Establishment Medicine (and everything else) is Owned By Murderers

Establishment Medicine (and everything else) is Owned By Murderers

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/27/2023

The practice of medicine and everything it entails – from surgeries, to treating chronic conditions; pharmacology, to insurance plans, affects just about every person on earth in one way or another. Even those in the most remote villages in the most remote parts of the world are affected because establishment medical teams travel to their homes to affect them. Telehealth seeks to expand establishment medicines reach as well as to make the digitized version preferable to the real version due to convenience for the practitioners. New shots and treatments with dubious safety sheets and treatment claims come to market routinely. News articles are published about how great they are. Medical journals push the latest and greatest medical treatment options (as long as they are still patented). And the result is worse health, a worse quality of life, and worse outcomes for the ill and injured. The doctors like their vacations and perks and paychecks, the patent holders get rich, and the people being told to use them are useful only while they follow the doctor’s prescriptions to continue this scheme. The reason for all of this is because these organizations and entities are all owned by other entities who want to murder the entire world.

Newsweek has an article, published today, called “What If America Decriminalized All Drugs?”. The War on drugs would morph into the war on mental health. If you think the censorship efforts are bad, wait until mental health is the area targeted for conformity. An article from yesterday suggests that a 24 year-old women being diagnosed as sterile is a rare but natural occurrence. Of course it is directly tied into the death jabs but Newsweek won’t report that. YouTube’s censorship of RFK Jr’s interview by Jordan Peterson prompted Newsweek to write a dismissal of Kennedy’s facts about endocrine disrupters, celebrate the censorship of the interview, and build credibility for the World Health Organization. Newsweek pushed forward the idea that Joe Rogan be boycotted because of the interview he conducted with RFK Jr. which featured, according to Newsweek, “The interview, during which Kennedy Jr. reiterated baseless and disproven claims that vaccines cause autism, drew criticism from Dr. Peter Hotez, dean at the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. Hotez's comments prompted Rogan to offer the vaccine expert $100,000 to debate noted vaccine skeptic Kennedy Jr. on his podcast.”

Newsweek’s ownership is contentious at the moment and being litigated. To me, the most probable owner is IBT Media. The contender to IBT Media’s ownership of Newsweek is one of IBT Media’s founders who has since left, David Jang. Jang believes himself to be the Second Coming of Christ. He is associated with the World Olivet Assembly, an evangelical Christian organization, and the University by the same name. So, Newsweek is owned by either an Antichrist enterprise or an actual aspirant to be Antichrist. In other words, Newsweek wants everyone dead and so does International Business Times, Medical Daily, Latin Times, Player One, and all of their partners.

Medical Daily’s top stories for this Sunday are celebrating poop transplants, another Moderna death jab, antidepressants related to Covid-19 illness, and monkeypox shots for kids. No mention of lab-grown meat is theree; however. Food is medicine and medicine has decided to turn food into chemical and pharmacological creations God never intended. Fox News, where the link will take you, offers no push back, safety concerns, nor ethical implications of calling this Frankenstein food, food. Yes, they are part of the global death cabal, too. Fox News is owned ultimately by Rupert Murdoch, with major shareholders Vanguard, Dodge and Cox, and BlackRock comprising 16.5% of the shares. Dodge and Cox was founded on Marxist ideology. Vanguard and BlackRock are dedicated to killing everyone under Agenda 2030, ESG, and CBDC.

CNN pushes continuously for criminalizing speech and medical misinformation is one of the showcase issues they are using to drive that change into codified laws. CNN is owned by Warner Brothers Discovery and was founded by mass-murdering anti-God Ted Turner. Their top ‘health’ story today is legalizing the barbaric practice of child murder and sacrifice under the ruse that it is healthcare. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street Corporation own 20% of the shares of Warner Brothers Discovery. State Street Corporation is all in on ESG.

