What Does CERN Actually Do?

What Does CERN Actually Do?

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 7/9/2022

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is the largest machine on earth and actually does a lot of things. The main thing it accomplishes is to cause streams of particles and/or atoms to accelerate to speeds near the speed of light and to smash the first stream into another stream of particles moving in the opposite direction, also at very high speeds. The resulting collisions produce a wide array of debris which is then detected through various means.

The main thing CERN attempts to accomplish is to figure out how the pieces of protons and neutrons can be configured. In the process they also open up portals to who knows where (other dimensions in my opinion), create mini black holes, produce black matter, or antimatter, and completely reconfigure the dynamics of the entire magnetosphere.

CERN’s biggest find was the confirmation of a field called the Higgs-Boson field because they detected a Higgs-Boson particle. They have termed this the god-particle, because the particle proves the existence of a field which gives every particle mass. Particles cannot exist without a field which will produce those particles. Without this field existing, nothing would have mass and our universe would not exist. God did a marvelous work when He created the universe. These scientists do not recognize God; however, and that makes them highly suspect.

The demonic scientist’s at CERN have a perverse vision that they are assisting humanity. They claim they have directly contributed to medical and biomedical technologies, aerospace applications, cultural heritage, better planet, industry 4.0, safety, and emerging technologies. Like their transhumanist friends, they reject that God created the universe, including the earth and everything on and in it, and seek to, through demonically inspired technology, make the universe as they see fit. The see their efforts as promoting peace as well. CERN is apparently operating under the idea that promoting humanity’s extermination is a peaceful operation. Let me explain.

There are widespread reports of portals having been opened up during experiments at CERN. Every media outlet in existence and the idiotic fact checkers will call anyone thinking this has actually occurred a conspiracy theorist and dismiss the claims outright. Of course there was no portal opened up according to CERN’s shills. The media outlets and fact checkers do not know, neither does anyone else, save for the monsters masquerading as scientists monitoring and interpreting the data. Those scientists won’t tell the truth on record either. So here we are, trying to figure it out.

There have not only been reports of CERN having opened up interdimensional portals, but of them actually communicating from this side of the portal to the other and getting responses. The scientists sent some pretty complex mathematical problems through the portal, and received the correct answers from the portal. It’s very interesting and terrifying, especially when having some knowledge of humanity’s history.

In ancient times, a shaman would climb to the top of a mountain, place a human sacrifice (or sacrifices) upon an alter, murder the sacrifice, and be disappeared from this plane of existence. Sometimes they would not return. Other times they would return and wield even more power over their tribe. And sometimes giants and/or apparitions would appear on earth through these portals. At these sites, tourists are forbidden to see or to travel to the actual altars without special permissions. These restrictions are enforced by men with machine guns. Those who have visited these sites have generally had a very bad feeling well up within them.

Humanity has had experience with this before and it was almost never good. The few times when it was good is when the truth of God’s Word was so thoroughly and faithfully followed that God literally sent His angels to come get a person, such as Elijah. The Bible tells us to test the spirits for good reason. The spirit of CERN is demonic.

Knowing virtually nothing about the formation nor growth of black holes, CERN scientists carried on with their Large Haldron Collider experiments, despite recognizing the potential that they may create black holes. Thankfully, CERN has not created a black hole which has devoured the earth. If they would have created even a miniature black hole; humanity has no way of removing the thing from the planet. The black hole would have to collapse on it’s own. Being as though black holes generally suck all nearby matter into it, even a miniature black hole would pose major problems. Compounding this problem is the fact that CERN itself is buried about 175 meters (about 575 feet) under the ground, so there would be absolutely no shortage of matter for any sized black hole to suck into itself. Like the nice scientists who decided that detonating nuclear weapons in the atmosphere had the potential to ignite the air itself on fire, CERN is operating under the same premise. Their premise is that, it could happen, but we will just cross our fingers and hope it doesn’t. That is an extremely reckless approach to an event which could annihilate all of humanity, the earth we live on, and potentially the entire solar system. The arrogant scientists at CERN are willing to risk the eradication of humanity in order to gain their demonic ‘technology.’

