What Are We Eating?

What Are We Eating?

Tim O’Connor – Center for the Preservation of Humanity – 11/19/2022

We eat a lot of garbage. A lot of us don’t read package labels. I am just as guilty as anyone else of this. I decide I want something and, as long as the price isn’t too high, I put it in my cart without thinking. I’m especially bad at checking labels on ice cream and cookies. I’m really good at checking cereal boxes and soup for some reason. Almost all of the cereal I enjoyed as a child is now made with genetically modified organisms. The same goes with most of the major brands of soup. Milk, eggs, and meat are also high on my list as to how they were produced – I am very good at checking these labels.

I am glad that I check meat labels. This is something I will not soon stop doing. On Thursday the FDA released a statement informing US citizens that the corrupt and inept agency is prepared to release a new kind of food. In their statement the FDA decided it wise to toot their own horn while they expound on allowing non-food products onto grocery store shelves:

“Advancements in cell culture technology are enabling food developers to use animal cells obtained from livestock, poultry, and seafood in the production of food, with these products expected to be ready for the U.S. market in the near future. The FDA’s goal is to support innovation in food technologies while always maintaining as our first priority the safety of the foods available to U.S. consumers. The FDA has extensive experience in food safety assessment across a wide range of food production technologies, including the use of biological systems and biotechnology. The agency is evaluating new substances all the time as industry practices evolve to meet consumer demands and preferences. Food made with cultured animal cells must meet the same stringent requirements, including safety requirements, as all other food regulated by the FDA.”

The FDA has created all sorts of problems by approving different products. GMO seeds are a prime example. GMO seeds and their resistance to pesticides have created a whole host of problems previously unknown. I believe that GMO seeds and the pesticides they are immune from have helped cause higher cancer rates. The FDA also approved remdesivir and the murder shots to mitigate coronavirus while refusing to acknowledge safe and effective anti-parasitical medications already on the market with no patent protections. They have decided to allow salmon which has been genetically modified to be served in homes and restaurants across the country. Now the FDA is telling us that meat coming from actual animals is not necessary because it can be grown from cell cultures instead.

Specifically, the company spearheading this disgusting trend is named Upside. Upside’s website says that they are trying to get humans to eat their science experiments for several reasons. The first one listed is animal welfare. The leaders of the company is under the delusion that animals have human rights. They are also bowing to idiots calling themselves vegans. This vegan mafia, some of whom run around destroying food for the rest of us, needs to be stopped, not encouraged.

Environment is next on the list, “At scale, we project cultivated meat will use 77% less water and 62% less land than conventional meat. And we expect these numbers to get better over time. We currently use 100% renewable energy at our production facility.” What they are making isn’t meat – it’s literally a science experiment. Their energy usage is not sustainable and their product is not food. I’m curious as to why Upside is proud of making a non-food substance not fit to be fed to swine in order to save water. To me, it seems, they are wasting water, as well as time, money, and effort to produce garbage.

‘Humanity’ is the other reason behind Upside’s wasted efforts. They claim they are reducing the risk of animal borne illnesses. What they are not saying is that their science experiment is susceptible to all kinds of other bacteriological, toxicological, chemical, and parasitical agents entering into the garbage they plan on producing.

Here is the process the company uses to create their ‘meat.’ Step one is obtaining a sample. “In a nutshell, our production process starts by taking a sample of primary cells from a chicken or fertilized egg. From this sample, our team selects ideal cells for developing a commercial cell line. The winning cells are chosen based on their ability to produce high-quality meat and grow predictably and consistently. This process is called immortalization. Once a cell line is established, we're able to draw from it for years - if not decades - to come, reducing the need to take additional cell samples from animals.”

Here is the definition of a tumor from Merriam Webster’s Online Dictionary: Tumor: an abnormal benign or malignant new growth of tissue that possesses no physiological function and arises from uncontrolled usually rapid cellular proliferation. They are looking for tumors and selecting them to create immortal cell lines out of them.

The next step is to nourish the cells. This is like a huge petri dish in which the cells are grown larger for the purpose of cell division. “Once we have our cell line established and are ready to begin making meat from those small samples. To make UPSIDE chicken meat, we need to nourish the cells. We've developed a proprietary cell-culture medium, or cell feed, that's optimized for our cells’ needs and consists mostly of common compounds found in animal feed and human food, including amino acids, fatty acids, sugars, trace elements, salts, and vitamins. A primary difference between feeding a live animal versus feeding our cells is the size of the feed components. (For instance, while a live chicken is fed corn - which is made up of carbohydrates and protein - we feed our cells the microscopic carbohydrates and proteins directly, along with other components to facilitate cell growth.)”