Comcast, with 17% of the shares owned by Vanguard and BlackRock, owns everything NBC. NBC News is very concerned about being able to murder babies as well as huge sponsors of pharmaceuticals. Their health page has three subcategories under it: coronavirus (which still has a tracker), abortion ‘rights’ which do not exist, and climate change because that scam has been intrinsically linked to health issues by the blood-drinking creeps in corporations such as Comcast. MSNBC isn’t a news outlet but it pretends to be. The globalist propaganda organization doesn’t have a health section; however, they, too, are sponsoring people propagating lies about all sorts of things like murdering babies. Jordan Rubin is an Anti-American, God-hating murderer of logic, truth, and the law.

A private company owns CBS – National Amusements. Shari Redstone is the president of National Amusements. CBS’s top health story is about a new coronovirus strain and another is about filing medical malpractice suits against doctors for not murdering babies in the womb. In case one thought that Redstone was involved with noble causes – she is not. Her profile on the Paramount site (owned by National Amusements) states she is on the Board of Trustees of The Paley Center for Media. This leftist, Satanic, think tank offers classroom curricula for grade K-2 asking the children to challenge what a family is, grades 3-5 titled gender identity and expression, and two green-brainwashing installments for grade 1-2 and 9-12.

ABC’s health page is featuring demands being made to allow baby murder across the United States. This ‘news’ outlet is ultimately owned by The Walt Disney Company. The company is one of the leaders of the Alphabet Mafia’s efforts to destroy the minds of our youth. Vanguard, BlackRock, and State Street own over 18% of Disney’s shares.

The Washington Post is owned by Jeff Bezos. The New York Times is controlled by Vanguard and BlackRock as they own 17% of the stock. Another 8% is owned by ValueAct Capital Management which merely plays games with their ESG compliance to try to downplay their observance of it. The Wall Street Journal is owned by News Corp. Forbes is Chinese. USA Today is owned by Gannett which has fully embraced ESG accounting.

Mainstream news isn’t owned by those with an interest in humanity – it is owned by people who think they are somehow superior to the rest of the world. They have taken it upon themselves to offer propaganda as news, silence anyone with questions, and, in so doing, murder as many as they see fit. But, they are not alone. Other publications claiming to be premier scientific journals are engaged in the same thing.

One such journal is the British Medical Journal. It’s owned by a Marxist trade union which is all n on preventing the next pandemic by Nazifying the United Kingdom. Two days ago their journal published, Health inequities continue to drive the public health threat of mpox. There is no health inequity with monkeypox – if homosexuals stopped having homosexual sex the problem would disappear.

JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association, is supposed to be respected. The American Medical Association is still demanding that we all go kill ourselves by medical interventions. They are also invested in making medical misinformation in their eyes a criminal offense. JAMA dedicated itself to publishing studies about Covid-19 which supported the medical establishment’s fetish with patents, novel drug use, and denigrating any actual treatments. They persist in this. Four months ago ivermectin was mentioned in JAMA in order to discredit it’s effectiveness in treating Covid-19 by using a placebo which, when used in combination with ivermectin, is highly effective at preventing serious disease when administered early. The only reason for this fraudulent study is because the research team as well as the American Medical Association want us dead.

The New England Medical Journal does itself no favors by publishing garbage about the origins on Covid-19. The truth is that the man-made version of coronavirus existed in the population at least two decades ago. Actual science supports this. The explosion in cases was ginned up through the tests and the rest is history. NEMJ gave space to Lawrence O. Gostin, J.D., and Gigi K. Gronvall, Ph.D so they could ignore the obvious medical, societal, and national security concerns about the scamdemic and give the scientists the mandate to figure out where the scientists’ creations were unleashed on the world, “Determining the origins of SARS-CoV-2 should be strictly a scientific matter, but it has become embroiled in politics.” Not only should it be a political consideration, it should be a judicial consideration, and the proper remedy is to try these ‘scientists’ and ‘experts’ under a newly convened Nuremberg Trial. NEMJ is published by the Massachusetts Medical Society which stood in staunch support of what the government did during Covid-19, only criticizing the government’s efforts for not being draconian enough.

