What the Arrest is Hiding

What the Arrest is Hiding

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation oh Humanity – 3/19/2023

Donald Trump has called for protests – NOT VIOLENCE. Keep that in mind. The Feds are working overtime to make sure that any protest features violence much as they did during the January 6 protests where the feds managed to gain about 500 political prisoners. Donald Trump is the big fish in the market though, and he believes he will be arrested in about 48 hours from now. His arrest will be entirely politically motivated and the New York star chamber which will hear his case completely rigged in favor of doing great injustice to our nation. I wrote several months ago that the United States is the new USSR and this is one of the hallmarks of that defunct political system.

With Trump’s potential politically-motivated arrest looming and his calls for peaceful protest as well as the first round of the NCAA men’s college basketball tournament, the news is pretty chalked full of stories from those two fronts. What is being forgotten about are all of these bank failures, World War III being fought, and the global government issuing warrants for the arrest of people they don’t like. Trump’s arrest and the rest of these developments are all intermingled.

UBS, a Swiss bank with $1.1 trillion in assets, has offered to buy struggling Credit Suisse days after they received emergency funds from the Swiss central bank to the tune of $54 billion. Credit Suisse is balking at the deal claiming that UBS’ $1 billion offer is too low. Credit Suisse bondholders have virtually no chance of not losing all of the value of their investments in the bank – their only shot at retaining any worth in them would be to if the UBS purchase goes through and their bonds in Credit Suisse are converted into UBS stock. In the United States, 11 banks arranged in a cartel, and decided to bail out one of their friends, First Republic to the tune of $30 billion.

Joe Biden has decided, without any Congressional approval, that all deposits in the United States – including those over the FDIC’s $250,000 threshold, those made by foreign nationals and foreign states, and those set up to facilitate money laundering – will be honored by the US taxpayer’s stolen funds. Again, that is what is known a nationalizing the banks without using the Marxist terminology, nationalization. Roger Altman flirted with calling Biden’s decree what it is coming closest to it when he stated on CNN, “And so this is a breathtaking step, which effectively nationalizes or federalizes the deposit base of the U.S. financial system. You can call it a bailout, you can call it something else, but it's really absolutely profound.” Marx, in the Communist Manifesto (1848), described what Biden did as well, “ 5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with state capital and an exclusive monopoly.”

Biden also decided that banks collapsing and facing difficulties in the United States have nothing whatsoever to do with his policy decisions. The barnyard animal infesting the White House has made it a part of his legacy to economically and financially dismantle the lives of every US citizen in the nation. Bidenomics has forcing food costs, energy costs, and taxes to go through the roof making living far more difficult than it should be. At the same time the FED has raised interest rates like a methamphetamine junkie looking for their next fix. The very predictable result is unrealized losses on bank assets causing banks to face liquidity challenges. Biden has declared war on the leaders of banks suffering from Biden’s and the FED’s poor choices by stating he will find ways to put them in prison. Again, that is another hallmark of the USSR the US government has decided to embrace.

Biden has even outlined how bank nationalization will work. Forbes reported that Biden is seeking what amounts to FDIC permission for individuals to engage in banking activities and for the FDIC to decide who can keep gains and who cannot. Forbes also had to note that it was Trump’s fault for ‘deregulating’ the banks because that is what China and their paid-for play thing Joe Biden want them to say. They also quoted Joe Biden, ““I'm firmly committed to accountability for those responsible for this mess,” Biden said in a statement on Friday. “No one is above the law – and strengthening accountability is an important deterrent to prevent mismanagement in the future.”” To a rational person, Joe Biden would be describing himself, Jerome Powell, and Janet Yellen as needing to be removed but, because he is a Marxist, Joe Biden is talking about anyone who hesitates to follow his decrees both in the banking industry and out side of it.

In the background of all of these bank failures, China and Russia have already found a way to settle their transactions between one another without the use of Western institutions and currencies. Brazil, India, and South America, as well as China and Russia (BRICS) will now meet to expand the project into a full blown currency as well as a payment system to complete with the United States Dollar. This threatens to further destabilize the US economy by destroying the reserve currency status the USD depends on for it’s survival. Anyone thinking that things are bad now – hold onto your hat – if (when) the USD is dethroned from its reserve currency status and all of those dollars flow back to the United States inflation rates will destroy everyone. This is a big deal because the US citizen is very skeptical about a digital dollar and, unless a pretext occurs to facilitate it’s adoption in the states, it will likely be met with a lot of resistance. A BRICS currency represents such a pretext.

According to an opinion piece by a Dr. Sizlo Nkala about BRICS:

“South Africa will be hosting the 15th BRICS Summit in August this year. This will be the second time the summit will be hosted on South African shores since 2018. As the BRICS Chair, South Africa will host the BRICS High Level Dialogue and also set the agenda for the summit.

“Established in 2009, the BRICS is a group of some of the world’s biggest emerging markets (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) whose founding mandate was to create or forge an alternative global order to the one dominated by western economies.

“These countries felt aggrieved by the limitations imposed on their growth by a western-shaped global security and economic order.

“The BRICS latest demonstration of its willingness to resist western hegemony is its refusal to support the US-led campaign for the global isolation of Russia following the country’s military invasion of Ukraine in February 2022. Brazil, China, India and South Africa have steadfastly refused to impose sanctions on Moscow despite coming under US pressure to do so.

