When the Cure Makes Matters Worse

When the Cure Makes Matters Worse

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/12/2023

We are living through a time that, if we survive as a species, our progeny will look back upon and just shake their heads at how absolutely stupid humanity was. The COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ will qualify. Creating food and energy scarcity on purpose will qualify. Silencing the truth to promote lies will qualify. The idea that man-made climate change is real will qualify. And the efforts to reverse man-made climate change will qualify too – especially SAI/SRM.

CNN is about as dishonest as a media outlet can get. Maybe they published Launching balloons high into the atmosphere to unload sun-reflecting particles: Big climate solution or colossal disaster? to cover for China’s recent fetish of flying balloons all over the world to ready themselves for launching an Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) attack. Maybe they published it because geoengineering is about to be made mainstream. Maybe it was published as an attempt to shield the last 40 years of geoengineering efforts from exposure. In my opinion, it is all three of these.

The author of the CNN article, Laura Paddison, is a lying ecoterrorist who also hates people as God created them and demands that all economic activity be ground to a halt to save Gaia. CNN is a perfect match for her ‘talents’ and she does not disappoint.

Paddison’s article is about what many others have been calling chemtrails for years. It is a practice routinely denied by those engaged in conducting it. Normal contrails; however, do not behave in the same manner as chemtrails which can be seen being sprayed in the atmosphere very high up and in grid patterns and last for hours not a few minutes. We can see these chemtrails with our own eyes, record them with our own phones, and corroborate our eyes and pictures with soil samples. Paddison never mentions chemtrails; however, because she doesn’t want to be labeled a conspiracy theorist (hey lady, we’re batting 1.000), and is writing to legitimize the practice. Chemtrails in ‘respectable’ circles is called Solar Radiation Management (SRM) and/or Stratospheric Aerosolized Injections (SAI). These terms are used to mask their intentions which is to prevent sunlight from reaching the earth and really jack up earth’s atmosphere in the process – the term chemtrails reveals way to much about the truth of the efforts.

If there is man-made climate change this is the biggest player in it. It’s not because we are using clean coal to generate electricity, natural gas to cook with and heat our homes, or gasoline engines to power our cars, chainsaws, and lawnmowers that is driving man-made climate change. It is efforts like HAARP, detonating nuclear devices in the atmosphere, and SAI/SRM that is man’s contribution to changing the weather patters over a thirty year period (this used to be climate; however, it is now conflated with weather whenever ecoterrorists demand climate action). Paddison forgot to mention all of this as well.

She chose to take it as a given that the scientific consensus revolving around man-made climate change is real. Science relies on validating outcomes through getting the same outcomes in multiple experiments. Scientism, which is the religious death-cult practiced by COVID-19 ‘experts’ as well as the ecoterrorist crowd, relies on silencing all researchers who come to different conclusions than the majority and disregarding any of their research. That’s not science, it is literally mob rule. As anyone who has found themselves coming to different scientifically derived conclusions than what the mainstream narrative is will tell you, they were silenced, mocked, attacked professionally, attacked personally, and cut off from ever getting funding from ‘official’ sources. Thousands of professionals have met this fate by coming to the wrong conclusion, particularly in vaccine, HIV/AIDS, environmental, atmospheric, oceanic, and COVID-19 research. Some professions even experience rampant, bizarre, seemingly disparate murder sprees such as biochemists and holistic healers.

Paddison notes the three main techniques of SRM – marine cloud brightening, cirrus-cloud thinning, and SAI. She came very close to crossing into the conspiracy theory zone while describing SAI, “The most-researched method, however, is stratospheric aerosol injection. It involves spraying aerosols – such as sulfur dioxide particles – into the stratosphere, more than 12 miles above the Earth’s surface, to reflect sunlight back into space. It could be done with balloons or specialized airplanes able to fly at high altitude.” This begs the question – how was it ‘researched’ if it hasn’t yet been done?

She proves herself to be a loyal liar in the name of ecoterrorists everywhere. She details only that money has been allocated or demanded to ‘research’ SRM (part of $4 million to NOAA in 2019, $200 million in demands from the National Academy of Sciences, and $900,000 in the UK). And to absolve herself of having suggested that any SRM is actually occurring on a regular basis, Paddison wrote, “So far, outdoor experiments have been difficult to get off the ground and have faced heavy resistance.”

Another major problem with her article is she only interviewed so-called climate experts. The climate ‘experts’ who disagreed with SRM had various reasons for their disagreement but all of them cling to the death-cult of man-made climate change and a whole range of mitigation efforts, just not SRM. One quote suggests that just because the ‘tipping point’ of 2 degrees Celsius is approaching fast SRM shouldn’t be rushed into. Changing weather patterns are identified as a problem SRM would make worse. Raising inequality is another problem SRM presents. The ozone layer could be damaged by SRM (which is routinely ripped apart every time mankind launches anything into space or anything returns from space but Paddison ignores that fact as well). All of this is small potatoes though, “One of the biggest criticisms of solar geoengineering is it could be grasped by polluters as a way to continue polluting, and by governments as a distraction from policies to reduce planet-heating pollution.”