PubMed is a bastard child of the National Institutes of Health. NIH plays host to NIAID. It aggregates articles from other journals. “PubMed is a free resource supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health–both globally and personally” their website claims. To lay waste to this claim, PubMed routinely promotes drugs which kill, downplays effective treatments and cures, and features their love of transhumanism. Their devotion to degeneracy is a reflection of the degeneracy of the NIH.

The Lancet sometimes publishes actual science which questions the established narrative. When this has occurred, the Lancet has quickly withdrawn the articles or offered disclaimers. Anything approaching the truth in the medical field is handled in this fashion. This isn’t limited to the medical field as The Lancet’s owners are Elsevier. Elsevier is so deranged that, in the middle of the largest medical murder operation to have ever occurred on earth, they published a journal titled Immortal which is exclusively about transhumanism. Anyone understanding what the Covid-19 vaccines are – gene therapies – and have an idea of how transhumanists seek to gain immortality – gene therapies – will quickly be able to identify Elsevier as a leader in advancing demonic, anti-human, post-human technologies.

As of March 2023, HCA Healthcare owned 210 hospitals and their largest shareholder is Vanguard. Universal Health Services owned 180 hospitals and Vanguard has more than 11% of the stock. Common Spirit Health owned 164 hospitals and is controlled by the Catholic Church (I will leave that there because the Catholic Church has decided that the Bible doesn’t pertain to them). The top ten (these three largest) owned 1,396 hospitals. These are owned by the United States government, the Catholic Church, or have their largest investor as Vanguard or T Rowe Price (ESG-compliancy is the name of their game). One has private equity as their funding source. There are 6,129 hospitals in the United States and these ten health systems own about a quarter of them.

There are about 3,500 Public health institutions in the United States. This makes sense because there is one for each of the 3,143 counties in the United States. We own these things because they are paid for by our taxes. In 2011 the federal government paid for 45% of the state’s public health departments. In South Dakota for 2023, 37.4% of all health funding came from the federal government; California funds the state’s public health system with just shy of 60% by federal funds (all health expenditures are funded by the federal government at 55% in California). If the federal government was no longer involved in the funding, California would be $127 billion short and South Dakota would be out $51 million. The result is that the federal government’s Health and Human Services ends up funding a lot of the public ‘health care’ in the country and attaches strings to it.

For example, HHS’s most recent press release is all about murdering babies around the world. They claim this is a right in the language they use and note that, in their degenerate view, murdering babies is the cornerstone to, “ accelerating universal health coverage and to expanding preventive care; helps girls to enter and stay in school and expands opportunities for women to participate in the labor force; advances gender equality and equity; and promotes and protects the human rights of women, girls, and LGBTQI+ individuals, particularly those who face multiple and intersecting forms of discrimination.” These are the strings they attach to the money they distribute. They are demanding the complete control of any individual’s healthcare, the destruction of families, and sexual orientations which lead to rapid depopulation.

There are national organizations in the US which claim to represent the interests of public health departments such as NACCHO. It is impossible to get a list of members from their website but about half of the public health departments in the country are claimed by these animals. They immediately struck out as being legitimate advocates for anything pertaining to common sense or health care with their stance on climate change as a health issue, demands that BIPOC communities commit collective suicide by getting the death jab, and participation in One Health initiatives which will turn the entire planet into one huge Dachau.

Unions are actually claimed to be a public health institution. That is really interesting because in 2014 I wrote a book and put it online for free (it is no longer available online, or I’d provide a link to it). I suggested that in the fascistic world which was being created – a Neo-Feudal world – labor unions would be used to force employees to undergo mandated decrees made by mass-murderers. That’s exactly what the union I was once forced to join (Teamsters) did over the mask mandate in the state of Minnesota in September 2020. A article free on PubMed but behind a pay wall at APHA from 2015 makes the connection between the state and immediate control of employment through a union concrete and explicit:

“Finally, and in light of promising evidence to date of the health benefits of union membership, public health practitioners and institutions should do more to protect, and enhance, the unionization of workers across industries. In partnership with unions, the public health community can maximize its success in creating new standards within and across industries, promoting workplace and community health research, uncovering social determinants of health, and decreasing disparities. Falling union membership is public health’s loss; union revival is our opportunity.”