CERN also creates antimatter. The easiest way to understand this is to think about a log which you place in a fire pit. The log will burn when you set it on fire. An anti-matter log would come already ablaze and will stay ablaze forever unless it is somehow contained and controlled. Weapons of great strength can be produced by taking the original log made of matter and the anti-matter log as the two logs annihilate each other, releasing amounts of energy unknown to humanity.

Antimatter also has an extremely negative effect upon the minds of humanity. Our minds are made of matter and they are reactive to their environment, especially the electromagnetic fields they are in. Human minds are not made to operate well in chaotic electromagnetic fields. Mental illness and increased violence are two of the primary effects of antimatter upon the minds of men. Again, CERN is evil.

When CERN operates it changes the magnetosphere’s function. That changes the way that human minds work as well. This is why, to me, faith is in the heart and having a strong love of God’s Laws and Yeshua, will actually protect our minds. The magnetoshere steers a whole lot of highly dangerous and damaging particles away from the earth. CERN’s operation relies on using magnets which create a magnetic field at least 100,000 times stronger than the magnetosphere. Despite claims that CERN contains this field, I reject their claim. CERN has the ability to actually allow the sun’s particles to bombard the earth by altering the shield provided by the magnetosphere. Any type of solar storm which slams into the earth at a time when CERN is in operation will have more catastrophic results than they would during times when CERN is not powered on.

Back in the day, when the cutting edge long distance technology was the telegraph machine, there was an incident called a Carrington event. The lines of the telegraph machines caught on fire and so did some of the buildings the telegraph machines were in. There are ways to shield wires and electrical machines from being susceptible to solar storms; however, those efforts have not been undertaken. It is only a matter of time before the sun has a coronal mass ejection which is directly aligned with the earth. The amount and types of particles which would strike the earth will create a massive catastrophe upon the earth even with a fully intact magnetosphere. With CERN being on, the magnetosphere is weakened, and a CME directed at earth would absolutely decimate the global electrical grid and all of the components and machines which operate on electricity. Good luck charging your Tesla ever again if that ever happens.

Basically, CERN is a collaboration of scientists engaged in conducting war against all of humanity while calling it peace. It’s not really all that surprising, as the creation of CERN is a continuation of Nazi scientist’s efforts. It’s the darkness of Nazi ideology, the disregard for human life, and the denial of God which is what concerns me the most about these scientists. It comes as no surprise that CERN officials have tried everything they can to disavow their inclusion of the numbers 666 in their logo. They have likewise downplayed the statue of a dancing Shiva, the Hindu goddess of creation and destruction, and what it portends, worldwide destruction, by claiming it was merely a gift from the Indian government. And then there was the ‘mock’ sacrificial rite which was conducted by several unidentified individuals on camera on the grounds of CERN. CERN says it was just some people playing around. I disagree with this to, it was at least sinister. CERN lies on the western edge of Switzerland and eastern France in Geneva. It is also interesting that the Gotthard Tunnel, 212 miles away from CERN, on the eastern side of Switzerland, held the most bizarre and demonic spectacle I have ever seen when they opened.

How we can shut CERN down? I don’t believe we can because CERN is so entrenched in globalist circles that globalism itself would need to be overthrown from within. Only if a few non-globalists managed to take leadership in several key globalist institutions would CERN actually be able to be shut down. If CERN were ever shut down in such a manner, there are still thousands of other colliders on earth; however, none of them nearly as powerful as CERN.

Do not fear. God is with those of us seeking Him and following His Laws and loving Yeshua. When Yeshua returns there will no longer be any particle colliders. My goal is to live in THAT time, and to convince you to adopt the same goal.


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