Totality Without Alternatives

Totality Without Alternatives

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 3/18/2023

In a totalitarian society there are strict social codes which are adopted into the legal system and punishable by law. The courts are rigged. The dictator metes ‘justice’ from their lips. North Korea and China are prime examples of this sort of totality. In North Korea those dictating the system will kill anyone found to be in possession of western-media. In China everyone has a social credit score and are economically, and at times physically, punished for transgressions against the social code established by the dictator. Western media is, of course, produced by societies which are different and distinct from North Korea. With China, too, there are alternatives for controlling the actions of the populace such as legal frameworks, laws, statutes, and ordinances, and social ostracization. Imagine, for a moment, that these alternatives are all taken away.

Now look at whatever news source you regularly consult to inform you about the wider world. Chances are that whatever that news source covers, with very few exceptions, it is demanding that the alternatives be taken away. Most of these news sources do this very subtly. Others are much more overt in their demands to remove any alternatives to totality. In order to really understand how this massive jigsaw puzzle fits together – with billions of pieces – we need to look at the way it has been constructed.

In 1648 a document was signed which is known as the Westphalian Peace Treaty bringing an end to the 30-years war between many factions in Europe. Nations were to be allowed to self-determine their futures and their sovereignty was to be highly respected and regarded and not violated. When that self-determination became violent towards their neighbors, their neighbors were able to fight back to protect their own lands and sovereignty. At the time there were still kings and queens. Democratic republics were in the history books but would not be established for another 150 years. Monarchy ruled the day, quite literally, and some monarchs were benevolent and others malicious towards their subjects. Yet the idea that internal affairs were to be unhampered by outside influences was firmly established.

As some of these Monarchs treated their subjects harshly, their subjects revolted and demanded independence. The creation of the United States of America was founded because of the asinine regulations, largely regarding trade, manufacturing capability, and taxes, imposed by despotic monarchs. In the colonial United States, the people went to war against the idea of a sovereign state leader mistreating them and actually threw off the yolk of the tyrant. The Westpahilian system, while disrupted internally, still held.

80 years later there was another potential shock to the Westphalian system when the southern states of the United States seceded from the union. A bloody civil war ensued. The rebel states succumbed to the union states and, in the process, the union was changed dramatically as states lost their rights over their own sovereignty. The federal government broke through the constitutional restrictions on federal sovereignty infringing upon the sovereignty of the individual states – something enshrined in the constitution. (This is not to say that slavery was a worthwhile or desirable institution). The US civil war can be viewed as a major violation of the Westphalian system; however, because it was localized to affect only one nation – the United States – the world was not all that shaken by the results.

After the Civil War had placed a major dent into Westphalian thinking (it allowed a sovereign power to destroy the sovereign power of the units it was supposed to bring into unity around limited issues) World War I tested the resolve of adhering to the idea. At the end of the conflict, the Westphalian arrangement survived narrowly. The League of Nations failed and, even though a precedent was set for global cooperation, at least in military efforts, the Wesphalian system survived. World War II, less than 20 years later; however, did not permit the Westphalian system to survive without a competitor – globalization. The idea of globalization was coined as early as 1944, a year before the United Nations was established. The entire purpose of the United Nations was to destroy the sovereignty of nations, to destroy the self-determination of nations, and to create systems of control to reign in the self-determination of nations within their borders.

Governments are headed by people. It doesn’t matter if that person is elected fairly and constitutionally, appointed by a Communist board, or gains power through a revolutionary coup – all of the leaders or the various nations are human beings. Most of them are very corrupt and evil human beings. And these very corrupt and evil human beings thirst for power above all else. It was these same evil and corrupt human beings who decided that they were not capable of ensuring peace who established other men and women to make sure that peace ensued. Mankind; however, is highly susceptible to accumulating power and is very prone to achieving that power through corruption. This is exactly what the United Nations has done throughout it’s 75 and a half years of existence. As a result, the nations of the world are unable to make sovereign decisions in many areas the Westphalian system gave them complete dominion over.

The Westphalian system and adherence to it has not completely been vanquished. This is why populous movements have sprung up around the world in places like Sri Lanka, Brazil, the Netherlands, the United States, and Italy. Modern governments, in the West at least, are supposed to elect advocates to represent the interests of the people while not trampling the rights of the minority. This is the social contract between politicians and their citizens (not subjects) and, coupled with the idea of sovereignty established under the Westphalian system, it means the people are supposed to control the actions of their representatives – the people are supposed to rule. This is especially true in the republic of United States of America. The Civil War eroded this foundation and dictators from Woodrow Wilson, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Lyndon Baines Johnson, Jimmy Carter, Barack Hussein Obama, to Joe Biden have all stuck their fingers into the chasm established in the Civil War and pulled it apart as far as they could. From Wilson on the United States was the leader in a war between globalization and national sovereignty.

