What’s Worse Open Society Foundations or Salesforce?

What’s Worse Open Society Foundations or Salesforce?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/3/2023

George Soros is a name which is fairly well known around the world. Born a Hungarian Jew in 1930, he described living during Hitler’s occupation of Hungary as one of his most fond memories. Soros spent his time during WWII posing as a Christian working for Hitler. He helped crash the UK’s Pound Sterling in 1992. Screwing people over financially was never enough for Soros – he is credited with funding about a dozen revolutions through his Marxist Open Society Foundations, including unrest in America, as well as revolutions in Serbia, Georgia, Turkey, and Egypt.

Salesforce was founded by Marc Beinhoff. With hundreds of thousands of customers, Salesforce offers services to build better relationships between entities. Salesforce describes their services as, “From the start, Salesforce has sought to change the world for the better through technology that builds stronger relationships. Between companies and their customers. Between employees and far-flung teams. Between governments and their citizens. Between people who want to make a difference.”

Perhaps it would be easier to come to a conclusion by noting Soros’ and Salesforce’s similarities. Both are completely on the zero carbon depopulation agenda. Soros has demanded the United Nation’s murderous Sustainable Development Goals be achieved by investors. Salesforce has an entire web page devoted to sustainability, “At Salesforce, we consider the planet a key stakeholder.”

They are both absolutely adoring of the amount of control they can wield through Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) accounting methods. ESG is one of the keys to creating a circular economy where those following stakeholder capitalism and ESG accounting methods are able to participate in the economy and anyone failing to do so is forcefully shut down through exclusionary tactics. They have both included governments in their stakeholder capitalism design which is important because stakeholder capitalism is the economic system that the technocratic totalitarian government operates on. The CIO of Soros Fund Management has demanded ESG accountability from it’s investors. Salesforce actually offers ESG reporting software to it’s clients.

Salesforce is offering vaccine passports to it’s customers, “Manage proof of COVID-19 health status including COVID-19 vaccination and test results to help follow health guidelines and plan safer in person experiences. Transform vaccine administration for governments, healthcare providers, nonprofits, and organizations.” George Soros and Bill Gates teamed up to create Global Access Health, which bought Mologic, a UK company specializing in tests for COVID-19 and other tropical diseases. Both are advocates of the coronavirus scam, are profiting by creating passport or selling test data (genetic information) to the highest bidder, and cannot wait for the next pandemic to come around.

Neither one of them have a problem with Marxism and both openly promote it. As cited above, Soros’ Open Society Foundations have contributed to multiple Communist coups, including the funding of Antifa in the United States and support for EU-loyal-mercenaries overthrowing Ukraine in 2014. Antifa is 100% Communist and Ukraine is anything but a democracy, despite the fact that Ukraine, in the global government’s view, is a model democracy. Salesforce is dedicated to collectivizing the ESG movement to pick the winners and the losers in the economic realm. What was once only committed by dictatorial Marxists is now, increasingly, being done by Salesforce and others. By using ESG, net-zero carbon goals, and pledges of money to whatever anti-human project they are currently most infatuated with, Salesforce is picking the winners and losers in the stakeholder capitalist (fascist) economy. The ‘democracies’ of the world like Germany, France, the UK, and the United States are just fine with this situation as they can go on claiming they are democracies as well as stakeholders in the World Economic Forum’s fascist-based technocratic totalitarian global government while Salesforce polices adherence of WEF directives like ESG. Again, those businesses not following WEF demands are excluded from the economy.

There are more similarities, like the megalomania complex Soros and Beinhoff share. They both have superiority complexes which they extend to cover every individual on the planet as they ruin our lives with their wealth, influence, and ideas of making the world a better place. Both of them will sell out anyone to get that dollar. The main difference between the two is that George Soros generally sticks to interfering with social cohesion through funding Marxist organizations to foment unrest and, ultimately, an overthrow of the government. The fact that Soros singles out governments limits his ability to broadly affect the world directly. Beinhoff’s Salesforce, on the other hand, has a grand vision of collectivizing all business on the planet to force them into compliance with United Nations/World Economic Forum decrees. Beinhoff’s design is far more insidious in it’s nature that Soros’ operational plan.

