The Biggest Problem We Face

The Biggest Problem We Face

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 6/22/2023

The biggest problem humanity faces is transhumanism. The intent of transhumanism is to ‘fix’ humanity by ‘curing’ death. All of the lesser problems we have right now are related entirely to transhumanism. The root of this problem is based in a very simple concept which the Bible addresses directly and repeatedly – distance from Torah and a rejection of Jesus Christ. It is from this desolate and destitute place transhumanism emanates. And those who have embraced it are the same people who control the workings of the world.

Some people will claim that man made climate change is the biggest threat to humanity. Climate change has always occurred on earth (as well as on the rest of the planets in our solar system) due to the sun. Failing to recognize this, those geoengineering the earth in the name of ‘fixing’ climate change are only able to direct resources and policies affecting our lives. They cannot control the output of the sun; however, they can control monetary policy, labor laws, and the consumer goods available. What they are seeking to do is to control the carbon on the earth – specifically the carbon-based life forms God created to seek him, ie, human beings.

Man made climate change is related to transhumanism because they seek to create a physical world inhospitable to the human beings God created. As their geoengineering and biological manipulation of the entire earth and everything on it continues, human beings will be told increasingly that they need this injection or that implant to survive. Food shortages can be made irrelevant by altering the way the human body processes food. The necessity of water could be reduced by altering the genome to not require it. Robots and computers don’t need air to function, so, in order to make human beings less susceptible to low and no oxygen environments implants will be offered. Digitizing human beings will be promoted as a solution. Cyborgenics will vastly increase in popularity. Real environmental degradation will prompt many to consider and undergo such anti-human and anti-God procedures. The real goal of the eco-terrorists focused on mitigating man made climate change (a lie in and of itself) is to destroy God’s creation, including human beings.

Another aspect of what transhumanism pushes for is also under man made climate change mitigation. Genetically modified organisms are rarely questioned these days. The ‘science’ is ‘settled’ the ‘scientists’ and lobbyists in office will decry as they do everything in their power to silence and bankrupt anyone claiming they are not safe and not as nutritional as their organic progenitors. GMO’s are a clear path towards things that are going on today which are capable of altering the human genome to make man in some men’s image. Vaccines are grown in food crops. Livestock are given human cells. Meat grown in biological vats is being sold as food as it is now being introduced on the open market.

Another big problem many cite is the perceived lack of inclusion of degenerate ‘diversity’ groups. Those groups include homosexuals, transvestites, and pedophiles. The umbrella term I prefer is Alphabet Mafia. Even those in the homosexual camp who have vociferously rejected pedophiles in the midst of their movement for equality do exactly the same thing. They seek to destroy free association. The newest wave to come to the forefront of this deranged depopulation gang is the trans-movement.

The trans-movement, more than all of the rest of the waves which have already crested, as well as the one’s which are to come, should the genital-mutilated faction get their way, is, arguably, the clearest example of the influence transhumanism has in the Alphabet mafia. It’s obvious that sterility and depopulation is involved in the movement. Destroying the ability to reproduce as God intended humanity to do has always been a transhumanist’s goal. The goal is to make a human being that cannot die. Part of this effort is to legitimize those who have their breasts, ovaries, wombs, and testicles removed to create a pretext upon which to build a case to create babies in a lab instead of a womb.

The only challenger to these non-reproductive degenerates in the Alphabet mafia is in the technological realm. It’s called the artificial womb and will undoubtedly be used in conjunction with genetic material from more than two sources. Although it is not an exclusively Alphabet mafia development as single women will also use them once they are developed – the artificial womb is precisely what UNESCO-founder Huxley, as well as his author brother who wrote Brave New World, envisioned when pondering the future.

Wars are used to showcase some of the newest technologies developed by some of the most ‘advanced’ societies on earth. Super soldier programs are, by definition, transhuman in nature. The idea is to create soldiers which don’t need to sleep, don’t need to eat, and don’t need to excrete waste. Their blood is more like Wolverine’s than human. Their abilities may include extra-band vision, super hearing, extreme endurance, and all sorts of other ‘fixes’ for humanity’s perceived shortcomings. In the United States the name of the public face of the movement comes from DARPA.

World War I and World War II left 13 million and 40 million civilians dead, respectively. Those two major conflagrations, particularly World War II completely changed the course of the world. While Germany fell, the Nazi’s who developed the science and engineered the technologies were highly sought after. Since the fall of Nazi Germany, the earth has been continually assaulted by the continued ‘discoveries’ made by successive research efforts studied originally by Nazi’s particularly by the United States and the European Union and, once upon a time, in the USSR as well. Germany lost World War II – the Nazi’s conquered the developed world – and it’s funny that, by pointing that fact out, people label the speaker a Nazi…. They were also experts in propaganda as the entire world is reminded of daily.

