Who is David DePape?

Who is David DePape?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/29/2022

Whatever DePape is, he is not a God fearing individual. Because he has no fear of God, he is morally challenged. On ‘his’ blog site, there are hundreds of posts about every narrative the misinformation Nazi’s hate. The earliest post is dated August 23, 2022 and titled Mary Poppins. The two-month-old post was updated two days ago. This is not an easy post to arrive at – it takes ten minutes or so to click all the way to the bottom. I wonder what exactly was edited from this post. That mystery, as well as exactly who this Depape guy really is, seems to be a mystery fit to peg his beliefs to whatever political party one wishes to demonize.

Depape’s blog site features critiques of the media, the handling of the Covid-19 shots, support for anti vaccination advocates, evidence of Pizza Gate, UFO’s, support for Israel, and a rabid hatred of Jews. His posts are extremely bizarre because they are not coherent. In one post under DePape’s name, one of the seven posted on October 15, 2022, titled World Hunger, the author proposes that people be starved to death in order to solve world hunger.

There are multiple posts of text messages between himself and his daughter, Inti Gonzalez. In one of these posts, Inti states that DePape had molested her. The two argue about the allegation. Inti claims that the abuse occurred when she was seven years old and that she suddenly remembered it one day out of the blue. Maybe DePape did molest her and her siblings as she claims. Interestingly, as the Daily Mail reports, the post in which Inti made these claims has been removed; however the blogs which DePape supposedly wrote are still up and contain Inti’s allegation as well. The website which is posted as Inti’s has been entirely removed.

DePape is being charged with 10 crimes including breaking into the Pelosi’s home in San Francisco, assaulting Paul Pelosi with a hammer, and attempted murder. The leftists are claiming that DePape is a typical right wing MAGA supporter in order for the MAGA purge to occur. The right wing is claiming that there is no way that DePape is MAGA because he is a hippy who revered fairies, lived in a van, and partook in a nudist colony, including a wedding.

This may well be the 2022 October surprise we have all been waiting for. The Pelosi incident will serve as a call to action for the demonic interests in Washington and the blue check marks on Twitter to demand that MAGA opposition be further suppressed. Not only will MAGA opposition be oppressed, any non-democrat talking point will be demanded to be suppressed. Whoever wrote the blog posts was not well, and, oddly, that is the only place in which I can find this guy. He wasn’t on Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube by that name. Meanwhile it will be people like me, Donald Trump, Alex Jones, Doug Hagmann, and, more importantly, Kristi Noem, Kari Lake, and Ron DeSantis who will be forced to suffer under the new legal system of guilt by shared belief. I don’t want Paul Pelosi made into a lefty martyr – I want Nancy Pelosi arrested for dereliction of duty, violating the Constitution, and insider trading. In that regard, I would like to see Lindsey Graham and Mitch McConnell go down for the same things. I didn’t hit Paul Pelosi nor anyone else in the head with a hammer – but I’m going to get blamed for it.

The idea that this may be a false flag October surprise is bolstered by several facts. Whoever posted those blog posts is deranged, as mentioned above. The idea of breaking and entering into the home of the Speaker of the House wearing only underwear is not typical of a MAGA supporter. Worshiping fairies is not typical of MAGA supporters.

The incident itself was bizarre. As NBC News reported:

“A family member traveling to San Francisco with the speaker said the suspect brought the hammer and broke the windows of the Pelosi home facing the backyard. The family member said once inside, the suspect was trying to tie up Paul Pelosi and said they would wait “until Nancy got home.” When the suspect wasn’t looking, Paul Pelosi called 911. The family member said he was home alone and was hit in the head with the hammer multiple times. When the police arrived, the suspect said, “We are waiting for Nancy.””

According to the Daily Mail:

“DePape is a former nudist from British Columbia who has struggled with drugs and posts crazed COVID conspiracy theories, anti-Semitic rants, racist slurs and unhinged screeds about religion online. 

