When the Military Operates on Treason

When the Military Operates on Treason

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/23/2023

There are many members in the armed forces who operate with the intention to uphold their oath. This article is pointedly directed at those who will open fire on and go to war against US citizens. This article is meant for the subversive elements in our military who will follow such orders. There are elements within the military who will violate their oath and follow orders given to them by others who are willing to disregard their oaths. When the US military is unleashed upon the populace of the United States their will be no more illusion as to the extent our government has decided to wage open war against the citizenry. Realizing that we are under martial law in many ways now may prevent open violence against us by our own military. But, it’s coming to us quickly and the time to do this is short.

First, the oaths. Commissioned officers are supposed to uphold their oath:

“I ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.”

Those who enlist also swear:

“I, _____, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. So help me God.”

The President’s oath appears in the US Constitution at Article II, Section I, Clause 8:

“Before he enter on the Execution of his Office, he shall take the following Oath or Affirmation:—"I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."”

According to the Department of Energy “Every new Federal employee, including the President, is required by law to take an oath to support and defend the Constitution.” Being employed by a state also requires a similar oath in many instances. Those employed by the government are made to swear an oath not for the pageantry but because they are supposed to abide by their statements.

It is irresponsible and dangerous to allow any faction of the military to disregard the oath they swore to uphold the US Constitution. It is of particular concern right now because of several public episodes like Jade Helm (I know the video link is broken – I did that on purpose because nothing true is easily obtained online anymore). Unusual personnel and armament movements have been occurring across the United States for the past week. Those asking why or about the nature of the movements are being told to sit down and shut about about it. These recent reports; however, remind me of the black helicopters which flew low through Minneapolis in 2014. All of these events destroy the preamble of the Constitution, in particular, to insure domestic Tranquility. In other words, all of these ‘training exercises’ should have been refused because the orders fly in the face of the Constitution. Those participating broke their oath.

From here, it quickly gets into the weeds because of the ignorance of the American people in the differences between what constitutes a militia and what the US military forces are. They are distinctly different. Every able bodied person in the United States is supposed to be a part of a militia. The idea has been disregarded and openly mocked by those responsible for forming, training, and equipping the militia. The claim that the national guard is the militia is an absolute lie. The very definition of the word militia contradicts the stance of the government. But, because of these lies and the continued ignorance of the US populace, any formation of a militia by anyone is automatically deemed a threat to the United States and the masses gobble up that garbage.

This argument goes far deeper than what I am going to provide here; however, Congress is responsible for carrying out the Constitution at Article II, Section 8, Clauses 15 and 16 read:

“To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions;

“To provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia, and for governing such Part of them as may be employed in the Service of the United States, reserving to the States respectively, the Appointment of the Officers, and the Authority of training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress;”

Oh that’s just the National Guard though. No, it’s not. All able bodied citizens are supposed to be trained and armed in this manner. It’s not a volunteer service to be a professional soldier as the National Guard is. The governors of the Several states and the blithering idiots filling the legislative offices in Washington DC can tell us that the militias are synonymous with the National Guard until they are blue in the face and they will still be wrong. Militia’s entail everyone.

The argument ties in directly to the Second Amendment, too, the most famous instance of the militia in the document. If professional, volunteer, military personnel and militias are the same thing then the Second Amendment makes no sense. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” This applies to all of the people because we are supposed to be at the ready to defend the US Constitution as well. Not in a professional capacity, but, in a militia. Because the states don’t provide mandatory militia training and the US Congress has long hated the entire idea because it represents another check on their power and demonic interests, militias have sprung up from among the people themselves. The Second Amendment provides the legal basis for the armaments and because of the wording of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights (in the negative manner restricting government, not citizens) in light of the dereliction of duty to facilitate militias, the formation of militias has fallen to the people per the Tenth Amendment.

The idea if Posse Comitatus is also tied into this. It has been codified into law at 18 USC § 1385 and reads, “Whoever, except in cases and under circumstances expressly authorized by the Constitution or Act of Congress, willfully uses any part of the Army, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the Air Force, or the Space Force as a posse comitatus or otherwise to execute the laws shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than two years, or both.” Notice that there is the Army National Guard, the Navy Reserve, the Marine Reserve, the Air Force Reserve. There is no mention of the militia, which is odd because the militia was always intended to halt developments like CHAZ, the arson of Saint John’s Episcopal Church in Washington DC, and George Floyd riots. The powers that be don’t want an effective response to such events – they want chaos – so they made sure that the militias simply do not exist while at the same time making sure that calling up members of the reserve forces which are held to be the militias of the states is illegal.

Militias are, thus, immediately seen as organizations which harbor anti-government sentiments with violent capabilities by the same entities which are supposed to be facilitating their creation, maintenance, and operations. Federal agents infiltrate militias routinely and immediately begin agitating for violence. The rationale, from the US government’s viewpoint, is to monopolize any effective force against their illegal orders and to gain the support of the citizenry at the same time. Militia is a bad word in the United States when in actuality the militia, NOT THE NATIONAL GUARD, should have been called forth to suppress every single BLM protest in the middle of an interstate, every gathering of Antifa anywhere, and every instance of looting, robbing, and rioting the United States has been subjected to recently. That’s not what happens though because the militia’s are no longer validated and the vital role in society the militia is supposed to play in society flat out doesn’t exist.