Even a conventional World War III would likely leave hundreds of millions of civilians dead. World War III gives rise to the potential (more realistically a promise) of a global nuclear war which will leave billions dead initially and billions to die from starvation, radiation, cancers, poisoning, and exposure within a year or two after the cataclysm. This is tied to transhumanism because transhumanism isn’t meant to be enjoyed by the masses. We exist to serve at lab rats to the self-selected individuals who have decided they will inhabit the world forever through technology. Control of whoever survived would be far easier and more direct and those survivors would be used to prove augmentations and biological injections to mitigate radiation poisoning and all sorts of other experiments in return for food, shelter, etc….

The biggest threat to humanity from transhumanism exists in the field of medicine however. The Covid-19 shots, all of the lies about them being safe, their contents, and their disease prevention capabilities are excellent examples. Medical kidnappings due to refusals to take the shots are an example of what transhumanists hope the future holds, as are firing the non-compliant from their places of employment, media censorship of questioning the ‘experts’, and the suppression of treatments and cures which are not transhuman in order to usher in those which are. This, in my opinion, is the front which needs to be fought against the most vigorously by far more people if we hope to be able to continue to be made in the image of God.

The medical field is highly scientific and extremely confusing for those not willing to try to crack the language the medical ‘experts’ and ‘researchers’ use. That fact makes the medical field the prime vehicle to bastardize the human genome in the name of advancing transhumanism and their efforts to ‘cure’ death. The only real stumbling block for those wanting to do foist transhuman technologies upon this unwitting world (which has somewhat awoken to this threat) is the idea that patients (they call us subjects because we are often their experiments) have informed consent.

What is in those Covid-19 shots is a point of contention and also goes to show how gullible way too many people are when given advice by so-called experts. Those who still refuse to accept that they were misled and have been used as a lab rat for a transhuman, experimental, jab which have left millions injured or dead are basically cucks because without accepting the facts, remedies and solutions will not be sought. There are a host of metals in the shots – were you informed of that? Graphene is reported to be in the shots as well as hyrdrogel, two complete immortal cell lines (that’s cancer to us lay people), and a wide range of other ingredients which have never been proven safe nor to have any beneficial effect in any living organism. The spike protein itself is replicated over and over again in massive numbers and is capable of crossing the blood-brain-barrier acts the same way a prion disease does.

The entire idea of mRNA as a vaccine is a lie, as a matter of fact. It is a gene therapy. There are currently 29 FDA approved gene therapies and, ominously, none of the so-called vaccines are listed despite testimony given in court that these shots are indeed gene therapies. It turns out that when foreign genes are introduced into another person’s body the recipient’s body often goes haywire. There is only one procedure the FDA has ever involved itself with and it so happens to be a gene-therapy. Chances of success using this particular gene therapy are high because the cells are your own extracted cells which are purified and reintroduced into your own body. The FDA banned that procedure.

Anything which will not make one of their friends in government or a pharmaceutical company money seems to get banned. Ivermectin was a prime candidate. Hydroxycholoqiune provided an example. Nutritional supplements have been continuously under attack by the FDA and many of the same medical elites banking on pharmaceutical offerings. Even suggesting that ‘vaccinated’ blood and non-’vaccinated’ blood be segregated and choices of which to use be validated and adhered to have been labeled unfit to parent, had their concerns ridiculed, and their wishes ignored. This is what transhumanism is – forcing us to destroy ourselves.

Since the roll out of the first generation of transhumanist medical procedures several more similar offerings have appeared. Notable are the universal flu shot, the regular flu shot, and the ebola ‘vaccine’. The mRNA platform is being used in all of these ways and dozens more are being rushed to market with and without trails for safety or efficacy. They are killing us with these things to depopulate the world and to use us as lab rats to see what works to radically extend life and what doesn’t and why.

Those performing the ‘research’, the manufacturing, the distribution, issuing decrees from places of expertise, and those who did no research of their own, still have no questions, and blindly obeyed those same ‘experts’ all have something in common. They all decided to turn their faces from God and seek the solutions revealed to man by Satan. This particularly goes for those wanting to have their churches reopened but made participation and attendance in worship contingent upon ‘vaccination’ status. Nothing in this world is more worthwhile than a relationship with God. That relationship will not be possible if we are made after the image of man because these transhumanists win the day. Those of God should not be deceived.

There are other fronts transhumanists operate on as well which are not covered here. Biometric ID’s are a good example and have a dual use – CBDC and tracking internal and external data points about each and every one of us. AI only has one purpose – to replace the intellectual superiority of human beings. Robotics serve to be implanted into human beings as well as to replace them should they forego the implants. All of these fronts are easily combated with one simple truth – God. We need to admit to where we are out, repent for why we are here, and return to living the way God intended us to. It’s not some mystery as to how He wants us to live – it’s a matter of reading the Bible and applying what is written to our lives while seeking His face. NOW is the time to start doing this.

Bless God and God bless.


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