What if Jim Jones Had National Power?

What if Jim Jones Had National Power?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/28/2022

Charisma and charm can get people places in this world. Too many do not actually test the claims people make. They don’t test the fruits of their leaders nor do they seem to want to put in the work to find the fruits of these people. One man, Jim Jones, fits this description very well. But what if, instead of leading a cult of over 900, Jim Jones was placed into, or elected to, a position of official authority?

Jim Jones was born in Indiana in 1931. In his 30’s and 40’s, “Jones gained a reputation as a charismatic churchman who claimed to have psychic powers such as the ability to foretell the future and miraculously heal those who were sick.” He was also vocal about racial integration which the elders in the religious institution frowned upon. In 1955 he founded what would later become his cult in Indianapolis. He moved to California in 1965 because he feared nuclear war. When he was nearly caught for stealing his members incomes, he moved his operation to Guyana and many followed him there. In late 1978 a group of reporters and family members of Jones’ brainwashed followers arrived in Guyana to investigate the group. Jones ordered the group murdered. 14 cult defectors and the group of reporters and family members tried to flee Guyana but four of them were murdered – the rest escaped. Jones’ afraid that police forces would be the next visitors, concocted a new version of the punch he served everyday. On this day there was strychnine included in the kool-aid. 913 people, 304 under 18 years old, were found dead from the punch and Jones was dead of a gunshot wound to the head. This is known as the Jonestown Massacre and also what the phrase “keep drinking the kool-aid” refers to.

Obviously, Jim Jones was troubled and had issues with appropriately wielding power, respecting dissent, and respecting human life. It was his way or the highway. The Bosheviks operated the same way. So did Stalin. Mao and Jim Jordan had a lot in common – they both thought themselves divine and murdered anyone who disagreed, catching their own in the nets they cast to eradicate dissent. Jim Jones as the head of a nation would have behaved exactly the same way as Hitler as well.

Apart from totalitarian states, there are a great number of lesser positions in the government. There are governors, state legislatures, sheriffs, bureaucrats, and a huge number of federal, state, and local positions. There are thousands and thousands of CEO’s, non-governmental organization presidents, and church leaders. The masses of people are supposed to trust these people. So, are you drinking the kool-aid or are you refusing the kool-aid? Let’s see.

Imagine if Jim Jones was the director of NIAID, director of the FBI, or appointed to be the Secretary of Justice? We don’t have to. Anthony Fauci (NIAID), Christopher Wray (FBI), and Merrick Garland (Department of Justice) all share the exact same murderous traits as Jim Jones. Fauci denied any Covid-19 treatment vehemently save for the one he would be able to make money on – remdesivir – which killed hundreds of thousands. The FBI’s director has decided that firebombing pro-life centers, burning churches down, and Antifa is not a priority for investigation, however, Jussie Smollet, any speech by a parent at a PTA meeting, and pro-life protesters should be severely scrutinized. Merrick Garland has decided that anyone who is for prosperity, peace, and holding law-breakers accountable in the United States is actually a domestic terrorist. These people want all of us dead but don’t know how to get all of us to drink the kool-aid – there are still too many able to flee.

Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are actually in a pissing contest. They are competing for the most prolific serial murderer of all time. Fauci, through his AZT murder spree in the 1980’s, remdesivir in the 2020’s and his endorsement and assistance in creating the Covid-19 murder jab, has extinguished millions of lives. Bill Gates, for his part, has sterilized an unknown millions of people with his efforts. Gates has also demanded everyone go get the Covid-19 shot. He may, ultimately, be responsible for even more non-existent human beings than Fauci; Gates’ efforts in sterilizing people and baby-murder-advocacy has killed millions directly and generationally. Of course, Fauci and Gates, just like Jim Jones did, claim that they are doing what is best for the people they ‘serve.’ In their sickening minds what is best is apparently sterilization, serious medical complications, shortened lifespans, and outright death.

Do you trust the NIH? CDC? WHO? Do you trust the DoJ? FBI? CIA? NSA? or the Jan 6 Committee? Do you trust the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation? How about the WEF? Or the UN? How about your local sheriff? School board? Mayor? Do you trust your governor? Your boss? Your mask mandating church leaders? If you do, with very, very few exceptions, WHY!?!?!? If you trust these people, you’ve been drinking the kool-aid.

There are already thousands of Jim Jones in all kinds of positions of power. Look at what happened a Twitter this morning – the day after the Muspocalype. The blue check marks of Twitter are absolutely going insane demanding that Donald Trump remain censored. These people never demanded Planned Parenthood be held accountable for selling baby parts. These people still refuse to admit to drinking the kool-aid about the safety, efficacy, and effects of the Covid-19 murder jabs – the murderers are still demanding the shots be mandated. Suddenly they are very concerned about censorship aimed at themselves for no good reason. They claim there is too much hate being allowed back on the platform. None of them seem to be able to mention some of the problems Twitter has – namely a massive permissiveness of child pornography circulating on their platform. These people are all mini-Jim Jones but instead of charisma, they are paid to spew this type of nonsense and create echo chambers around themselves. The little Jim Jones kool-aid drinkers are freaking out because dissent is suddenly going to be permitted on their feeds.

The genius of Jim Jones designs to murder over 900 people was to keep them completely in the dark about what he was doing. They drank punch all the time. They took their cup, filled it up with ‘punch,’ drank it, and didn’t think twice about it. Minutes later they were all dead. All of the Jim Jones of today are doing the exact same thing. “Trust the science” they say in unison. Fauci, the Jim Jones boss, has gone as far as demanding that criticizing science is criticizing him because he is the science. Fauci is science just like Mao was the state and Jim Jones was a peaceful control freak.

The punch is the mainstream media. The Jim Jones cult leaders are whatever ‘official’ is in charge of whatever organization has a final say over the ‘problem.’ Not all of these ‘officials’ are serving kool-aid – some serve big tall glasses of shut the hell up with nonsense narratives. The kool-aid drinkers vomit out the ‘shut the hell up’ glasses full of truth and keep right on sipping their kool-aid.

Truth is objective. It is not what we make of it. Anyone holding the truth as a subjective matter to be made into an relative ethical issue is deceived. For example, I’m amazed that the doctors who murdered patients with remdesivir and ventilators while demanding that there was no alternative and completely barring any family member from seeing their loved ones were not attacked themselves. It is self defense in that context. Luckily the people who do research and knew what remdesivir is and what ventilators do to Covid-19 patients are peaceful. Should they have proven not so peaceful, they would have been well within their rights to protect the life of their loved one.

The objective TRUTH is the Word of God – the Creator of the Universe – the God of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. Want to stop placing trust in institutions who want you dead? Start reading the Bible and understand what it says. Stop being under the delusion of these evil men and women. You are an individual capable of great things with the help of God, the forgiveness of Christ, and the glory your great works will do for God’s sake. Never forget that.

Bless God and God bless.

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