What Is Wrong With the Washington Post?

What Is Wrong With the Washington Post?

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/5/2022

An opinion piece appeared on Independence Day in the Washington Post. The piece was written by a rabid anti-American lunatic named Paul Waldman, titled This July 4, let’s declare our independence from the Founding Father’s. This is one of the four daily stories that Apple highlighted by sending them to my news feed.

The article starts off:

“Two hundred and forty-six years ago, Americans did something extraordinary, declaring their independence from a colonial rule enforced from a great distance with the cruel and arbitrary hand of oppression. And now it’s time for us to declare our own independence, from Founding Father fetishism.”

While Waldman did not choose to outright denigrate the memory of the founders, he does hint that tearing almost all of their statues down would be just fine because they serve no purpose. He actually notes that the founders did some really good and some really bad things, something which is completely true.

I’ve never ran into someone with ‘Founding Father fetishism.’ Maybe one day I will. Maybe I am that guy, although that designation would have to come a liberal because I am not steeped in the history of any of the Founders. I know that Thomas Jefferson made his own version of the Bible and largely drafted the Declaration of Independence. I know that he wanted Hebrew to be the national language of the United States. I know that Washington would hang any of his soldiers who raped or murdered non-combatants. I know that many of them owned slaves. I know that Benjamin Franklin was into some pretty weird things. Some were Mason’s, some were deists, and some were like Franklin, but they all believed in God the Creator of the Universe.

While Waldman walks a fine line of outrage through the first two paragraphs, he destroys any veneer of fairness with the third, fourth, and fifth paragraphs:

“But we need to liberate ourselves from the toxic belief that those men were perfect in all things, vessels of sacred wisdom that must bind our society today no matter how much damage it might cause.

“As we’ve seen recently, the American right has found in the framers an extraordinarily effective tool with which they can roll back social progress and undermine our democracy. It may have found its most ridiculous manifestation in the tea party movement that emerged when Barack Obama was president, when people started prancing around in tricorn hats and every Republican was supposed to have a favorite Founder. But today it has gone from an affectation to a weapon, and a brutally effective one.

“We saw it in the recent Supreme Court decisions that supercharged the legal philosophy of “originalism” on abortion and guns. Reproductive rights, said Justice Samuel A. Alito Jr., are neither found in the explicit words of the Constitution nor “deeply rooted in the Nation’s history and traditions,” so they don’t exist as rights. As for states that want to regulate guns, said Justice Clarence Thomas, only regulations that have “a distinctly similar historical regulation” from the 18th century will be allowed. The America of 1789 becomes a prison the conservative justices can lock us all in whenever it suits them.”

After reading that from Waldman I knew this would be a really good article to print onto toilet paper. The damage was caused by violating the words written into the Constitution by the framers which has led us right back to the same problems cited by the founders in the Declaration of Independence. This started early and has never stopped. The culprits are always those wishing to destroy all rights besides the rights of the federal governments. It’s always been led by people just like Waldman – arrogant, holier-than-thou, idiots with no common sense, and a complete denial of individual liberty and human nature.

Alexander Hamilton, one of the founders himself, was one of the earliest examples of contorting the words of the Constitution. He instituted the First National Bank of the United States; however, after 20 years the Charter ran out. The Second National Bank was ended by Andrew Jackson, despite assassination attempts over the effort. We have been living under the Third National Bank (the FED) since 1913 which was bestowed upon us by Woodrow Wilson, a psychotic, racist, lying, progressive, ‘intellectual.’ Claim that guy Waldman, he is one of yours.

Waldman erroneously claimed that the US is a democracy, just like his Marxist friends in 90% of the media readily available to be consumed do. Why would he claim that this is a democracy? Democracy is the lowest form of government there is. The founders recognized this because of the example ancient Greece set for the world. That is precisely why the founders established a republic with some democratic institutions. Our elected and appointed representatives don’t swear an oath to any man, they swear an oath to the Constitution of the United States of America. Waldman, like way too many within the media, government, academia, and general public have apparently never read the Constitution with any intent of understanding it nor preserving it. Instead, everything they do is to try to pervert, contort, and destroy the Constitution. The Constitution is short compared to the other document these types are also absolutely hostile towards – the Bible. And it is very telling.