The experts who Paddison contacted in favor of destroying the earth’s atmosphere are just as ridiculous as the ones who want it banned similar to atomic testing and chemical weapons use. In all man-made climate change articles there is a direct appeal to fear and this one is no different. Paddison uses this tactic in the section devoted to those supporting SRM in an effort to show her support of, and attempt to mainstream, SRM. She wrote:

“The idea [solar geoengineering] has been around since the 1960s, but it’s getting more attention because progress to tackle climate change is so far off-pace.

“The world is on track to pass critical warming thresholds, beyond which the chances of extreme flooding, drought, wildfires and food shortages increase dramatically.”

Paddison is literally saying, again in a manner suitable for ‘respectable’ circles that people are not cutting their consumption patterns enough for her liking (stop eating meat, stop being warm in winter, stop cooling off in summer, stop driving…) and that as a result natural disasters will happen more frequently and there will be no food able to be grown. She is literally saying you people aren’t killing yourselves fast enough so now we are going to destroy the earth’s atmosphere.

But destroying the earth’s atmosphere still won’t be enough. In order for the ecoterrorists to live the life they desire we still need to stop consumption even with SRM fully deployed according to the article. “While pretty much no one is claiming solar geoengineering could replace planet-warming pollution cuts and solve climate change, supporters argue it could have a big planetary cooling effect for a relatively small price tag,” Paddison wrote. So, basically nothing will change since SAI is already a fully functioning mission and we are still being told to kill ourselves through lack of resources. All of the people interviewed by Paddison act like SRM is something that is not occurring already thus they also make ridiculous claims like climate scientists (the very same ecoterrorists) have a duty to explore SRM technologies to reduce the temperature of earth.

What really strikes me about the article is that no matter what, Paddison promises, we will find severe difficulties in growing food. Harkening straight back to one of the original ecoterrorists, Thomas Malthus, Paddison is making the same debunked demand that we ascribe to the idea there will not be enough food to feed the population of the planet. The reason that there will not be enough food to feed the planet are all man-made inventions like screwing around with the genetics of seeds, demanding herds of food animals be culled, subsidizing farmers for not planting crops, allowing foreign countries to operate massive amounts of domestic farmland, and making sure that land zoning boards render anything from collecting rainwater to growing vegetables to raising chickens illegal. The death-cult is in charge of food production and distribution – of course there are going to be food shortages! And they are not going to come about due to American’s have power and large cars – it’s going to be because the ecoterrorists in this death cult want there to be food shortages.

If any of these outlets had been truthful, they would have already informed the world that SRM/SAI is already taking place, when the missions started, the extent of the mission, and normalized the diseases people are reporting after coming into contact with this chemical slurry. Any news outlet with real integrity would have already mentioned exactly what is being sprayed, what altitude it’s being sprayed at, and how quickly the particles are expected to fall and where. As it stands, anyone who educates the public about the ongoing chemical castration of the planet is automatically labeled a conspiracy theorist and/or crazy. Yet, people try.

Imagine the reaction people would have if they were told that aluminum, “barium, cadmium, nickel, mold spores, yellow fungal mycotoxins, and the best — radioactive thorium,” was being rained down on them. How about if they were told they were being sprayed with blood spores, parasites, nanoparticles and graphene oxide? I suggest you visit geoengineeering watch and go look at the evidence that your government hasn’t just started lying to us – it has been their modus operandi for a very long time. If you have never looked up and witnessed the crosshatch chemtrails spewing out of airplanes, recall the snow which didn’t melt even with a lighter and ponder why that is. Also ponder why soils have all of a sudden become much more alkaline because that is what these metals do to soil….

But why? Why would anyone think that this is a good thing? These ecoterrorists hate God and they hate God’s creation. They cannot go after God directly so there has been a continuous all-out war waged against all of His creation. All of God’s creation has been targeted – the earth itself, the atmosphere, the animals, the plants, human beings, and our DNA. Pertaining to the earth, they would love nothing more than to starve several billion people to death in an effort to destroy God’s most prized creation by destroying the planet He made to sustain all of us. And they are doing it and they are not going to stop doing it unless they are exposed and forced to stop through the criminal prosecutions they deserve. Even the climate ‘experts’ opposed to using SRM/SAI interviewed in Paddison’s article are assisting merely by believing in the lie of man-made climate change being caused by eating a steak at a restaurant and driving to and from the restaurant or taking a trip across country.

Bless God and God bless.


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