“Cops say were at the property in the exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood when they saw the suspect grapple with Pelosi, take the hammer and then hit him with it, causing severe head, arm and hand injuries.

“When they arrested Depape, they found a manifesto that contained anti-government COVID beliefs and a list of other politicians he planned to target, KTVU reported

“Pelosi was taken into surgery to repair a skull fracture after the attack but is expected to make a full recovery, while DePape is in custody and set to be charged with multiple felonies including attempted homicide.”

I have to ask, why did Daily Mail only mention the manifesto DePape allegedly possessed? That same KTVU report noted that DePape was arrested wearing only his underwear. Why would KTVU report that only to quickly retract it, “CORRECTION: An earlier version of this story misstated what clothing the suspect was wearing when officers found him.” That clothing was only underwear so, where, exactly, was this manifesto being kept upon DePape’s body? Was it written in sharpie on his arms and chest?

What purpose does this serve? It serves to reinforce a duality which should not exist in the first place. The duality, of course, is the red-versus-blue duality. It shouldn’t exist because the Constitution of the United States, as it was written, makes the duality impossible. Because we do not follow the Constitution we have this dual facade. The truth is that there is a duality – it is collectivized globalists versus individual liberty advocates with a desire to preserve national borders and national sovereignty. About 99% of democrats are collectivized globalists. Republicans are only about 80% collectivized globalists. What we should be doing is recognizing the diametrically opposing intentions between the globalists and the sovereignty supporters and forgetting all about the democrat/republican monikers.

The globalist adherents will use this incident to justify their destruction of MAGA adherents, which is a shortened way to say individual liberty advocates with a desire to preserve national borders and national sovereignty. Globalists will not be justified. David DePape seems to be the false flag. Paul Pelosi is probably in the hospital with some injuries. DePape, in the few pictures which have surfaced of him, looks like a bigger guy, If he wanted to murder Pelosi, he surely would have, instead Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery after being hit in the head with a hammer being swung by DePape. That doesn’t add up either.

With what is perhaps the most consequential midterm elections in United States history looming, this attack is all about benefiting the globalist party. The individual liberty advocates with a desire to preserve national borders and national sovereignty party is, in many races, polling comfortably ahead of their globalist opponents. How would you attack all of these not necessarily globalist-aligned people leading comfortably in the polls? Something exactly like this is what I would orchestrate. Close races would get even closer, some flipping, and those races further apart would see a narrowing – perhaps close enough that voter fraud (illegal ballots, machines that cannot tabulate, as well as outright voter fraud) could tip the scales enough to allow the desired candidate to ‘win.’

Even more worrisome is the fact that these same globalists are going to use DePape’s insane attack as a cause to demonize believers and followers of Jesus Christ. CNN (surprise surprise) has already began making that claim, “But Schneider [an alleged acquaintance of DePape’s eight years ago later received “really disturbing” emails from DePape in which he sounded like a “megalomaniac and so out of touch with reality,” she said. She said she stopped communicating with him “because it seemed so dangerous,” adding that she recalled him “using Biblical justification to do harm.”” CNN wasn’t done there though. They went even further into the ‘conspiracy theories’ which go against the narratives they are paid to promote. CNN writes of DePape:

“DePape’s social media presence similarly paints a picture of someone on a worrying trajectory, falling into conspiracy theories in recent years. [funny, CNN, anything you din’t get paid to say is a conspiracy theory, thus ‘dangerous’]

“Last year, David DePape posted links on his Facebook page to multiple videos produced by My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell falsely alleging that the 2020 election was stolen. [It was stolen – all evidence points to this fact] Other posts included transphobic images and linked to websites claiming Covid vaccines were deadly. “The death rates being promoted are what ever ‘THEY’ want to be promoted as the death rate,” one post read. [The death rate is up to 6 million from the shots, CNN]

“DePape also posted links to YouTube videos with titles like “Democrat FARCE Commission to Investigate January 6th Capitol Riot COLLAPSES in Congress!!!” and “Global Elites Plan To Take Control Of YOUR Money! (Revealed)” [Oh! My! He watched videos!!?]

