National Kitten Day

National Kitten Day

Tim O’Connor – CPH President – 6/10/2022

Today is National Kitten day in the United States. Its also National Piña Colada Day, Pick Blueberries Day, National Barn Day, and Don’t Step on a Bee Day, and several others. Jessica Simpson, Nicola Tesla, and John Calvin were born on this date. The first communications satellite was launched on this date, 60 years ago and Death Valley recorded the highest temperature ever recorded on earth, 134o, in 1913.

Historically, all of the above is interesting. Who doesn’t want to go look at cute kittens and then go pick some blueberries while watching out for bees on the ground near a barn?

Too many people are paying attention to too much crap. The crap is scary. It’s crazy. The dots do not easily line up.

Socially, there are riots and protests over having a ‘right’ to murder an unborn child. There is a US election coming up. The CoVID nonsense is STILL persisting because thousands are dying from their jabs. Manmade climate change mitigation efforts have bitten the very scientists trying to ‘solve’ their made up problem. BLM and Antifa terrorists are still active, yet have no real cause (they never did) to come out of the holes they dwell within to commit their crimes – they will make up a reason to come out of their holes in the coming weeks.

Technologically, CERN is currently running. There are all kinds of weather events going on. AI’s are claiming they are sentient. The whole Western world is waiting to freeze to death because of energy austerity. The US has been promised rolling brownouts and blackouts this summer.

Economically, the global forecast is set on collapse, except for BRICS, and the monsters responsible for shutting it off in the first place. Globally, millions more are currently starving to death because of the imposed austerity placed upon Western citizens by their corrupt governmental leaders. Certain baby formulas and tampons are scarce, and everything costs more. ‘President’ Joe Biden has forced the American people into trying to balance a doubling in food and fuel costs with paying rent and going to their jobs, jobs which did not raise employee wages. Inflation is off the chart. The US owes over 30 trillion in debt, plus interest, to a private bank masquerading as a central bank which has NEVER been audited.

Politically, the US has a president who was installed through an election coup. The US borders are wide open, people are dying in trailers, and Europe is no better. Biden is signing Executive Orders to do everything he can to force the US citizen to accept and PAY FOR the murder of babies in the womb. Guns are about to be confiscated through red-flag gun laws in the US. The US is still holding hundreds of political prisoners without trial. Despite all of this, the current Marxists calling themselves the US Administration is focused on giving LBTQIA+ ‘people’ (aberrations) extra rights, getting rid of every barrel of oil in the US Strategic Reserve, and arming that complete psychopath in Ukraine with whatever he wants.

In the Netherlands, police are shooting at farmers protesting the eradication of cattle in their country.

US cops are shooting suspects and criminals are murdering cops. Both of these events need to stop.

Over the last 72 hours, former Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe, while giving a speech in an effort to regain the same position, was assassinated. The Secretary General of OPEC, a Nigerian named Barkindo, was found dead the same day as Abe’s extermination. Boris Johnson, the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, stepped down. The leaders of Sri Lanka had their people occupy their buildings and have decided to abdicate their positions.

There is much more going on that portends malice towards the humans who live, breathe, love, work, and ARE on this earth. Any little piece that you or I glean from a news story is just one more tiny piece of the puzzle of a global plan to exterminate humanity as they currently exist. I could bombard readers with history, white papers, and news stories to prove theses points. I don’t want to do this, but sometimes I still do, because it is important. Even more important is the spiritual battle we are all engaged in….

This war every human is engaged in is very black and white and will become increasingly more clearly-cut. Those Christian churches not preaching Christ as well as those Jewish Synagogues who refuse to adhere to God’s Laws will soon become evident and irrelevant. The so-called atheists are letting the Adversary lie to them, their position is not tenable, and it will become increasingly clear to them. When they ask their questions, answer them honestly and Biblically – they may not agree with Biblical positions, but it is most important to speak the truth. The same goes for all of the rest of the religions out there, when they ask their questions, answer them honestly.