Waldman continues on by rallying his troops against the idea of ‘originalism.’ The converse of the concept of originalism is progressivism. To me, originalism and progressivism are measures of reading comprehension which all progressives fail and some originalist’s pass. The Second Amendment, written in the CLEAREST language possible, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” A militia is constituted by citizens of a republic, something that Waldman cannot admit to. An effectual militia necessitates that citizens be not only armed but trained by individual States to serve against enemies foreign and domestic in the States’ interests – especially revolving around the States’ sovereignty. Shall not be infringed applies to the federal government as well as state governments. Waldman hates that because he hates We the People.

The States are not permitted to infringe on gun rights. The 14th Amendment makes ALL of the Bill of Rights apply to ALL of the States. Instead of using the 14th Amendment to make up pretend rights to murder babies, maybe entities like Waldman should decide, instead, to go not do the progressive reading of things to make up whatever they want, and instead to comprehend what is there. America would suddenly not be envisioned as a prison, but rather as a dynamic, entrepreneurial powerhouse with manners.

Waldman continued on in the article with:

“Originalism was a scam from the start, a foolproof methodology for conservatives to arrive at whatever judicial result matches their policy preferences: Cherry-pick a few quotes from the Federalist Papers, cite an obscure 1740 ordinance from the Virginia colony one of your clerks dug up, then claim that scripture leads us inexorably to only one outcome.”

Waldman, please do explain the concept of Separation of Church and State as it has been shoved down the nation’s throat. While you explain where the entire concept originates from, please also explain the 1st Amendment and why individual States actually had State churches for decades afterwards. The national government is forbidden from mandating a religion, the States have never been forbidden from doing it. The original text of the idea is in a letter from Jefferson to the Danbury Baptist Association – it appears nowhere within the Constitution save from banning the federal government instituting an official religion (which they have also violated). If Kansas decided mosques were to be supported by ‘church taxes’ as the official state religion, Kansas could do that right now. Of course almost everyone would leave Kansas. If New York once more declared their State religion to be Anglican, as they did until 1846, the States right to do that would be preserved, despite the 14th Amendment. It’s not practical; however, but, it could be done once again.

The United States government has taken on the idea that humanism is their religion. If you feel confident that I am wrong, email me, I’ll debate you. They have, themselves, violated the 1st Amendment.

Waldman then belittles those who practice originalism by comparing them to ‘spirit mediums,’ ie, diviners. Divination in the Bible is forbidden and God will punish those engaging in the practice accordingly. Waldman tries to force the ‘right’ to own his asinine declaration:

“But this is the conceit of today’s right: The Founders were essentially perfect, and only we conservatives are capable of interpreting their will.”

The Founders wrote what they wrote. What they wrote is static. The dynamic, or living, claims made upon the Constitution are toxic to the republic which the United State’s Constitution created. What the framers of the document meant was what they meant. The framers never intended the United States to sanction baby murder, gun confiscation, gay marriage – they framed this nation, this republic, to be one of morals. Those morals have been utterly destroyed by the likes of Waldman and many others.

This evil article then delves into the fact that Jefferson owned slaves. A lot of people owned slaves at that time. Jefferson is even purported to have had at least one child by one of his slaves, which Waldman does not even bring up.

Slavery was largely a southern thing. The plantations which used slaves were heavily indebted and the states in which slavery was widely employed would not have signed the US Constitution if it outright got rid of slavery. Thus, the US Constitution includes a passage in Article 1 Section 9 which allows Congress to impose a tax upon the importation of slaves. Basically, slavery was supposed to be Constitutionally ended in 1808. The slave states did not pay off their debts to Britain, continued using, importing, and paying the taxes for slaves, and the first Republican was elected in order to end the practice. Lincoln was not necessarily completely on board with the idea of ending slavery; however, slavery was ended. The US Civil War was fought over states rights, not over slavery, despite the outcome that slavery was no longer viable at the outcome of the Civil War. Even Jefferson Davis, the leader of the Confederacy, freed slaves in the South so they could fight on behalf of the South against the North.

That war could easily come about again with far more disastrous results. Waldman is actually advocating for that new war to commence throughout this article. Many have advocated that this war commence, actually, Waldman is merely collecting a paycheck from his disgusting article, which is in-line with all of the other calls for Civil War.

