‘He Gets Us’ is Perversion

‘He Gets Us’ is Perversion

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/13/2023

I haven’t watched a Super Bowl in a long time and I am not planning on starting anytime soon either. I like the game of football and overwhelmingly detest the NFL, the halftime performer, and what is advertised. I really hate the animals inhabiting the zoo called Philadelphia rioting over a stupid, completely meaningless, football game. Like I said, I really didn’t watch the game but I did go watch the Jesus commercials produced by He Gets Us. I was less than impressed.

He Gets Us spent $20 million to air one minute and thirty seconds worth of ads during the Super Bowl – a celebration of debauchery, Satan worship, and sex trafficking – which completely misrepresented Jesus. So I went to their website to see if they cleared any of the misrepresentations up. It only got worse. Their website includes a lot of information about what Jesus did on earth but removes all of the reasons He did those things. Worse, He Gets Us contorts the actual scriptures found in the Bible. For instance, He Gets Us has taken the story about the adulteress (John 8:1-11) and decided that it represents women’s equality by rewriting the story in anyway they see fit:

“During his ministry, some men brought a woman before Jesus. They accused her of adultery and then quoted the laws that said she should be killed. He successfully defended a woman from being executed publicly for committing adultery. They were looking for Jesus to condemn her as well. But he didn’t. You see, adultery is one of those things that requires two participants. But they didn’t bring the man caught in adultery before Jesus, just the woman. The whole situation reeked of hypocrisy, and Jesus had very little patience for hypocritical men when it came to sexual infractions of his day. So, he stepped in and protected the woman. He wouldn’t stand for the double standards.”

The hypocrisy was seen in the priests wanting to stone the woman to death for her sin while they themselves were sinners. The passage does not say anything about there being no man presented to Jesus. The point of the passage is what Jesus told this sinning woman to do – “‘Now go, and don’t sin any more.’” In other words, Jesus saved her life and told her to repent. This interpretation is Biblically sound – I have no idea where He Gets Us found their additional material to include.

On the same page as this misrepresentation of Jesus is the claim that King David raped Bathsheba. That story is in 2 Samuel 11:1-5 and reads, In the spring, at the time when kings go out to war, David sent out Yo’av, his servants who were with him and all Isra’el. They ravaged the people of ‘Amon and laid siege to Rabbah. But David stayed in Yerushalayim.  Once, after his afternoon nap, David got up from his bed and went strolling on the roof of the king’s palace. From the roof he saw a woman bathing, who was very beautiful.  David made inquiries about the woman and was told that she was Bat-Sheva the daughter of Eli‘am, the wife of Uriyah the Hitti.  David sent messengers to get her, and she came to him, and he went to bed with her (for she had been purified from her uncleanness). Then she returned to her house.  The woman conceived; and she sent a message to David, “I am pregnant.”

The word lay is used in place of bed in the King James Version of the Bible. Strong’s identifies the word as 7901; sakab (שׁﬤב) and defines it as sleep with (as a euphemism of sexual intercourse). Rape is referred to as defilement and the term used is force(d), Strong’s 6031; ana (ץגﬣ). This may seem like a trivial thing but refer to Matthew 1 and Luke 3. Mary descended from Solomon. Joseph, Mary’s husband, was a descendant from Nathan, another of David’s sons. He Gets Us is claiming the Messiah, the perfect Son of God Himself, is the product of rape. The Bible doesn’t support the claim. The idea that the Messiah would be born out of violence is ridiculous. Yet here is He Gets Us making the claim and advertising during the Super Bowl.

One of their Super Bowl ads is titled Jesus loved the people we hate. The ad features a whole bunch of black and white clips of civil strife. People are shouting at one another. Some stupid song is playing in the background dismissing the idea of repentance. In one scene there is a COVID mask nazi standing in the middle of a street preventing a woman in a vehicle holding a sign reading “Liberty over Lockdown from moving. In several other clips it is racial division. In another there are empty bullet casings at a crime scene immediately followed by what appears to be a husband and wife shouting at each other. It fades out and the words “Jesus loved the people we hate” appears then “He Gets Us” is shown.

