If You Want Social Security Stop Murdering Babies

If You Want Social Security Stop Murdering Babies

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/4/2023

Are you one of the millions of people in the United States who is trying to survive on Social Security? I hope you are not, but if you are, you don’t deserve a raise in pay because I’m not getting a raise in pay and additional jobs are never going to justify a raise in pay for you. I hope that really pisses you off. But let me make it even worse, please read on.

What did you do on January 22, 1973? This date is more important than Pearl Harbor. It’s more important than 9/11. It’s more important than, really, just about any other date in US history save the events of the Revolutionary War, the second Constitution being ratified, the Bill of Right’s Adopted, and the Civil War. On January 22, 1973 the Supreme Court decided to allow child murder to take place in the United States by invalidating the Tenth Amendment as well as every state’s law. January 22, 1973 was the day Roe v. Wade was decided. There should have been state withdraws from the Union, protests, strikes, and all sorts of non-compliance with the ruling but whatever happened, it wasn’t enough – it took until 2022 to get rid of the Roe v. Wade ruling and that, too, was based on a Supreme Court ruling.

There are some states which have life-affirming laws on the books, but others have taken the opportunity presented by Roe v. Wade being overturned as a challenge to murder even more babies, up until birth (and in some cases even after birth), and refusing to cooperate in criminal prosecutions in other states. California includes the term perinatal in their law – meaning immediately after birth up until one year under some definitions. The New York legislature cheered while they signed a bill into law making it legal to murder a baby while the child is being born. Minnesota, too, permits partial birth baby murder and recently became the first state in the US to recognize some Molech-inspired version of fundamental rights.

Illinois is trying to follow Minnesota’s path of absolute destruction by declaring baby murder to be some kind of fundamental right, which it assuredly is not and never will be. But Illinois is trying to go even further with HB 0003, introduced by a Chicago democrat and absolutely murderous psychopath Mary E. Flowers. Maybe this is not getting the exposure it deserves because of Illinois’ recent passage of a bill to protect baby murder, baby murderers, baby-part vendors, and the genital mutilation know legally as gender-affirming care which occurred two days after HB 0003 was introduced. Or maybe the media just doesn’t want people to know what, exactly, Mary E. Flowers is proposing.

First of all, the bill makes baby murder a fundamental right, as mentioned. It also strikes from multiple section of Illinois law that children born with substance abuse disorders and no longer considered neglected. Shooting heroin while pregnant will no longer be recognized as neglect by the state of Illinois under this bill even if the child is found to contain the drug or it’s analogues. But it gets far worse.

Illinois is seeking to change the reasons they can take children out of the home as well. On pages pages 27 – 30 the bill gives Illinois a vague definition of guidelines to remove children from a parent or guardian’s home. This would include any health directives ordered by the states, say, for example, receiving the COVID-19 ‘vaccine’ and all subsequent boosters. But read it for yourself (underlined means added, and struck through means deleted or the way it currently reads):

“(325 ILCS 5/5) (from Ch. 23, par. 2055)

“Sec. 5. An officer of a local law enforcement agency, designated employee of the Department, or a physician treating a child may take or retain temporary protective custody of the child without the consent of the person responsible for the child’s welfare, if (1) he has reason to believe that there exists a substantial and imminent risk of death, serious illness, or severe personal injury to the child if he or she is not immediately removed from his or her the child cannot be cared for at home or from in the custody of the person responsible for the child’s welfare without endangering the child’s health of safety; and (2) there is not time to apply for a court order under the Juvenile Court Act of 1987 for temporary custody of the child.”

They will take a child from a parent based on anything they want to base it on – the presence of legally stored firearms, a Bible, a cross on the dining room wall, o0r a refusal of ‘vaccinating’ against flu and RSV and 5 COVID-19 injections. And the are seeking to indemnify themselves, too, if you happened to catch it, by striking out that the interventions may harm the child’s health and safety. This means kids can be legally stolen from parents, legally given to whoever the state of Illinois wants to give them too, and any harm which comes to the child from these actions is legally permissible. Apparently Illinois is not content with murdering babies while they are being born – the babies that are born will be subject to being taken away from the parents and traded around in state-sanctioned child trafficking circles. Mark my words, should this bill pass, that is exactly what will happen. I watched Illinois do the exact same thing with homosexual adoption in 2011 – 2012.