The APHA stands for the American Public Health Association. The description they attribute themselves with reads, “APHA champions the health of all people and all communities. We strengthen the public health profession. We speak out for public health issues and policies backed by science. We are the only organization that combines a 150-year perspective, a broad-based member community and the ability to influence federal policy to improve the public's health.” This is highly disingenuous because their top issues are climate change, Covid-19, environmental health, gun violence, health equity, racism and health, and vaccines. Destroy the earth, destroy the God-created DNA with gene therapies, destroy the environment in general, confiscate guns, force everyone to get the same substandard and deadly care, base medical decisions on race, and make everyone get vaccines whether they are willing or not is all the APHA want to do. Want more proof that these monsters fully intend on murdering everyone? APHA collaborated with two public health organizations from California to create a 169 page demand to utterly destroy our health called “Health in All Policies” which is exactly what it sounds like. The same bastards that kept us locked up in our homes and shuttered our business; destroyed our children’s learning ability, told two year-olds to wear masks, and sent the sick into nursing homes to murder the residents, are, according to these wretched psychopaths at the APHA, the people who should pass laws with our health in mind. No thanks. They received $1.86 million in federal grants and received funding directly from the CDC and John Hopkins University in fiscal year 2022 if you wish to get a sense of who they are really loyal to.

Vanguard and BlackRock comprise ownership of 13.8% of Pfizer, 11% of Moderna, almost 17% of Abbvie, over 17% of Johnson & Johnson, 18% of Bristol Myers Squibb, 17% of Merck, and 14% of Eli Lilly. Kaiser Foundation is one of the largest health insurer in the United States and is a private entity but that hasn’t stopped it from diving headlong into ESG compliance. The second largest is Elevance Health, which Vanguard and BlackRock control 17% of. 17% of UnitedHealth Group’s stock is owned by Vanguard and BlackRock. They also own 13% of Humana, 13% of CVS Health, 17% of Cigna, and almost 19% of Centene. The companies providing insurance listed above, except for Kaiser, represent 41% of the entire market. That market, as well as the pharmaceuticals market in the first sentence of this paragraph, is dominated by Vanguard and BlackRock.

Vanguard is difficult to assess because the fund is owned by the funds and the funds are owned by the shareholders. Who are the shareholders in Vanguard? They obviously do not want themselves known or we would know them. This sounds like a great way to do all sorts of nefarious things through a corporate entity with large stakes in thousands of corporations. Vanguard’s founder was John C Bogle. His civic engagement included the National Constitution Center which, apparently, sees fit to partner with the Atlantic to rewrite the Constitution, sees the Constitution as enshrining direct democracy, and gave their 2022 award to that neo-Nazi Ukrainian thief and loser Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Past winners include Ruth Bader Ginsberg, Justice Kennedy, George and Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Muhammad Ali, Bono, CNN, and Jimmy Carter. Bogle was also involved with a very transhumanist American Philosophical Society.

To me this seems like the smart place to effect wretched changes on everyone else’s lives. In Vanguard’s own words, “Because our investors are our owners, our interests are uniquely aligned, allowing us to focus on you and your goals.” Now, I’m not into murdering people with flowery words masking an intent to revert the globe into a feudal society ruled by a technochratic totalitarianism. Vanguard is. It’s fitting that their investors are hidden because they want you dead – badly. Their owners apparently support, “Not only are we focused on improving DEI in our workplace, but we are also committed to integrating it into the ways we engage the world around us. We promote equity in childcare and early education, activate it in our supply chain, and support social justice through our corporate giving programs. We also advocate for greater diversity in boardrooms and the broader business community worldwide.” The Alphabet mafia isn’t the only evil coming after our kids – so is Vanguard.