We have a global government. It has been established. All that was required was 75 years of continuous small slices of the sovereignty of the nations involved. It was Elon Musk who made headlines in recent weeks when he cautioned the 2023 meeting of the World Government Summit, ““I know this is called the ‘World Government Summit,’ but I think we should be a little concerned about actually becoming too much of a single world government,” Musk said, adding that, “If I may say, we want to avoid creating a civilization risk by having – frankly, this might sound a bit odd – too much cooperation between governments.”” He finished his warning by stating, ““So I think we need to be a little conscious of being too much of a single civilization because if we are too much of a single civilization then the whole thing may collapse,” Musk argued.”

And what was the World Government Summit’s main theme for 2023? “The World Government Summit 2023 will be held under the theme of “Shaping Future Governments”. The Summit will bring thought leaders, global experts and decision makers from around the globe to share and contribute to the development of tools, policies, and models that are essential in shaping future governments.” The World Government Summit has partnered with multiple global governance organizations including the UN, IMF, WHO, WTO, ILO, and WEF and lists some of its many members, including Zoom, Meta, Huawei, Google, Pepsi, Amazon, Visa, PWC, Deloitte, Accenture, Bloomberg, CNN, Time, and CNBC, with the goal of:

“The World Government Summit Organization is a global, neutral, non-profit organization dedicated to shaping the future of governments. The Summit, in its various activities, explores the agenda of the next generation of governments, focusing on harnessing innovation and technology to solve universal challenges facing humanity.

“Since its inception in 2013, the Summit has championed the mission of shaping future governments and creating a better future for humanity. The past editions of the Summit have successfully established a new model to collaborate on an international playing field to inspire and enable the next generation of governments.”

This is exactly what global government is. This is exactly what Elon Musk was warning about. It is a totality without any alternatives. It is their way or straight to a detention facility, reeducation camp, gulag, or execution center. The only opposition which can come will be from the people on this planet, from inside this system. We all need to recognize this and start asking where these ‘new’ ideas are coming from and looking out into the future by 5 years, 10 years, 15 years while realizing that human beings, especially those in positions of power and positions of wealth, are only seeking to increase the amount of power and wealth they wield and hoard.

At the very tippy-top of the pyramid is a group of several families not easily identified pulling all of the strings. In the dark and behind the scenes they are involved in the consolidation of global institutions. Below this shadow level are the people in the highest echelons of globalized central power in the world. These are the leaders of the global government arms like the WHO, UN, WEF, IMF, and BIS. Below these global institutions are the leaders of the increasingly less sovereign nation states. Several of these global leaders are joined by several ‘independent’ actors like Bill Gates and George Soros. Just under them are the heads of most of the multinational businesses, academic centers, major media outlets, and governmental agency heads. The global governance ‘workers’ the research labs, the NGO’s, the think tanks, the media teams, and others who exist to shield the global government from the condemnation it deserves. Then there are the lay people who have caught onto these plans. We are the so-called conspiracy class. Then there are the masses of people who are wondering around in The Matrix created for them. Awakening is quickening as more and more of the Matrix level has broken free of the lies they are told to believe and have joined the ranks of the so-called conspiracy class. The lies have become so untenable that Matrix dwellers are starting to think, ‘hey, hold up, that doesn’t add up.’

My goal is to get people in the Matrix to wake up to the truth. The truth is that the world is ruled by lies intended to put us to sleep and believe that there is nothing to see here and that everything is just fine. The one inspiring the lies is the Adversary of the Bible. The truth is in the Bible – all of it. It is not just the Law, nor the Prophets, the writings, the Gospel, the Acts, nor only the Epistles, or Revelation – it is all of it. In John 8:31-32, 31 So Yeshua said to the Judeans who had trusted him, “If you obey what I say, then you are really my talmidim, 32 you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” That is truth. The world is lies. We are absolutely entered into a war not only between the Westphalian system of governance versus a one-world globalized government – these two sides actually represent a spiritual battle between Good (God) and Evil (the Adversary). That is, the truth will gain us eternal life while the lies will grant us eternal damnation. God has granted human beings with free will so that we may decide to seek Him of our own volition and continuously have to make the choice to do so. The Adversary on the other hand wants to arrest the freewill of mankind by proclaiming that God, nor even the Adversary exists. The result is a world full of lies, filth, and abomination because people can see, feel, and hear the world all the time – sometimes they even smell and taste it – and they believe in the lie and create lies of their own. This is where the lies start having massive negative consequences for everyone – especially when they culminate in implementing a technocratic totalitarian global governance….