But let me make good on my promise to piss you off about Social Security and tie baby murder to it. First of all, where are you at picketing, protesting, and demanding that abortion anywhere is negatively impacting the nation? The practice of baby murder is barbaric enough – but we don’t see that. Social Security recipients, businesses, and workers do see checks in the mail monthly, how to calculate social security taxes, and money coming out of their checks, respectively. So let’s do this money-wise right now.

Social Security is a ponzi scheme and it always has been. X number of workers donate Y amount of money to Z number of retirees and other recipients. It sounds really good and swell – everyone can be taken care of in retirement and the burden of the workers contributions is low. But some realizations need to be had here – what you payed in in Social Security went to the already retired and was never intended for your retirement. Your collection of Social Security is dependent upon the current labor force and economy of the present day. So, I work and help pay for you to be retired. This still sounds like a great idea. But if there are not successively more worker producing more taxes to be payed into Social Security the system will quickly get out of balance – the tax burden on the worker will become enormous and/or the recipients will not collect enough to survive on. This is why I canned it a ponzi scheme.

This ponzi scheme was introduced by a Marxist traitor to the United States, FDR, in 1935 and it has greatly contributed to the many of the current problems we face. In 1935, the fertility rate (the number of children had by couples, 2.1 is called the replacement rate – higher than 2.1 means increases in population, and lower means decreasing population) was 2.17. In 1960 it was at 3.58. This was good for Social Security. More people meant more workers which means more economic output with the costs of Social Security able to be spread out to a low burden. By 1975 the fertility rate sunk to 2.03. and by 1980 it had fallen to 1.77. Since 1972 the US has not been producing babies at the replacement rate. In 1973 it stood at 2.029 and for 50 years the highest it has been was 2.055 (still not at the replacement rate) in 2008. In 1978 it stood at it’s lowest to date – 1.772. We were guaranteed to have problems with FDR’s ponzi scheme.

And a big part of that population crisis is directly attributable to baby murder being ‘legalized’ through the Supreme Court’s bench legislation in 1973. 616,000 ‘legal’ baby murders occurred in 1973. In 1990 alone 1.429 million babies were butchered in the womb. According to the actuarial table provided by the Social Security Administration, if half of those 616,000 were male and the other half female, there would be an additional 579,040 US citizens. Additionally, if those 579,000 people produced two children per couple there would be an additional 579,040 people. So, from just the year 1973, 1.1 million lives were destroyed. Somewhere between 42.5 million (from a data set missing 1974,1976-1978, and 2021-2023) and 64,443,118 million babies have been murdered. Overall, with a fertility rate of two, again, that means the United States is missing and will be missing forever over 100 million people.

So, it begs the question – where are the Social Security recipients demanding that abortions cease completely and immediately? You didn’t pay into the system for your own retirement – you are dependent upon the labor of others to allow for your retirements. Under this system I am going to be dependent upon whoever is working in the year 2043. My son, who is also paying Social Security, will not be eligible to collect it until the year 2066 and his retirement will be dependent upon the workers of that and subsequent years as well. Social Security is already unsustainable as it is now. Are you retired and have grandchildren – look at them and ask yourself who is going to be working for their Social Security 2083. MacroTrends is suggests there will be 392 million people in the US in 2083, an increase of about 60 million. Because the United States is not having babies, Roe v Wade allowed for the murder of over 100 million US citizens, and abortion is still being offered in 29 states, I don’t see the population of the United States going up, unless….

People are brought into the United States from other nations. This gets into a discussion about replacement migration. Suggesting that even two-thirds of MacroTrends projected 60 million increase (40 million) will be US born still leaves 20 million immigrants over the course of the next 60 years. It is very important that these immigrants be assimilated into the US. That is something that will get anyone suggesting it called a racist immediately because immigrants are not expected to assimilate and are encouraged to retain as much of their home nations culture as possible even while living in a foreign land. Where in the nation these immigrants settle is important, too, because it will change the composition of the areas. The globalist spies which got them here in the first place recognize this and they do what they can to settle as many immigrants, retaining their native customs, in areas supporting sovereign states and individual liberty and responsibility. In a nutshell – this is replacement migration. New York city is already an unconstitutional craphole and they don’t need the immigrant’s support – so they send them to places like Denver, Fort Worth, and Bozeman when they can.