Militia’s in the sense of civilian forces do exist, just not in the way prescribed in the Constitution nor envisioned by the framers of the Constitution nor the understanding held by the authors of the Bill of Rights. This comes full circle to oaths. What oaths are the members of militias expected to uphold? Who knows except the members of the particular militias. I’d like to think that any civilian formed militia in the United States has a membership which has sworn upon the altar of God to uphold and defend the Constitution. Thinking that all of the militias in the United States would bind themselves in such a way would be very naive, but several such militias have recently been in the news.

The first militia I’m going to note was completely dominated by federal agents. The Wolverine Watchmen group is still only alleged to have plotted to kidnap that heinous entity who rules Michigan with an iron fist, Gretchen Whitmer. The problem is that the FBI entrapped all of the members of the group who ended up getting prison terms. The FBI concocted the plan, got the others to follow along with it, had them arrested, sat a grand jury panel of complete idiots, presented them a case obscuring their involvements, obtained their indictment, put these men on trial, and sentenced 4 of the 13 arrested to a combined 42 years in prison. They lied throughout the entire trial. The message was clear though – if you are a member of a militia watch out, the federal government will be coming for you.

Tragically, the federal government was not bluffing. With the help of their world-wide propaganda machine, the federal government entrapped a militia called the Oath Keepers. As their name implies, the Oath Keepers held the oaths they took to the defend the United States Constitution from enemies foreign and domestic seriously. Mike Pence ignoring any and all election validity claims and handing the nation to Joe Biden for it’s destruction was an act of high treason. The Oath Keepers took note of this and, with over a million others, went to the capitol on the day Pence committed this treason to demand he desist.

The retards and scumbags, globalists and liars call the event the January 6 insurrection. What it really was consisted of a set up designed to ensnare those who entered a public building after being waved in by officers of the law. Federal agents attacked the police. Federal agents demanded the capitol building be breached. A federal agent murdered one of those who entered the building by shooting her in the neck at point blank range. There were over a million people there – if there were to be an insurrection, an insurrection would have taken place.

Nearly a thousand people have been rounded up through unconstitutional means (geofencing data illegally obtained by investigators and service providers) because of the set-up operation conducted by the federal agencies. Prominent among them are members of the Oath Keepers who, along with others, have been and are being illegally detained and tortured since their illegal arrests in Washington DC dungeons. Throughout all of these high profile trials, the US government has openly lied in court, presented false evidence, and buried anything exculpatory. These are not convictions with any intent of serving the interests of justice – these trials are politically motivated warnings to anyone who won’t go along with the murderous Biden regime. Even the lowly Washington Post felt compelled to report on this albeit with the intent of portraying the unjustly tried Oath Keepers as criminals of the highest degree and exonerating the corruption which runs freely through the halls of Merrick Garland’s Department of Justice.

The Oath Keepers did nothing wrong – Mike Pence did. Instead of getting answers to valid questions we had Mike Pence and the rest of the traitors in the US government decide they have no duty to the United States citizenry nor to uphold their oath. This fact is what makes them loved by the mainstream media which is controlled by the same global interests. This is what happens when oaths are violated. This is why the article is titled When the Military Operates on Treason.

The people most treacherously violating their oaths are highly praised in the media and by those in the highest positions of power. They show up daily in the press talking about how great their lawless version of the United States is and how those who value and strive to uphold their oaths are targeted by this globalist-oriented criminal cabal. Everything about Donald Trump’s presidency was precisely this saga playing out. His quote, “In reality they're not after me they're after you - I'm just In their way” has inspired many to support Trump so he can remain in the way. The reason he said it was to gain that support, yes, but I believe he said it more to warn all of us and to make sure we are ready for the attacks against us, our families, our children, and our values. And, yes, they are coming for us.

Right now they are coming for us through their demonic version of justice. It has long been in the conceptual mode but only recently been made operational against the citizens of the United States. It’s genesis should have been made perfectly clear with the passage and renewal of the USA PATRIOT Act. Those who were concerned were barred from being on mainstream media and their concerns were not widely disseminated as they should have been in a free nation. Now they target their operations directly with the intent to shut them down. I strongly believe that we have approached the time when the US government will concoct a false flag in order to facilitate a decree of martial law and justify their use of the kinetic provisions in the USA PATRIOT Act.

The courts are against the citizens. The government has declared over half of the United States’ citizenry to be terrorists. We have been used as test subjects by the military-industrial complex. We still do not have our society back and our way of life still seems as though it is in flux. Our elections are not legitimate. Technologies being developed all seem to have the same goal – make God-created mankind obsolete. Merely asking questions or disagreeing with someone will get one banned from the public square. The only thing left is the violation of Posse Comitatus by a military which has sought people who will just follow the orders they are given, not the oath they swore to. That’s treason.