Jesus loved sinners and righteous alike. He loved sinners to encourage them to depart from their sin. This is a message that He Gets Us absolutely refuses to acknowledge. They note that all of us are sinners but they refuse to acknowledge how to make ourselves clean from sin. We can only do that through repentance and by asking God for forgiveness. The terms repent and repentance show up zero times searching the He Gets Us site. Searching for forgiveness brings up six articles and all references are of Jesus forgiving everyone He met on earth. Which makes me wonder if Jesus forgave everyone.

He does not seem to have done this. The Temple priests, for instance, those Jewish priests who had turned the sacrifices into a business model (the money changers), were profaning the House of God. He did not forgive the fig tree for producing no fruit. He did not forgive the Adversary upon the mountain, he told the Adversary to get away from Him. He warns us, too, in Matthew 7:21-27, “‘Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven, only those who do what my Father in heaven wants.  On that Day, many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord! Didn’t we prophesy in your name? Didn’t we expel demons in your name? Didn’t we perform many miracles in your name?’  Then I will tell them to their faces, ‘I never knew you! Get away from me, you workers of lawlessness!’ “So, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a sensible man who built his house on bedrock.  The rain fell, the rivers flooded, the winds blew and beat against that house, but it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on rock.  But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not act on them will be like a stupid man who built his house on sand.  The rain fell, the rivers flooded, the wind blew and beat against that house, and it collapsed — and its collapse was horrendous!’” So, again, He Gets Us is completely out of touch with what the Bible actually says by never mentioning that we need to ask for forgiveness – repent. Maybe they couldn’t find a way to contort Matthew 4:17, From that time on, Yeshua [Jesus] began proclaiming, “Turn from your sins to God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is near!” Again Jesus is demanding repentance. And Jesus is telling everyone, follow the Torah – another massive blind spot for He Gets Us.

The other ad which aired is called Jesus didn’t want us to act like adults. We have adults running around acting like they are children, diapers and all, and the title seems to be a justification for those actions. He Gets Us, of course, is referring to the idea that as believers, we should be childlike in our trust in God and love of Jesus. Children are very trusting and very loving and forgive easily. We should be childlike in our faith. That isn’t what He Gets Us is trying to accomplish. They want us to act in that manner towards everyone. In order to suggest that, they needed to exclude some of Jesus’ own teachings again.

They ignored Matthew 7:15-20 completely, “Beware of the false prophets! They come to you wearing sheep’s clothing, but underneath they are hungry wolves!  You will recognize them by their fruit. Can people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles?  Likewise, every healthy tree produces good fruit, but a poor tree produces bad fruit.  A healthy tree cannot bear bad fruit, or a poor tree good fruit.  Any tree that does not produce good fruit is cut down and thrown in the fire!  So you will recognize them by their fruit.” This passage comes right after Jesus famously warns us not to judge others until we, ourselves, are Holy enough to judge them. As sinners, we are never really holy enough to judge anyone the logic goes; however, not only do we judge, we are to judge people based on their own actions in relation to the Torah. Are the adults wearing diapers seeking to be righteous? Not at all. That’s a judgment call and I suggest those engaging in it repent of their wicked ways and read the Bible. The same goes for the ‘doctors’ committing baby murder, those rejecting God, and those raping us through medical procedures. Their fruits are death and confusion – God will send them to where He wants them when they meet Him – woe to the lawless, meaning those apart from the Torah.

The real issue with these people is they have no idea what Jesus was all about and no clue whatsoever what Jesus preached from – the Torah. Many will be deceived – this is how many become deceived. They want us to accept that the fruits of all men are the same. The way they phrase it is, “When it comes to conflict, there are two directions most of us choose from. Some of us just try to avoid conflict at all costs. We keep our opinions to ourselves, and we stay silent when it comes to our convictions. No politics. No religion. Let’s not talk about anything controversial. That’s often considered to be very adult. And some of us act childishly. From angry or snarky social media posts to political differences causing family estrangement to treating those who disagree with us with loud public contempt — participating in cultural conflict has a tendency to bring out the worst in many of us. But if we’re honest, most of us do both of these things in different moments.”