If Open Society Foundations were to be adopted, 192 nations (and additional adoptees and coup victims) would have to be forced into compliance. What Marc Beinhoff has accomplished is ensuring that somewhere in the ballpark of 100,000 business and government bodies are stakeholders by being clients of Salesforce. The companies and governments are granted inclusion into the ESG-dominated economy the World Economic Forum has created by playing ball with Salesforce. The idea is to put everyone else out of business. If you have ever wondered why a company suddenly goes ‘woke’ against all common sense – it is because they have fallen prey to these dictates.

For instance, PayPal created stronger ties with Salesforce in January of 2022. The Vice President of Employee Technology and Experiences at PayPal, Dan Torunian, is featured prominently on the ‘success’ story Salesforce has narrated for them, ““Having a single source of truth allows our employees, regardless of the function they perform, to have the knowledge and data they need at their fingertips.”” The PayPal love story as written by Salesforce continued,

““One of our biggest priorities is to remove the subjectivity from the sales cycle,” Torunian said.

Key performance indicators (KPIs) were built right in the CRM foundation to remove subjectivity from the sales cycle, enabling sellers to forecast more accurately and align territory and accounts among their teams. [italics mine]

With practical and visual insights embedded into the workflow, team members can more easily understand customers and make better decisions, including what solutions to recommend or sell next.

PayPal also reimagined how its sales teams access relevant information, templatizing sales and service best practices, and important account planning information, into a single collaboration tool. Now, PayPal’s teams can communicate more easily from anywhere, and gain greater visibility over the work being done on an account.”

Part of that work, if you will recall, flies directly in the face of their claims. In October 2022, PayPal began to fine people for subjectivity. Specifically, “Paypal introduced language into its terms and conditions that allowed them to withdraw $2500 from your account for each time they believed you “promot[ed] misinformation” or you sent, posted or published “messages, content, or materials that, in PayPal’s sole discretion, (a) are harmful, obscene, harassing, or objectionable.” Following Salesforce’s demands, PayPal, because of it’s wide usage in business as well as consumer payment processing, was tapped to enforce speech codes set by the World Economic Forum. Don’t like the shot and use digital media to warn people, get fined by PayPal, think Ilhan Omar should be forced to swear her oath to the US Constitution on a Bible, get fined, promote the idea that there are only two genders, get fined. The WEF says all of that is misinformation, harmful, obscene, harassing, and/or objectionable so they weaponized their narratives against the truth of objective reality, told Salesforce what they expected, and Salesforce basically told PayPal play ball or we will just make sure you fail. Scared, PayPal slobbered all over itself while manufacturing it’s neo-Nazi thought-controls over it’s hundreds of millions of users.

The idea here is creating whatever narrative fits the World Economic Forum’s agenda and demanding that blind adherence to that narrative is followed by everyone. It’s not just Salesforce, PayPal and the 100,000 other entities who use Salesforce – it is meant to control everyone. For now, there are other payment processors out there who don’t have censorship-based fines in their terms of service. Expect that to change. The WEF, through Salesforce and financial institutions (some of which are also Salesforce customers as well) will eventually destroy the payment processors which will not follow their narratives. In the end, the only businesses in existence will be the ones complying and the only people able to use those services will be the people who comply with businesses demanding you do so or not have access to their products.

We can live without PayPal, for now. But Salesforce is multifaceted and isn’t limited to services for one industry. They have created customer relationship management services for the automotive, communications, consumer goods, education, energy and utilities, financial services, government, healthcare and life sciences, manufacturing, media, nonprofit, retail, technology, and travel, transportation, and hospitality industries. Payment processors may not be important to you but is your car? How about the ability to buy food, toilet paper, streaming services, internet access, or a place to live in? How long can you survive with no running water because you violated the WEF’s speech codes and the water company shut off your access? How about power? This isn’t a joke either.