In order to get US military personnel to the point where they would just follow orders and break their oaths purges in the military have occurred. The most recent was the mandated ‘vaccine’. This has been occurring at least since the moment Biden’s boss, Barack Hussein Obama, began dismantling the United States military in earnest in 2013. The goal is to have a military which will open fire on it’s own citizens. If you don’t think they will, I offer you a brief history lesson. From Britannica Online:

“Bonus Army, gathering of probably 10,000 to 25,000 World War I veterans (estimates vary widely) who, with their wives and children, converged on Washington, D.C., in 1932, demanding immediate bonus payment for wartime services to alleviate the economic hardship of the Great Depression.”

“Troops led by Brig. Gen. Perry L. Miles and accompanied by Gen. Douglas MacArthur, the U.S. Army chief of staff, drove out the demonstrators and destroyed their encampments, using tanks and tear gas. One veteran was shot to death, and several veterans and policemen were wounded.”

The Bonus Army’s example is about to occur to everyone in the United States. It is being demanded by those who have sworn an oath to uphold the United States Constitution and see it as their duty to destroy anyone who seeks to restore the application of the Constitution of the United States to the actions permissible to be undertaken by the government.

Michael Breen and Kenneth Harbaugh are great examples of how disgusting these oath breakers are. They recently penned an article which appeared in the Bulwark, titled How to Stifle Groups Like the Oath Keepers. They didn’t even pause to contemplate the legality and legitimacy of the Soviet-style trials Oath Keepers received. Instead they immediately equated the Oath Keepers and the events which occurred on January 6, 2021 with the “violent insurgencies” they claim to have encountered overseas.

Their ‘fix’ to the problem is to make sure that service members are not able to access the groups that the authors, in conjunction with the ADL and SPLC, have decided are hate-mongering organizations. This would include Mom’s for Liberty and Alex Jones, the Tea Party and Roger Stone, and, well, anything else which goes against the utter destruction of America. Anti-globalism, social-conservatism, and the promotion of cultural norms would fall into this because the Constitution they swore an oath to appears in Animal Farm - “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”

These two treason-loving anti-American psychopaths want to destroy the United States through violence. They wrote, “As veterans who defended the United States in Iraq, Afghanistan, and elsewhere, we saw firsthand how our country responded to the threat of international terrorism with vigor, if not always with circumspection and wisdom. Our response to the threat of domestic terrorism has so far not matched the energy of the post-9/11 period, nor its unity.” First, defended us from what, exactly? Second, they openly float the idea that the US military should be executing Constitutional aware US citizens domestically and that the American populace should be celebrating those murders.

This is what the leaders of the United States want to fill the ranks of our military with. Human garbage like Michael Breen who has more affinity for Afghani’s and illegal immigrants than any of the people in his own nation. Breen is the founder of Human Rights First. Human Rights First is just another Marxist, globalist institution dedicated to destroying anything decent, not just the United States. The border, for instance, should be dissolved and so-called asylum seekers allowed to do whatever they want according to Breen’s organization. That idea is always directly connected to the US government being heavily involved in completing the human smuggling process and the rape and murder of children. I’m not saying Breen is this kind of guy, but I am saying that he’s advocating it.

Harbaugh hosts a podcast called Burn the Boats which is dedicated to destroying the United States. The podcast goes through the Meidas Touch Network which was “Created in quarantine by three brothers, MeidasTouch is a pro-democracy, next-generation super PAC founded by three siblings (and lifelong Democrats) with the primary goals of protecting American democracy, defeating Trumpism and holding Republicans accountable.” America should be brought low according to these three degenerate morons. Harbaugh, no doubt, shares in their ambition to destroy the United States and murder everyone who doesn’t like it. His podcast has recently featured another anti-American ‘veteran’ who can only see fascism in the GOP, a gun grabber, a lunatic attacking Christianity as described in the Bible, a complete moron who demands that republic means democracy, and an actual criminal named Stacy Abrams.

This isn’t who needs to be in our military. But they are. And they are being recruited specifically because they hate America. The local recruiter may appreciate a recruit who is openly Christian, walks with Jesus in mind at all times, and takes their oath to uphold the US Constitution seriously but those maggots at the top don’t. They want a force that will shoot at US citizens. Obama was even stupid enough to suggest the idea of a US version of the German SS. Now that Obama is back in office, instead of creating new federal police the idea is to use existing agencies to act with contempt towards the oath they swore. Christopher Wray’s FBI will do until something more effective and terrifying comes around, like, say a predator drone, or an Abrams tank rolling down your street. Both of these have already occurred….

Best get ready because that military is almost at it’s capacity to contain the treason it’s leaders, like Mark Milley, have instilled in the ranks. All it will take is one event and that tank will indeed be sitting outside of your house. Prepare for that. The biggest part of that preparation should be seeking the face of God. If Biden, Obama, Milley, Breen, or Harbaugh had ever even contemplated seeking God this wouldn’t be happening in the first place. But they didn’t and now they, and many others, are merely waiting to unleash the full force of the military’s kinetic capabilities against us. Thus, another part of preparation needs to be to act as militia and to never engage in offensive violence…. Just as the framers intended. Just as the Oath Keepers did and have been vilified and persecuted for. Just as Donald Trump has done….

Bless God and God bless.


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