“Two days after former Minneapolis Police Officer Derek Chauvin was found guilty of killing George Floyd, DePape wrote that the trial was “a modern lynching,” falsely indicating that Floyd died of a drug overdose. [Completely true – look at the coroners report]

“He also posted content about the “Great Reset”– the sprawling conspiracy theory that global elites are using coronavirus to usher in a new world order in which they gain more power and oppress the masses. [Go read the book – that is what it says] And he complained that politicians making promises to try to win votes “are offering you bribes in exchange for your further enslavement.” [That is how democrats and a lot of republicans win votes]

“Most of the public posts on DePape’s Facebook page were from 2021. In earlier years, DePape also posted long screeds about religion, including claims that “Jesus is the anti christ.” None of the public posts appeared to mention Pelosi.” [of course all of these social media posts no longer exist]

I don’t see anything suggesting that DePape arm himself with a hammer and try to murder the spouse of the Speaker of the House. I don’t see where the calls for violence are. ‘Conspiracy theorists,’ Mike Lindell, anti-transexuals, covid-19 anti-vaccination advocates, those against January 6 commission’s witch hunt, those against Chauvin being tried, those citing the Floyd coroner’s report, those who read the Great Reset and understand its details and designs, nor the people who understand how elections really work and how campaigns actually function told DePape to commit an atrocious act of violence easily used by narrative weavers to promote their cause. CNN tries to blame anyone who checks any of these boxes as a culprit. Many people check all of these boxes. That in and of itself is a huge red flag indicating false flag for me. In CNN’s opinion we will be more to blame for Paul Pelosi’s attack than David DePape is. CNN is foreshadowing the moves Merrick Garland is about to take – they were probably paid directly by the Department of Justice to write those six paragraphs to paint the narrative. It wouldn’t surprise me in the least.

I do not advocate violence. I want people to be free to pursue their goals. I want people to be Biblically literate. I want people to choose to live Biblically upright lives. All of this requires peaceful existence. Violence comes from a dark place, not one filled with the light of God, nor the light of Messiah’s sacrifice and promise of return, nor the Ruach HaKodesh’s guidance. I advocate the salvation of humanity, and for humanity to wake up to the reality in which we all actually live in. Being as though that reality is the same reality CNN claims some of DePape posts were about doesn’t mean the reality doesn’t exist – it means that CNN doesn’t want anyone speaking about that reality. Again, David DePape is the democrats false flag.

Red State summed up this whole DePape business well: “So it might be political, or it might be he just had mental issues. We’ll doubtless find out more as the case evolves.” Rest assured that as the truth is still being discovered (tying it’s shoes) the narrative preferred by the globalists have already spread around the world 40 times.

I often close my articles with a call to read the Bible. I do this because salvation is only found through the blood of Yeshua and the mercy of Adonai. The TRUTH is in the Bible. The way we are supposed to live in order to be holy – close to God – as well as to live as Yeshua is in there. What is happening to humanity right now is in there. What is about to happen to humanity is in there. We are encouraged to seek this knowledge, apply it to our lives, and live by the Torah – Jew and Gentile alike. When Yeshua uttered it is finished, every human being on earth and their progeny until the end of the earth was made Jewish and under the Torah. The globalists envision a utopia defined by humanity’s complete enslavement and extermination. The Bible has told us these events would come to pass. Those rejecting the globalists plans will either be able to stand against the evil attacks of the satanically-inspired globalists with the protection of God or we will be devoured by the evil manifested by the globalists because God is not with them. DePape, who described Jesus as the anti-christ, missed all of the TRUTH in the Bible because he was so enamored with talking to evil entities like ‘angels’ and fairies. His Godly protection would have forbade him from inflicting such violence upon anyone.

Read your Bible’s people. The TRUTH is in there – the deceptions are exponentially growing daily. Discernment is gifted to those God sees fit. Do whatever you can to gain that discernment – be holy.

Bless God and God bless.

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