In a massive conflict of interest, Vanguard’s CEO, Mortimer Buckley, also sits on FINRA. According to FINRA, “FINRA is authorized by Congress to protect America’s investors by making sure the broker-dealer industry operates fairly and honestly. We oversee more than 624,000 brokers across the country—and analyze billions of daily market events. We use innovative AI and machine learning technologies to keep a close eye on the market and provide essential support to investors, regulators, policymakers and other stakeholders.” Managing over $8 trillion in assets and sitting on the regulatory body for doing so isn’t a big deal, right?

BlackRock is a bit easier to research. It is headed by Larry Fink and he is not nearly as shy as his Vanguard counterpart. Fink routinely states his intentions. “I like multinational companies. They may have 40 to 60 percent of their engines of growth in the United States, but I do like the diversification of being more global.” “To finance longer life spans, we must convince individuals to start investing now for the long term. But longevity should be an asset that can be levered, not a curse. They must understand that there's a cost to sitting in cash. No one talks about that cost.” “"Behaviors are gonna have to change and this is one thing were asking companies. You have to force behaviors, and at BlackRock we are forcing behaviors," the CEO said.” And he defends BlackRock’s demands to change behaviors to facilitate ESG by claiming that it is capitalism when it is nothing of the sort.

ESG will put all of humanity into the neo-feudal state, but we can survive even under those harsh conditions. We wouldn’t survive well, though. It is enslavement with no possibility of a liberating force because it is global. Global GDP in 2022 was just over $100 trillion and one in every five of those dollars were managed by either Vanguard or BlackRock. About 11%, or $11,000,000,000,000 was spent on healthcare and Vanguard and BlackRock had a hand on about $2.2 trillion of it. These two companies control a fifth of the globe. But this is only the corporate side….

Vanguard members donate to a wide range of ‘charitable’ organizations. According to Philanthropy News Digest, $1.78 billion was donated to 54,000 different charities in 2021. Prominent recipients mentioned in the article were “Doctors Without Borders USA; Planned Parenthood Federation of America; St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Cru/Campus Crusade For Christ; Samaritan’s Purse; American Civil Liberties Union Foundation; International Rescue Committee; American Red Cross; Southern Poverty Law Center; and Natural Resources Defense Council.”

Doctor’s Without Borders showed themselves to be real heroes as they returned to the United States with Ebola and rode subway systems – potentially infecting others with a disease which subdues it’s contractors at over 60%. Planned Parenthood murders babies and sells their body parts as well as live children to the highest bidder. St. Jude still refuses to allow visitors, mandates masks, and has murdered their entire staff by gene therapy. Cru presents itself as a Christian organization which contains links to an article conspicuously missing the word repent when discussing approaching the Alphabet mafia. Samaritan’s Purse seems like a decent organization with the exception of it’s affiliation to the Biblically illiterate Franklin Graham, a Covid-19 ‘vaccine’ pimp and murderer. The ACLU promotes racism and Marxism. The International Rescue Committee is devoted to destroying culture one family at a time by targeting women and girls with DEI instructions and modern feminist values. The American Red Cross seems to have issues with sexual misconduct and misappropriating funds, and is suspected of involvement with completing the human smuggling process similar to the UN’s. The SPLC is exclusively racist, comprised of racists, and want to obliterate free speech. Natural Resources and Defense Council exists to murder human beings, destroy carbon, and force ESG down all of our throats for perceptions of climate justice.

In 2022, Investment News reported that Vanguard Charitable’s largest nonprofit recipients were “Doctors Without Borders, World Central Kitchen, International Rescue Committee, Direct Relief, and UNICEF.” World Central Kitchen believes that they can help fix the earth by destroying its climate cycles and denying the sun exists. At a minimum, Direct Relief is responsible for thousands of murders and tens of thousands of voluntary injuries by spreading the death jabs around the world. UNICEF may have taken Larry Fink a bit too seriously as they have gone even beyond ESG and directly into the tactics of Goebbels with Hitler’s intentions - “Social and behaviour change (SBC) aims to empower individuals and communities, and lower structural barriers that hinder people from adopting positive practices and societies from becoming more equitable, inclusive, cohesive and peaceful.”

