Abortion as a ‘Right’ Makes It’s Adherent’s Reprobate

Abortion as a ‘Right’ Makes It’s Adherent’s Reprobate

Tim O’Connor – Center for the preservation of Humanity – 3/20/2023

The root lie of the Adversary is that God does not exist. Once one believes this it opens the door for those failing to recognize God’s existence to a wide range of lies. We see this daily in the lies told to all of humanity in the media. We hear these lies from people in public, our coworkers, and even from some pulpits. The shots are safe they say. No one is grooming children in schools they tell us. Ukraine is winning the war they proclaim. There was nothing to see in East Palestine is another lie they favor. The list goes on and on, approaching infinity. The roots are all in the idea that God does not exist, thus they believe there will be no accountability for anyone spewing them. The Adversary knows this and uses that basic lie to get people to tell more lies in order to destroy God’s creation – people, animals, and the earth itself. One of the most barbaric and brutal adaptations of the lie is the idea that murdering babies is a right.

There are many media sources, non-governmental organizations, medical staff and ‘professionals’, and a certain 501c3 organization (which breaks all of the regulations barring it from specific activity) who advocate baby murder as a right. They decry and threaten with violence anyone who wants to limit abortion to life-threatening circumstances arising during a pregnancy. Their goal is, apparently, to permit children being murdered even after they are born during the perinatal period of a week or two all the way up to a year depending on the definition. These murders would be permitted based on any rationale, including the mental and emotional state of a pregnant woman. This is something California, New York, and Minnesota, among other states, are already doing. But there is push back.

Vox wrote an article pushing for the legalization of murdering babies by denouncing any state which forbids baby murder on demand. They took aim at measures banning drugs intended to murder children in the womb in their article titled Wyoming banned the abortion pill. Some states are trying to go even further. Their level of belief in the lie of the Adversary is extremely high.

Wyoming banned mifepristone, the abortion pill, on Friday and has made it almost impossible to legally murder a child in the state. “Wyoming’s ban on mifepristone depends on the Life is a Human Right act, which goes into effect Sunday and circumvents the constitution by claiming abortion isn’t actually medical care — otherwise, it would be subject to the same constitutional critique as last year’s trigger ban.” Here is a valid link to Wyoming’s new law, Vox provided a link to another baby murdering webpage. Vox and others are horribly wrong though – they want to bring the Constitution into the service of Satan’s works and claim that it is a fundamental right to murder babies.

Murdering a baby is not healthcare. It is absurd that this fact needed to be codified into law by the state of Wyoming. Because it’s not healthcare it doesn’t need to be treated in the same manner as healthcare. The Vox article seems to really take offense at the idea that the new law makes it a criminal action for a pregnant mother to intentionally murder her child either through surgery or drug in the absence of certain defined conditions. The act makes baby murder a felony punishable by up to $20,000 and up to 5 years in prison. Wyoming found that not only is it not a right (aka not Constitutionally protected), it is actually a felony to commit murder of the unborn. Instead of trying to show where in the Constitution women have a right to commit murder, the Vox article relies on fear tactics and emotional manipulation:

““The impact of that legislation not only infringes on our constitutional rights, it actually causes harm,” Dr. Giovannina Anthony, a gynecologist and obstetrician with Women’s Health & Family Care Clinic in Jackson, told the New York Times. “Criminalizing evidence-based medicine is really what this boils down to, and that, in the end, honestly, will lead to maternal deaths and horrible outcomes for both mothers and babies.”

I guess Dr. Anthony is out of a job. And rightly so, because she is a murderer. Mifepristone was the only way Dr. Anthony was permitted to continue murdering babies under Wyoming state law. Now that option is gone. But, notice, this so-called doctor also demanded there is a Constitutional right to baby murder. So, to support that lie, the Vox article cites another Vox article, A federal judge mocks the Supreme Court on abortion. By making the claim that the Supreme Court only looked at the Fourteenth Amendment when it struck down Roe v Wade, a DC federal judge made the argument that banning abortion violated the Thirteenth Amendment’s right to be free from involuntary servitude. Vox loves the idea but admitted that it is more of a ‘hilarious joke’ than an actual argument to be made – for now.

Trying to further support of their asinine argument, they note the Fifth Circuit court’s recent rulings including declaring the unconstitutional Consumer Financial Protection Bureau unconstitutional and their ruling regarding barring the Armed Force’s ability to mandate experimental medical interventions for service members. The Fifth Circuit court also ruled that the Biden administration must make Trump’s Remain in Mexico policy permanent. Vox railed against that ruling by claiming that the judicial branch should have no say over anything approaching national security. They wrote about the Fifth Circuit court’s rulings, which are actual rulings – not a joke – to try to vindicate the abhorrent actions of the DC judge.

Anything that has to do with freedom – Vox is against it. Instead they make up ideas of freedom which all revolve around being free from God which, because they are children of their father the devil, is rooted in the idea that God doesn’t exist. If God does not exist then how is it possible to not be free from God in the first place? Vox will never answer this question because they would have to acknowledge that they were wrong in the first place and that God does actually exist.

