Nikki Haley is Not America’s Friend

Nikki Haley is Not America’s Friend

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 2/2//2023

Donald Trump was the first to officially opt into what promises to be a long and arduous Republican primary. Trump’s refusal to just say the words I was wrong about the shots has convinced me to not want to vote for him. He can’t fix this shortcoming because the window for him to admit he was wrong about them has been bricked in, not just closed. Trump did a lot of really positive things for the USA, but this issue detracts from them all. Ron DeSantis has not announced a presidential candidacy yet but he is doing a lot of good things in Florida. I just don’t trust him – he has too many ties to global government to put me at ease. Another primary contender is expected to step forward – Nikki Haley.

Nikki Haley will be dead last on my list of people to vote for unless John McCain is resurrected to run again, Lindsey Graham throws it’s hat into the ring, or Adam Kinzinger, Mittens Romney, or Liz Cheney decide they are still Republicans and should run for president on a republican ticket. There are more than these but you get the idea.

Haley’s political experience includes being governor of South Carolina from 2007 to 2011 and US ambassador to the United Nations from 2017-2018. She has also served terms in the South Carolina House of Representatives. She has won many awards including the Congressional Medal of Honor Patriot Award, World Jewish Congress Theodor Herzl Award, and the International Republican Institute’s Freedom Award. The Congressional Medal of Honor’s Patriot Award “is reserved for people who have distinguished themselves as Americans dedicated to freedom and the ideals represented by the Congressional Medal of Honor Society.” The World Jewish Congress features interfaith efforts, collusion with the SPLC and ADL’s versions of Antisemitism, and applauds censorship of anything they claim is anti-Semitic. The International Republican Institute has also given Freedom Awards to General Mattis, John McCain, George W. Bush, and Henry Kissinger for their efforts to “advance freedom and democracy.”

I am concerned about the Congressional Medal of Honor Society’s decision to award Nikki Haley for her, “courage, sacrifice, integrity, commitment, patriotism, and citizenship.” Sure, Haley has courage in demanding Israel’s right to exist at the UN. She has yet to sacrifice anything. She has zero integrity. Her commitment to the United States is highly debatable. She has no patriotism. And her citizenship is spotty. I’m concerned about the Society debasing the Medal by giving it to unworthy recipients, as I believe Haley is.

I say all of this because in the 2011 class of Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum’s Young Global Leaders appears the name Nikki Haley. Other notable US politicians who have made the WEF cut include Dan Crenshaw, a disgusting creature who cannot tell the truth nor support the US in any way, and Tulsi Gabbard who has denounced the WEF outright. What this means is that Nikki Haley, having never addressed or denounced WEF affiliations, is nothing but another Joe Biden but, in many ways worse.

Nikki Haley also comes off as very dishonest. She capitulated to the woke mob in South Carolina in 2015 by supporting the removal of Confederate flags. She bashed Trump’s suggestion that we ‘ban all Muslims’ from entering the US, which Trump never stated in the first place. She claimed that Donald Trump supported the KKK. She was woke from the beginning, but that recognition never dawned on her as she gave a speech to collect her Patriot Award. The Washington Examiner reported, ““I wish the college students and Washington politicians would pay attention to what’s really happening. I wish they would recognize that evil is real across the world,” Haley further told the crowd, recalling the events she witnessed during her time as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations.” Yes, Haley, there is evil in the world, and you represent that evil every bit as much as Joe Biden. On top of that Haley showed a total willingness to go woke herself when it would put her in a positive light.

She doesn’t want to make America great again, she wants the two party duopoly – ran by the same global government she is aligned with – to fully take over both party’s and run this nation completely into the ground. AS an example, she stated publicly that Donald Trump’s attempt to get Ukrainian officials to investigate business dealings in Ukraine with the Biden’s was somehow wrong, ““it is not a good practice for us ever to ask a foreign country to investigate an American.”” But she also thought it wasn’t worth the time to try to impeach Trump over the efforts. Her rationale was that because Trump gave the Ukrainians there aid money everything was hunky-dory. She loved being in the UN but hated Washington DC, according to NPR, which is where she claims she now wants to live. Everything wrong in America, in Haley’s eyes, is solely the fault of liberals, which will lure many republicans into supporting her. There is no left-right paradigm – there is a global government vs sovereign state division and she’s firmly on the wrong side.

She loves the nation of Israel. She loves the continent of Africa. But she isn’t about to announce a bid for the prime minister of Israel or the leader of Somalia, Nigeria, South Africa, or the Democratic Republic of Congo, she is about to announce a bid for the president of the United States of America. All we will get is more of the same thing that Joe Biden has given us with the possibility of lower taxes (but don’t count on it). She loved it when Donald Trump fell for claims about Syria using gas in attacks and bombed the nation. Haley stated, ““I spoke to the US president this morning and he said that if the Syrian regime uses this poisonous gas again, the United States is locked and loaded,” Haley intoned at an emergency meeting of the U.N. Security Council, referring to a suspected chemical attack that Trump has accused Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of carrying out last weekend.”