Vanguard itself offers suggestions for ‘charities’ to donate to. Social justice warriors invested through Vanguard choose to donate to the NAACP, Equal Justice Initiative, ACLU, SPLC, and Amnesty international. The anti-American, anti-justice, anti-God, criminally inclined sentiments throughout all of these groups with the partial exceptions of Cru and Samaritan’s Purse cannot go unnoticed.

BlackRock will match it’s employee’s donations up to $10,000 according to their website. BlackRock itself though donates based on it’s own desires and wishes. Reskilling may not be a widely used term in normal parlance yet but it is quickly rising in prominence and BlackRock is fully behind the idea. They also sponsor efforts to get people to save and invest more so that BlackRock can walk off with their assets in my opinion. They are doing their best to force the green transition and to make sure that everyone feels the obvious impacts it will have – higher energy prices which result in higher prices for everything else and less flexibility in energy acquisition. They also have a racist business culture which will promote non-white people to elevated positions whether they have earned the position or not. In addition to this, BlackRock has racial-equity taskforces which feature it’s employees identifying their favorite racial ‘justice’ organizations to give donations to.

$20 trillion dollars is a lot of money for these two incestuous companies to be controlling. Vanguard owns 8.85% of BlackRock’s stock and, while it is impossible to determine because of it’s structure, investors in BlackRock surely own a rather large percentage of Vanguard. Both of them operate in a shadowy philanthropic underworld where the worst ideas in all of human history are reconstituted through their donations. The kicker is that these donors do not need to be made public. So, if BlackRock decided to donate $20 billion to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation we may, or may not, know about it. This is truly weaponized philanthropy.

What can be discerned; however, is each company’s undying support for global government. Reskilling is how all of us are supposed to live according to the World Economic Forum. 491 is the number of times the word reskill appears in the WEF’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report. BlackRock is directly listed as a WEF partner. Vanguard is not so bold. Both are overly represented at the WEF through the ownership stakes they have in so many different companies.

The WEF has these maps on it’s website about how to address different topics. One of the topics, vaccination, features the word in the middle, six main objectives circling it, and 33 subtopics circling the six main objectives. Vaccinations are a huge part of the health objectives of the WEF because the organization was founded by the son of a literal Nazi who, himself, is a Nazi. And, like the Nazi’s, these Covid-19 ‘vaccines’ are meant to kill many of the injected and allow the neo-Nazi global governing regime to study the applicability for transhumanism for their own use. Under the keywords geo-economics, innovation, pandemic preparedness and response, global governance, civic participation, agile government, future of media, entertainment, and sport, values, and health and healthcare they wrote, in part:

“One of the challenges for any vaccine that can effectively stop the spread of COVID-19 is the question of whether people will actually take it. Surveys and reports in multiple countries show many people are hesitant to accept a new vaccine, and some are already determined not to take anything to stem COVID-19. The reasons for this include broad vaccine scepticism, and the heightened uncertainty as the media reports on the accelerated pace of vaccine research and development in ways that are not necessarily comforting for a public anxious about related risks. Some people will be persuaded of the value of the vaccine once they have clear evidence of its effectiveness and safety, but others have lost too much trust in authorities amid a generally inadequate global COVID-19 response. Public trust and cooperation are fundamental to any pandemic response, however - and pandemics offer a global opportunity for new modes of trust-building and cooperation. The promise of COVID-19 vaccines, and the opportunity to improve public perception of the value of vaccination for getting people back to work and school, is an essential part of rebuilding the global economy in a more sustainable way.”

