence of other ideas and technologies, is pure slavery. Who gets to decide how we manage our individual health under a socialized system? Society. Who dictates what society is going to do? The government. The government, under socialized healthcare, will demand all kinds of despicable things of us. They will prioritize care based on age (16-41). They will force people to not even be able to seek alternatives to the government system – see baby Charlie, baby Will, and the worldwide murder of babies with Down’s Syndrome. They will tell people they cannot treat their conditions because it will cost to much. They will demand that certain activities are no longer permitted such as limiting foods to the chemical-mutilations they deem ‘healthy’, ban smoking, and ban drinking. Dangerous, non-productive, leisure activities will be banned. Guns will be criminalized under the ruse of their potential uses for health detriments. Now add all of the convergence ideas and technologies. What you have is total enslavement in healthcare. But it extends to all activity, all nutrition, brain patterns themselves, carbon footprints, where we can live, how we are permitted to get around, what leisure activities are suitable, what jobs we are permitted to perform, what vaccines we must take…. The list covers every activity a human being is able to engage in.

Slavery? The world is getting very close to understanding how much a human can be owned by other human beings. Narrative compliance-base slavery, the system we are being breaking as I write this and, in a very small way because I am writing this, will give way to a far worse form of slavery not yet known on earth. The closest thing we have to understanding what this slavery is exists in China under their social credit score system. The slavery I’m writing about will extend even beyond China’s model. Ownership will not be through the controls we submit to through the dollars we earn nor the taxes we pay. It will be a very real and very physical total enslavement of the human mind, body, and spirit. I have no plans on going along with any of that.

We all serve a master, even atheists (which is why there are no atheists). We were given free will to determine who our master is. Personally, I make myself a slave to God and He can use me as He sees fit. I pray He takes my tongue over. I pray He tells me what to write. I pray that He guides me through my days so that He may get the glory He deserves. God is my master, and deservingly so, it is He who created me and everything else, He who has protected me, He who gave us Torah to know Him, and He who sacrificed His Son for our sins. Even if God spits me from His mouth and rejects me, I still choose Him as master.

These earthly enslavement plots and their perpetrators can all go away from me and anyone else like me…. Their notions of slavery are baseless and built on the same lawlessness that permitted the extremely abusive forms of slavery they would not hesitate to participate in once more. Their absolute inability and recalcitrance towards introspectively identifying that it is their ‘rational’ thinking coupled with their love of lawlessness behind chattel slavery and technocratic totalitarian slavery (the beast system) makes them reprobates. While all knees bow, not all who bow will gain entrance to eternal life….

Bless God and God bless.


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