Silicon or Carbon?

Silicon or Carbon?

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/7/2022

You are a carbon-based life form, most likely, some more so than others, though. We are already being faced with choices, tough choices. There is only one question more important that silicon or carbon and that is where are you trying to go after you die? If you answered to heaven, there is really only one answer to the silicon or carbon question – carbon. God made human life out of carbon, changing the building block of life to silicon is not what God wants humanity to do.

The last time the entities upon the earth decided to ‘fix’ humanity, God destroyed everything on it except for Noah, his family, and the animals Noah brought aboard the Ark. If you don’t believe that, the scientific record proves that there was a global flood about 4,000 years ago. Noah’s Ark has also reportedly been found by archaeologists.

And here humanity is again. We are a world which does not follow the Laws of God, thus we are lawless, just as the people were in Noah’s time. In Noah’s time there were only people who thought of evil all the time. We are very quickly devolving as a species to replicate Noah’s times in the world in which we live today in regards to lawlessness.

There were giants in the land in the days of Noah. Giants will return to the land. These aren’t just tall people. Giants were well over 12 feet tall, had 6 fingers, 6 toes, and double rows of teeth. Their skulls were not formed like human skulls – they were elongated and had very different lines upon them. The giants I am describing will return to the land and are called nephilim in the Bible. They are the offspring of the fallen angels and human women. These things represent a human genetic destruction and God destroyed the world due to their existence.

When the Bible relates how the line of Noah was pure, in conjunction of Noah following God’s Laws and being faithful to God, it becomes clear what the days of Noah were like. Noah wasn’t lawless. Noah also had pure genetics.

Before Jesus Christ returns to earth the days of Noah will come back into reality. Giants will be raping women and eating people. The human genome will be corrupted once more. The giants have not yet returned; however, there are more and more reports of cannibalization occurring around the world. Our DNA remaining intact is very much in jeopardy.

Will you remain as God created you? Or will you choose to upgrade yourself with silicon?

Humanity has already begun going down the silicon road. The first step is to not being alarmed at all the silicon in our lives. I’m typing this on a keyboard into a silicon based computer. My cell phone is silicon based. Neither of these are alive. We use all kinds of silicon based systems in our daily lives, from Netflix to Roombas at home, to point of sales systems at the grocery store, and all of our jobs have some level of integration with silicon. Landscapers don’t have too much, factories have an absolute ton of it. Humanity, by and large, has accepted all of this silicon and the conveniences it has brought us.

The debilitating and deadly CoVID shots which have been employed against humanity desecrates the DNA of humans. mRNA technology is able to genetically modify human beings. Not only will these things mutate DNA, they also serve to convince the public to rely on modern medicine to alleviate them from their problems even more so than they did before. Very soon it will be mainstream practice to give injections of silicon-based nanotechnology in order to proactively detect problems and remedy them. Proactive, in this case, is medical surveillance including monitoring blood for prescribed drugs, caloric intake, and trace vitamins and minerals. It will be sold on the idea that blood clots can be detected and destroyed, plaque can be scraped off of arterial walls, and cancers can be eradicated. It’s what we have an immune system for, but never mind that – these demonic entities have already promised us that our immune systems stand no chance compared to the ‘vaccines’ they are offering.

If you willingly and knowingly take one of these shots, I’m sorry, you aren’t quite human in my eyes. The more boosters you take the further away from human you become. If you willingly and knowingly take nanobots into your body, you just became a cyborg. In my opinion, cyborgs are not human, have no rights, and should be shunned. That choice will be presented to each of us in the very near future.

Likewise, all of those silicon-based devices we are already acquainted with are being developed to be inserted into our bodies. Our debit cards, identification documents, house keys, internet access, and cell phones are all slated to be implanted into us. Some of these types of silicon chips have already been implanted into people which has turned them into cyborgs. Elon Musk has a plan to roll out a device called NeuraLink which will hook our brains straight into the internet.

There is an entire digital world called the Metaverse which, while it is still in its infancy, is already slated to host the majority of the world. Today there are Virtual Reality systems which allow a user to see, hear, and move within a digital environment as if the user were in that environment for real. When NueraLink grows up, the implant will extend to taste, touch, and smell by sending the users neurons to the synapses. It will feel almost just as real as real life does. Well before that point, in the Metaverse, stores will be set up to manage a digital life, particularly entertainment.