Until the WEF and its corporate sponsors and partners get their way, called the Fourth Industrial Revolution – where you will own nothing and like it and eat the bugs – these ‘pandemics’ of human design will continue to occur. These problems in global politics will continue. These wars will not cease. The transhumanism and the sterilization and genetic mutilations caused by it being sought will only grow more profound, deadly, and wide reaching. The solution, according to the WEF, is to absolve yourself of any critical thinking, disabuse yourself of their being a higher power, and follow the decrees of the transhumanists themselves. When the WEF is telling us to eat bugs and like it, so is BlackRock, Walmart, Bank of America, Visa, MasterCard, the American Heart Association, Unilever, Johnson & Johnson, and Kaiser to name a few. Vanguard and BlackRock hold 7% of Walmart’s stock, 11% of Bank of America’s stock (that muderer Warren Buffett owns 12%), 16% of Visa, 12% of Mastercard, the American Heart Association still recommends the heart obliterating mRNA shots and straight out lies about the serious implications arising from side effects because that’s what their donors want them to say, and Unilever is a foreign company with different investment rules yet BlackRock and Vanguard still hold about 2%. With the exception of Unilever, no mutual fund holdings in these companies were considered. And they are all intertwined through investment in one another and through adherence, cooperation, advocacy, and participation in the global government of the WEF.

The WEF is synonymous with the UN. Here is evidence. Here is more evidence, and here is more. While speaking openly about the existence of global government is roundly demonized by virtually everyone on the planet – the global government announces it’s existence daily. The WEF’s Klaus Schwab has repeatedly announced it as has Noah Yuval Harari, and the United Nations has, too, directly at least three times – once in 1992 with Agenda 21, a second time in 2013 with the initiation of the SDG’s, and again in 2015 with Agenda 2030.

On top of this, the largest, wealthiest, and most influential governments on the planet have adopted all of this. The FDA is basically a rubber stamp for the directions the pharmaceutical companies want to go – which is human extermination and transhumanism. This is set by the World Health Organization. Every US department and major office, agency, commission, and administration has a chief sustainability officer “to lead agency-wide implementation of sustainability and climate adaptation policy and to meet the President's goals and priorities.” Those priorities are to the WEF and UN and SDG’s, not you and me. The US is already captured by the global government because this is the policy of the global government. ESG investing is a focus of the current US regime.

The US fell exactly as Abraham Lincoln suggest it would – from within – and no one sniffed it out. It was done through illegitimate elections brought to us by the electioneering company Dominion Voting Systems and underhanded moves by federal regulatory agencies making rules without press coverage….

During the next man-made scamdemic, should the WHO’s Pandemic Preparedness Treaty be ratified and so cede our individual medical concerns to the sole jurisdiction of the WHO, if you reject the advice given, it will be hard. The churches will close again and reopen for those with the biometric chip. The grocery stores will only be able to be visited by the compliant. The vaccine hesitant will be told they no longer have a mortgage, an auto payment, or business financing nor a residence to live in, an automobile (gasoline or electric), or the website and/or physical space their business operated in. Misinformation will be a criminal offense. Appeals to religion will not spare anyone from having to undergo the subjugation of the next plandemic, nor will medical concerns and/or ineligibility. The WHO will set a one-size fits all treatment plan and vaccination schedule. Every business which will be permitted to operate will be in line with the WEF/UN to make sure that we are all compliant with the medical decrees. All of them want all of us dead.

The time to bankrupt them is now.

The time to construct alternative economies completely independent of this neo-fuedal, fascist, global, technocratic, totalitarianism is now.

The time to decide to turn to God instead of towards the Adversary determined to separate you from God for eternity through his transhumanists and their designs to destroy the image of God, is now.

The WHO treaty will be submitted in 2024 – 189 days to 555 days from right now. By 2025, there is expected to be widespread global catastrophe. noted it’s predictions for a cataclysmic and sudden collapse in human populations around the globe but never gave a reason why. They have since removed their projections which showed the US population in 2017 (327 million) declining by 69% by 2025 (100 million). As with Deagel, so too with the Georgia Guidestones, which were bombed by an ‘unidentified’ perpetrator just over a year ago. The bombing did not get rid of them, they were removed by a demolition crew hours after the bombing. No one has been arrested. The town is angry they are no longer there and, honestly, I could not tell you why – the first of the ten decrees demanded the earth be inhabited by no more than 500 million people – a 94% reduction in humanity.