The WEF’s founder, Klaus Schwab wrote a book titled The Fourth Industrial Revolution. In the book he envisioned a complete nightmare world in which human beings are entirely commoditized even during their non-productive hours (we call that sleeping or relaxing or entertaining ourselves). It’s basically an open air prison. Salesforce is one-hundred-and-fifty-percent on board with the WEF’s Fourth Industrial Revolution, too. As the gatekeepers for access to the global economy, Salesforce particularly loves the synergy of the technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

So what is Salesforce in their own words? It’s realizing and facilitating Klaus Schwab’s dystopic post human world. It’s all about those technologies and fusing them together to seamlessly create unseen cages for all of us useless eaters (enslavement) until it is time for us to be culled (biological, kinetic, nuclear, exposure, etc…). In their own words, Salesforce describes these technologies:

“What exactly is the Fourth Industrial Revolution — and why should you care?

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is a way of describing the blurring of boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological worlds. It’s a fusion of advances in artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, the Internet of Things (IoT), Web3, blockchain, 3D printing, genetic engineering, quantum computing, and other technologies. It’s the collective force behind many products and services that are fast becoming indispensable to modern life. Think GPS systems that suggest the fastest route to a destination, voice-activated virtual assistants such as Apple’s Siri, personalized Netflix recommendations, and Facebook’s ability to recognize your face and tag you in a friend’s photo.

As a result of this perfect storm of technologies, the Fourth Industrial Revolution is paving the way for transformative changes in the way we live and radically disrupting almost every business sector. It’s all happening at an unprecedented, whirlwind pace (and it’s why Salesforce built Customer 360 to help companies keep up with changing customer expectations).”

It’s a perfect storm of the public being unaware of what these technologies are, how they are being used, and the existence of the global government. Very soon there will be a banning of physical cash, the voiding, invalidation, and confiscation of all alternative digital assets, and harsh crackdowns on bartering (gold, silver, oil, etc…) so the Central Bank Digital Currency will be the only means by which to obtain goods. Good, themselves, will be made artificially scarce, just as Klaus promised, you will own nothing and you will be happy. CBDC’s will be reprogramable, subject to ones social credit score, and based on biometrics. All aspects of our lives will be dominated by our social credit scores and whatever goods we can get today – there will be no ability to actually own anything, we will rent everything. We will have no recognized right to free speech, to protect ourselves, to due process, to travel, to save, to store, or to produce anything on our own. Think I’m crazy – look at Oxfordshire, UK and the insane war against wood-burning stoves in the UK in the midst of a massive energy crisis in the middle of a bitter winter. All of this has been, is being,and will be made possible by these technologies. And Salesforce is the gatekeeper of compliance between the users of these technologies and the WEF’s decrees about what they need to be used for.

George Soros set out in life to rip off investors and topple one country at a time. He used the tools he had available to him at the time to do this. Beinhoff apparently had much broader intentions to destroy the whole world at once through multinational corporations and fascism. He recognized partnering with the WEF could topple everyone and everything all at the same time so he created the tools necessary to pull it off in conjunction with policies from the WEF (the global government) and the ‘progress’ of these technologies.

By far, in my opinion, Salesforce is FAR worse than George Soros ever hoped to be in his wildest dream.

To fight these demonic bastards, Marc Beinhoff needs to be starved of money. One way to do that, though expensive, would be through law-fare, especially over his humanity destroying vaccine passport system, COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ advocacy, and the fact that he is a traitor to the nation of the United States of America because of his adoration and conduct on behalf of a force hostile to the government and people of this nation. The benefit of sapping Beinhoff’s wealth through lawfare is it doesn’t take that many people and will gain a lot of press. Another way is more indirect and will take far more people and get far less press. The results, if successful, would destroy the whole scheme. The second method is to refuse to give a single cent to Salesforce and anyone who does business with them. Their revenue streams will dry up. They can all go bankrupt. Salesforce should go bankrupt through this scheme as well. From self-proclaimed global government ministers to paupers is what would happen if this method was successful. Again, that would take a lot of people and quite a bit of time but it would also force the creation of a complete alternative economy which seeks to promote a human future in contrast to Schwab’s post-human visions.

No matter what happens, read your Bible and get right with God. If PayPal’s Danny-boy reads this, I hope he knows that there is only one truth and it IS the Bible and the Word of God, the salvation of Jesus, and access to the Holy Spirit through grace, love, and obedience.

Bless God and God bless.


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