“In its 15 years of existence, the group has become a platform for voicing and advancing the interests of the Global South countries and promoting South-South co-operation in trade, investment, technology, and security among other areas. Collectively controlling 26% of the global economy and being home to 40% of the global population, BRICS has the economic muscle to push through its agenda.”

When the money systems start failing, trade is disrupted, and economies turn sour the response is war. The West is still fighting a proxy war in the Ukraine against Russia which is widely acknowledged as being World War III. Recent headlines in the US freaked out because the US was flying a Reaper drone over the Black Sea for unknown purposes (no one apparently asked why this thing was there) when a Russian jet dumped fuel on the drone, then struck it, and it fell from the sky. Ongoing coverage of this asinine story is in no short supply.

More quietly, military-industrial complex advocates have suggested that Ukraine’s ambitions to retake Crimea are being entertained by Western psychopaths (Newsweek). Neocon Lindsey Graham, increasingly showing his devotion to leftist agendas, demanded the US continue to participate in WWIII through funding Ukraine. Graham’s comments came on the heels of both Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump (along with many other Republicans) stating their disapproval of the war and especially the support the US has given to Ukraine. The US, under that infernal tyrant Joe Biden, will see even more of it’s citizens tax dollars go to the corruption laden and beleaguered nation of Ukraine – the public announcement of the Biden regime’s decree is expected to come later this week. A second willing donor of fighter jets to Ukraine also pledged their intent over the past several days. Joining the warmongers in Poland, Slovakia has vowed to send 13 MiG 29’s. Traitor Antony Blinken voiced his support for Poland’s decision to face off against Russia directly by doing so.

Russia and Ukraine are still battling for the control of key cities in the nation, including Bakhmut. Vladamir Putin was castigated and portrayed as a coward in equal measure by Western press when he decided to visit the city of Mariupol. The visit was basically unannounced. He also visited Crimea yesterday. In the pictures provided to CNN, Putin is seen walking around the city of Mariupol and talking with residents. The buildings in the pictures seem very much intact and not recently constructed casting doubt about Western media’s coverage of the war.

Instead of looking at evidence based in fact, the International Criminal Court (one of the many reasons the United States needs to immediately stop funding the UN and declare the organization a terrorist group) issued a warrant for the arrest of Vladamir Putin. This warrant was issued the day before Putin was commingling with Mariupol residents. The demonic, blood-drinking, destroyers of children at the ICC are claiming that Putin evacuating children from active war zones and taking them to Russia for adoption is a criminal act. The man responsible for the warrant, Karim A. A. Khan KC appears to be so incompetent and/or corrupt as to have failed to see the volumes of evidence that Ukraine is actually a major child-sex trafficking hub and that adoption by Russian families is a much better alternative than being raped to death. This statement comes from a 2022 US State Department document detailing Ukraine’s role in sex-trafficking, “The approximately 104,000 children institutionalized in state-run orphanages are at especially high risk of trafficking. Officials of several state-run residential institutions and orphanages have allegedly been complicit or willfully negligent in the sex and labor trafficking of girls and boys under their care.” I would not be surprised on bit if Khan was a frequent guest of Ukrainian orphanages.

These all tie together. The enemies of the republic and freedom and liberty of men around the world are destroying those fighting against their tyranny. In the United States Donald Trump has stated he plans on being illegally arrested on Tuesday at the behest of George Soros. The media has lost its mind and the federal agencies are licking their lips for another covert mission because Trump called for protests. The US economy is melting down. No one is talking about peace in Ukraine, only a never ending, always escalating WWIII. The global government is behind all of these events, including the decision to issue arrest warrants for Putin who sought to remove children from what amount to state run, underage, harems. What do these global government people want? They want to destroy our sense of justice and have us unquestioningly fall in line with them. Refuse. Like Donald Trump stated, PROTEST.

Falling in line with the lawless and not fighting back against the evils they are perpetrating against all of God’s creation is what makes one a coward. They are arresting Donald Trump on political grounds. They are destroying our wealth, chances of prosperity, and ability to even provide food and shelter for our families. They are perpetrating events intended to cause a nuclear Armageddon. I didn't mention it, but they are seeking to claim that due to health and environment (headings covering every aspect of anything anyone can do) all of our actions are to be surveilled and regulated to ensure our compliance to their diktats. These people want a globalized digital currency, chimeric ‘human’ beings, forced labor, mass death, and one-world-government. They are going after the roadblocks to the post-human world they seek to create for themselves by murdering and enslaving the rest of human kind.

While these same one-world government psychos are going after their economic, political, and scientific rivals and opponents they are also going after those believing in God. They try to do this as quietly as possible because they already know that those who truly believe will never shy away from the truth. The truth is that God is real, He will send His Son to purge the earth of it’s wicked and reprobate, and He will rule over His people. They think they can deny God even exists yet despite their efforts, belief in God still persists. They do this because on the Day He returns, they actually think they will prevent His victory. The only truth about these people is that they will lie to facilitate the Adversary’s agenda – taking as many as possible to the pit with him. Sooner or later these types of people will ban the Bible, persecute any who possess one, and kill anyone professing the name of the Messiah or of His Father. I think we are rapidly approaching that point; however, until then, read it, pray, repent, and love your God with all your heart, your soul, and your strength. Also, never forget that you can do nothing to wash your sins from you but that the Messiah died to forgive you of them if you will only believe in Him and follow his directions.

Bless God and God bless.


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