So, here’s the part where Social Security advocates will get super pissed off. Demanding your benefits go up accomplishes several things. Everyone pays more in taxes. Immigration and replacement migration is increased. A blind eye is turned to illegal immigration and all of the problems that entails, like terrorists entering the US, drug trafficking, arms trafficking, human smuggling, and sex slavery. The unfunded liabilities in the US soars (which currently stands at over $93 trillion). None of this can be fixed, on a financial basis, unless there is more production in the United States through human labor, which requires more people or Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies being employed to reduce the need for people to do work. Robots and AI don’t get taxed though. Unemployed people are not producing anything to be taxed on. All of these problems are compounding so, I have to ask….

Where were you in 1973 when the US-born population decline not only started but was encouraged through baby murder? If you were out trying to destroy Roe v. Wade, thank you. But, again, I ask, where are you now condemning the baby murder industry as states like Minnesota make a mockery of fundamental rights and Illinois is trying to pass into law the ability for the state to seize children to sterilize, maim, and murder them with ‘vaccine’ programs? Are you demanding this baby murder stop immediately? Again, if so, thank you and keep at it. Where, exactly is all of this money supposed to come from for ponzi schemes like Social Security? We are $93 trillion in the hole from unfunded liabilities and over $30 trillion in debt. I do my part – I work my tail off and I am always asking why I do this. I know that Social Security and other welfare ‘entitlements’ are not sustainable and will likely be drastically altered or defunct by the time I am of retirement age. Many younger people who have come to this conclusion see no point to working precisely because they see no future for themselves which in and of itself is a reason people aren’t having babies.

Okay, so now that you are pissed off, I want to offer some solutions. You did pay large sums of money into a system which is not paying out and so have I. Social Security was designed to eventually explode, like all ponzi schemes will sooner or later. But you still payed the money in. Anyone who is not yet retired or who has recently retired who has payed in more than they have collected should be refunded their contributions, with interest, in a lump-sum payment. Retirees who have collected more than they paid into the system should continue to get their stipends. After this, Social Security should be ended. Individual retirement funds should be promoted through employers and retirement funds should be controlled exclusively by the individual, not the investor-class which making fees off of payroll contributions into their sponsored BlackRock/Vanguard- affiliated funds.

All Social Security recipients should be encouraging their sons and daughters and their grandchildren to have a family with at least 3 children. Recipients should be the most vocal group demanding the border be shut off too, especially, illegal immigration. Assimilation should be demanded for legal immigrants. The absolutely most vocal group in the nation against baby murder should be retirees. There should be massive demonstrations of retirees demanding that all baby murder operations cease immediately. A similar awareness and response needs to run through the Social Security recipients (over 70 million people 21% of the US population) of the US regarding Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies. Without stopping the depopulation agenda and halting the post-human world from becoming a reality, it is not only arrogant, but extremely disgusting that there is any talk of Social Security increases.

AARP doesn’t really mention abortion – it’s a non-issue to them. Yet, they sponsor the same scum bags who get into legislative positions to demand more baby murders take place while at the same time demand that social security, medicare, medicaid, and other entitlement programs all go up. Social Security is a giant hoax. Stop believing in it. And stop believing in the political whores celebrating baby murder (depopulation) while at the same time getting you to think that we should all have to work harder and longer to fund your retirement – your retirement was your job, not mine, just like my retirement is not my child’s job. Our future as individuals as well as a sovereign nation depends on the retiree class to accept the fact the money they are getting in Social Security is not what they paid in, the system will collapse, and the generational theft promoted by almost all politicians, AARP, and many of those collecting benefits is amoral and deceitful.

If you want to keep Social Security as it is, I suggest that all of us, retirees especially, promote larger families and rally against abortion, illegal immigration, unfunded liabilities, population decline, and politicians trying to spend money they don’t have to pacify those aged out of the work force. This isn’t meant to disparage – it’s meant to get you to wake up and start looking for solutions on your own instead of sitting there getting a check knowing that the world is burning down around you. But, since many will choose the complacency of your couch and companionship of your television, at least devote a potion of your day to reading the Bible and learning about the morals God laid out – not their interpretations from a religious institution. Create a strong remnant in this reprobate world and don’t allow yourself to be a passive bystander in the reprobate systems we have created. As far as entitlements go, I feel ‘entitled’ to encourage retirees to at least do those things because, after all, I am one of your payers these days….

Bless God and God bless.


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