This same circular logic is applied to their demands for baby murder on demand. They falsely claimed that Roe v Wade is law multiple times. They did this to then turn around and demand that judges follow the law. Judges are only supposed to follow the ‘laws’ that Vox likes, I guess. The Constitution states what rights belong to the states, the federal government and are otherwise retained by the people. Vox, the intolerant fascists that they are, cannot seem to reconcile their perverted view of legality and how the United States actually works. They just read whatever they want into the Constitution, decide it actually exists in there, and then carry out the lies, especially through violence towards those of a different opinion. Roe v Wade was unconstitutional and wrong. Despite those facts, the baby murderers at Vox routinely conflate the illegitimate ruling the Court made in Roe with law, demand that the ‘law’ be followed, claim that the Supreme Court gave baby murders an inherent right to commit their crimes, and, now that all of those ideas have been discarded, demand that they still exist.

This is what makes these people reprobate. They know that abortion is the murdering of an unborn baby. They claim to know that murder is wrong. Yet they still demand that it be legal, and widely available, and on demand. That is what makes them reprobate. They are unredeemable because they refuse to repent for the harms they have already caused despite the evidence of the harm. They are unredeemable because they pervert anything approaching justice by contorting it to reflect their bloodlust. They are unredeemable because they know God exists, know they are living proof, yet deny Him. And they heap additional lies upon this original lie.

In order to further promote their agenda, they use fear tactics, as mentioned earlier. For example, South Carolina has proposed a bill which would afford legal protections to a baby from the moment the child is fertilized. To lay the groundwork for the reasoning behind the bill, Section 2 reads:

“The General Assembly finds the following:

“Acknowledging the sanctity of innocent human life, created in the image of God, which should be equally protected from fertilization to natural death, the purpose of this act is:

“(1) to afford equal protection of the laws to all preborn children from the moment of fertilization;

“(2) to comply with the Constitution of the United States, which requires that “no state…shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws,” by repealing exceptions that permit wilful prenatal homicide;

“(3) to ensure that all persons potentially subject to such laws are entitled to due process protections; and, therefore,

“(4) to abolish abortion in this State as a legal act or as a crime separate and distinct from equivalent acts committed against a person who has been born.”

Vox absolutely hates the idea that God is referenced at all. They are of the opinion that somewhere in the Constitution it states that God can never even be mentioned in any political format. But the bill goes on to state that all applicable laws to those who have been born apply to those still in the womb. Thus, a mother who seeks to have her child murdered electively or on-demand will be subject to murder charges. The bill is something which, to me, sounds like common sense and honestly should not be needed because everyone should recognize that life begins at conception (how else do any of us get born). Vox and baby murdering reprobates; however, fail to see it that way.

Vox’s coverage of the South Carolina bill promises that death sentences are in the futures of mothers murdering their children in the womb. I honestly see absolutely no issue with this. What are we supposed to do with murderers? Apparently Vox wants all murder to be legal:

““Legislators in South Carolina have tried in every legislative session to introduce a fetal personhood bill” for the past 25 years, Vicki Ringer, South Carolina director of public affairs for Planned Parenthood South Atlantic, told Vox in an interview. The new bill, called the Prenatal Equal Protection Act, “is the craziest” Ringer said she had seen during her work in reproductive rights.

“The bill’s primary sponsor, Rep. Rob Harris, a Republican who represents Spartanburg County, is a member of South Carolina’s Freedom Caucus. Like its Congressional analogue, the group advocates for extreme far-right legislative positions based around controversial culture war issues. Harris himself last week said on the House floor that he believed the 2020 election was illegitimate.”

This baby murdering reprobate Ringer is quoted over and over again talking about how Harris is an extremist, a right winger, and a fringe minority. She attacks the person trying to make life sacrosanct in the eyes of the law because she has decisively chosen to devote her life to following along with the lies of the Adversary. She has no argument other than to rely on public convictions in sham polls to try to prove her point. All she does is lie – one lie after another. And Vox’s Ellen Ioanes, the author of this baby-murder advocacy piece, not only permits Ringer to spew her vile lies – she participated as well by making the passive claim that the 2020 election had no issues with voter fraud, illegitimate ballots, nor voting machine issues.

Abortion isn’t a right. Murdering a child is the opposite of healthcare. It is not an inherent and unalienable right to seek to murder a child in the womb. It is something drempt up by Satan himself and passed from his lying lips onto deceived human beings. Enoch 69:12 spells this out for all humanity, “And the fifth was named Kâsdejâ: this is he who showed the children of men all the wicked smitings of spirits and demons, and the smitings of the embryo in the womb, that it may pass away, and [the smitings of the soul] the bites of the serpent, and the smitings which befall at the noontide heat, the son of the serpent named Tabââ’t.” [bold italics mine] I understand that many in the churches and synagogues parrot the way of the world and have accepted, and in some cases advocate for, the idea that abortion is some kind of right. Especially to these in the church clinging to this unholy lie – repent while you may. The blood of the innocent’s cries out to God no less than the blood of Abel cried out to God. Do you follow Cain or do you follow the teachings of the Messiah who also taught us to reject the ways of this world? Choose carefully and thoughtfully – your eternal soul depends on it.

Bless God and God bless.


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