The key to these honest answers relies upon a reading of the Bible for yourself. First off, all of us need to understand that the whole Bible is relevant, the Torah is relevant, some prophesies have been fulfilled and some have not, and the events and entities about to occur to and/or, come upon earth and the life forms upon it, most notably humanity, is going to be absolutely brutal. My faith, and your faith, needs to be so resolute and so pure as to not be able to fall into the great delusion. The promises of peace coming out of the head of the Beast system (the Antichrist), and rejecting the decrees this unholy entity pronounces is very important. Not taking the mark is very important. Not following the world has never been more important than right now.

I am as guilty with following the world as most of the rest of us are. I pay my bills online. I use the internet, obviously. I like beer. But I have drawn a line at being mandated to take a DNA-mutating shot. I hate the idea of biometric payment systems, the social credit score, and sacrificing children to fire. I hate the ideas of transhumanists, Communists, and Marxists.

I love God’s Laws, as troubling and difficult as they are for me to follow. The reason I find them difficult to follow is because of my own habits. I do my best to follow them, and I still fall short. I also know that God sent His Son to die for our sins as long as we repent of our sins and avoid recommitting them. Doing that will absolutely create a new heart and a new body. A new heart, a new body, and a new mind to worship Adonai – and to fight against the increasing evil which has infested this world.

Adonai often takes imperfect vessels to carry out His work. The Bible is manifest with examples. The point is that there is ALWAYS hope. All it takes is for things to click together in a soul’s heart and mind. The soul is what matters. Everyone of us has a soul. Every single human being from the moment of conception onward – we all have a soul. How do we nourish that soul? We nourish that soul by learning of the ways of Adonai’s heaven, God’s dimension. He gave us a blueprint. He gave the main blueprint to Moses – Moses was instructed by Adonai to teach His flock, the Israelites, how to worship Him. Even they had little faith in Adonai, despite the manna, the pheasants, the water, still they longed to return to their bondage ion Egypt.

It’s all in the Torah. Go read it, Christian.

The Christian faith has always been about the world, it was created by the world. Christians today have come so far away from their Jewish roots that the only remedy would be several courses of the apocrypha, and the Torah. By courses I mean about five years of learning what Yeshua was actually talking about, in context, because all Yeshua talked about was the Torah. Yeshua’s disciples were Jewish, and claimed He was the Messiah, for which all of them were murdered. Yeshua understood this and stated that everyone believing in Him would be persecuted in the same way. Christians, I love your zeal for Jesus – read the Torah so you know what God, His Father, was actually saying. Please.

We can all go pet and love little kittens while eating fresh picked blueberries in a barn while avoiding stepping on bees. All of us will not, unfortunately, understand the Bible, because of a failure to understand the Words of God’s Son, the implications His Words had (have) for the Torah, and the fact that ALL of the people in the Bible are Jewish. There should be no hatred of the Jewish by Christians, whatsoever. There should be no hatred of the Christian by the Jew. We are the same, and that will become increasingly apparent. All of these troubles will vanish in the blink of an eye from the earth with the Messiah’s coming, or, in my understanding, returning to earth. But the Torah has not changed. The Words of God – His Law – has not changed one tittle.

Yeshua HaMashiach may have gotten rid of the Jewish sin sacrifice because of Yeshua Himself being sacrificed; however Adonai’s Law’s have not changed.

The point of all of this is to not despair despite all of the debauchery, abomination, and satanism taking place on the earth, Christian and Jew alike. Our times are like no others ever in history. What is important is to go read the ENTIRE BIBLE. ALL of it is relevant. All of it squares with itself. Adonai sent His son to stupid the Laws of God down, but the Laws are still relevant. In today’s time, those Laws are more important than they ever have been. God also sent His Son to erase the sin sacrifice. The first coming of Christ was never meant to fulfill all prophesy, only the prophesy of the prophets, and the perfection of the Torah. He has not only come once, He will return. To suggest that Adonai cannot achieve this is ludicrous.

I wish shalom to all Christians and Jews. I also encourage you to read your entire Bible, the Old Testament and the New Testament.

There is no reason to fear the terror coming upon the earth. Fear Adonai, fear God. Who is He? He’s in your Bible with His Laws and His sacrifice.

Go read the ENTIRE BIBLE. If you have the luxury, read the Apocrypha as well.


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