She refuses to accept the fact that NATO and Western allies have brought the world to the brink of a nuclear World War III. The Washington Times reported, “She dismissed as “nonsense,” the view that “NATO expansion prompted Russian aggression.””  On Fox News, Haley stated that Biden would have done himself a favor by calling out Iran and China for assisting Russia in their fight in Ukraine. On the same program Haley cautioned against sending blank checks to Ukraine but then demanded Biden send blank checks to Ukraine, “Get with NATO, make sure that you're sending anti-drone equipment. Make sure you're getting the equipment. We don't need to send blank checks to Ukraine. You need to make sure they have the ability to defend themselves.” No, Haley, Ukraine should have made sure they have the ability to defend Ukraine which is STILL not a NATO member, so – what? She loves the idea of Russia being in Ukraine, the destabilization it is causing, and the culmination of World War III because she is a warmonger and a global government/Fourth Industrial Revolution technology zealot.

“The survival of America matters and it’s bigger than one person. And when you’re looking at the future of America, I think it’s time for a new generational change. I don’t think you need to be 80 years old to go be a leader in DC. I think we need a young generation to come in, step up, and really start fixing things,” Haley said in a FOX News interview as posted to her Facebook page. Haley is 51 and she has fixed nothing. It seems almost as if she is telling potential voters that she is proud of her WEF/global government connections as well as appealing to the liberals she claims to despise.

She is flips her positions to whichever way the political winds are blowing. About Donald Trump, ““We need to acknowledge he let us down,” she told the magazine [Politico]. “He went down a path he shouldn’t have, and we shouldn’t have followed him, and we shouldn’t have listened to him. And we can’t let that ever happen again.””

CNN’s reporting on her was used to again grandstand against Donald Trump because that is the only way people watch their Communist News Network. In a mostly positive piece, CNN drug up a criminal named Adam Kinzinger (who now works for CNN) to comment on Haley’s potential to win the presidential nomination. A traitor to America wrote of Haley’s chances, ““I think there is just room for three candidates in this race. The more anti-Trumper – not a never Trumper, the Trump lite, which is where Ron DeSantis is, (and) Nikki Haley, and then Trump himself,” said former Illinois Republican Rep. Adam Kinzinger, who is now a senior CNN political commentator. “Nikki Haley’s struggle is going to be: she’s been pro-Trump, anti-Trump, she said she isn’t going to run if he runs, now he is going to run. She doesn’t really have a natural constituency yet. She’s a smart lady, so we will see how she goes.””

Finally, Nikki Haley loves the idea of the vaccines and the idea that the United States helped save the world from the scary COVID-19 plandemic. She penned an entire article for FOX News (which is absolutely enamored with her) complaining that there was too much work on COVID-19 ‘vaccines’ in the US to allow COVAX to purchase Chinese versions which “aren’t nearly as good as ours and have failed to stop outbreaks across the world.” She also had concerns about the intellectual property rights of vaccine makers in the United States. She also wrote (this actually makes me laugh at her stupidity), “The tyrants in Beijing desperately want to figure out how to make vaccines that are as good as America’s – especially since China’s current vaccines are well-known to be less effective.” The only thing these ‘vaccines’ are good for is maiming, sterilizing, and murdering people. Now, China loves doing that to it’s dissidents and obviously so does the US government. Maybe Nikki Haley was oblivious to these facts in 2021 when she penned the piece but she has been silent about it afterwards. She does have a penchant for blaming COVID-19 on China, correctly, but for more involved in the creation of the pathogen was the United States and Anthony Fauci – something Haley will never admit to.

In sum, Haley is pro-life, pro-Israel, and may or may not address the border crisis or lower taxes. She can be right on certain issues like pro-life and still be completely unsuitable for the presidency. It’s odd that even the liberal rags have decided to seemingly support her decision to jump into the primary. It makes sense when one understands that if she is ever elected president she will find wars to start, make existing wars worse, worry more about popularity than she should, stay aligned with global government, and allow her global government allegiance to run amok throughout US businesses and government while she turns a blind eye. While she makes claims that she wants to preserve the fundamental values of America, she ignores the Marxist economy the United States currently is, that healthcare is already socialist, and that the federal government should not be funding local police at all and the military budget can only be justified if Washington DC is the policeman for the economic (London) and ideological (Vatican City) aspects of global government. (Note: all three of those cities have their own sovereign status apart from the nation in which it is a part of). I believe the only reason Haley criticizes China is because they have decided to start bucking the global government’s plans now that they have grown rich and somewhat powerful. Haley represents a watershed moment for the WEF in the US though – all of the Fourth Industrial Technologies will be demanded by Haley and we will end up with a digital ID, social credit score, CBDC, ESG, 15-minute ‘smart’ cities, and a mandated surveillance state.

“You cannot fix a spiritual problem with a political solution,” says Steve Quayle. Joe Biden and Nikki Haley are prime examples of just how far away solutions to any problem, spiritual or political, can get with global government agents at the helm. The two politicians are two faces on the same coin. Beware.

Bless God and God bless.


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