The freest place on earth is now in the Bible believers’ mind. We are free because we know to be informed of the dangers of the world and yet not be frightened at facing the challenges they present to us. God wins this war. We may be forced under a guillotine, shot, and tortured because of our faith and what it states we are to do and what we need to avoid. Of particular relevance, to Jew, Messianic Jew, Torah-compliant Christian, and Biblical Christian’s alike, a theme runs throughout the entire Bible. The Jew, unfamiliar with the New Testament, should be glad to hear the familiar theme of the Old Testament in the New as well. Matthew 10:24:

A talmid is not greater than his rabbi, a slave is not greater than his master. 25 It is enough for a talmid that he become like his rabbi, and a slave like his master. Now if people have called the head of the house Ba‘al-Zibbul, how much more will they malign the members of his household! 26 So do not fear them; for there is nothing covered that will not be uncovered, or hidden that will not be known. 27 What I tell you in the dark, speak in the light; what is whispered in your ear, proclaim on the housetops.

28 “Do not fear those who kill the body but are powerless to kill the soul. Rather, fear him who can destroy both soul and body in Gei-Hinnom. 29 Aren’t sparrows sold for next to nothing, two for an assarion? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s consent. 30 As for you, every hair on your head has been counted. 31 So do not be afraid, you are worth more than many sparrows.

Jewish people should be familiar with the concept because it is recurring throughout the Old Testament. Christian’s who avoid the Old Testament like it is a curse (it’s not), pay attention. This is the theme taught by God to Adam, who disobeyed. This is the theme of Abraham. This is the theme of Noah. This is the theme of Joseph. The lesson is fear God because He, and only He, offers eternal life. The entities which seek to ridicule, mock, scorn, hate, and murder us; they are not to be feared, only God is to be feared. We may not understand the persecution at the time but, if God has so willed it, he will use us to effect great changes in the hearts and minds of men.

That theme is also embedded in the answer Jesus gave to the sly Torah-scholar attempting to trick Yeshua into committing a heresy in Matthew 22 – 37 He told him, “‘You are to love Adonai your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.’[c] 38 This is the greatest and most important mitzvah. 39 And a second is similar to it, ‘You are to love your neighbor as yourself.’[d] 40 All of the Torah and the Prophets are dependent on these two mitzvot.” I left the references there because you may be surprised to find where they lead and the context they are in.

Understanding the lengthy discussion above (which could actually be hundreds of pages long) is how we, as believers, can get the attention of this encroaching cabal. We could dismantle the entire thing if we would stop giving them our money. If we decided we didn’t need any of the things they sell us, how could they fund any of this? They would Bud Light themselves into financial ruin but, unlike a Target or Bud Light; targeting BlackRock, Vanguard, and the WEF/UN central command of global totalitarian government would cause it to perish. I believe that with God’s assistance that is exactly what will happen. Of course, we, as in all of us, would have to come back to God, repent, and ask for this miracle…. That said, I suggest we all start reading the books of Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Matthew, and Revelation with a special focus on the songs and prayers in Psalm and Proverbs, and the first five books of the Bible.

I strongly encourage all of you, myself included, to remember the Father’s laws, the Messiah’s salvation, and the guidance of the holy spirit while contemplating Ephesians 6:10, Finally, grow powerful in union with the Lord, in union with his mighty strength! 11 Use all the armor and weaponry that God provides, so that you will be able to stand against the deceptive tactics of the Adversary. 12 For we are not struggling against human beings, but against the rulers, authorities and cosmic powers governing this darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realm. 13 So take up every piece of war equipment God provides; so that when the evil day comes, you will be able to resist; and when the battle is won, you will still be standing. 14 Therefore, stand! Have the belt of truth buckled around your waist,[b] put on righteousness for a breastplate,[c] 15 and wear on your feet the readiness that comes from the Good News of shalom.[d] 16 Always carry the shield of trust, with which you will be able to extinguish all the flaming arrows of the Evil One. 17 And take the helmet of deliverance;[e] along with the sword given by the Spirit, that is, the Word of God; 18 as you pray at all times, with all kinds of prayers and requests, in the Spirit, vigilantly and persistently, for all God’s people.

Bless God and God bless.


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