Who Should Get to Vote

Who Should Get to Vote

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 10/27/2022

Right now, pretty much everyone 18 years old and older, with several exceptions, are legally able to vote. Depending on who you ask, some people can even vote dozens or hundreds of times because that is what the deceased wish for. Well, there are ways to fix that, but those have been covered. What I want to explore are ways to fix this who voting thing once and for all.

In an ideal world the first step towards fixing voting in the United States would be a complete repeal of the Amendment 17. The original text of the US Constitution reads in Article 1 Section 3, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, chosen by the Legislature thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one vote” [emphasis mine]. Constitutionally, the State Legislature is to choose the State’s representation in the upper house of Congress. Amendment 17 unconstitutionally destroys the Constitution’s intent, “The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six Years; and each Senator shall have one vote” [emphasis mine]. Two words of the Constitution were changed in 1913 which, over the last 109 years has utterly crippled this nation from functioning correctly.

The result is that the people have representatives in the House and Senate and the State has no representation at all in either of those bodies. California, having the same number of senators as Wyoming, in essence now has a representation ratio of 1 Senator to 19.77 million people. Wyoming, the least populated state, has a ratio of 1:292,000. Not only do these people not represent the state, they do not represent the people.

There are several more steps I would like to see happen; however, those are useless for right now. The first step is not going to happen unless the people make it happen. That isn’t going to happen because there are way too many complete dullards out there casting votes to get whatever free deals are offered to them. These morons should not be permitted to vote at all. They have no morals, no intelligence, no knowledge, and vote to make sure that no one can have a future. If ‘everyone’ needs to be able to vote then anyone should be able to pass a basic government test in order to do so – it is not Constitutionally barred and should be immediately implemented. But what about the people who cannot read? I don’t care – go learn how to read. But, but, but, and I’m still not going to care about any excuse. The only caveat regarding this test should be those with skin in the game – landowners and business owners. Basically those able to vote will be those who are competent and those who have skin in the game.

It also will not happen because of the pernicious misinformation that the United States is a democracy. Sorry, it’s still not a democracy, even with Amendment 17 it’s not a democracy. It’s a republic and there is a massive difference meaning that minority rights are supposed to be protected unlike in a democracy where the minority’s rights are subject to being destroyed. We’ve watched these stupid pigs calling themselves democrats and democrat voters do exactly that for almost two years now destroy the rights of the minority. Democrat degeneracy aside, these democracy idiots would never tolerate the idea of restoring the Constitution nor are they competent enough to understand that we live in a republic. They cannot understand the importance of the States having a voice in Congress at all.

Ballot initiatives are off the table because of democrat incompetence, debauchery, and belief in democracy. Legislative actions would rely on a State deciding their citizens will no longer pay federal income tax and will no longer be voting for Senators. Their Legislator will sent the two Senators of their choosing at directed by the interests of the States. This has it’s own drawback – namely the State doing this having no recognized Senators in Congress. We could have a Constitutional Convention which is just as risky and radical as a State refusing to allow federal income taxes looted from their citizen’s paychecks and sending the Legislators picks for Senate.

The most practical way to get this done would be to go and find about 70 Senators who swear an oath to repeal the Seventeenth Amendment. That sounds impossible – and it very well may be.

But let me propose something else that almost everyone should like. We need to repeal, entirely, the Sixteenth Amendment as well. Repealing the Sixteenth Amendment would end the federal government’s unconstitutional claim that they are permitted to directly tax the citizens of the states. Article 1 Section 8 reads, “The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts, and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States; but all Duties, Imposts, and Excises shall be uniform throughout the United States.” In Article 1 Section 9 the matter of taxation is raised again, “No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the Census or Enumeration hereinbefore directed to be taken [in Article 1 Section 2, which also defines who is able to lay direct taxes].” The Sixteenth Amendment erases important aspects of the Constitution. The entire taxation scheme of the United States’ federal government is unconstitutional any way we look at it.

The idea of repealing the Sixteenth is directly tied to the repeal of the Seventeenth. The Legislaters who choose US Senators are responsible for their state budgets. The state of North Dakota will have to pay the same proportion as the state of New York and Texas and Oregon for any federal spending plan. In order for the state to pay, the people of the state will need to be taxed by the state. That puts the State Legislators seats in jeopardy if the US Senators start voting for expensive wastes of time. If that happens the State Legislators may be able to recall the US Senator and send one who represents the State’s interest. There would be no CHIPS Act, Infrastructure and Job Act, or Inflation ‘Reduction’ Act. The trillions of dollars spent to destroy the economic viability of the States and the citizens of those States would have been an automatic no-go for these State Legislature-selected US Senators. Voting for any of these piles of crap would have automatically end any future political career for any of these US Senators. The immigration problem would get fixed. The US debt would get fixed. The border would be secured. Sex trafficking minors would lead to prosecution. Corruption would be reduced just because it would be more difficult to corrupt the State Legislature-selected US Senators.

And one more huge thing would suddenly start getting seriously questioned. It would not be Rand Paul standing alone demanding the Federal Reserve, a private, for profit, foreign owned banking cabal, be audited. It would be more like 60, 70, maybe even 80 of these Senators demanding to have a look at the books. It would actually be plausible to get rid of the wretched thieves at the Federal Reserve by shredding their charter – a massively huge win for individual freedom.

We need candidates willing to go to battle against the continuation of the Seventeenth Amendment, the Sixteenth Amendment, and the Federal Reserve. In lieu of these candidates we need to get a national governmental IQ test mandated in order to be allowed to legally vote. I don’t really like the idea too much; however, where are the 70 Senators who will demand a repeal of these Amendments and at least an audit of the FED? We need to find them. In the meantime I think there should be a standardized test which is agreed to by the Legislatures or through a ballot initiative in every state until we do find these candidates.

Without restoring the constitutionality of the Constitution, what are we doing? What good is the Constitution if certain malevolent factions with power are able to strangle the highest law of the land by destroying it using it’s own methods? Why are we letting clear violations of the US Constitution stand? Why have we put up with these two amendments and the Federal Reserve for the last 109 years We should not tolerate those affronts any longer. We need to take legislative action.

As always, bless God and God bless.


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