Believers and non-believers alike should be able to identify these inroads into our homes, businesses, schools, thinking, and bodies. Lets start at healthcare. Who is able to decide what is best for us? Should what is best for us be decided by a doctor who has experience in treating different maladies without our consent? Absolutely not. Our doctors need our participation in the plan. The doctor also needs to follow the idea that first, they are to do no harm to a patient. The least invasive and safest (the one with the least side effects) treatments and cures needs to be used all of the time. What happened with COVID-19 was that the public health officials at all levels took their orders from a centralized public health ‘authority’ and left millions of us dead because their treatments and cures were lethal. The WHO recognized this and has now decided that they should be the ones dictating the medical interventions all practicing medical personnel should use for all of their patients. The similarities in pandemic responses between the UK’s NHS and the US’s NIAID were not close enough so the WHO has taken it upon itself to make sure they are identical. And identical for every nation on earth.

Another thing that huge numbers of people do is go to work everyday. To effect the global government’s control of the work we are permitted to engage in, all kinds of global decrees have been made and many nations have incorporated those decrees into their own nation’s laws. Unions are enshrined in many places. There is actually an international union under the auspices of the United Nations called the International Labor Organization. Through the ILO, and several other overlapping UN global government enterprises, work has been redefined, and is turning into something allotted to the rest of us as a privileged activity. The UN and ILO seeks to determine who can work, what work is able to be engaged in, what the compensation will be, and what the work conditions will be. In essence, the UN is the organization which predominantly determined who was essential (able to work) and who was not. Other UN functions handled those who were not.

Education is becoming an increasingly huge problem. The Bible is supposed to be taught to our children. Parents are responsible for seeing to it that occurs. Instead, local public schools have been given money from their state’s education board who receive the lion’s share from the US government’s Department of Education which has wholly aligned itself with the goals of UNESCO. UNESCO wants the dictates of the UN to be taught to everyone. UNESCO’s vision is to create Brave New World in the very real world. To effect that human-ending outcome, they brainwash our children into believing in man-made climate change, climate change mitigation efforts, gender dysphoria, homosexuality, and endorse exposing children to pornography, grooming, and pedophilia from the moment they enter the schoolhouse. Above all, the UN promotes the idea that parents should have no say in their children’s education.

The UN doesn’t think parents should have any say in their children’s upbringing at all, actually. UNICEF created a Convention called The Rights of the Child which the United States signed, never ratified, and still adheres to. One of these rights is for children to be registered by the government upon birth just like a car or a business is registered. Another right of children is to be educated about how to legally murder their own children and ensure that the state party can, at any time, step in and take over the medical treatment given to a child. These aren’t rights of the child so much as they are a decree stating that the UN is the final arbiter of parenting and actual parents have no rights in regards to raising their child. If a child wants to run a lemonade stand in the driveway on nice days over the summer the UN has determined that to be abuse of a child under this treaty. When the neighborhood Karen’s and local police show up to shut them down they are enforcing UN decrees.

These examples extend into all other areas of our lives. Firearm possession, tax structures, carbon footprints, how we transport ourselves, appropriate leisure activities, speech codes, how long we can shower for, what sources of fuel we can use to cook food, and even how nations are permitted to conduct war, under what conditions it is permitted, and how it is to be concluded have all been decided by the UN. The supposedly sovereign nations of the world adopt these measures in unison.

There is a major battle which is taking place between the global government factions and the religious factions of the world. Homosexuality is not permitted in many religions. One religion in particular has achieved much notoriety for throwing homosexuals from rooftops. The global government advocates for celebration of homosexual lifestyles because it fills a policy objective for them – depopulate the world. I ask for them to repent of their evil ways and give up their lifestyles to promote a human future. The response from the global government to those merely asking others to use their free will to reconsider their positions has been targeted for censure through hate speech codes, assaults on the religious as having a mental disability, and increased fervor celebrating the global governance culture of lawlessness. This system of lawlessness is intended to be the theological, rational, and spiritual replacement for Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Buddhism, and all other traditional religious systems. It is even intended to usurp all of the New Age psychobabble out there. The idea is to create a uniformity of thought throughout the world where all though is all based on lies.

At the same time that this battle rages, a far wider net has been cast seeking to ensnare anyone and everyone. This initiative is being carried out on behalf of the elite of the elite themselves. The initiative is a global digital currency. The ease with which the central bank of central banks, the Bank of International Settlements, will be able to create a single global currency out of the individual national central bank currencies will be all too easy. It will also be incredibly quick and clandestine. This will not only affect every human financially, but will create physical lacks of food, water, medicines, shelter, education, and transportation needs for countless millions of people.