The Metaverse and Virtual Reality themselves only represent a stepping stone. The people living the majority of their lives in the Metaverse will be completely sold on the idea of uploading their ‘human’ consciousness into a digital platform so they wont have to take bathroom break, make food to eat, not sleep. Like turning yourself into a cyborg, uploading your consciousness to a digital platform will void any right the digital you can claim as far as I’m concerned.

There is a system being developed called a digital twin which does not require the human to die. The digital twin should have no rights whatsoever. The person who willingly creates a digital twin should have a new class of crime defined for them – conspiracy to destroy carbon-based life forms, and the punishment should include life in prison.

At some point in time, unless God puts an end to this nonesense prior, you will be offered a choice to upload yourself into a computer or die. The real offer is die or die. The question is silicon or carbon? How will you choose? Will you faithfully serve God or will you submit to the death and Hell offered by entities in flesh suits following Satan?

What will happen as Artificial Intelligence is increasingly added into the Metaverse you decided to live in? Well, the AI will create a hive mind. You will think just like everyone else. Breaking the pattern set for you in the Metaverse, if it’s even possible, will earn you rewards even worse than the one Winston received for falling in love in 1984.

If you read the Singularity is Near by Ray Kurzweil, you will see that we are further down that road than you may think. You will also notice that mankind’s technological ‘progress’ is quickening exponentially.

The heads in a jar in Futurama are not so much science fiction as they are a future reality for humanity. The fiction of Black Mirror episodes only lies in the story telling for dramatic effect. One cubic nanometer of solid silicon (if it could be atomically bonded that way), would contain just under 94 atoms. The way the valence shells look to me, there could actually be 92 of them.

Kurzweil does not see the future in terms of silicon; however, he sees the future in terms of any atom, the smallest of which is helium which is measured on the pica scale (1/1000 of a nanometer). There are scales smaller as well, used in reference to the parts that make up protons, like quarks. If mankind is ever able to store a bit of information at this level (the femto-level, 1,000,000 times smaller than a nanometer) there will be virtually no limit to the amount of data humans can store. Kurzweil explains this and celebrates it while he predicts humanity will arrive at this point by 2100. Of course, humanity as we know it will have long been extinguished from the earth, save for the few who are directing the plans now and their support staff.

In the end of The Singularity is Near, Kurzweil sees humanity’s collective consciousness having been uploaded into a databank which then communicates with the ‘human’ nanobots to take over the entire universe. These ‘human nanobots’ will claim every atom they find so as to store more data on. It sounds fantastical; however, Kurzweil’s predictions for that human outcome are becoming a terrifying reality with each passing day. Each day is a step towards this monster’s idea of humanity 2.0.

VR is only meant to get us acquainted with living in a digital world. The CoVid shots are being used to murder, maim, and sterilize humanity. In two generations (40 years), those of us who survive the assault we are currently under won’t be able to reproduce if we continue down this path. Have you seen Children of Men? 40 years from now, Kurzweil predicts the transhuman Singularity (the point at which an AI is able to think faster and store more information than all of humanity combined, and, thus replace humanity).

We won’t have any decisions to make in 40 years if we continue down the demonic path these evil entities are leading us down. In my heart and mind, humanity does not have another 40 years because I believe God will be enraged by the activities of his creation and wipe all of us out as described in the Bible. That was the one thing I took away from Kurzweil’s book, God will stop you in no ambiguous way.

Until the return of Yeshua, all of us have to make a daily choice to either accept or to reject this silicon take over being spearheaded by Satan himself. Those making the holy choice to say no, will be rewarded in heaven and punished severely on earth. Those who don’t reject these demonically inspired plans – your fate for eternity awaits you at the pronouncement of God Almighty.

Don’t reject God out of hand, either because He is merciful, but He is also vengeful. While He can save you, your face needs to be turned towards Him, meaning to turn it against the world. There is still time for you to do this, but very little.

So choose. Carbon, or silicon? If you seek to be blessed by God, may He bless you.


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