What those other proprietary ingredients are is only known to Upside. It could be people dissolved in acid baths for all we know. The practice is legal in several of the United States. If they decide to start ‘feeding’ their tumors with toxins, how would any of us know? This is a recipe for disaster right here.

Next they cultivate their tumor-based ‘meat’. “We place the cells and cell feed into a vessel called a cultivator. The cultivator maintains the right temperature and oxygen levels for the cells to grow and multiply. The cells start in small cultivators, and we gradually scale them up to larger ones as the volume of tissues increases.”

This is the step where they make sure the tumors get nice and big so they can sell plenty of garbage to people. However large the vat is how large these tumors will grow. On September 6, 2022 the New York Post reported a stomach-churning story about a 100 pound tumor being removed from a Brazilian woman. This is one of the largest tumors on record. Upside plans on breaking this record every 3 weeks or so. Did the picture for this article make you hungry?

The last step is facetiously called the harvest. “After about three weeks in our cultivators, the tissue is ready for harvest. We remove the tissue from the cultivators and separate out any remaining cell feed. When removed from the cultivators, the color is slightly paler but otherwise similar to that of raw chicken. The tissue takes the shape of the cultivator in which it was grown (but just like with conventional meat, we can ultimately make our meat into any shape we want!). Once harvested, the meat is ready to be inspected, prepared, packed, served, and enjoyed!”

The huge tumors are removed from their over-sized petri dishes and cut into shapes more common to human sensibilities. It isn’t a harvest, it is a debauchery. It is aberration seeking to gain market share and credibility. Upside’s harvest is the result of a science project masquerading as a food product. They can cut their non-meat product into whatever shape they want to so as to fool people into thinking it is actual food.

The company states it doesn’t quite look the same as real chicken – it is grayer. What does it taste and smell like? Upside claims their faux chicken has, “the same mouthwatering texture, taste, and aroma of the chicken you love.” Personally, I will never knowingly and willingly ingest the product of this science experiment in order to test their claims.

Believe it or not, humanity is still under the law, yet saved by grace. Leviticus 11 has dietary restrictions all of us are supposed to be following. Everything which Upside hopes to create is immediately disqualified as acceptable food. Also, because this science experiment ‘meat’ cannot be slaughtered it cannot be reconciled to be kosher or halal.

Upside will not be the only company to venture into the fake meat market. For a couple decades this market has been dominated by plant-based, chemical infused, products. Impossible, Beyond Meat, MorningStar Farms, Amy’s Kitchen, Boca, Dr. Praeger, Quorn, and 365 Everyday Value are some of the meatless burgers on the market. Of the particular burgers reviewed in the 2019 article above, Beyond Meat uses pea, rice, and bean proteins while Dr. Praeger uses just pea protein and Quorn uses egg whites and milk protein to replicate the protein content of beef. Impossible, MorningStar, Amy’s Kitchen, Boca, and 365 Everyday Value all use soy as their protein base. I don’t have a problem with beans, peas, or rice. I have never decided to get myself a big serving of soybeans; however, because they are toxic in the human body.

Soy beans are estrogen mimickers. An abstract in PubMed from 2010 notes, “Endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) alter the function of the endocrine system and consequently cause adverse health effects. Phytoestrogens, natural plant compounds abundantly found in soy and soy products, behave as weak estrogen mimics or as antiestrogens. They are considered to be EDCs, and have some beneficial effects on health, including reducing the risk of breast cancer and improving metabolic parameters. However, the supporting evidence that consumption of phytoestrogens is beneficial is indirect and inconsistent. Lifetime exposure to estrogenic substances, especially during critical periods of development, has been associated with formation of malignancies and several anomalies of the reproductive systems. Phytoestrogen consumption in infants, through soy-based formulas, is of particular concern. Prospective epidemiological studies for the evaluation of the effect of phytoestrogens alone, and in combination with other estrogenic chemicals, are lacking, yet possible adverse effects should not be taken lightly.”

What does the latest science have to say about this? In March 2022 PubMed, completely ignoring the shrinking of male testicles and reduced sperm production in males and early development of female reproductive organs, decided that one such product – soy-based infant formula – doesn’t have any negative impacts on male infants reproductive organ development. Their research is based on pigs. They are gas lighting all of us using science as the fire to push forward the climate change is man-made so no one can have real food agenda.

