Independence Day

Independence Day.

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/5/2022

246 years ago a group of 56 extremely brave men got together and wrote down their grievances against the most powerful nation on earth at the time. The document they signed told British, in no uncertain terms, that the 13 colonies were no longer going to be governed by the British crown. The British said we will see about that and soon after, on April 19, 1775, the Revolutionary War commenced. In 1873, when the Revolutionary War concluded, the United States was a nation free to do as it pleased as a sovereign entity. What the United States did was ratify the Constitution of the United States in 1789.

Today we celebrate those men and the document they produced. As a nation, we will barbecue with family and friends. We will drink way too much beer. We will listen to all kinds of patriotic songs, and light the sky up from sea to shining sea with fireworks displays. We will ask God to Bless America.

But, will God Bless America?

The United States finally ended abortion for all states as determined in Roe v. Wade by the Supreme Court. Maybe God will bless us for that, but there are millions who abhor the decision, including politicians and their followers who have taken to the streets, at times violently, to demonstrate their beliefs that children should be murdered in the womb. After they are murdered in the womb, they are most often sent off to a flame of some sort which is the same as having them passed through the fire of Moloch. The Satanic Temple has declared abortion as a sacrament and that overturning Roe v. Wade is a violation of their religious freedom.

Today’s voting ‘rights’ have no meaningful relationship to the way presidential elections are supposed to occur. The electoral college is not adhered to. The 17th Amendment assures that there is NO state representation in the federal government.

The First Amendment provides for protection of speech. Social media, being the new ‘public square,’ has abrogated this. On Reddit, if I say that man-made climate change is not real, I’ll get banned. If I go on Twitter, and say this, I will get banned. Tik Tok will ban me for this. On Facebook, if I bring up censorship issues, I will get yet another ban. The US Government is behind all of these platforms.

The January 6 protest were just that – protests. They were not an ‘insurrection.’ Yet many people (several hundred) are locked in a jail cell and a few were murdered (Ashli Babbitt).

There was a piece of federal legislation which restricts gun ownership from those under 21 and which gives billions of dollars to states setting up ‘red flag’ gun ‘laws’ against the protections of the Second Amendment.

The Fourth Amendment no longer exists. We are subject to things like red-flag laws, hate speech arrests, and asset forfeiture seizure.

The Fifth Amendment, largely, no longer exists because of asset forfeiture and seizure. Being as though the judiciary has no respect for due process, they have stolen citizen’s rights to be free from punishment without due process when it benefits a narrative. Pleading the fifth, the part everyone remembers about this amendment is seen as it’s own admission of guilt.

The Sixth Amendment, largely, no longer exists. Ever since 9/11 the Sixth Amendment has been weakened. The public is not allowed into proceedings like Ghislaine Maxwell’s, whose trial was certainly not speedy. Some January 6th participants have languished in prison for over a year and a half without a trial, with restricted access to lawyers, and with no exculpatory evidence being shown.

The Eighth Amendment no longer exists. The federal government is guilty of kidnapping at least 400 people for the January 6th protests. They have been refused bail. At least one has been reported to have suffered a beating from his jailers (captors) that was so severe that he is now blind in one eye and suffers from a seizure disorder. The January 6th protesters are being held for trespassing charges, mind you, which are misdemeanors.

In the 9th Amendment, the government is not to trample the rights of the people. The government has claimed every right not listed as well as the ability to breach those rights which are listed as their own.

In the 10th Amendment the States or the People have all of the rights not listed bestowed upon them to determine for themselves. This would include topics like what constitutes marriage, can women decide to murder their children in the womb, what constitutes a controlled substance (drug), and how to train their State militia (this is not the National Guard). Even when those questions are rightly left to the states to decide for themselves, as was done with Roe v. Wade, people freak out and demand national legislation (despite their being no Constitutionally valid way for the federal government to have any say over what constitutes a marriage, if abortion is legal or not, any drug law, or telling a State how to train its militia).

And there are other problems too, like the 16th Amendment which has allowed the IRS to determine what constitutes a valid marriage extra-Constitutionally. All of this is despite there being no Constitutionally valid way for the federal government to collect a direct tax upon the citizens of the United States because it contravenes the original text of the original document.

The walls of separation have been destroyed as well. The judicial branch, despite recently coming to their senses a bit and reestablishing a bit of the separation, they have a long way to go. Likewise, the federal legislature and federal executive branch have permeated into areas in which they are not to be involved in.

I already mentioned the 17th Amendment needing to be repealed. I also believe that the actual electoral college needs to be adhered so we can actually have a president with actual credentials to run the nation. That is the quickest way to return the correct balance of power to the States and to the People. If we combine a repeal of the 16th Amendment, then the States will actually have a say in what the federal government is doing and be able to hold up the giant cash flows going towards it.

Repealing those two Amendments would also make it very clear that the way the financial institutions in this nation, primarily the private, for profit, Federal Reserve system, operates is harmful to the republic. The States would undoubtedly relearn this lesson very quickly, pay the debt down, and get rid of the central bank’s charter.

There would be hard times in the course of doing all of these things. However, if the United States wishes to retain in sovereignty for even another decade, we will carry forward with those changes. The United States has some very large tumors, some of which I have addressed and some of which I have not, such as the open border, the very existence of organizations such as the CIA, DARPA, and NSA, and the funding and fighting in foreign wars which do not further the interests of the United States in any conceivably beneficial way.

I love what this country once was. I love what the Framers set out to do. It frustrates me, and makes me sad about how far the United States has managed to turn its citizens into subjects. It scares me to notice that there are two classes of people in this country, the political glass playing the game to allow the US to be sold to foreign powers and the rest of us. It gives me hope that the United States has overcome some existentially serious issues, yet many remain to be solved, as mentioned above. Yes, there are racial divisions, gender divisions, and cultural rifts within the United States which are used as wedge issues to divide the people among themselves while the criminals in the political class rob us blind and find new ways to imprison us for not following their illegal decrees. Post-CoVID-lock-downs, I tremble at what the next lock-down will look like and about how extremely remote the possibility of stopping it is before all the blind, silly followers of iniquity force all of us into a literal Hell upon the earth. Imagine the recent Shanghai lock-down, except for worldwide.

The only way to beat this is for people to come together. It doesn’t matter the race, the party, the religion, etc…. All that matters is that enough people are willing to stand up and say no that the planners of these events cannot carry forward due to overwhelming non-compliance. The only way to win against these globalist schemes is to not even play the game because as soon as any of us start to play the game, the globalists have already won. Waking up to their intentions and making it a point to be non-compliant is not without risks; however, if any of us want any of our kids and grand-kids to live with even a semblance of the America the Framers created, we need to start being non-compliant (NOT through violence), en masse, now.

As for me, I ask that God take the judgment off of the righteous, the few of them that exist within the nation, and to let those who need to be judged, be judged. I hope your Independence Day celebrations were terrific. If we don’t do mass non-compliance now, there will be very few of them left - we will only celebrate Earth Day, itself a recognition of Vladimir Lenin, a literal blood-drinking psychopathic murder.


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