Waldman continues his opinion piece by advocating Critical Theory, specifically Critical Race Theory. He advocates for CRT being taught to children because he aligns with child abusers and pedophiles. Waldman wrote that children are able to process changes better than adults. That statement alone is telling that the UN’s so-called ‘Rights of the Child’ are above God’s laws because the education system can, and does, malign our children. Waldman and his demonic ilk are inculcating our own children to deny their parent’s authority, deny anything their parent’s taught them, and to align with globalism (a euphemism for death). Make no mistake, this Waldman guy, The Washigton Post, Jeff Bezos, and the rest of the mainstream media are pushing for at least 90% of us to die off or to be killed off.

This modern slaver, Paul Waldman, finishes off his article with:

“I’ve never been more fearful for the future of America than I am today; there are good reasons to believe that the democracy we began to fashion two and a half centuries ago may not survive the next decade. And the people most eager to strangle it are the same ones who most loudly proclaim their devotion to the Founders.

“So we need to liberate ourselves from those men. We should study them, and understand them, and honor the great things they did. But they were not gods. They can’t take us to a future of freedom and justice. We have to do it for ourselves.”

The people pushing to end the United States are not the people Waldman’s completely demonic article identifies. The people pushing for the end of America are Waldman, David Hogg, Mitt Romney, Adam Kinzinger. The Founders, and more importantly, the FRAMERS of the US Constitution, and their ideas, as they committed to writing, debate, and ratification, are as least as relevant today as they were in their day, if not more so.

If Paul Waldman is truly fearful, good. I want this Civil War 2.0 promoter to constantly look over his shoulder. The same is true for all of the rest of the Civil War 2.0 promoters. The problem with their position is that violence will not come to them, unless it is staged. Rather, these types will attempt to exact a punishment upon those they think may be violent. Paul Waldman, the moron, at the end of the day, is advocating for a Minority Report type police force similar to the way Stalin’s USSR operated.

Waldman equates the Founders to gods and then demands no one holds them as gods. No one holds then as gods now. His whole argument is a red herring. His intent is to destroy the credibility of the men whore wrote those documents based upon today’s standards, not the norms of the 1780’s. He does this in order to destroy the Constitution. He does this to denigrate the Declaration of Independence.

These types of Satan-worshipping scum in the media should be subjected to an affiliation oath which reads the same as any politicians. These people should be forced to ascribe to the Constitution, which they clearly do not. If they violate or refuse that oath, they should be removed from their position, blacklisted, and if we really want to use their own currently permissible level of perversity, lock them up for supporting child abuse (CRT and grooming), violation of their oath to the Constitution, and disdain of the overturning of Roe v. Wade and supporting contraventions to the decision.

The United States needs to liberate itself from several things. The most pressing is the FED. The second is the 16th and 17th Amendment. But maybe, before any of that happens, we need to make so-called journalist, like Paul Waldman, and all of his friends, their friends, and their friends friends, swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. If they write a piece like the one detailed above, where there are no laws except that which is decreed, maybe these assholes should go serve three years in prison.

My idea, of course, is already being rolled out against people like me. These globalist cock-suckers, which Paul Waldman is clearly gobbling up, are going to end up being protected while they do everything they can to promote a new US Civil War, a new World War, and China, et al, coming and taking the US over.

Paul Waldman, and many others know this is the truth, yet, because of their idiocacy and arrogance, they believe they will be saved from that fate. They will be among the first to be butchered. As they begin to advocate for prison terms for my ‘disinformation’ they will only be imprisoning those who would keep them out of the gulags they seek to be created.

With that, I end this article. May Paul Waldman and the rest of the media get over their paychecks, write actual news, and expose those trying to murder 90% of humanity. I don’t think that will happen, but I can still have hope – after all it is what I, and hundreds of others do. When Waldman comes after people like me, I hope it is Waldman, himself, who chooses to come take my weapons, come silence my speech, and demand I participate in climate mitigation efforts and ‘vaccine’ injections. I’d really enjoy watching him get sent to Hell while I await my own fate – something else Waldman hates, judgement – because he knows he hates God and will never get into His kingdom because of it.

Read your Bible and find out for yourself.


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Independence Day