There is an entire political party which espouses as many evil institutions as it possibly can get away with. The entire party thrives on corruption and lies. It enables and emboldens groups seeking to rape children, mutilate their genitals and end any chances of them reproducing a child of God, murdering babies, euthanizing people because of mental illness or old age, recreating slave blocks, entering into unjustified and unnecessary wars, allowing our nation to be invaded, and disarming us so we are unable to protect ourselves from their Satanically-inspired whims and decrees. The other political party has several members who speak out against all of these institution but most of them sit by and do nothing to address those evils.

Forget all of that He Gets Us demands of us. Generosity will fix everything. The resource which made these asinine commercials possible were funded by an endowment fund called the Servant Foundation. These guys are difficult to pin down but the fund seems to be tied to The Signarty. This sounds like a racket to me, especially since it was their millions of dollars which went into debauching the name of Jesus Christ through He Gets Us. The Signarty’s mission states, “The Signatry believes generosity is the heart of the gospel, and this drives us to equip people to lead generous lives reflecting the image of God. By sacrificially signing our names to His causes, we can write the last checks needed to solve the world’s greatest problems and spread the hope of the gospel to all.” Guess what? If you donated to this group, you contributed to these commercials appearing during the Super Bowl and perverting Christ’s teachings beyond all recognition.

This paper could go on and on and on. I want to direct our attention to the princess in the House of Representatives, AOC. I condemn what AOC said about these commercials while at the same time denouncing the commercials as well. AOC is one of the typical cases of democrat corruption having gained a net worth of somewhere around $35 million dollars since being elected to serve. She tended bar prior to her being elected to a position she is still unqualified for. But she decided to condemn He Gets Us’ commercials by claiming the millions of US citizens are fascists and Jesus wouldn’t support that. “‘Something tells me Jesus would *not* spend millions of dollars on Super Bowl ads to make fascism look benign,’ Ocasio-Cortez wrote in a tweet,” according to FOX News. I don’t think it is bad to get the name of Jesus out there into the public. I don’t even think that it is bad to target reprobate demographics through advertising the name of Jesus. If she is looking for fascism though, she need only look in the mirror as she is one of the primary proponents of the philosophy. Maybe this baby-murdering, disarmament-crazed, open-borders-demanding lunatic would learn something by cracking open the Bible and reading it. She claims to be a Catholic yet, if she attended the same church I did, I would demand her to be expelled for her positions because she is reprobate. No one can claim they are of God and support everything that God told us not to do. She made a decision to choose the world and turn her back on God, all the while claiming to be of God. That makes her a reprobate. And just to be fair, like He Gets Us wants me to, Mike Pence is a reprobate as well.

The bottom line is that there are wolves everywhere. Before you decide to take the spiritual advice of anyone, what are they advising you to do? Are they advising you to produce good fruits based on Biblical truths or writing things like King David was a murderer? Are they open to allowing reprobates into their churches? Did your church have a Super Bowl party on the big-screen projector? Run away from those who tell you to follow them and not to research the Bible on your own. Read the Bible for yourself, think about what you read, ponder it, reflect on it, and realize that any conflicting statement you find is a lack of understanding on your part, not on the part of God. Read it, research it, ask questions about what you have read, and test the spirits and the fruits of those you desire to put trust in. The message of the Bible is follow the Torah to be Holy (this is what Jesus did to perfection), love Jesus Christ, gain discernment from the Holy Spirit, pray, and repent, forgive but don’t be naive about it, trust those who bear righteous fruits. All of those instructions are in the Bible, they are all in the Torah itself. And, if you happen upon this piece and are reluctant to read the Torah, go read the Book of Jasher to get a taste of why God wrath is to be feared and loved for his mercy.

Bless God and God bless.


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