Emotional manipulation will come through any of the ‘smart’ technologies already created and being worked on. Social media for instance uses our emotions – namely the ‘hit’ of dopamine our brains produce to cause happiness – every time we get a like on our latest tweet. Pharmaceuticals and illicit street drugs often produce these same effects. Soma was used to emotionally regulate the emotions of citizens in Brave New World. In THX 1138 drugs are ordered to be taken in order to regulate the emotional states of human beings. There is no anger to propel protagonists nor love to propel saviors acting upon a cause. There are already patents to implant thoughts and regulate emotional states through remote electromagnetic sensing devices.

Humans are three parts which need to work in synergy. Those parts are the physical, the mental, or rational, or emotional, and the spiritual. The physical world can be measured in distance, area, and volume. The rational human capacity is measured through emotional maturity tests, intelligence quotient exams, and creativity. Spirituality cannot be measured at all. The Bible attests to this fact repeatedly such as when God asks Job what he was doing when He set the cornerstone of earth and when Yeshua was described in John 2:11 as already knowing men’s hearts. We cannot discern what is in other men’s hearts and even if we listen vigilantly, cannot decipher our own. Because the soul cannot be measured the global government and believers in the Adversary’s lies see no use for it. As they move forward with their plans they increasingly denigrate, mock, and delegitimize anyone who has faith in anything supernatural. This includes Allah as much as Hashem; Shiva as much as Yeshua; ibogaine experiences as much as the Ruach HaKodesh.

If you haven’t read Brave New World, go read it or watch it for free on You Tube to get the jist of it. The difference between the book and movie and the intentions of the global government is that savage camps will not be able to exist. The surveillance drones and autonomous kill bots will cause their immediate detection and extermination. The authority to execute will be given by the artificial intelligence behind the drones and autonomous weapons. Those living in the ‘civilized’ world will no longer even be human – not as we understand humans anyway. There will be cyborgs and clones and chimeras but no God-created human beings. These biological hijackings will only exist to produce for the elites. This is their utopia. This is what global government is 500,000,000 ‘people’ existing to facilitate the ‘utopian’ lifestyles the elite plan on living forever with radical life extension technologies. Look all of this up if you don’t believe me – it’s easy to find. But I am telling you this, unless the conspiracy class wakes up nearly everyone in the Matrix, this totality without alternatives will arrive at it’s tipping point and we will all be forced under a system which will be next to impossible to throw off.

Personally, and I am not alone in this belief, I think we will go over this tipping point and we will be arrested, beaten, tortured, forcefully treated with medical interventions, enslaved, and murdered depending on our adherence to the truth and unwillingness to stop speaking the truth. We will all be forced to be Winston’s from 1984 or we will end up as the apostles of Yeshua and executed for our faith. Barack Obama, the worker of iniquity that he is, called us ‘clingers’. Future generations will kill us for our refusals to believe in the lies they spew. The Matrix dwellers will clap and cheer while they are being sterilized and poisoned in reality but, because they believe in the lies, think they are really living decent lives according to the global government. Even if they came to realize the truth, they would have no ability to speak it without being put in the gulag and tortured to death. They have no truth in them and there is no truth which will be able to be found in those days.

9 When this man who avoids Torah comes, the Adversary will give him the power to work all kinds of false miracles, signs and wonders. 10 He will enable him to deceive, in all kinds of wicked ways, those who are headed for destruction because they would not receive the love of the truth that could have saved them. 11 This is why God is causing them to go astray, so that they will believe the Lie, reads 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12. When this man who avoids Torah comes he will be celebrated by an already deluded and nearly reprobate populace. The final nail comes when the marks are officially passed out and include the worship of this abomination.

Of course, there is an alternative. We can all turn our faces to God, realize that Yeshua is the living embodiment of fulfilling the Torah, and follow the Torah ourselves. It doesn’t mean Yeshua isn’t the Son of God, nor does it mean that Yeshua didn’t sacrifice his earthly embodiment for our salvation. It means emulate Yeshua by following the Torah. I think too many will remain blissfully deceived in the Matrix to realize any of this though. And even when this man comes who hates God and hates Torah, there will be an outside influence who will come and restore the earth. That influence is God Himself sending His Son back to earth not for the purpose of salvation but for the purpose of meting out a justice the world has long forgotten exists because of it’s own lawless ways. Those in the global government know this will occur, yet, foolishly think they will defeat Him upon His return and are recruiting as many as will believe the lie for that purpose. Don’t be deceived. Take it to the Lord in prayer.

Bless God and God bless.


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