In another soy-loving article appearing on We Are Eaton’s site, which advocates for increased consumption of soy, they note that soy protein powder contains 27 mg of estrogen per serving. Then the site notes that birth control pills contain 35mg – 50mg of estrogen while treatments for menopause contain 50mg – 200mg of estrogen. If you are hungry and eat two of these plant based burgers and wash it down with a nice big glass of soy milk, you just consumed the equivalent at least three servings of soy protein powder. What does 81mg of estrogen need to be ingested by human for in the first place unless the people producing this type of garbage are doing it to produce sterile adult humans? One Impossible Burger has 44mg of estrogen per burger. Even the Washington Post admitted, “Soy contains estrogen-like compounds called isoflavones that some findings say can promote the growth of some cancer cells, impair female fertility and mess with men’s hormones.”

The best part is all of this is FDA approved. The FDA recently approved insect proteins coming from insect farms which are ground up and turned into protein powder to be used in pet foods. Earlier this year European Union food regulators approved insect protein to be used for direct human consumption. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition strongly advocates for the US to follow the EU’s example. CNBC, as well as many other ecoterrorist publications, are also sounding the call to have humans eat insects. On Amazon there are multiple insect protein products available for purchase. All of this is in the name of sustainability, aka the Communist portion of climate change mitigation efforts. What these terrorists fail to recognize is that insects contain huge amounts of chitin because that is what their exoskeletons are composed of. Chitin provokes an immune response meaning that it is a substance not meant to be in our bodies. But now, through millions (maybe billions) of dollars in what amounts to bribery with the intent of corrupting actual science, multiple studies and articles are proclaiming the wonderful benefits of the inflammatory and immune response provoking substance chitin. Again, they are trying to gas light humans into eating things we are not meant to eat.

The point of all of this is that climate change mitigation efforts amount to multiple lies having to be built atop one another. Average human activities are not creating climate change. This is why it is a religion – a dangerous religion with a perchance for spilling the blood of non-believers globally. But that lie has been used to convinces billion of people that they are a cancer upon the earth and that they, and all of the rest of us, must change our way of life to accommodate their version of sustainability including freezing to death in the winter, roasting to death in the summer, not driving gasoline powered automobiles, and, or course, eating a soy-based, chitin loaded diet supplemented by tumor-based science experiments. It’s all for the planet (Gaia), dummy, these terrorists say.

As mentioned earlier, Leviticus 11 lays out what all of us, including Christians, should find acceptable to eat. There are insects included. Verses 20-24 reads, “‘All winged swarming creatures that go on all fours are a detestable thing for you; except that of all winged swarming creatures that go on all fours, you may eat those that have jointed legs above their feet, enabling them to jump off the ground. Specifically, of these you may eat the various kinds of locusts, grasshoppers, katydids and crickets. But other than that, all winged swarming creatures having four feet are a detestable thing for you.” Verses 41-42 mention, “‘Any creature that swarms on the ground is a detestable thing; it is not to be eaten — whatever moves on its stomach, goes on all fours, or has many legs — all creatures that swarm on the ground; you are not to eat them, because they are a detestable thing.” While some of these proteins are created from crickets, others are created from flies and worms.

When it comes to meat, “Adonai said to Moshe and Aharon, “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘These are the living creatures which you may eat among all the land animals: any that has a separate hoof which is completely divided and chews the cud — these animals you may eat.’” I don’t see anywhere that says it is okay to take tumors and grow them into food. Additionally, humans are not to mess around with genomes at all. Our species’ decision (my opinion was never ascertained) to engage GMO technologies and feed it to animals and people is an affront against God in my opinion. I do see where God purged the earth of all life through a flood save for Abram and his family. Why did this happen? Genesis 6:12 tells us, “God saw the earth, and, yes, it was corrupt; for all living beings had corrupted their ways on the earth.” Corrupted their way includes the evil in men’s hearts as mentioned in Genesis 6:5-7 as well as the genomes of everything on earth including plants and animals as well as human beings. “Here is the history of Noach. In his generation, Noach was a man righteous and wholehearted; Noach walked with God,” reads Genesis 6:9.

What are we eating? Things that God never intended us to eat. We are not made to eat most bugs, other humans, lab experiments, GMO crops, or a host of other things the FDA approves and promotes. It’s all unholy. What does the Bible say about the times in which we live today? Matthew 24:37 explains, “For the Son of Man’s coming will be just as it was in the days of Noach.” It explains further that life be as normal until His return and that people will not be paying heed to the signs He left for us to discern. The days of Noah featured genetic mutilation, cannibalism, evil, violence, lawlessness, and a complete rejection of recognizing God. What is happening upon the earth as I write this? The same thing.

Bless God and God bless.


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